Hail command

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Kaldaran greeting. The messaging is different between Kaldar and non-Kaldar


  • HAIL <self>: : You pause for a moment, head down and eyes closed as you clench your fist to your heart in ancestral respect.
<Name> pauses for a moment in respectful silence.
  • HAIL <Kaldar>: You hail <Kaldar> with a clenched fist over your heart and a respectful nod.
<Kaldar> hails you with a clenched fist over <him/her> heart and a respectful nod, the traditional Kaldaran greeting.
<Kaldar> pauses for a moment, clenched fist over heart, in respectful silence.
  • HAIL <Gnome>: You briefly drop to one knee as you hail <Gnome> with a clenched fist over your heart and a respectful nod.
<Kaldar> briefly drops to one knee and hails you with a clenched fist over <him/her> heart and a respectful nod -- the traditional Kaldaran greeting.
  • HAIL <non-Albarian>: You hail <non-Alberian> with an aloof nod.
<Kaldar> hails you with a superior nod.


  • HAIL <person> (Gnome to Kaldar): You gaze upwards at <Kaldar> and hail <him/her> with a clenched fist over your heart and a respectful nod.
<Gnome> gazes upwards at you and hails you with a clenched fist over <him/her> heart and a respectful nod in an attempt at the traditional Kaldaran greeting. Close enough.


  • HAIL <person> (Non-Albarian to Kaldar): ?
<Person> attempts a Kaldaran greeting but it just looks like a limp salute.
  • HAIL: "Hail what?"
<No messaging>