Magic's Bane

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Magic's Bane
Slot Cost:
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: roar /
Use Cost: 2 voice pulses
Contest: /
Description: Anhh'shre laughs wickedly and toys with her dagger before answering. "Magic is a tool. Tools break. Put your trust in your own heart and spirit."

Anhh'shre gazes at you for a moment before explaining how to strike at a mage's confidence, and thereby weaken his ability to waggle his fingers properly.

Effect: Reduces the effective Primary Magic skill and Harness Ability skill of an affected target.
Messaging: The words of your teacher echo in your mind -- "Magic is nothing but a tool. All tools break eventually." The technique of damaging that tool is etched in your mind, and voiced in your harsh roar.

<Person> appears slightly disturbed about something indefinable.

<Roarer>'s eyes narrow slightly in concentration, before voicing a short, harsh roar.
You feel less confident in your ability to manipulate mana streams.
<Person> appears somewhat disturbed by something.

With a hiss of annoyance, you finally shake off the skin-crawling feeling left by the impact of Magic's Bane.

Unresolved Bugs

Magic's Bane will not work against creatures.