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Allye/Performances/Sensational Cecilia the Flying Pig

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Real Date 2022-05-26
Game Date 441-10-21
Event Sfek Vauns Arotru's Wild Masquerade Moot
Point of View Character Allye

You are Moon Warrior Allye Karayilma, Treasurer of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Prydaen.
You have a square face, pointed ears and some night-black kohl flawlessly applied to accentuate her bright cat-slitted turquoise eyes. Your raven mane is very long and glossy with stark white streaks at the temple, and is worn in a tangled mass with a comically floppy pair of oversized bunny ears stuck in apparently at random amidst the coils of hair. You have tawny fur, a black-tipped tail and a lithe figure.
You are petite for a Prydaen.
You appear to be a sun-lounger.
You have a soft pink bunny nose attached to your nose. Tiny black whiskers protrude outward, wiggling with your every movement.
Your shoulder has a tattoo of a sea-blue jellyfish with delicate silver-tinged tentacles.
You are in good shape.

You are wearing a comically floppy pair of oversized bunny ears, a soft pink bunny nose, a pale lilac party dress flaunting a flirtatiously short shireli lace skirt, a triple-strand blue gold ring displaying a solitary Eu's promise crystal and a pair of white plush slippers resembling rabbits feet.


Siendra exclaims, "Everyone, let's have a round of applause for Allye!"

You flash a wide grin.

Senthic applauds.

Elurora looks at you and applauds!

Useff says, "Oh yeah."

Senthic looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Vixonia lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you!

Useff looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Squinting at you, Senthic takes careful aim and throws some steamed worms at you. Duck!

Siendra looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Nilme looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Senthic gasps!

Nilme looks at you and applauds!

Senthic covers his mouth with his hand.

Elurora blinks at Senthic.

Siendra gawks at Senthic.

Sonatina looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

You gasp at Senthic!

Azume looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Siendra says to Senthic, "SIR."

Gwenddolyn grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.

Iryta lets out a hearty cheer for Senthic!

You laugh!

Tekhelet applauds.

Senthic exclaims, "I'msosorry!!"

Senthic ducks his head.

Elurora slowly says, "He threw worms at her."

You lean over and scratch Senthic's back.

Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Siendra says, "PLEASE do not throw STEAMED. WORMS."

Useff says, "Worms."

Elurora giggles at Siendra.

Siendra exclaims, "WORMS!"

Senthic whimpers softly.

Iryta gags.

Nilme shudders.

(Allye hops to the center of the room, dodging worms left and right, her overly large bunny ears flopping ridiculously as she goes.)

Azume says, "At least it wasn't me this time."

Almarius looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Iryta says, "Steamed.. wat."

Senthic laughs at you!

Nilme grins at you.

Siendra bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Iryta takes a bite of the glayskers.

You pluck a tiny Arthe Dale piglet from a boisterous felted tavern with flamboyant goldweave awnings, the creature snorting as you wake it up.

Siendra beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Almarius giggles.

You plant a kiss onto the piglet's head. It oinks happily at you.

Iryta beams at you! What a warm feeling!

You warmly say, "Please allow me to introduce Sensational Cecilia, the itty-bitty piglet from Arthe Dale."

Senthic stares meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.

Tekhelet gets a plate of wood-grilled venison tenderloin served with roasted mushrooms and red bell peppers from inside his colorful pouch.

Tekhelet takes a bite of the tenderloin.

You give a tiny Arthe Dale piglet a light prod on its snout and quietly say, "Boop."

Siendra beams!

Almarius exclaims, "Cuuuute!"

Iryta takes a bite of the glayskers.

Useff mumbles a word of general praise.

You set the Arthe Dale piglet on the ground. It trots around you in a circle, happily oinking.

Almarius looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Nilme grins at you.

Vixonia beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Elurora waggles a finger at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

You get a silverwillow lute from inside your silveress handbag.

You pluck experimentally at the strings of your silverwillow lute. After a moment, you think maybe that it is in perfect tune.

Siendra exclaims, "Hi Cecilia!"

You clear your throat.

You grin.

Sonatina licks her lips.

(Allye strikes up an animated ditty, her fingers strumming the strings of her lute with an easy air of merriment.)

Almarius gives Sonatina a rather puzzled look.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "In a tiny pen beside a tiny knoll,
    Lived a tiny pig with a jumbo goal.
    Not content to wallow in mud and muck,
    Her gaze stayed high and wonderstruck."

Almarius giggles.

Sonatina says, "Quietly bacon."

Almarius shakes her hips, ringing the bells on her hip-chain.

Almarius giggles at Sonatina.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "All day they passed, the ducks and geese,
    Some sparrows here, then some cockatrice.
    That last one may have been some roosters,
    But pen-trapped pigs need morale boosters."

Senthic angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at you.

Siendra gazes at you.

Almarius giggles.

(Allye's piglet trots up to her foot, mesmerized by its motion as it taps along to the beat of the catchy song. It gazes up at Allye with a hopeful expression, possibly expecting some food.)

Siendra giggles.

Iryta grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.

You tilt your head at the piglet. It mimics you and then oinks playfully at you.

Iryta takes a bite of the glayskers.

Senthic grins at you.

Iryta puts her pouch in her enshrouding clouds.

Iryta gets a fuzzy brown sea otter from inside her otter's den.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "How grand it must be, she often sighed,
    To twirl and whirl through clear blue skies!
    And so it was she hopped the fence
    Resolved to see her wish commence."

Iryta gently places a otter on her shoulder.

Iryta offers some cheese-stuffed glayskers to the otter. It nuzzles her fingers before accepting it with a chuckling purr of satisfaction. With methodical efficiency it quickly devours the glayskers then licks its chops with obvious relish.

After a few moments the otter burps somewhat loudly.

You smile down at her piglet and shakes her head minutely to indicate that no treats will be coming at this time. With a snuffling snort, the small creature bounds away! It runs in loops through the crowd as Allye's tune crescendos into its bright chorus.

Senthic's ears perk up happily.

Almarius giggles.

(Sonatina snaps her shark's teeth at the piglet.)

Useff gazes down at the floor.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "Impossible things are hard to come by,
    Like porcine dreams that aim for the sky.
    Have you ever seen a little pig fly?
    Sensational Cecilia is determined to try!"

Almarius exclaims, "Awww, bye bye piggie!"

Useff says, "What the devil.."

Sonatina exclaims, "At iry I've been find things great!"

Iryta grins at Sonatina, her dimples flashing into view.

Siendra exclaims to Sonatina, "Also no eating the actors!"

You giggle.

Signalling your piglet, you command it to dance. A tiny Arthe Dale piglet waddles about while swaying as if to music in its own head. Suddenly, it tries to rear up on its hind legs to continue its dance, but topples over with an indignant squeal!

Sonatina giggles at Siendra.

You giggle at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Elurora winces.

Senthic gasps!

Iryta says to Sonatina, "Yanno, if yer into sharks, boy do I got some stories for you."

Almarius giggles.

Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Siendra giggles.

You pat a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Iryta waggles a finger at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Useff says, "Good try, little pig."

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "She squealed and reeled to feel so free,
    And then she waddled down to see
    The Dalesian birds, their wings spread wide,
    In nests and lakes, and soaring high."

Siendra nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nilme smiles.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "'Yahoo!' she called with hoggish glee,
    'Is there some room up there for me?'
    Songbirds twittered, proud swans took wing,
    To even imagine such a ridiculous thing!"

Siendra grins at Tekhelet.

Almarius hugs Kethrai, getting a smile in return.

Iryta waves to Kethrai.

Nawain takes a bite of the tenderloin.

Iryta smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Almarius just hugged Anuril.

Iryta beams at Anuril!

Azume studies the faces around her.

Siendra smiles at Kethrai.

Tekhelet takes a bite of the tenderloin.

(Allye grins at the tiny piglet as it prances back towards her, its curly little tail wiggling gleefully. Her song continues apace, the jaunty melody bounding blithely into the next verse.)

Kethrai leans over and licks Senthic, getting a warm smile in return.

Senthic leans over and licks Kethrai, getting a warm smile in return.

Iryta hugs Kethrai, getting a smile in return.

Senthic leans over and licks Anuril.

Vixonia hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.

Vixonia continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "But undeterred she stomped away,
    She knew that she could win the day.
    She sat beside a pond and mused,
    And soon enough ideas came through!"

Nawain exclaims, "Chitter! Chitter!"
Odd, Nawain's lips didn't seem to move.
You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

Almarius exclaims, "MOOOOoOoooOOO!"

Iryta asks Kethrai, "I hear you met my Ranger friend.. er today or was it yesterday?"

(Sonatina whispers to the piglet, What kind of house do you live in?)

Senthic grins at you.

Azume starts to say something but sounds as if her lips are sewn together!

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Siendra giggles at Sonatina.

Sonatina just hugged Anuril.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "She gathered feathers from empty nests,
    Her tiny hooves then shaped and pressed,
    Until at last she was back on track
    With two downy wings set upon her back."

Iryta glances at Azume.

Iryta cocks her head at Azume.

Sonatina hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Sonatina with a warm smile.

Siendra blinks at Azume.

Almarius giggles at Sonatina.

Kethrai quietly exclaims to Iryta, "What are days, really. Recently!"

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at you.

Azume says, "Shhh ignore me."

You tap some sensational lipka cotton wings dyed in shades of lavender atop a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Nawain puts her almanac in her slender rugursora.

You give a tiny Arthe Dale piglet a friendly pet between its ears. It squeals happily and nuzzles your hand in return.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "Impossible things are hard to come by,
    Like porcine dreams that aim for the sky.
    Have you ever seen a little pig fly?
    Sensational Cecilia is determined to try!"

Senthic gazes at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Siendra exclaims, "Go, Cecilia, go!"

Nawain beams!

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "So she climbed a mighty oak tree tall
    And she boldly leapt, but began to fall!
    She tumbled down into a piggish heap
    As branchfuls of birds tittered and peeped."

Vixonia exclaims, "You can do it, little pig!!"

Senthic winces.

Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Siendra winces.

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

(Sonatina points at her mouth.)

You lightly sing in a soprano voice:

   "With a snort and a stomp, she picked herself up,
    And wandered away to a field of buttercups.
    She snuffled and sighed, her spirit drawn low,
    But then her snout bumped something... whoa!"

Almarius giggles at Sonatina.

You quirk both ears outward in surprise.

Siendra leans forward.

Senthic angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Iryta raises an eyebrow in Sonatina's direction.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "She looked up in awe at an abandoned trebuchet.
    It raised many questions, but she pushed them away.
    At last here it was, her sure way to take flight!
    She squealed and she danced, then climbed up out of sight."

Senthic grins slowly.

Useff grins.

Siendra laughs!

You wink at Almarius.

Nawain laughs!

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "Avian life in Arthe Dale was a quiet thing,
    Until that fateful day when Cecilia took wing,
    A loud BANG, and birds scattered, flew up to the sky
    Eyes wide in bewilderment as a piglet soared by."

Gwenddolyn chuckles.

Senthic beams at Kethrai!

Almarius grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.

Tekhelet asks, "What could go wrong?"

Senthic snickers at you.

Nilme grins at you.

Siendra gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

You blow a kiss at the piglet. It leaps towards you, squealing excitedly and stamping its small hooves as if demanding to be picked up.

Gwenddolyn says, "When pigs fly."

Gwenddolyn nods.

Vixonia giggles.

Iryta examines some sensational lipka cotton wings dyed in shades of lavender.

Senthic praises a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Elurora glances at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

You wink and flash Gwenddolyn a sly grin.

Almarius giggles.

Vixonia's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

Iryta's butterfly wings flutter prettily, and you see her start to lift into the air! Just then you notice that Iryta is standing on her tippy-toes and the illusion is shattered.

You sing in a soprano voice:

   "Impossible things are rare and wondrous indeed
    Like porcine dreams full of feathers and airspeed,
    But now we all see, wee piglets can ascend,
    Thanks to Sensational Cecilia, our tiny brave friend!"

Iryta beams!

Senthic gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Elurora giggles.

Senthic lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for a tiny Arthe Dale piglet!

(Allye wraps up her tune in a final, jangling chord. She tucks her lute under her arm and reaches out to Cecilia.)

(Siendra claps heartily for the little pig!)

Almarius looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

You scoop the Arthe Dale piglet up.

Elurora looks at you and applauds!

Nilme looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Elurora applauds.

You sink into a deep curtsy.

Senthic looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Vixonia lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you!

Nilme looks at you and applauds!

Siendra looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

You giggle.

Kethrai looks at you and applauds!

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Nilme beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Nawain looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Azume gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Siendra exclaims to you, "That was too cute!"

Vixonia gets some spiced berry cider from inside her leather carryall.

(Elurora claps for the piglet too.)

Vixonia takes a sip of her cider.

Nilme looks at you and applauds!

You beam at Siendra!

Finnris makes a grunting noise.

Finnris nods.

Gwenddolyn nods in agreement.

Finnris nods.

Iryta exclaims, "Butterfly Noises! Butterfly Noises!"
Odd, Iryta's lips didn't seem to move.
You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

You hold a tiny Arthe Dale piglet high into the air for all to see.

Hebion looks at you and applauds!

Gwenddolyn looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Vixonia exclaims, "So fun!"

Sonatina looks at you and applauds!

Almarius looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

You giggle.

Senthic looks at you and applauds!

You exclaim, "Thank you!"

Senthic lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for a burly field piglet!

Tekhelet applauds.

Useff says to you, "Outstanding."

Raising his berry cider to you, Useff gives you a toast. Cheers!

Nilme grins at you.

Almarius exclaims to you, "Soooo cute!"

You giggle.

Senthic blinks.

You snuggle up to Nilme.

Useff takes a sip of his cider.

Nilme nods at Almarius, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nilme hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Nilme smiles.

Almarius giggles.

Elurora quietly says, "I must tell Bel about the flying pig."

Elurora rummages through a multi-strapped carryall with a frantic look of loss.

Almarius nods to Elurora.

You giggle at Elurora.

Siendra nods emphatically at Elurora.

Senthic nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.