Dantia/Logs/20210225 Log

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[Acenamacra, The Village Tavern]
An aroma of tar and salt underlies a strong smell of fish inside the dim tavern.  Apart from a few kegs for use as chairs, the only piece of furniture is a trestle table made from boards laid across empty casks.  A sign and some bottles stand on the makeshift table.
You also see some burly marines surveying the room (calmed), a ghostly white banner and an open door.
Also here: a calmed Sir Rhonys, a calmed Newswoman Navesi, a calmed Commodore Khoheke, a calmed Mountain Lord Ezerak, a calmed Lady of Elamiri Ayrell, a calmed Arcane World Ender Voranos, a calmed Dancer Mendira, a calmed Knight Penitent Briaen, a calmed Philomath Miskton, a calmed Tempest Knight Saragos, a calmed Purified Scholar Zauldin, a calmed Wild Card Enthal, a calmed Laush, a calmed Holy Titan Rhykin, a calmed Frost Princess Nemy, a calmed Asilyia, a calmed Agent Nyrhin, a calmed Disciple Inneth, a calmed Maraisel, a calmed Painforged Oziris, a calmed Shorasa Bovi, a calmed Sir Hebion, a calmed Squire Elurora, a calmed Ambassador Glorgg and a calmed Kintryn.
Obvious exits: none.

Zauldin says to Khoheke, "They're still sober."

Khoheke says, "As I said, they are not your average drunken sailors. They are Moglin marines."

Khoheke says, "They can relax when the job is done."

Glorgg meekly says, "They do seem a bit too calm for marines."

Kenamer says to Saragos, "Banner is refreshed."

Zauldin says to Khoheke, "You've certainly kept them busy these last few years."

Zauldin says, "We'll be starting in a little bit. I want to remind everyone who may have nefarious ideas that we are protected by a squad of marines. An offshore ship is also prepared to unleash fire on this location if we do not send an all secure signal."

Hebion says, "That seems a bit much."

Khearkrash quietly says, "Oh no! dont blow up Acenemacra."

Hebion says, "I guess firebombing a town isn't frowned upon anymore."

Saragos says to Khearkrash, "Everyone stays calm and doesn't attack them, there won't be any problems."

Zauldin says, "We aim to unleash fire on an entire isle. Let's ease off the moral indignation over the security required for this endeavor."

Khoheke says, "These are marines, not pirates. They don't loot and pillage."

Zauldin says, "Alright. Let us talk about the seas and the Lich."

Hebion says, "Oh it's ok because you claim not to be pirates."

Khoheke asks Hebion, "Are you here to help or to insult the honor of House Moglin?"

Zauldin says, "Some time ago you sought aid in assaulting Basalt Isle, and began with a scouting mission."

Hebion says, "I was willing to listen, but threatening to firebomb a town sounds rather monsterous."

You say, "Several of us from that initial scouting are here."

Zauldin says, "Some useful information was learned, it seems, despite the scouting mission being met with extreme resistance."

Khoheke says, "The seas have been turbulent of late. Pirates have been attacking our ships more frequently."

Zauldin says to Zharen, "Thank you for conveying this information. Secrecy remains important."

Khoheke says, "Normally, they are only in it for themselves, but lately, they seem to be acting in a more coordinated fashion. It makes us wonder."

Ezerak asks Khoheke, "Do you know which group? Or is it multiple fleets?"

Khoheke says, "The increased incidents of piracy have not made it easy for us to prosecute our war against the Lich."

Zharen quietly asks Khoheke, "Do they fly a banner? Where do they hail from?"

Zauldin says, "For the time being this engagement has been very taxing. Khoheke is proud, but House Moglin has suffered under this conflict, losing many ships and more bodies in this conflict."

Khoheke says, "We are essentially fighting a naval war on two fronts, dividing our forces."

Khoheke says, "I've seen an increase in a number of ships with black sails and no flags."

Bovi says, "I used to sail for the Moglins, until they disowned me."

Kenamer says to Zauldin, "You may stay behind my shield."

Zauldin says, "For the time being, we've been in a holding pattern. I've pursued my path, supporting the fleet where possible, but I am no sailor."

Khoheke asks Zauldin, "How goes the testing?"

Zauldin says, "Yes, that. I believe we have something that may turn the tides, pardoning the expression."

Zauldin says, "Every ship captain tires of hearing of super weapons. But with the Temple I have aided in the creation of a holy weapon that I believe will serve in our war against Jeihrem."

Zharen asks, "Oh?"

Khoheke asks Zauldin, "How is such a weapon deployed?"

Zauldin says, "It works... In testing... mostly. I'm no designer, engineer, or craftsman, so I am at the mercy of the Temple's and House Moglin's resources."

Zharen asks, "Does it require training?"

Zauldin says, "It should not. But it is only usable by those who are proficient in using Holy mana."

Zharen says to Zauldin, "Ah, so this differs greatly from the Knot."

Khoheke says to Zharen, "The resources of House Moglin are at your disposal in this endeavor, provided it is free from the taint of necromancy."

Zauldin says, "This is more... a fire? Where his was a complex machination I can't begin to wrap my head around."

Navesi quietly says, "Osven had a mind, I can say that for him."

Miskton asks Zauldin, "Has anyone been referring to it as 'sanyu aes'?"

Zauldin says to Miskton, "That has a nice ring to it, and is... accurate."

Ezerak teasingly says to Laush, "We get it. You're a pirate."

Oziris asks, "Poho Khoheke seemed to indicate Pirates were the greater threat...which of these fronts is to take precedence?"

Laush says, "Tell me your secrets."

Miskton says to Zauldin, "I've seen some things in the web of fate about potential naval battles, and that term was used."

Zharen says, "The Islander is the greatest threat to the Plane."

Hebion says, "I'm not sure that's accurate."

Khearkrash asks, "But why?"

Zauldin says to Miskton, "Never a good thing when you prophets are seeing our activities."

Khoheke says to Oziris, "Pirates are more of a nuisance -- but their activities have made it more difficult."

Khearkrash says, "There are many threats to the plane, why is the islander the biggest."

Ezerak asks Khoheke, "So, how can we help?"

Khoheke says, "From the perspective of House Moglin, the presence of a powerful Lich on an island in our seas is the greater threat."

Zharen says to Khearkrash, "A lesson for another time. Let us not distract from our guests."

Saragos says, "Precautions will have to be taken against the one known as Sivroch. There was also a vision of her wreaking havoc on a fleet of ships."

Zauldin says, "I'm not convinced this weapon will destroy Jeihrem. I don't want to mislead. But where steel and magic have failed, perhaps this will slow his spread into the seas."

Khoheke says to Khearkrash, "The islander is in our territory, and his ... activities have been affecting our profits."

You say, "And, as you mentioned, she was more than willing to confront us on the first scouting attempt."

Zauldin says, "She has factored into all our preparations. I genuinely hope we are over preparing, but I doubt it."

Laush says, "I say we hit em were it hurts. Right in the bootay."

Aeliy says, "Who is Sivroch? I have heard of the islander."

Aeliy says, "Please forgive my ignorance, I was not part of the earlier scouting expeditions."

Navesi says, "Sivroch is an unholy priestess, said to possess three arms and five eyes."

Zharen asks Zauldin, "How can we assist with completing this weapon of yours?"

Kirmnel says, "What an odd number."

Nyrhin says, "Sounds intriguing."

Zauldin says, "Sivroch is a powerful adversary who is responsible for disfiguring me."

Aeliy says, "Yes. That does seem an odd number."

Ezerak says to Kirmnel, "Two odd numbers, at that."

Navesi says, "She has great power, and can unleash devastating mental attacks. Zauldin here was injured so severely that he forgot his own name."

Inneth says to Aeliy, "Simplified? Consider her a lieutenant of the Lich."

Aeliy says to Zauldin, "I'm sorry to hear that."

Navesi says, "She also destroyed his companions utterly, if I recall correctly."

Zauldin says, "It set me on this path. I have no illusions of being able to achieve revenge, but perhaps I can make what passes for her life painful."

Zauldin says to Zharen, "Right, how can you help."

Zauldin says, "This meeting is meant to bring everyone willing to help on the same page. We will likely be asking your help in the future in a variety of missions. Naval, exploratory, sorties, and the like."

Zauldin says, "Khoheke likely wouldn't want me saying this, but House Moglin has born the brunt of this conflict for some time, and their resources are stretched thin. I will say, confidently, their resolve is strong, their will unbroken, and their talents unmatched, but, they need our help."

Ezerak says to Khoheke, "Sounds like there's some pirates in Crossing now."

Zharen says, "If we are to strike out at the Islander, you have my aid."

Nyrhin says, "I'm willing to do what I can."

Aislynn quietly asks, "You'll find plenty of willing hands with this group. How can we help?"

Salji says, "Mine as well."

Saragos says, "We will provide that assistance. I pledge my support."

Khoheke says, "I trust Zoluren to defend its own, though we will be grateful for any decrease in their numbers."

Zauldin says to Ezerak, "If you must defend the city, go."

Navesi says, "As do I."

Laush says, "Pirates aren't the problem."

Zharen says, "What of the Crossing nobility? Can they provide support? It seems this conflict is now on their shores."

Laush says, "We're the solution."

Saragos asks Khoheke, "One thing I was wondering. How were they attacking your ships, and do you know to what end?"

Zauldin says, "I am not too proud to admit that I have reached what is likely the end of my own research abilities in the creation of this weapon. I will likely be bringing some designs to seek aid and consult soon."

Hebion says, "They are having their town sacked by pirates, and the attitude is to ignore it, and to train cannons on one of their towns. I'm not sure they would want to help."

Khoheke says to Saragos, "Primarily, they try to approach on their own ships and board our own. Sometimes, they have employed elemental magic."

Khoheke says, "The pirates that have attacked from the black-sailed vessels are flesh and blood, not undead."

Salji says to Khoheke, "That doesn't sound like the Islander."

Eyst hoarsely asks, "And the Islander? He has a fleet as well?"

Saragos says, "That implies that the mortal pirates are in league with the Lich."

You say, "Or just paid well enough to be."

Zharen says, "Or something is funding the pirates."

Aislynn quietly says, "Or, or, or... Plenty of ors, I think."

Khearkrash says, "Are we sure theyre pirates? and not like, just folks with boats. pirates plunder and stuff normally."

Ezerak says to Aislynn, "Lots of oars, on the ships."

Zharen asks, "How much business are you losing to the pirates? Can we just bribe them to leave?"

Saragos says to Zharen, "Thinking outside the box."

Khearkrash says, "That."

Khoheke says to Saragos, "Pirates have, traditionally, been a fairly superstitious lot. That normally makes them want to avoid beings that can make zombies of them. Let us hope their superstition is enough to prevent them from aiding the Lich."

Zharen quietly asks, "I say we pay the pirates to bolster our ranks. Can the Traders cut a deal?"

Khoheke says to Zharen, "Without going into specifics, it has been a significant expense for House Moglin."

Khoheke says to Zharen, "Be careful. Men whose allegiance can be bought by you are men whose allegiance can be bought by a bigger purse."

Bovi says, "My old family could hire me back."

Bovi says, "Simple price of my name."

Khoheke says, "House Moglin and the pirates have been in conflict for centuries. Sometimes it becomes personal."

Salji says to Khoheke, "That may be Zharen's point though...gain at least a temporary reprieve from fighting on two fronts."

Ayrell says, "Money is a dangerous thing."

Zauldin says, "The pirates have not offered terms of extortion yet, which leads us to believe there are none."

Khoheke says to Salji, "But by paying them you are also increasing their resources."

Oziris says, "They would simply come back as a stronger threat later.."

Salji says to Khoheke, "True. It is a balancing act. If you buy enough time, it may be worth it."

Navesi says, "Mm, it would be nice to have the opportunity to speak to one of these pirates."

Khearkrash says, "Or like by paying them, you give them an official capacity."

Zauldin says, "For every loss to the Lich, we bolster his ranks. The same stands on the other side of the conflict."

Khoheke says to Navesi, "If you wish to parlay with them, I will not stand in the way, but I would urge caution -- and skepticism. They are not to be trusted."

Khoheke says, "If any of you have boats, and you see any unusual activities on the seas, please send a message to me."

Laush says, "Yar, and me as well."

Navesi says to Khoheke, "I will certainly heed your advice, as you have all the experience with them. That said, it is in the nature of my guild to wonder about what can be achieved diplomatically. Or, at least, what can be learned."

Ayrell says, "I have a tendency to lean toward the curiosity of the diplomatic approach as well."

Zauldin says, "I urge you to consider that these pirates know who we are fighting, and choose to fight us as well."

Zauldin says, "Unless you would extend diplomacy to Jeihrem, I struggle to understand why you would extend it to pirates who would empower him."

Salji asks Zauldin, "You raise a good point.. Is there any knowledge of why they choose to fight alongside the Lich?"

Zharen says, "Profit I would imagine."

Oziris says, "I would bet the answer is power."

Salji says to Zharen, "But it seems that Zauldin and Khoheke think not."

Hebion says, "That seems to be the motivations to stop them too, profit."

Saragos says to Zauldin, "Simple. All mortals have good cause to struggle against the Perverse. Some may make steal to get their daily bread, but we all want to keep breathing. Even if we can't solve the piracy problem, we can at least all understand the danger they represent."

Navesi says to Zauldin, "Words have power, and those who will speak with us may open paths we had not seen. Besides, we cannot be certain of their loyalties. There's always the chance, however slim, that they are under some kind of duress."

Khoheke says to Navesi, "Living scoundrels are a shade greyer than undead scoundrels. If you wish to talk to them, fine, but I don't think it will be productive. Sometimes diplomats are just trying to distract you until they can find a stick."

Xelten says, "Historically, pirates have aligned with the force most likely to resolve a conflict victoriously. Their allegiance is not set in stone."

Salji asks Khoheke, "Do we have a stick already? Or do we need time?"

Khoheke says to Salji, "We are sharpening it."

Hebion says, "Theren might have a stick or two to borrow."

Khearkrash says, "The end goal of "get paid" only tends to happen with the winning side."

Khearkrash says to Hebion, "Nothing sharp comes from Theren, you know that."

Ayrell says, "We could easily be the diplomats buying time until our stick is sufficiently sharpened."

Xelten says, "Therengia tends to align with the same forces as do pirates."

Elurora quietly asks Hebion, "Swords would be a lot better than sticks to fight with. They know that, right?"

Bakar says, "Has anyone reached out to the Paladins? They seem like folks who may enjoy scrapping with pirates."

Laush exclaims to Bakar, "}bakar you vile creature, no!"

Elurora says, "There are at least half a dozen Paladins in the room."

Zauldin says, "Well..."

Aislynn quietly asks Kenamer, "Wanna fight some pirates?"

Eyst hoarsely says, "Speaking of diplomacy, what of other naval powers? Surely others must be experiencing this besides House Moglin."

Bakar says, "Haven't seen this many of you all in one place in some time, now I know it's serious times."

Inneth says to Bakar, "It is."

Khoheke says, "I cannot speak for the other houses at this time, but I suspect the increase piracy on the seas affects their dealings as well."

Saragos asks Khoheke, "Do you think it possible that other Houses might be brought into the effort?"

Zharen asks Khoheke, "Unless you are the only target?"

Saragos says, "I must confess to knowing little about the politics of the Reshal Sea."

Khoheke says to Saragos, "House Moglin is taking the lead at present. I can't rule out their involvement, but I would not count on it."

Hebion asks, "If they don't consider it very important, why should anyone else?"

Zauldin says, "We're confident that the other Houses are suffering losses as well, but House Moglin has been more aggressive in pushing back the Liches naval forays away from the isle."

Salji says, "It sounds as though the two of you have ruled out further diplomacy."

Khoheke says to Hebion, "If you do not consider it important, you are welcome to leave. We can accomplish this without your commentary."

Salji says, "Given that you deal with this on a more direct basis than we do, perhaps it is wise to discuss other avenues."

Zauldin says, "At this point, additional lines of communication have not proven fruitful."

Laush says, "Yes, please discuss more avenues."

Inneth says to Salji, "It does go deeper than just the pirates. Basalt is connected to the larger world through other means, as well."

Hebion says, "You're a long way from your islands to be acting like a ruler."

Saragos says, "Perhaps some outside efforts might sway them. We'll pursue that."

Zauldin says to Hebion, "We're trying diplomacy here. We're here asking for help. If you don't want to offer it, you're free to leave."

Hebion says, "Diplomacy at canon point."

Zharen says to Hebion, "Knight Commander, it was surely a disuasion tactic. Let it go."

Bakar says to Zymi, "It's good."

Hebion says to Zharen, "This is the same actions that pirates do, threaten lands not their own, for gain and profit."

Zauldin asks, "Security that you seem to be very interested in testing. Which is somewhat suspicious, and makes me wonder if you've a purpose in identifying House Moglin and my own weaknesses regarding our fight against the Lich? Whose side are you on?"

Hebion says, "The side of honesty and truth."

Miskton says, "If they were attempting a threat, standing in the target zone wouldn't seem like the way to go about it."

Zharen says to Hebion, "The target is the Islander. Lets not lose sight of that."

Hebion asks Miskton, "Then why make the threat?"

Zauldin says, "A charming platitude. We're on the side of fighting the Lich. Pick yours now."

Voranos asks, "Because there are some very suspicious looking people present in the crowd?"

Zauldin asks Hebion, "What'll it be Hebion? Do you further the cause of Jeihrem, or do you aid those who want to fight him?"

Miskton says, "To dissuade anybody who might have the idea of trying to kill them while they're in a public setting."

Hebion says to Zauldin, "The choice is between one monster and another? I'll choose neither."

Khoheke performs a sharp hand signal and the marines brandish long .  The marines move with brutal efficiency, grabbing hebion and twisting their arms backward, escorting them from the area.

Hebion falls over!
Hebion is stunned!

Hebion just disappeared.

Xelten says, "A Paladin who does not stand against undead? This is truly a progressive time."

Sir Hebion came through an open door.

Saragos says to Xelten, "It's something."

Miskton says, "Although, of course, the presence of the marines does mean the failsafe would hopefully not be needed."

Miskton glances at some burly marines surveying the room.

Salji says, "My bretheren from Shard are welll-known to be more "tolerant" of those who experiment with undeath."

An  just escorted Hebion out.

Salji says, "Seems that it is true even of the paladins."

Zauldin says, "We'll be taking our leave shortly, as that is a likely security breach."

Saragos asks, "I think I've had all of my questions answered for now. Does anyone else have something they feel hasn't been addressed yet?"

Salji asks, "Yes. What is the next step?"

Miskton says, "There's certainly been a lot of gweth chatter during all of this. Hopefully you don't encounter any issues on your way out."

Ezerak asks, "How can we help, exactly?"

Navesi asks Khoheke, "Commodore, if I understand correctly, Zauldin pursues this holy weapon, and you say you will ask for our aid in sorties and the like. May I ask what we can expect next? You will call upon us for another meeting to disseminate a mission?"

Navesi asks, "Or is there more we can do in the mean time?"

Zauldin says, "We will be requesting aid again soon, and we hope to have your assistance."

Zauldin says, "In the mean time, watch the seas, watch for pirates, and identify those who aid the Lich."

Navesi says, "So, our current step is to spread the word and gather those in support."

Laush exclaims, "Yar!"

Laush exclaims, "I mean, yeah!"

Saragos says, "In the meantime, some of us are working on supporting these efforts. If you're interested in working with us, let me know. We'd be happy to have any assistance we can get."

Khoheke says, "Be discreet in what you share until allegiances can be assured. As we have seen, not all who present themselves have a mind to fight the right enemy."

Zauldin says, "House Moglin is laying down their lives and their boats to fight. I have not suffered as I have for nothing. I hope we can strike a blow that matters. At the Lich, that is, not petty prides."

Zauldin says, "Saragos and Zharen have been involved with this matter from the beginning. They remain a good point of contact."

Elurora says, "I cannot in good faith, help those who started a conversation where they seek aid with a threat to my life and those around me. I shall take my leave as well as I find a lack of honor in those who asking us to follow them."

Zauldin says, "Be safe."

Saragos says, "I'd like to also mention Kenamer's and Dantia's names as someone to contact if you're interested in helping."

Navesi asks Khoheke, "Perhaps I missed it earlier -- did you say why you believe the pirates are working for the Lich, other than that they are behaving in a coordinated way?"

Saragos says, "There are a number of us working on this."

Salji says, "It seems that the Commodore has left."