Footman's Strike

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Paladin thumb.jpgPaladin Guild

Footman's Strike Targeted Magic spell
Abbreviation: FST
Prerequisites: Stun Foe
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 1
Mana Type: Holy Magic
Spell Type: battle / targeted
Difficulty: basic
Prep (min/max): 2 / 50
Skill Range (min/max): 10 / 600
Valid Spell Target: PC, Creature
Duration (min/max): Instant
Justice: no
Corruption: no
Description: Footman's Strike draws on the caster's melee weapon in hand as a focus for the spell, which dictates the shape of its manifestation. A rapier will produce a piercing force, while a claymore will invoke a spell that slashes and slices at the target. Holding a missile weapon or being unarmed causes the spell to fail.
Effect: Puncture damage, Slice damage, Impact damage, Damage type determined by weapon used.
Example Messaging: You gesture.

You gesture at <target> with your <weapon>.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • Attack spell that changes damage type based on the weapon currently being used. Cosmetic interaction with Holy Weapons.
  • The damage type is the two highest physical damage types of your held weapon.
  • If not holding a weapon then it will use hand worn brawling equipment and hand worn armor.

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