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Ledgers are special Trader-only items that provide basic information on the guild, contract trading and commodity trading. Ledgers are available from the minister right after joining the guild, and it is recommended that every Trader keep one on hand at all times. Ledgers are bonded to the Trader, meaning no one else can use them. Standard-issue ledgers look like this:

A sleek leather booklet embossed with the crest of the Trader's Guild, this ledger contains notes vital to a trader's career. Information such as current dealing with each town a trader visits, can be accessed when the ledger is read.

More elaborate ledgers and ledger cases are available from merchants and festivals.


  • STUDY LEDGER Study information about your dealings with various trading outposts.
  • READ LEDGER See either the cover page, main table of contents, chapter table of contents or the text of the specific page.
  • TURN LEDGER See different options available for interacting with your ledger.

Ledgers contain a wealth of information regarding the Trader's dealings with outposts and guilds, including: caravan rental information, current contracts being delivered from that guild or outpost, the total number of contracts delivered from that guild or outpost, and more. This information is available in the first four chapters. Each of these pages can be studied for more information, which will also grant a bit of Scholarship experience. Chapter 5 contains detailed information about the total profit made from contract and commodity trading. Finally, Chapter 6 contains basic information regarding many aspects of a Trader's daily activities.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Zoluren Outposts

Page 1: Crossing
Page 2: Dirge
Page 3: Wolf Clan
Page 4: Leth Deriel
Page 5: Arthe Dale
Page 6: Tiger Clan
Page 7: Stone Clan

Chapter 2: Therengian Outposts

Page 1: Riverhaven
Page 2: Langenfirth
Page 3: Therenborough
Page 4: Fornsted
Page 5: Hvaral
Page 6: Muspar'i

Chapter 3: Ilithi Outposts

Page 1: Shard
Page 2: Fayrin's Rest
Page 3: Steelclaw Clan
Page 4: Darkling Wood

Chapter 4: Forfedhdar Outposts

Page 1: Hibarnhvidar
Page 2: Ain Ghazal
Page 3: Boar Clan
Page 4: Raven's Point

Chapter 5: Summary

Page 1: Contracts and Commodities

Summary - Page 1 - Contracts and Commodities

You have bought the following Commodities:

Currently Loaded:

You are pretty sure you can buy X more units of commodities. (This number varies by Trading skill, Charisma and Circle)
You glance at the mass of information here and determine that you have delivered a total of (X) contracts to the various outposts. You feel that further study might reveal more details.

Chapter 6: Notes

Page 1: General
Page 2: Commodities
Page 3: Supply
Page 4: Mercantile
Page 5: Caravans
Page 6: Caravans (cont)
Page 7: Warehouses
Page 8: Warehouses (cont)
Page 9: Stables
Page 10: Markets
Page 11: Markets (cont)
Page 12: Auction Halls
Page 13: Shipping
Page 14: Horse Trading
Page 15: Horse Trading (cont)

Notes - Page 1 - General

This ledger is provided by the office of the commerce minster.

The Traders' Guild wishes to advise you of the following:
This ledger belongs to YOU. Its information is written specifically for your eyes only. It is therefore vital that you keep your ledger with you at all times, and do not lose it, as any and all information out-lined within it will be lost forever.

Notes - Page 2 - Commodities

Select guilds provide a trading floor, called a Pit, in which commodities purchases occur. The Pit Clerk is responsible for updating and relaying pricing information to traders.
A pricing board located in each pit will post the current price on each commodity traded. Traders may ORDER a quantity of the commodity from the pit clerk, who will arrange everything with the shipping department to have your goods ready and waiting.

A trader must have the expendable cash to engage in commodity trading. A transaction fee and a caravan fee will be automatically added to the cost of the commodity, so be prepared.

The current members of the commodities market in Elanthia are:


(To order any commodity listed on a pit commodities board, ORDER

Notes - Page 3 - Supply

From the time of the founding of the modern Traders' Guild, local guilds have shipped goods back and forth to maintain adequate supplies of needed materials in all locations. Traders are often hired to make these deliveries.

The commerce minister of each guild is responsible for overseeing these duties. If you are looking for contracts, ask the minister. The person responsible for packing your goods is the shipping clerk. Give him your contract so he can get your things in order.

Traders are assessed a fee based on the size of the shipment and a fee to rent the caravan necessary to move these goods. When a trade is completed, the shipping clerk of the receiving guild will pay the trader for services rendered, but it is up to the trader to take care of the fees they owe at the guild of origin.

Your contract is important in the completion of any supply shipment, so be sure to keep track of it! You cannot complete the transaction without it!

Notes - Page 4 - Mercantile

From time to time the Traders' Guild will be asked to deliver substantial amounts of materials to locations other than the guild outposts. Most often these shipments occur at times of unusual demand, such as festivals or the opening of a new shop and so on, though it is possible that such shipments will occur for less pressing reasons.

The commerce ministers are usually quite good in informing you of these odd shipments when a contract for them is issued to you. However, they often do not know the exact location of the drop off points, so you may need to do some exploring.

Also, in most cases, the drop off points will not be providing any return cargo.

Notes - Page 5 - Caravans

Most types of trade involves the use of a caravan, whether it be a simple pack animal or a full-fledged team with a driver.

The caravan is issued by the guild at the time you secure your contract or commodity. Fees for single pack animals are 100 coppers each. For caravans, the fee is 400 coppers.

To command your pack animal, TELL it to lead, follow or stop. When travelling with other traders, you can also TELL your animal to JOIN the leader of your group so that all the caravans will travel at the same speed. To command your caravan, TELL the driver what to do.

At times, a trader will find that they need to store their goods for whatever reason. A warehouse is available (currently one in The Crossing, but eventually in each commodity town). Information on the warehouse can be obtained by visiting it. Once your inventory is stored, your caravan should be returned to the nearest guild. Simply see the shipment clerk to return your caravan.

Notes - Page 6 - Caravans (cont)

Bear in mind that your caravan will not wait for you when you leave town! You must take care to store your untraded commodities at a warehouse and return your caravan prior to retiring! Any caravan not treated responsibly will lead to an inability to continue trading with the guilds.

You may RENT a caravan or pack animal from any guild in the event you have stored your goods at a warehouse and returned the original caravan or pack animal to the guild. There is a nominal fee for this new rental. The new rental can be used to pick up your goods from the warehouse and, upon completion of your runs for the day, can be returned at any guild. See the shipment clerk for more details.

A final note on caravans. Crates, both for contracted shipments and commodities, can be removed from your caravan or pack animal by PULLing them. Be warned however, that once removed, the crates *cannot* be put back onto the caravan.

Notes - Page 7 - Warehouses

Ulven's Warehouse in the Crossing, and related warehouses which are being built throughout Elanthia, are a part of the guild system and exist to facilitate trading. The warehouse is, in essence, the trader's private storage location.

Prior to retiring, commodity items should be stored for retrieval at a later date, and the pack animal or hired caravan must be returned to the guild. Please note that the warehouse will NOT accept goods designated as GUILD PROPERTY

Notes - Page 8 - Warehouses (cont)

The warehouse will keep your commodity items stored safely until the time you wish to retrieve it. The clerk of the warehouse can help you with your arrangements.

(To begin storing your crates at the warehouse, you must first RENT)
(The warehouse will store your items based on the type of crate it is in -- therefore, you would STORE LATTICE CRATE if your commodity were in one.)
(To retrieve your commodity, simply UNSTORE (For additional information, such as rates for storage, inventory counts and such, see the clerk.)

Notes - Page 9 - Stables

Stables are available in many of the towns that support guild outposts and major guildhalls. The cost varies from stable to stable and there should be a sign in each stable listing the fees. This fee is for the first 4 andu, any extra stabling time will result in additional fees that will be charged when you retrieve your caravan. Stables have also been contracted to recover abandoned and dead caravans. If this should happen to you, you can attempt to recover your caravan at any stable.

There are currently stables in:

Tiger Clan
Wolf Clan
Arthe Dale
Stone Clan
North Roads Caravansary
Fayrin's Rest

[To stable your pack animal or caravan simply PAY]

Notes - Page 10 - Markets

A relatively recent additions to the Traders Guild are the several covered market tents that have been created for the use of our members. Currently there are market tents located in Crossing, Muspar'i and Surlaenis'a.

Traders who have attained 20th or better rank within the guild are elligible to rent tables in the market tents. The table monger in each of the markets will be able to rent tables as well as provide a supply of price tags for your items if you desire to use them.

Once you have purchased a rental ticket, you need to place that ticket on an available table to claim it. Once you have done so, you will be able to safely put your items on display.

The rental times on the tables vary from market to market, but you can see how much time you have remaining by reading your ticket. It is possible to extend your rental time by holding the ticket you wish to extend in your right hand and ASKing the monger for TIME.

Notes - Page 11 - Markets (cont)

Once you have updated your ticket, you will need to place the ticket onto the corresponding table in order for the extended time to be applied.

When the rental time on a table runs out, market attendants will remove any items remaining on the table and put them into storage, where they will be held for 4 andu. You may reclaim the items by ASKing the monger about goods. Any items not claimed before the storage limit is up will be lost.

The guild has also hired guards for the various markets, who do a very fine job in cutting down on theft in their presence. Inside the market tents, they will also eject persons who are causing a nuisance. You can do this by ASKing a guard for REMOVAL.

Notes - Page 12 - Auction Halls

The Traders' Guild provides auction facilities for the use of their members. Located in the Crossing and Riverhaven guild halls, the auction facilities enable qualified Traders to sell their valuable merchandise.

Signs in the auction halls themselves provide all the information needed to run an auction. You will also find a small stand in each auction hall with instructions on creating a list of items you will be auctioning off. We have also made arrangements with criers in each location to allow an auctioneer to periodically send out announcements to the town that an auction is in progress.

Notes - Page 13 - Shipping

The Traders' Guild has recently completed an agreement with the Shardstar Shipping company which will allow qualified Traders to ship personal goods from one shipping office to another for a modest fee. Currently there are offices located in Crossing, Riverhaven and Surlaenis'a. With this addition, we hope to encourage a growth of trade between these locations.

[To ship goods, you need to first buy a crate, available in the shipping offices. Place your items in the crate and then SHIP CRATE TO [To receive goods, simply go to the office and ASK CLERK ABOUT CRATE.]

Notes - Page 14 - Horse Trading

A relatively new area of business that has recently opened up for the Traders' Guild is that of horse-trading. Traders of 25th rank and above are now able to buy and sell horses from other adventurers. Due to the regulations governing this sort of transaction, a Trader must be involved in anytransfer of horse ownership. So if a non-Trader wishes to sell his or her horse, only a Trader can purchase it, but if a Trader is selling a horse, anyone may purchase it.

To see how to sell a horse, go to one of the established brokerage offices and type SELL and a clerk will explain the procedure.

Notes - Page 15 - Horse Trading (cont)

Traders who have achieved the 35th rank, or better, in the Guild will also be able to store multiple horses with the stables, thus allowing them to maintain a stock of horses to trade. When a horse is stored with the stable, you receive documentation about your horse that will let you reclaim it. This documentation is not transferable, so you will need to reclaim your horse from the stable before selling it.

[To store your horse, simply type STORE while standing in an established horse stable. To retrieve a stored horse, have your documentation in hand and type RETURN.]