I am a librarian.
See from: User:ROBERTDH
Yell command needs more work.
Yawn <target> 3rd person messaging?
do yelp still
DR's old command list, cull:
Pie in the sky armor skillset design
Armor skills have two active abilities?, (an offensive analyze?) and a defensive adjusting. Adjusting your armor potentially does a small amount of damage to the armor, but prepare powerful procs.
Shield > Shield
Defending > Defending
Light armor > Armed Maneuvers General skill in moving around in armor.
- Stealth hindrance
- Evasion hindrance
Adjust: readjust the weight of your armor, preparing a proc that reduces opponent balance (armed manuvering vs evasion/armed manuvering?)
Chain > Articulation The refined arte of flailing your arms around murderously without exposing your soft pillowy armpit veins.
- Parry hindrance (?)
- Weapon roundtime interactions (?)
Analyze: Adjust: ready a proc that ripostes (articulation vs shield/deflection?)
brig > Deflection The even more refined arte of running around in armor without running onto somebody's sword.
- Governs head and body hits, hindrance from brig pieces, maybe some new tie in to stun/debilitation recovery, brig teaches best.
- Scales protection values
- Shield hindrance (?)
Analyze: Adjust: ready a proc that knocks aside your opponet's weapon, imposing roundtime. (Deflection vs Parry/articulation?)
Plate > Absorption The ultimately refined arte of just taking it.
- Scales absorption values
- Crit resistance
Adjust: brace against attack, readies a proc that might replies torso hits with a knockdown. (absorption vs evasion/armed manuvering?)
> Fitting [ye newe skille] Sorcery for armor! Mixing penalty governs the mixing penalty.
- Mixing penalty expessed as the fit of your armor.
- A full set of the same armor type has native 100% fitting
- Fitting skill can buff beyond 100% fitting with an active skill (you adjust your armor until it gets knocked out of place)
- If you don't want to mix armor now it's just one skill instead of your whole skillset.
Armors have particular affinity for certain skills?
PRO: retain some skill-base variety in armors.
Light = +Armed Maneuvers -Deflection (Leather doesn't turn aside attacks well)
Chain = +Aticulation -Absorption (Chain doesn't really soften impacts)
Brig = +Deflection -Articulation (brig is tight in the joints compared to well-hinged plate?)
Plate = +Absorption -Armed Maneuvers (Plate is just hard to move)