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Leth Travel *KS* (script)
Leth Travel *KS* (script) | |
Category | Travel,Utility |
Front-end | StormFront |
Author | Kashna |
What This Script Does
This script gets you from one place to another along the STR between the ferry and the gondola. Each possible destination is also a possible starting point. I suggest the name of just plain "Leth".
Many destinations are simply entry points to hunting areas, or movement to a special location (like the NPC empath). For most of these, there is a small prompt that is given upon arrival that will guide you to the next step that one usually takes at that location. Examples are that it gives the name of the gem appraiser when you arrive at the gem shop, or that at the Leth Empath, you LAY down to receive healing.
How To Use It
- 1. Start the script with your destination as the variable.
- .Leth Bank would then take you to the bank
- .Leth Bank would then take you to the bank
- 2. Just start the script. You'll be given a prompt regarding possible destinations. Respond to the prompt and off you go.
- 1. Start the script with your destination as the variable.
Possible Starting Points and Destinations
- Within Leth itself:
- 1) The city center - [Leth Deriel, Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas]
- 2) The bank
- 3) Morikai’s Tannery (either room)
- 4) Gem Shop
- 5) Trading Post (either room)
- 6) The Temple (any of the 3 rooms)
- 7) The Empath’s Tent
- North of Leth:
- 1) The ferry dock
- 2) The river bank outside of Moss Meys
- 3) The mammoths to Ratha and Fang Cove
- 4) The STR, just outside of the Forest of Night
- South of Leth:
- 1) The STR, just outside of Alfar’s Manor: “A haunting shadow...”
- 2) The STR, just outside of snowies with the narrow track
- 3) The room just north of snowies with the snow-choked passage
- 4) The northern platform of the gondola
Special note: If you just list "mammoth" "gondola" or "ferry", the script will only take you to the destination. If you list "Crossing," "Shard," "Ratha," or "Fang Cove" as your destination, it will also have you board, cross, and disembark on the other side. The Crossing side will deposit you inside the bank.
There is a full listing of possible destination names (and starting rooms) available via prompt within the script itself. Oftentimes the name of the creature that you wish to hunt nearby will also work.
As long as you are standing in one of the rooms stated below, you can travel to any one of the others. This isn't a perfect travel script, as it routes all travel through the city center, rather than going directly from point-to-point, but it is more than sufficient for daily activities. This issue only really arises if you wish to travel from Snowies to the Gondola, for instance, or from the Forest of Night, up to the Ferry. Even so, the issue rarely arises.
I designed it intent on permitting as many shortcuts as possible in destination naming. If you want to try it, it will likely work (xing, snowie, mey, DS, etc.), but there's always a limit to what one may do!
Leth Travel (Script)
#Leth travel - All travel goes through the center of Leth echo echo ************************************** echo echo *** Start the script as .Leth DESTINATION echo *** or select from the options below. echo echo ************************************** echo pause 1 goto LethSetDestination%1 LethSetDestination: echo echo ************************************** echo echo *** Please type your destination. Options are: echo echo *** Within Leth: echo *** Bank, Tannery, Gem Shop echo *** Trading Post, Temple, Empath echo *** echo *** Hunting Nearby: echo *** Meys, Snowies, Nyads, Dryads, echo *** Death Spirits, Bone wolves, echo *** Grave worms, Reverent zombies, echo *** and Germish din echo *** echo *** Travel Destinations: echo *** Ferry, Gondola, Mammoths echo *** Crossing, Shard, Fang Cove, Ratha echo echo *** To see valid starting locations, type “Start” echo echo *** (Note: Most shorthands will work as well) echo ************************************** echo match LethSetDestinationBank bank match LethSetDestinationBank ban match LethSetDestinationTannery tannery match LethSetDestinationTannery tanner match LethSetDestinationTannery tan match LethSetDestinationTannery pelts match LethSetDestinationTannery skins match LethSetDestinationMeys meys match LethSetDestinationMeys mey match LethSetDestinationSnowies snowies match LethSetDestinationSnowies snow match LethSetDestinationSnowies snowbeasts match LethSetDestinationSnowies snowbeast match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight nyads match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight nyad match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight dryads match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight dryad match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight death spirit match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight death match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight spirit match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight night match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight Forest of Night match LethSetDestinationForestOfNight Forest match LethSetDestinationFerry ferry match LethSetDestinationFerry ferr match LethSetDestinationFerry fer match LethSetDestinationCrossings crossings match LethSetDestinationCrossings crossing match LethSetDestinationCrossings crossin match LethSetDestinationCrossings cross match LethSetDestinationCrossings cros match LethSetDestinationCrossings cro match LethSetDestinationGondola gondola match LethSetDestinationGondola gondo match LethSetDestinationGondola gond match LethSetDestinationGondola gon match LethSetDestinationShard shard match LethSetDestinationShard shar match LethSetDestinationShard sha match LethSetDestinationMammoth mammoths match LethSetDestinationMammoth mammoth match LethSetDestinationMammoth mamm match LethSetDestinationMammoth mam match LethSetDestinationFangCove fang match LethSetDestinationFangCove cove match LethSetDestinationFangCove fang cove match LethSetDestinationRatha Ratha match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor germish din match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor germish match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor germ match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor grave worm match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor grave match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor worm match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor bone wolf match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor bone match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor wolf match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor reverent zombie match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor reverent match LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor zombie match LethSetDestinationTradingPost trader post match LethSetDestinationTradingPost trader match LethSetDestinationTradingPost trading post match LethSetDestinationTradingPost trading match LethSetDestinationTradingPost post match LethSetDestinationTradingPost trade match LethSetDestinationTemple temple match LethSetDestinationTemple temp match LethSetDestinationJeweler gem shop match LethSetDestinationJeweler gem match LethSetDestinationJeweler jewel match LethSetDestinationJeweler jeweler match LethSetDestinationEmpath empath match LethSetDestinationEmpath empat match LethSetDestinationEmpath emp match LethSetDestinationCenter center match ShowStartingLocations Start matchwait LethSetDestinationEmpath: setvariable D Empath echo echo Destination: Arthianna Os’Nedora, Leth Deriel’s resident empath! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationtrade: LethSetDestinationtrader: LethSetDestinationtraders: LethSetDestinationtrading: LethSetDestinationpost: LethSetDestinationtradingpost LethSetDestinationtraderpost: LethSetDestinationTradingPost: setvariable D TradingPost echo echo Destination: Trading Post! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationtem: LethSetDestinationtemp: LethSetDestinationtempl: LethSetDestinationtemple: LethSetDestinationTemple: setvariable D Temple echo echo Destination: Temple of Leth Deriel: Kilth Aldiyaus! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationgem: LethSetDestinationgems: LethSetDestinationjewel: LethSetDestinationjeweler: LethSetDestinationgemshop LethSetDestinationGemShop: setvariable D GemShop echo echo Destination: Leth Deriel’s Gem Shop! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationgermishdin: LethSetDestinationgermish: LethSetDestinationgerm: LethSetDestinationgraveWorms: LethSetDestinationgraveWorm: LethSetDestinationgrave: LethSetDestinationworm: LethSetDestinationbonewolves: LethSetDestinationbonewolf: LethSetDestinationbone: LethSetDestinationwolf: LethSetDestinationreverentzombie: LethSetDestinationreverent: LethSetDestinationzombies: LethSetDestinationzombie: LethSetDestinationalfars: LethSetDestinationalfar: LethSetDestinationmanor: LethSetDestinationAlfarsManor: setvariable D AlfarsManor echo echo Destination: Alfar’s Manor! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationCent: LethSetDestinationCenter: setvariable D Center echo echo Destination: City Center of Leth Deriel! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationBan: LethSetDestinationBank: setvariable D Bank echo echo Destination: Leth Deriel’s Bank! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationTan: LethSetDestinationTann: LethSetDestinationTanner: LethSetDestinationTannery: setvariable D Tannery echo echo Destination: Morikai’s Tannery! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationMey: LethSetDestinationMeys: setvariable D Meys echo echo Destination: Moss Meys! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationSno: LethSetDestinationSnow: LethSetDestinationSnowie: LethSetDestinationSnowbeast: LethSetDestinationSnowbeasts: LethSetDestinationSnowies: setvariable D Snowies echo echo Destination: Snowies! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationFerry: setvariable D Ferry echo echo Destination: Ferry to Crossing! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationCrossing: LethSetDestinationCrossin: LethSetDestinationCross: LethSetDestinationCros: LethSetDestinationCro: LethSetDestinationXing: LethSetDestinationCrossings: setvariable D Crossings echo echo Destination: City of Crossing! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationGon: LethSetDestinationGond: LethSetDestinationGondo: LethSetDestinationGondola: setvariable D Gondola echo echo Destination: Gondola to Shard! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationSha: LethSetDestinationShar: LethSetDestinationShard: setvariable D Shard echo echo Destination: City of Shard! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationMam LethSetDestinationMamm LethSetDestinationMammo LethSetDestinationMammot LethSetDestinationMammoths LethSetDestinationMammoth: setvariable D Mammoths echo echo Destination: Mammoths of Acenamacra! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationCov LethSetDestinationFan LethSetDestinationCove LethSetDestinationFang LethSetDestinationFangCo LethSetDestinationFangCove: setvariable D FangCove echo echo Destination: Isle of Fang Cove! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationRath LethSetDestinationRatha: setvariable D Ratha echo echo Destination: City of Ratha! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart LethSetDestinationNyads: LethSetDestinationNyad: LethSetDestinationDryads: LethSetDestinationDryad: LethSetDestinationDeathSpirit: LethSetDestinationDeath: LethSetDestinationSpirit: LethSetDestinationNight: LethSetDestinationForest: LethSetDestinationForestOfNight: setvariable D ForestOfNight echo echo Destination: Forest of Night! echo pause 1 goto LethCheckStart ShowStartingLocations: echo *************************************** echo *** Possible starting locations: echo *** echo *** Within Leth itself: echo *** 1) The city center - [Leth Deriel, Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] echo *** 2) The bank (any of the 3 rooms) echo *** 3) Morikai’s Tannery (either room) echo *** 4) Gem Shop echo *** 5) Trading Post (either room) echo *** 6) The Temple (any of the 3 rooms) echo *** 7) The Empath’s Tent echo *** ------------------------------------------- echo *** North of Leth: echo *** 1) The ferry dock echo *** 2) The river bank outside of Moss Meys echo *** 3) The mammoths to Ratha or Fang Cove echo *** 4) The STR, just outside of the Forest of Night echo *** ------------------------------------------- echo *** South of Leth: echo *** 1) The STR, just outside of Alfar’s Manor: “A haunting shadow...” echo *** 2) The STR, just outside of snowies with the narrow track echo *** 3) The room just north of snowies with the snow-choked passage echo *** 4) The northern platform of the gondola echo *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo *************************************** echo Exit LethCheckStart: put look match LethBankForeignStart Exchange rates in Leth Deriel match LethBankDomesticStart inside of a large fork is a chamber match LethBankLobbyStart lobby here is breathtaking match LethCenterStart mighty tree known throughout Elanthia as Sana match LethTannerySalesroomStart Assistant stands beside a hide covered doorway match LethTanneryBackOfficeStart Morikai smiles up at you with a snaggle match LethMeysStart narrow stream bubbles gently from the northwest as ferns match LethInsideSnowiesStart and a snow-choked passage match LethOutsideSnowiesStart a narrow track entering a crack in the rocks match LethNorthPlatformStart the platform remains despite being abandoned by its creators match LethFerryStart The southern bank of the Segoltha River presents a wide match LethMammothsStart spray is thrown high into the air as waves strike the enclosing reef match LethForestOfNightStart stand of lofty ironwood trees chokes the winding road match LethAlfarsManorStart perhaps the spirit of some child lost long ago to the forest match LethTemplePrayerStart Echoes of mumbled prayers and heartfelt supplications are amplified match LethTempleMeditationBranchStart Devotees and layfolk of all races and professions sit side match LethTempleAtriumStart This atrium is in the heart of an old banyan match LethTradingPostBackroomStart counter stands Eshar's appraiser busily examining match LethTradingPostMainRoomStart younger brother of Ershem the papermaker match LethEmpathStart she methodically and compassionately moves from cot to cot match LethGemShopStart Ghendil handles the business of acquiring precious materials match ShowStartingLocations Obvious paths match ShowStartingLocations Obvious exits matchwait LethCenterStart: goto LethCenterTo%D LethGemShopStart: put out put ne move ne goto LethCenterStart LethCenterToGemShop: put sw put sw move go door goto LethCenterToGemShopArrived LethCenterToGemShopArrived: pause 1 echo echo ************************************** echo echo *** You have arrived at Leth Deriel’s gem shop echo echo *** The jeweler in residence is Ghendil echo echo ************************************** echo Exit LethEmpathStart: put out move e goto LethCenterStart LethCenterToEmpath: move w put go tent goto LethCenterToEmpathArrived LethCenterToEmpathArrived: pause 1 echo echo ************************************************ echo echo *** You have arrived at Leth Deriel’s empath, Arthianna Os’Nedora echo echo *** To receive healing LAY echo echo ************************************************ echo Exit LethTradingPostBackroomStart: put s goto LethTradingPostMainRoomStart LethTradingPostMainRoomStart: put out move nw goto LethCenterStart LethCenterToTradingPost: move se put go shanty goto LethCenterToTradingPostArrived LethCenterToTradingPostArrived: pause 1 echo echo ************************************** echo echo *** You have arrived at Leth Deriel’s Trading Post echo echo ************************************** echo Exit LethCenterToTemple: move ne put ne put go path move e goto LethCenterToTempleArrived LethCenterToTempleArrived: pause 1 echo echo ************************************************ echo echo *** You have arrived at Kilth Aldiyaus, the temple of Leth Deriel echo echo ************************************************ echo Exit LethTemplePrayerStart: put w goto LethTempleAtriumStart LethTempleMeditationBranchStart: put e goto LethTempleAtriumStart LethTempleAtriumStart: move out put sw put sw goto LethCenterStart LethAlfarsManorStart: put ne put ne move n put ne put go gate move ne put ne put ne move ne put ne put ne move ne goto LethCenterStart LethCenterToAlfarsManor: put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move go gate put sw put s move sw put sw goto LethCenterToAlfarsManorArrived LethCenterToAlfarsManorArrived: pause 1 echo echo ********************************* echo echo *** You have arrived at Alfar’s Manor echo echo *** Go WEST to enter echo *** Revenant Zombies are closest echo echo *** Far west and up the tree are Bone Wolves and Grave Worms echo echo *** North and beyond the trail is Germish’din echo echo ********************************* echo Exit LethForestOfNightForestOfNight: LethForestOfNightArrived: pause 1 echo echo ********************************* echo echo *** You have arrived at the Forest of Night echo echo *** GO SHADOW to enter echo *** then SOUTH for Dryads and Nyads echo echo *** For Death Spirits, GO SHADOW echo *** then GO TRAIL and hope it’s night echo echo *** To return to the road, GO OPENING echo echo ********************************* echo Exit LethMammothsStart: put go beach put w move w put w put go trail move u put u put u move w put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put w put sw move sw put sw put w move sw put s put go cave move sw put w put go open move w put go bridg put go south face move w put sw put sw move s put sw put w move sw put go tunn put go west open move sw put sw put nw move sw put w put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put sw goto LethCenterStart LethCenterToCenter: pause 1 echo echo ***************************************** echo echo *** You have arrived at the city center of Leth Deriel echo echo ***************************************** echo Exit LethTanneryBackOfficeStart: put out goto LethTannerySalesroomStart LethTannerySalesroomStart: put out move ne put se put se move se put se put se move se goto LethCenterStart LethBankForeignStart: put d LethBankDomesticStart: put d LethBankLobbyStart: move out put w put w goto LethCenterStart LethCenterToBank: put e put e move go door put up goto LethCenterToBankArrived LethCenterToBankArrived: pause 1 echo echo *********************************** echo echo *** You have arrived at Leth Deriel’s bank echo echo *********************************** echo Exit LethCenterToTannery: move nw put nw put nw move nw put nw put nw move sw put go hut put go door goto LethCenterToTanneryArrived LethCenterToTanneryArrived: pause 1 echo echo ***************************************** echo echo *** You have arrived at the Morikai’s Tannery echo echo ***************************************** echo Exit LethCenterToMeys: put nw move nw put nw put nw move nw put nw move nw put go gate put nw move n put n put ne move ne put ne move ne put climb monol put e move ne put n put ne move e goto LethCenterToMeysArrived LethCenterToMeysArrived: pause 1 echo echo *************************** echo echo *** GO BANK to enter Moss Meys echo echo *************************** echo Exit LethCenterToSnowies: put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move go gate put sw put s move sw put sw put s move s put sw put sw move s put s put sw move sw put sw put s move s put s put s move sw put s put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put s put s move sw put sw put s move s put sw put sw move s put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move s put s put sw move w put sw put s move sw put s put sw move s put s put w move w put sw put sw move s put sw put s move sw put s put sw move s put sw move sw put go block move s put go track put w move sw put w put sw goto LethCenterToSnowiesArrived LethCenterToSnowiesArrived: pause 1 echo echo ******************** echo echo *** Snowies are to the SE echo echo ******************** echo Exit LethCenterToFerry: LethCenterToForestOfNight: put nw move nw put nw put nw move nw put nw put nw move go gate put nw put n move n put nw put nw move n put n put nw move nw put ne put n move ne put ne put ne move ne put nw put nw move n put n put ne move n put ne goto LethForestOfNightTo%D LethForestOfNightToCrossings: LethForestOfNightToFerry: put nw move n put ne put ne move ne put n put n move nw put nw put n move ne put ne put ne move ne put n put n move n put n goto LethCenterToFerryArrived%D LethCenterToFerryArrived: LethCenterToFerryArrivedFerry: pause 1 echo echo ************************************* echo echo *** You have arrived at the Crossings Ferry echo echo *** GO FERRY to board echo echo ************************************* echo Exit LethCenterToFerryArrivedCrossings: put go ferry match LethCenterToFerryArrivedNoMoney Come back when you can afford the fare match LethCenterToFerryArrivedWait There is no ferry here match LethCenterToFerryBoarded your kronars and climb aboard matchwait LethCenterToFerryArrivedNoMoney: pause 1 echo echo ************************************* echo echo *** You do not have the necessary 35 kronars echo *** to afford this ferry ride echo echo ************************************* echo Exit LethCenterToFerryArrivedWait: waitfor pulls into the dock goto LethCenterToFerryArrivedCrossings LethCenterToFerryBoarded: pause 1 echo echo ************************************* echo echo *** You have boarded the Crossing’s Ferry echo *** Waiting for arrival on the other side echo echo ************************************* echo waitfor reaches the dock and its crew ties the ferry off pause 1 put go dock put go square move ne put e put e move e put e put ne move go bridge put ne put go bank pause 1 echo echo ************************************* echo echo *** You have arrived at the Crossing’s Bank echo echo ************************************* echo Exit LethCenterToShard: LethCenterToGondola: put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move go gate put sw put s move sw put sw put s move s put sw put sw move s put s put sw move sw put sw put s move s put s put s move sw put s put sw move sw put sw put sw move sw put s put s move sw put sw put s move s put sw put sw move s put sw put sw move sw put sw put sw move s put s put sw move w put sw put s move sw put s put sw move s put s put w move w put sw put sw move s put sw put s move sw put s put sw move s put sw put sw move go block put s move se put sw move s put climb plat goto LethTo%D LethToGondola: LethGondolaArrived: pause 1 echo echo **************************** echo echo *** You have arrived at the gondola echo echo *** GO GONDOLA to board echo echo **************************** echo put look gondola Exit LethToShard: put go gondola put look match LethToShardWaitForGondola Obsidian Pass match LethToShardGoSouth Cab North match LethToShardGoNorth Cab South matchwait LethToShardWaitForGondola: put look gondola echo echo *********************** echo echo *** Waiting for the gondola echo echo *********************** echo waitfor door silently swings open put go gond match LethToShardGoSouth Cab North match LethToShardGoNorth Cab South matchwait LethToShardGoSouth: move south goto LethToShardWaitforExit LethToShardGoNorth: move north goto LethToShardWaitForExit LethToShardWaitForExit: waitfor gondola comes to a stop at move out LethToShardArrived: pause 1 echo echo ****************************************** echo echo *** You have arrived on the other side of the gondola *** echo echo ****************************************** echo Exit LethCenterToRatha: LethCenterToFangCove: LethCenterToMammoths: put ne put ne move ne put ne put ne move ne put ne put go gate move ne put e put ne move se put ne move ne put go tunn put go east open move ne put e put ne move n put ne put ne move e put go bridg put go north face move e put go crev put e move ne put go open put n move ne put e put ne move ne put ne put e move ne put ne put ne move ne put ne put ne move e put d put d move d put d put e move e put e put go pier goto LethMammothArrived%D LethMammothArrivedMammoths: pause 1 echo echo ******************************* echo echo *** You have arrived at the mammoths echo echo *** go TALL mammoth for Fang Cove echo *** go SEA mammoth for Ratha echo echo ******************************** echo Exit LethMammothArrivedRatha: put join sea mammoth match LethMammothArrivedRathaWait What were you referring match LethMammothF2POops Because your account is free match LethMammothBoarded Aboard the Mammoth matchwait LethMammothArrivedRathaWait: waitfor driver says goto LethMammothCont%D LethMammothArrivedFangCove: put join tall mammoth match LethMammothRathaWait What were you referring match LethMammothF2POops Because your account is free match LethMammothArrivedRathaFangCove Aboard the Mammoth matchwait LethMammothF2POops: pause 1 echo echo ******************************* echo echo *** Due to your account status as F2P echo *** You are not permitted to travel there echo echo ******************************** echo Exit LethMammothBoarded: pause 1 echo echo ******************************* echo echo *** You are now on the mammoth to %D echo *** Enjoy the ride! echo echo ******************************** echo Exit LethMeysStart: put w put sw move s put sw move w put climb monol put sw move sw put sw put sw move s put s move se put go gate put se move se put se put se move se put se move se goto LethCenterStart LethNorthPlatformStart: put go ridge put n move ne put nw goto LethOutsideSnowiesStart LethInsideSnowiesStart: put ne put e move ne put e move se goto LethOutsideSnowiesStart LethOutsideSnowiesStart: put n put n move ne put ne put n move ne put n put ne move n put ne put n move ne put ne put e move e put n put n move ne put n put ne move n put ne put e move ne put n put n move ne put ne put ne move ne put ne put n move ne put ne put n move n put ne put ne move n put n put ne move ne put ne put ne move ne put n put ne move n put n put n move n put ne put ne move ne put n put n move ne put ne put n move n put ne put ne move n put ne put go gate move ne put ne put ne move ne put ne put ne move ne goto LethCenterStart LethFerryStart: put s put s move s put s put sw move sw put sw put sw move s put se put se move s put s put sw move sw put sw put s move se goto LethForestOfNightStart LethForestOfNightStart: put sw put s move sw put s put s move se put se put sw move sw put sw put sw move s put sw put se move se put s put s move se put se put s move s put se put go gate move se put se put se move se put se put se move se goto LethCenterStart