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Lighters are items that will create a flame by POINTING the lighter at the target. There is no functional difference to using these instead of a flint and blade, but they are a more convenient way to catch things on fire.


  • POINT LIGHTER AT <flammable item>: You quickly flick the switch on the back of the <lighter>, pointing it at a <item> as flames shoot out the creature's mouth, making the <item> quickly catch fire.
  • POINT LIGHTER AT <nonflammable item>: That doesn't look very flammable.
  • POINT LIGHTER AT <person>: You flick the switch on the back of your <lighter> quickly, causing it to spout a stream of flames at <person>'s <body part>! <He/She> dodges just in time, escaping injury.
<Person> points <his/her> <lighter> directly at your <body part>, and before you can blink, a bright flame shoots out the creature's mouth at you. You dodge just in time, escaping injury.
You flick the switch on the back of your <lighter> quickly, causing it to spout a stream of flames at <person>'s abdomen! <He/She> doesnt quite duck in time, getting just a bit singed.
<Person> points <his/her> <lighter> directly at your abdomen, and before you can blink, a bright flame shoots out the creature's mouth at you. You don't quite duck in time, getting just a bit singed.
  • RUB: You absentmindedly rub your <lighter>, running your thumb around each intricately detailed scale.
<Person> rubs <his/her> <lighter>, looking deep in thought.
  • TAP: You tap lightly on the side of your <lighter>, creating an intricate rhythm.
  • TURN: You turn your <lighter> over to the back of your hand and weave it over each of your fingers, showing off your dexterity.

Pages in category "Lighters"

This category contains only the following page.