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Loot (script)
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Loot (script) | |
Category | utility |
Front-end | Genie |
Author | Isharon |
I borrowed the loot code from Geniehunter to make a standalone looting script. The first version is a menu-based script. The second version can be run to quickly loot coins, gems, treasure maps, and diras.
Menu Options
- Coins
- Gems (includes treasure maps just because I never want to miss them)
- Boxes
- Dira
- Cards
- Herbs
- Junk
Menu Version
##LOOT Variables var gweths (lantholite|waermodi|jadeite|lasmodi|sjatmal) stones var boxtype brass|copper|deobar|driftwood|iron|ironwood|mahogany|oaken|pine|steel|wooden var boxes coffer|crate|strongbox|caddy|casket|skippet|trunk|chest|\bbox var junkloot runestone|scroll|tablet|vellum|sheiska leaf|ostracon|hhr'lav'geluhh bark|papyrus roll|smudged parchment|lockpick|fragment|package var collectibles dira|kirmhiro draught|\bmap\b|package|soulstone|(?<!crossbow) \bbolts?\b|flarmencrank|\bgear\b|glarmencoupler|\bnuts?\b|rackensprocket|spangleflange echo ** Enter Loot Option # *** echo echo 1. Coins echo echo 2. Gems echo echo 3. Boxes echo echo 4. Collectibles (Except Cards) echo echo 5. Cards echo echo 6. Herbs echo echo 7. Junk matchre Coins 1 matchre Gems 2 matchre Boxes 3 matchre Collectibles 4 matchre Cards 5 matchre Herbs 6 matchre Junk 7 matchwait Coins: GET_COIN: send get coin matchre GET_COIN ^You pick up matchre end ^What were you referring to matchwait 2 Gems: GET_GEM: send stow gem matchre GET_GEM ^You put your|^You open your matchre GET_BAR ^Stow what|^You just can't get|^But that's closed|^You think the matchwait 2 GET_BAR: send stow my bar waitforre ^You put your bar|^Stow what send get bar matchre GET_BAR ^You pick up matchre end ^You get|^What were you referring to matchwait 2 Boxes: CHECK_BOX: if matchre ("$roomobjs", "(%boxes)") then goto GET_BOX NO_BOXES: goto end GET_BOX: var BOX $1 put get %BOX waitforre ^You put stow %BOX waitforre ^You goto CHECK_BOX Collectibles: CHECK_collectible: if matchre ("$roomobjs", "(%collectibles)") then goto GET_collectible NO_collectibleS: goto end GET_collectible: var COLLECTIBLE $1 put get %COLLECTIBLE waitforre ^You put stow %COLLECTIBLE waitforre ^You goto CHECK_collectible Cards: CHECK_CARD: if matchre ("$roomobjs", "(card|cards)") then goto GET_CARD NO_CARDS: goto end GET_CARD: put get card waitforre ^You put stow card waitforre ^You goto CHECK_CARD Herbs: CHECK_HERB: if (matchre ("$roomobjs", "\b(%herbs)\b(,|\.| and)")) then goto GET_HERB NO_HERBS: goto end GET_HERB: var HERB $1 put get %HERB waitforre ^You put stow %HERB waitforre ^You goto CHECK_HERB Junk: CHECK_JUNK: if (matchre ("$roomobjs", "\b(%junkloot)\b(,|\.| and)")) then goto GET_JUNK NO_JUNKS: goto end GET_JUNK: var JUNK $1 put get %JUNK waitforre ^You put stow %JUNK waitforre ^You goto CHECK_JUNK end: send stow my bar waitforre ^You put your bar|^Stow what
Quick Version
##LOOT Variables var gweths (lantholite|waermodi|jadeite|lasmodi|sjatmal) stones var boxtype brass|copper|deobar|driftwood|iron|ironwood|mahogany|oaken|pine|steel|wooden var boxes coffer|crate|strongbox|caddy|casket|skippet|trunk|chest|\bbox var junkloot runestone|scroll|tablet|vellum|sheiska leaf|ostracon|hhr'lav'geluhh bark|papyrus roll|smudged parchment|lockpick|fragment|package var collectibles dira|kirmhiro draught|\bmap\b|package|soulstone|(?<!crossbow) \bbolts?\b|flarmencrank|\bgear\b|glarmencoupler|\bnuts?\b|rackensprocket|spangleflange Coins: GET_COIN: send get coin matchre GET_COIN ^You pick up matchre Gems ^What were you referring to matchwait 2 Gems: GET_GEM: send stow gem matchre GET_GEM ^You put your|^You open your matchre GET_BAR ^Stow what|^You just can't get|^But that's closed|^You think the matchwait 2 GET_BAR: send stow my bar waitforre ^You put your bar|^Stow what send get bar matchre GET_BAR ^You pick up matchre Collectibles ^You get|^What were you referring to matchwait 2 Collectibles: send stow my bar waitforre ^You put your bar|^Stow what CHECK_collectible: if matchre ("$roomobjs", "(%collectibles)") then goto GET_collectible NO_collectibleS: goto end GET_collectible: var COLLECTIBLE $1 put get %COLLECTIBLE waitforre ^You put stow %COLLECTIBLE waitforre ^You goto CHECK_collectible end: put #parse SCRIPT DONE exit