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Created to assist GM Kodius with his work, this is a page for collecting bugs, annoyances and suggestions concerning the new crafting system.
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- This page was last updated on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 3:28:38 AM GMT.
- Small thing: If you GIVE a logbook with an expired WO to a crafting trainer, it does not clear to WO like the logbook indicates
Work around: asking for another WO. --Otterino 03:45, 11 May 2013 (UTC) - Typo: ingot deeds use "a" instead of "an". "a ingot silver deed", for example.--Antendren 12:19, 30 May 2013 (UTC)
- If you attempt to had a logbook to a trainer but it is in your left hand, you do not get any messaging (so no "There's nothing in your right hand to give away." message). There isn't even a blank '>' return. --Kythryn 13:23, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
See also Alchemy craft for some residual bugs and a list of items that need attention to convert to the new system. --Kythryn 09:23, 25 November 2014 (CST)
- Typo - Carmifex talks about the "Restorative Acument Technique". That should be "Restoration Acumen Technique".--Antendren 16:07, 23 July 2013 (UTC)
- Skin Poultices and General Poultices use the Critical Body Wound Remedies technique. Since they're scar healers, they should use Critical Body Scar Remedies.--Antendren 14:03, 24 July 2013 (UTC)
- Typo - There are recipes for various "ungents". That should be spelled "unguent".--Antendren 05:14, 11 August 2013 (UTC)
- Guarding a pyramid doesn't prevent all types of interaction, such as opening/closing, or charging someone else's cambrinth pyramid. While opening someone's pyramid to stop the drying process might be annoying, charging someone's cambrinth pyramid could cause it to explode.--Etherian 05 November 2013
- The general purpose remedies (dioica & belradi based remedies) are broken. They simply don't perform any healing.--Antendren 10:51, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
- If you combine alcohol to an amount greater than 100, it erroneously messages "You think combining that much alcohol would become unwieldy, and stop.", even though the combine really happens.--Antendren 16:17, 16 December 2013 (UTC)
- The apprentice remedy book sold in Crossing responds to "remedies book" instead of "remedy book".--Antendren 03:25, 23 December 2013 (UTC)
- This is the correct name for the book ("remedies") anything sold as a remedy book is incorrect. The books are named after the discipline.--VTCifer 12:12, 4 May 2014 (UTC)
- There is still a problem with freshly foraged junliar stem becoming "junliar pulp" instead of "crushed junliar". In addition, if you eat the fresh foraged stem or pulp, it heals internal back wounds properly. Looks like it's still acting like it is in the old system. --Kythryn 13:23, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- Looks like all left eye healing messaging has a typo. When using a sufil ungent (external eye wound), aevaes tonic (internal eye wound), qun poultices (external eye scar) & hulij elixir (internal eye scar) you get a typo ("let" instead of "left") in the healing message. I didn't notice it on the other 4, but I'm guessing it is on all instances for the left eye healing. Left is correctly spelled in the healing message when using the limb remedies:
- You feel some tingling around your head, neck, right eye and let eye. --Kythryn 17:25, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- In the Remedy book, when you read Chapter 5, you have "some general purpose ointment" and "some general poultices". It would make sense that the 2nd item would instead be "some general purpose poultices". This would also apply in Chapter 6, with "a general purpose draught" and "a general elixir". --Kythryn 17:25, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- In the Remedy book, Chapter 4 "some skin tonic" is buggy. You should be using lujeakave for internal skin wounds, however when you read the book, it is asking for internal wound limb herb (yelith).
- (5) prepared herb (pieces per use, known to heal internal wounds of the limbs)
- And, this carries over to the final result. You can't overwrite the instructions and just use the lujeakave or you get the "You need a more suitable type of herb if you want to craft that." message. --Kythryn 17:25, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- The Shard Alchemy society is still selling grenich, not the correct version, genich (it does convert fine when MARK/BREAK is done):
- 11). (25 pieces) dried grenich............... 469 Dokoras --Kythryn 17:25, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- Head potion is missing from the remedies book.--ILLIENA (talk) 13:08, 30 June 2014 (CDT)
Some items don't assemble with cords sold in the crafting halls: bone pendant, bone locket, and stone locket.
However, stone pendant and stone bola have no troubles with cords.
Kodius - Is this still an issue? I see no differences in the item templates. Possibly a shop issue, though I am not seeing a problem there either? Perhaps I fixed this at some point?
- There's a problem with tables: the adjective of the table is the adjective of the slab used to make it. The adjective of the slab used to be the material, but the naming convention of crafted items was changed to use thick and such instead of the material; so now the tables come out with two adjectives and no material name. Ugly. Otterino 04:16, 27 May 2013 (UTC)
- table made before: a rough obsidian table
- table made now: a rough thick table
finished bone armor can be combined back into a stack similarly to cloth armors:Otterino 04:31, 19 June 2013 (UTC)
>get mant
You get a segmented sluagh-bone mantle from inside your ore rucksack.
>get stack
You get a sluagh-bone stack from inside your shoulder tote.
>count stack
You count out 20 pieces of material there.
>comb stack
You combine the bone stacks together.
>count stack
You count out 44 pieces of material there.
Kodius - This should now be fixed.
- stone store deeds are 'rock deeds' instead of 'alabaster deeds'; and marble deeds are for 'high quality marble rocks' instead of just marble.
- plurality: is should be are, its should be their
When you have finished working you determine the bangles is uneven.
Once finished you realize the bangles has developed an uneven texture along its surface.
When you have finished working, you heft the shards and determine it is no longer level.
- when trying to assemble a bola with short cord (instead of the correct long cord) there's an extra space before bola Otterino 21:24, 26 June 2013 (UTC)
- long bone pole: adjective for the item is bone instead of long:
In your right hand, you are carrying a wolf-bone bone pole. --Otterino 20:16, 3 July 2013 (UTC)
- Chopping down trees teaches zero experience
Kodius - please check this again. You will only produce experience when wood is produced.
- Old wood shapers are not converting to the new system (carving knives are converting fine though)
Kodius - should be fixed. They will convert the first time you use them for new crafting.
- Page 4 and 5 in the longbow chapter both say they are for sturdy longbows but page 5 actually creates a flatbow
Kodius - The flatbow is now correctly named.
- Not sure if it's missing or was just never added but there's no instructions for a long wood pole. I wouldn't mention this except that there are instructions for short wood poles and it seems odd to have one but not the other.
Kodius - Just a bunch of things I'm still adding. It'll come...
Full body armor uses more metal than the sum of its parts. Covering torso, arms and legs with mail, for example, requires 90 volumes if you use a hauberk, and 75 volumes if you use any other combination of pieces. The same holds with all the hauberks and all the full plates.Working as intended according to Kodius.- Attempting to repair not-damaged-enough tools with plural nouns still uses singular is:
The square rifflers is not damaged enough to warrant repair. --Otterino 04:43, 11 May 2013 (UTC)
- Material quality is penalizing smelting.--Antendren 23:30, 29 May 2013 (UTC)
- When temering tools, messaging indicates that the item is a weapon when analyzing and at the oil step: Otterino 00:44, 5 June 2013 (UTC)
- The metal must be turned to ensure even heating in the forge. You should hold some tongs and then TURN the weapon with the tongs to continue the tempering process.
- You break the cooled clay off from around your needles and then reassemble the weapon. Next, you unwrap and dampen the oil cloth and throughly clean the metal's surface.
- Balancing/tempering/lightening/reinforcing should grant experience based on the item template being used.
- The density for tin looks to have been set off non-metallic tin. Its density should be 4-5.--Antendren 07:50, 17 November 2013 (UTC)
- The Shard Forging Society is reverted back to selling "well-crafted" oil. --Kythryn 17:25, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- Can't pour salts into the crucibles in the Leth Deriel Forge.
- When reinforcing armor the leather strips are not combining with the metal armor. It appears the reinforcing may have made a change to the stats but the strips are still in your hand.
- Combining two pieces of armor results in both armor pieces being turned into cloth.
- >get hood
- You get an insulated fine silk hood with fitted seams from inside your money bag.
- get mask
- You get an insulated fine silk mask with fitted seams from inside your money bag.
- combine
- You combine the bolts of cloth together.
- count cloth
- You count out 11 yards of material there. --Danoryiel 22:23, 8 May 2013 (UTC)
- Not just armor, also works with fluff Otterino 03:48, 21 June 2013 (UTC)
- Zenganne cloth loses it's material properties when appraised careful once it is made into armor.
- Rucksacks do not show the maker's mark in the look description --Danoryiel 22:23, 8 May 2013 (UTC)
- Spinning wheels and Distaffs do not list yarn as an adjustable item.
- The messaging from reading and studying the page for rare tailored armor sealing is vastly different from tailored armor sealing even though they should be the same basic process.
- analyzing a spinning wheel loaded with fibers results in no messaging.
- analyzing a loom results in double messaging and RT for the loom. Otterino 00:56, 5 June 2013 (UTC)
- When pins are used up, you get this message: "The pins is all used up, so you toss it away." First, "is" should be "are" and "it" should be "them". But if the pins are used up, what am I tossing away? Maybe change it to "that was the last of them."
- The page on refined thread spinning says that spinning wheels can hold 500 yards of fiber, but fiber bundles can only get as large as 400Otterino 04:44, 19 June 2013 (UTC)
- the page 'refined cloth weaving' lists ingredients as 1 thread of 1 yard when it really requires 2 threads of at least 10 yards. --Otterino 17:35, 6 July 2013 (UTC)
- Hagim (in the Riverhaven Outfitting Society) is missing an end-of-line after this message: "Hagim pulls the drawstrings on his bag shut as he enters the room."--Antendren 23:44, 15 July 2013 (UTC)
- Hagim (in the Riverhaven Outfitting Society) has an extra space in this message: "Hagim places his thumbs beneath his suspenders, pulling absentmindedly as he_ glances around the room."--ILLIENA (talk) 01:21, 15 June 2014 (CDT)
- There are 2 tanned leathers that have multiple sources but the same end-result name. In both cases, the skinned item is unique, it is the tanned product that has the same name but has different properties based off the skinned item:
- Problem leather #1:
- Azure-scale leather (1) - source is an azure scale hide from Merrows
- Azure-scale leather (2) - source is an azure-scaled hide from Poloh'izh
- Problem leather #2:
- Hound-pelt leather (1) - source is a matted hound pelt from Lesser Shadow Hound
- Hound-pelt leather (2) - source is a shadowy hound pelt from Greater Shadow Hound
- Problem leather #1:
- Tailored Equipment Maintenance -- has no discernable effect. ROBERTDH (talk) 10:05, 28 March 2015 (CDT)
If I get a workorder, and I already have all the ingredients made, I can turn in that workorder immediately, but then I can't get another workorder until the timer has run down. It'd be nice if turning in a workorder cleared the timer for asking for a new one.(Workorder timer currently disabled.)
- Tool repair roundtimes are way too long. Repairing a full set of tools takes 2-3 minutes, which is more than it takes to use the tool repair vendor. The convenience of not having to travel is nice, but hard to justify for 3-4 technique slots.
- Deed packets should be available for purchase in all crating halls. Currently missing: Riverhaven Outfitting Society, Crossing Outfitting Society, Crossing Engineering Society.
- When you've bundled items with a logbook, it should allow you to unbundle (instead of untie) the items from it.
- Being able to combine/stack the parts for events. (Oil, straight pins, polish etc)
- Society masters message where they came from, but not where they leave to. This changes their moving around from a weird (and unrealistic, considering it is purely random) quirk to an irritating syntax puzzle.
- Ingredient preparation takes far longer than any other discipline (with the possible exception of tanning/bleaching, but those only require a little effort and then can be left to cure in a vault). Drying's reliance on both time of day and weather is very inconvenient as well. Some sort of mass-crusher and drying-oven in the society would help with this.--Antendren 14:10, 24 July 2013 (UTC)
Kodius - The societies now have mass dryers. Mass grinders are complete - need to check if they were put in yet.
- There is a another issue being hilighted here: the 5:1 ratio of raw herbs to product is utterly meaningless -- if you can forage one herb item you can collect 6 to 15 of it -- and only adds pointless busywork and item counts, especially since raw herbs cannot be stacked. This might make sense in other crafts, but it does not for alchemy when gathering is instantaneous and there is no meaningful variation in raw materials. The system itself is storing meaningless data on herbs because of this. 1 herb unit should equal one dosing unit. `ROBERTDH (talk) 12:41, 28 March 2015 (CDT)
- Crushed red flowers and crushed blue flowers both respond to "crushed flowers". Maybe replace them with specific flowers? Roses and violets, for example.--Antendren 23:37, 1 August 2013 (UTC)
No remedy items are available past Tier 10 difficulty (Difficult). Training still moves along ok until around 1100 ranks, then started to slow way down. This also limits the choosing of HARD workorders from the society once 1000 is reached. --Kythryn 13:51, 23 February 2014 (UTC)- Alchemy would feel less like juggling (maybe it should train perception) if you could rest your pestle or stick in their vessel while you stack prepared herbs and shuffle around unstackable raw herbs, catalysts, and liquids. Rhamaker 23:30, 16 April 2014 (UTC)
- No stonecarving items are available past Tier 10 difficulty (Difficult). Training caps out very early with stone. Bonecarving is not that much better with no items past Tier 11 difficulty (Very Difficult).
- Many carving techniques are useless and appear to support items that don't currently exist. Only a couple techniques are even worth taking.
- unfinished carving items can't be dragged. If you have to run off to get a pole or some polish (after stopping at the bank to get the money), there's a chance that you could lose it if you don't have the strength to pick it up.
- The tool repair, and purity technique require taking stonecarving techniques, which if you only plan on working in bone are useless.
- Blacksmithing has no techniques for reducing RT like Weapons/Armor.
- Requiring 2 useless pre-req technique slots just to craft Maker's Marks is overkill.
- Crossing forge annoyances: 1) No grindstone by anvils. Cannot perform full weapon creation (or armor lightening) without leaving anvil and risking losing your spot. 2) Only 3 arches despite being by far the most demanded crafting location. 3) Fourth anvil is dangerous due to frequent Elpazi invasions
- Lava forge annoyances: 1) No grindstones by anvils. Cannot perform full weapon creation (or armor lightening) without leaving anvil and risking losing your spot. 2) No NPC for turning in work orders. 3) No store that sells components (hilts, hafts, oil, brushes, etc).
- Haven forge annoyances: 1) No ingot cutter by crucibles. Must leave room frequently during smelting ingots.
- Blacksmithing is the only discipline that requires 3 other techniques to get the enhancement technique (tempering).
- Blacksmithing is the only discipline which has a purity helping technique, which it isn't tier 1 (Master Metallurgy - tier 4).
- (Actually, Carving's purity technique is tier 3.)
*No items available past Tier 10 difficulty (Difficult). Training caps out at fairly low ranks.
- No leather decorative wear items past Tier 6 difficulty (Somewhat Challenging). Cannot train very far using leather before needing extremely high volumes.
- Storebought leather is only available at one workability value.
- Is it really necessary to penalize (RT) for typoing the size of thread to adjust the distaff/wheel to?
- Thicker thread gives a potential roundtime reduction, but thick thread can only be used with leather, not cloth.--Antendren 15:21, 15 August 2013 (UTC)
- Instead of saying material, Have COUNT tell you what you're counting: You count out 8 pieces of goblin bone there.
- Allow count to work for all materials to tell how much if you have left.
- Currently, the quality of assembled components (cotton padding, leather strips, etc.) doesn't play a role. How about having them act as a tool modifier for the crafting steps after they've been added?
- Underground tunnels between Crossing crafting halls (a la temple tunnels).
- A new chapter in all the instruction books to allow people to add limited use instructions, up to a limit.
apprentice books - can hold 5
journeyman books - can hold 10
master books - can hold 20
--Danoryiel 17:52, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
- Alternate pattern/styles e.g. insulated, padded, quilted, etc.:
These could come in the form of unique instructions for a particular item that change up the protection/absorbtion ratings or the coverage areas from the standard book versions.
i.e. cloth hauberks come in insulated, quilted or padded in the tailoring book, but a set of limited use instructions (2-5) would allow one to make a collared hauberk (covers the neck in addition to everything else) or a fireproofed hauberk (more damage resistance vs. fire attacks/less so in one or more areas to balance it out).
some starter ideas for this,
fireproofed, collared, windproofed, grounded, layered, folded, sleeveless, collarless, stuffed, waterproofed --Danoryiel 17:52, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
- New types of armor for any material type (metal, cloth, leather, bone, etc.)
Haubergeon - upper body protection only (chest, abdomen, back, and arms (neck also in collared variants))
Chausses - leg protection armor
Faulds - abdomen and or leg protection armor
Sabatons - leg protection armor
Hounskull - full head protection armor
Gambesons - full body cloth armor, also to possibly replace hauberk in cloth tailoring
--Danoryiel 17:52, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
- Heat cinnabar to extract sulfur and mercury. Cinnabar could be found in mining.--Antendren 11:58, 30 May 2013 (UTC)
- Make Critical Limb Wound Remedies only require External Limb Remedies and Internal Limb Remedies, and not External/Internal Body Remedies. Similarly for Critical Scar Remedies.--Antendren 14:14, 24 July 2013 (UTC)
- resistance potions - effect lasts for a short duration or until an amount of the specified (poison/cold/fire) damage is stopped --Danoryiel 17:53, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
- rock binding solution - allows for rocks to be combined to make engineering a bit easier to work with.--Danoryiel 17:53, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
- Sufil sap is no longer found just at night (yey!), however muljin sap, hisan flower & ojhenik root are still affected with time of day. It had been suggested shortly after the system was released that maybe some of these herbs that have conditionals (time of day or season) might be adjusted to be found out-of-condition with enough skill. So for example, if muljin sap takes approx. 170 ranks to find during the day, it might take 400 to find at night. --Kythryn 13:23, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- As per Kodius posts, adding new things to the system is...a pain. So, I was thinking, maybe some items could be re-purposed from forage-fodder to new system useful stuff. As far as I know, none of the following items are used for anything more than training. A batch of items were added to the foraging system when the Imperial coins stopped being so challenging for everyone to find and the group included the release of silverwood & copperwood, and then all these flowers and grasses. They all have (or had) at least a 300 rank minimum req to find:
- Red Fox Blossom
- Viper Grass
- Dustanjis Flower
- Dirdel Flower
- Red Lily
- Sniper Lily
- Scorpion Flower
- Blue Iris
- Purple Iris
- Valerian Blossom
- In addition to those, there are a few other things from the system that are plant-themed and, as far as I know, not used for anything either:
- Butterfly Orchid
- Wild Orchid
- Mistletoe (well, the kissing thing...heh)
- Briarberry Root
- Green Moss
- Draconaeia Blossom (was used to make dracon crystals, but since those are gone now...)
- Clover (this was never found, we thought it fell into the same hole as junliar stem)
- Toadstool
- Wild Carrot
- Jasmine Blossom
- (and all the foraged fruits that only are used for teas, apple, orange, etc.)
- --Kythryn 13:23, 24 February 2014 (UTC)
- Add images for the various god animals, and allow the results to be used as favor offerings.--Antendren 22:01, 14 June 2013 (UTC)
- Add keyblank as a craftable item for stone and bone materials. --Danoryiel 21:31, 11 December
2013 (UTC)
Have oil or varnish added that you can apply to bows as the last step in finish making a bow instead of having to use a stain. Make it so that you can use either the oil or the stain depending upon the maker's preference.
BluefalconLESLIEC (talk) 16:06, 19 June 2015 (CDT)
- Add smelting recipes for electrum (gold, silver), niello (copper, silver, lead, maybe sulfur) and red-gold (copper, gold).--Antendren 11:57, 30 May 2013 (UTC)
- Add craftable "short cord" components much like small/large padding and long cords are craftable.
- Allow counting of thread on needles.
- Add a bliaud pattern to cloth decorative wear.
- Wallets/Moneybelts:
Wallets could hold up to 25 coins, Moneybelts up to 75 coins(so as to keep the fest/auction/ltb ones desireable) my suggested difficulty: 5-7 for wallets, 9-11 for moneybelts.--Danoryiel 17:55, 11 December 2013 (UTC)