Young wyvern

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Young Wyvern
Unknown creature.jpg
Creature Levels:
    Overall ?
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack ?
    Weapon Attack ?
    Defense ?
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: ?
Skill Cap 600 to 900
Skinnable Yes
Has Coins Yes
Has Gems Yes
Has Boxes No
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment No
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells No
Attack Range Melee
Stealthy No
Special Attacks Yes
Special Defenses Unknown
Body Type unknown
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
Premium-Only Unknown
Skinning Details
Skin Name wyvern claw
Skin Weight 4
Ranks Required 600
Max Value ?
Max Arranged ?
Manipulatable Yes
Skill Required 900 / 1000
Teaching Cap ?


Having newly been born into this world, the young wyvern is about six feet tall and resembles a miniature adult. Hopping about on its two wobbly legs and raising its barbed tail aloft, the young wyvern soaks in its surroundings with the curious gaze of a child. Needle-like fangs protrude from its oversized mouth, glistening with an uneven sheen. Its thin arms are melded into its half-grown leathery-black wings that sit tightly against its curving back, incapable of carrying the immature creature aloft.


Hatching from eggs, wyverns take a fairly long time to mature, and are usually born in clutches of eighteen to twenty eggs that can weigh nearly a hundred pounds each. Young wyverns are somewhat vulnerable and cannot fly, so they usually stay near their nests until at least half the size of an adult.

Though much weaker than an adult wyvern, young wyverns still have a potent sting that can cripple an unprepared adventurer. In addition, they are closely watched by their parents, who may come to their aid.

There are rumors that if taken before it hatches from its egg, a young wyvern can be tamed, but this is rarely tested as wyverns guard their eggs very jealously.

They are not known to cast any recognized spells. They are not known to carry loot in locked boxes.

In Depth

HAS ABOUT 80 in all combat stats (strength, reflex, disc, stam, agil)

Will take bites out of corpses upon death.

Starts slowing down teaching around 850. Defenses less-so than debilitation, tm, and weapons. Can still lock but have to focus on specific skills more in order to move them.

Special Attacks

Poisoned Tails

  • A young wyvern lurches forward to stab its tail stinger at you!


Coins, Gems, Scrolls.

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