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Ilink vs. Sloot

Just saw you seem to be unsure which to use. Ilink is the handy linking one that allows you to quickly create links. Sloot is a special one that basically tells the system "this page is a source for xxxx" and automatically populates the item page with that source. We use it for both direct (sold by) and indirect (sold in this container) sources. That's why it's sloot "Source for LOOT".
Hopefully I didn't completely confuse you like I did myself. -Moderator Caraamon Makdasi(talk) 20:18, 16 July 2013 (UTC)

Herb form editing

Howdy! I've added an 'edit with form' option for the herb and eventual foraged items pages that should help you out when editing the pages instead of trying to figure out what goes where in the template manually. :) --ABSOLON (talk) 01:42, 19 October 2014 (CDT)

Travel Map

If you don't mind, I wanted to get your opinion on this before I started putting links all over it, in case things need to be moved. I decided against adding the smaller stuff, like ranger trails, and Grazhir. SEGGERING (talk) 19:42, 10 April 2015 (CDT)

Updated island travel, at least I think I got it all. Thanks again.
Just a couple minor things I noticed.
  1. Brooke is a lovely name, but I'm sure she isn't what we swim across to get to Wolf/Knife clan. ;)
  2. I would put Shadow Clan linking out the south edge of Shard, since it is reached more directly via the south gate and is almost due south of the city.
  3. Since nobody at all uses the boat between Ratha and Taisgath, I would suggest adding 'moongate' to the 'boat' box between the two.
  4. You're missing the link between Leth Deriel and Ilaya Taipa. Just a simple walk line.
  5. Minor suggestion: I would do Arthe Dale like you did Horse Clan or Stone Clan (i.e. a T-branch off the main line between Crossing and Kaerna) since this would be a better representation of the actual layout.
  6. Likewise, Dirge. ALthough in this case, I would actually change the current 'Dirge' box to 'Caravansary' and add a link to a new Dirge box to the east from it to be most accurate.
Everything else looks to be mostly accurate in a general sense of things. I changed your page to include this image and added a link to it on Ranik's Maps and the Zone map too, so that people have a better chance of coming across it.--ABSOLON (talk) 21:30, 10 April 2015 (CDT)