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Status: Alive
Guild: Trader
Race: Kaldar
Gender: Male
Location: Crossing
Type: guild leader


Powerful forearms, speaking of fierce strength, rest crossed over the Guildleader Ansprahv's expansive tanned chest. Silver-flecked stormy grey eyes return your gaze coolly, a striking contrast to the jet-black hair streaming down past his shoulders. Tall, even for a Kaldar, he towers over most other races with a calm, commanding presence.


You see Guildleader Ansprahv Drensyld, a Kaldaran Trader.
Ansprahv has a square-jawed face and silver-flecked stormy grey eyes. His black hair is long and straight, and is worn loose. He has tanned skin and a brawny build.
He is tall for a Kaldar.
He is middle-aged for a Kaldar.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a black woolen cloak fastened with a gold-linked chain clasp, a black leather doublet held closed by heavy silver buttons, a deep crimson shirt with billowing sleeves laced closed at the cuff by leather cording, some soft black velvet trousers clasped with carved onyx buttons and some reinforced leather boots with thick heels.

Conversation Topics

>ask ans about contracts The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "What, you want to know about contracts? Why, they are the life blood of the trader. Other enterprises perhaps give more profits from time to time, and others may sometimes permit the trader to learn his trade at a faster rate, but contracts are the most consistent means to experience and wealth. There is never a shortage of contracts."

>ask ans about commodities The Guildleader Ansprahv pauses before telling you, "Now then, listen up. The better you present yourself to prospective buyers, the more likely it is they will barter fairly with you over your goods. It is imperative that you always keep moving and keep up with new trends. Stagnation is death, and there is no profit in death."

>ask ans about shop The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv looks you over and says, "As you have no doubt learned by now, trading is all about buying and selling. To aid you in that, the guild has established shops exclusively for our members. In them you can find a wide variety of merchandise, some suited to the needs of a trader while others may be in demand amongst the general public. The shop here in the Crossing guild is reserved for the more advanced member of the guild, as well as the one we have in Muspar'i. There is a shop in the Rathan guild but that is reserved for the more advanced member of the guild. Be sure to continue training your skills as the more skilled you are, the better price you can get on most items in these shops."

>ask ans about finesse The Guildleader Ansprahv pauses before saying, "As you may have discovered by now, the manner in which you present yourself can often be more important than the actual goods you are selling. Guildleader Willowbrook is well versed in a skill you might find useful in this regard. You might want to pay her a visit and ask her about the SKILL she teaches. Finesse, as she likes to call it."

>ask ans about drag The Guildleader Ansprahv pauses before telling you, "Conflict and death are a part of all life. Helping those who have died can often lead to advantages for us in our regular trade, and with our pack animals we are uniquely equipped to provide a certain type of aid. Guildleader Cialen has taken over the teaching of this guild from Guildleader Raelem, who mastered this skill that has proven quite useful, and maybe profitable, in some situations. You might want to pay him a visit sometime and ask him about CORPSEs."

>ask ans about coin The Guildleader Ansprahv says, "Ah, Abison. It is good to see you. Coins. Have you ever given much thought to coins? They can be far more than simply the lifeblood of the world, they can also be a means of defense. You find this difficult to believe? So did I when first I heard of it. You should make a trip out to Muspar'i to speak with Guildleader Kworlin about an interesting little skill he has developed. You will never look at coins quite the same way again."

>ask ans about shipping The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "It is often necessary for a Trader to stay in one place for extended periods of time. This does not need to cut them off from goods from far away places however. The Guild has helped establish a number of shipping offices around the world where qualified members may ship and receive crates of goods. It does require having partners in these other locations, but working together is often very profitable. We currently have shipping offices here in the Crossing, Ratha, in the guildhall on Aesry Surlaenis'a and in the city of Riverhaven."

>ask ans about crates The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "As you likely know, the fur trade can be a very lucrative one. The downside is that most furs and skins are heavy, limiting ones ability to bring many to the furriers at the same time. The guild has found a way to ease this problem for traders who are too young to be entrusted with a storage container for their items on the caravan. At several outposts around the lands you will find a stand with fur packing crates on them. Traders who have achieved at least the 15th rank in the guild can buy and use one of these crates. You simply buy it, put your bundles of furs in it, drop it inside the outpost and close it up. The clerks will check the contents and give you a packing slip while they load up the crate on your pack animal. You can then sell the packing slip at the furrier just like a skin. The furrier will even remove the crate from your caravan."

>ask ans about tables The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "At certain times and in certain places, the most profitable activity can be selling individual items to buyers who can appreciate their true value. Whether this be skillfully forged armor and weapons, rare and unique items, or perhaps just necessary tools and supplies of superior quality, the dealing in such items has made many a fortune. The Guild has worked to establish a number of markets where our members may more easily conduct such business. In them you can rent a table, buy some price tags, and lay out your goods for people to look at. We have hired guards to help protect you from folks of a less than savory nature. While they are excellent at keeping items from disappearing from the tables, those with enough skill may still be able to lift coins from your pockets, so be careful."

>ask ans about certificate AND >ask ans about coupon The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "Have you had opportunity to visit any of the various trader markets we have opened up in recent times? If not you are probably unaware of a tool that was developed mainly for the market traders, but could be useful to other inventive traders. You can now purchase, for a modest fee, blank certificates that you can then fill out and sign, signifying your willingness to redeed the certificate for the value written on it. Imagine, being able to write your own currency like that. Of course, you'll need to work on your reputation if you want the common folk to accept your notes at face value. Alternatively you could try and get a well known and respected trader to sign the certificates as well making them more acceptable. There are also coupons that are only usable in the trader markets that allow the trader to give discounts on their items. Very useful things to reward customers with, and lure them back to buy more."

>ask ans about horse The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "Do you know much about horses? They can be a good source of income for an enterprising Trader. The Guild was able to use its influence to ensure that buying and selling of these animals can only occur when a qualified member is present. This ensures that we will always be the middlemen in such transactions, and where we are in the middle, we can make coin from both sides of the deal." Guildleader Ansprahv chuckles for a moment before concluding, "You will need to search out the locations where such transactions can take place, but there are a fair number of them around."

>ask ans about auction The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv smiles and says, "Have you ever been to an auction? When run by a skilled Trader and with the right items they can be exciting and extremely lucrative. I once saw a Trader sell a few items and walk away with several thousands of platinums, quite impressive. While anyone can stand in the street or in the corner of a park somewhere and try to auction items, only a trader of sufficient standing can use the proper auction halls the Guild has established. We have facilities in them for safely displaying the item being sold so the bidders can try to determine its value and we have staff on hand to handle transferring the item and taking payment as well as penning lists of items that are going to be offered for sale. You can even send criers out to announce your auction. We currently have a very nice auction facility here in the Crossing, as well as in the Rathan guild and the city of Riverhaven."

>ask ans about storage AND >ask ans about kreg The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "Ah, yes. If you are 35th circle," he squints at you for a moment, "you will find that when you rent a caravan or pack animal it will have a storage container of some type on it. You can securely store your items in it as you travel around. It is especially useful for moving your goods from market to market. You will also be able to rent the rather scruffy looking kregkeirels that Guildleader Seranda has managed to acquire on Surlaenis."

>ask ans about chaff The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv folds his arms over his chest and says, "Hmm, yes. Sometimes it is necessary to haggle or chaffer with your customer to convince them that your goods are worth the price you are charging. If you think you are ready to learn about this ability, you need to seek Guildleader Imaar and ask him about CHAFFER. Be warned though, it is not for the young.

>ask ans about financing The Trader Guildleader Ansprahv says, "Once you have reached the 50th rank in the guild a whole new field of opportunities opens up for you. Financing. We have made agreements with a growing number of businesses around the lands where traders can provide operating funds for gem buying and furrier businesses. The owner of the business takes a 10% fee and in return will purchase goods using the trader's funds. The trader can stop by from time to time and ask about their goods and receive whatever the owner has purchased for them. The trader can then take these goods to the larger towns and hopefully sell them for a profit. Just think, a way to let your coin work for you while you are off doing something else. Due to provincial laws, only citizens of the area where the business is located will be allowed to finance it."

Also, these three seem to be items that you could talk to the guild leaders about but nothing was written for them by the GMs. You just get a blank space instead of the message about talking to the clerk.

>ask ans about banquet

>ask ans about pony

>ask ans about caravans