Contraire family

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Contrejour Contraire - Head of Household

Slarc Contraire - The Mister

Lalouisa Contraire - The family right hand woman and favorite cousin

Lolianna Contraire - The Gossip, the sister and best friend extraordinaire

Vladmirr Contraire - A cleric with bad ankles but a lot of fight in him

Meiline Contraire - Fearless Battle Empath who bravely fought off voidspawn in the bath house

Buuwl Contraire - House Guard

Charlize Contraire -

Lithrell Contraire -

Giavanna Contraire - The loud one

Lycium Contraire -

Qoda Contraire -

Khiersty Contraire - The quiet one

Brewski Contraire - Exiled

Elkira Contraire - The rogue family member with a bounty on her head