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Kyodan Adareh
Kyodan 2.jpg
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Cleric
Instance Prime

Chaos Cleric Kyodan Seord

Former Ghost Hunter of The Locksmith Union


He has gold-flecked stormy grey eyes and a straight nose. His auburn hair is shoulder length and straight, and is worn in a tousled, finger-combed style. He has tanned skin and a thin build. He is tall for a Human. A group of amethyst slivers float lazily around his right forearm, glowing with a lustrous sheen against his skin. He has a tattoo of a dragon egg settled in a nest of flames on his back and his constant companion is a tiny shadowy black jumping spider named "Spidey."


Kyodan's most prized possessions are his treasured Gore blade and a special midnight blue longcoat with a dark Drogor's Wrath sapphire on the collar. This ankle-length coat was made specially for him and is dyed the dark blue of a nighttime ocean and heavily embroidered along the back with the image of a volcano surrounded by a swarm of sharks. Lava spills down its craggy sides and appears to drip onto the words emblazoned beneath the scene. Wrought from luminous moonsilver, the words "Kyodan Seord, Chaos Cleric" exude an argent light. Securing the collar is a large Drogor's Wrath sapphire, pale striations within the cobalt-hued gem resembling whitecaps in a storm-wracked sea.


Kyodan grew up in Forfedhar and was raised by his parents, Patryck and Syance. Although he did not always go about it in the right way, he attempted to stand up for others and would try to help those who needed it. He was proud of his raising ability and would run all over the realms if it meant he could raise someone. He was not the best hunter in the world but that was due mostly to his admitted laziness, of which he was extremely proud.

Kyodan's soul was lost a few years ago when in an attempt to explore the void via the raise spell, he lost control and was cast out of his own body. It is believed another soul took possession of his body and disappeared. What became of the original soul is unknown although it is possible it still wanders the void or even may be trapped in a haze sapphire as they are belived to hold souls that have been imprisoned by Huldah. However, this turned out to be only a hallucination brought on by the shock of reaching middle age.

Today, Kyodan has finally accepted that he will finally be aged 50 and beyond and devotes himself to his clerical duties as well as to helping his various Seord relations.