Acenamacra Pier

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Along the Bay of Nemethyo is the Pier of Acenamacra, which provides sailors and captains of Private Ships with a place to dock their vessels. In addition to services provided to Private Ships, this pier also acts as a point where Rissan citizens and their guests can board the Degan to travel to M'Riss.

Another frequent visitor to the pier is the Sea Mammoth Eshchayoo, which travels from Acenamacra to Fang Cove and allows passengers to board for free.

[Acenamacra Pier]
Beyond the harbor, spray is thrown high into the air as waves strike the enclosing reef. The crash of the surf on the coral alternates with a long, drawn-out hiss as each retreating wave regroups to try again. From the vantage of the pier, several breaks in the reef are visible, but it would take an experienced and daring captain to attempt them. You also see the beach.
Obvious paths: none.