Post:So, now that there's two GameMasters working on crafting.. - 12/14/2013 - 21:54

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Re: So, now that there's two GameMasters working on crafting.. · on 12/14/2013 9:54 PM CST 3695
Hey there,

Alchemy is not a completely finished system. It is still missing many parts (disease cures, poison cures, misc craftables) that will elevate its usefulness.

A round of remedy fixes and re-balancing are planned. Remedies can actually be much more potent than they were in 2.0. Somewhat more potent even without rare materials.

Our #1 goal has always been to get all the skills trainable. Then we can go back and make them useful, balanced and more fun. Forging was easy because I had no combat distraction, no health issues creating distractions, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. The other systems have not been so straight forward.

>> Fix the first person messaging with sewing and tailoring. It really stinks that its difficult for more than one person to sew in one place.

If other people are seeing 1st person messages, this is a bug. If they are seeing 3rd person messages then it is intended - just like with the other systems. This was done to allow for group crafting. It is on my list to make a SET option for hiding other peoples' crafting events. But this requires ONSITE support and takes much more energy to add.

>> Get rid of the Bugs Bunny stone dimensions. Because its humorous that a giant boulder produces one stirring rod.

While I admit that stone probably needs another size or two, I refuse to grossly ignore reality. Google stone weights sometime. You'll be surprised at just how much I am faking things as is. Keeping some semblance of reality with crafting is important to me. Now that Bone Carving completely overlaps Stone carving Tiers and skill, you can effectively ignore stone carving entirely if you so want.

I'll see if we can add some cementing compound to Remedy making for now (also sold in stores) to allow combining of stones.

>> Bone weapons were just massively nerfed and now a top end bone weapon is basically useless compared to a top end metal. "Wait for enchanting" is not a valid answer here. Making a top end bone weapon good by requiring rare bones, and then an enchantment puts a huge (unfair) burden on engineers to create viable goods. Why not just create a niche for bone weapons in the blunt class.

Not nerfed - bug fixed. It was never intended for a bone weapon to do twice the damage of its metal counterpart. Rare materials or no.

Stone and Bone weapons were a niche add-on to both crafting Disciplines that I fully intended for most players to ignore, for now. I'd rather have these weapons provide some other benefit than +damage.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ General Discussions - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.