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Moon Mage Guild Leader Kssarh T'kinnirii

Guild: Moon Mage
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Known Relatives: none
Location: Crossing Moon Mage Guild, Crossing

Kssarh is a tall, dark-skinned human with short black hair that seems to be in a perpetual state of disarray. His eyes are a deep, flashing green, and always seem to be staring far into the distance, as if he were observing a world visible to him alone. A square jaw and high, chiseled cheekbones would almost mark him as handsome were it not for a deep scar running diagonally across his right eyebrow. His features are constantly set in a slight frown, as if he were always angry over some perceived slight.

His tunic and pants are both a soft, pliable leather a deep crimson in color, and are offset by his midnight black cloak which drapes from his broad shoulders nearly to his knees. Embroidered upon the cloak are many shiny, silver stars, lines connecting the constellations in such a way that they almost seem to represent the webs of a spider.

Kssarh was once an apprentice to Tiv and is considered by his old master to be one of his brightest pupils. He is strict, intolerant of incompetence, and has a reputation for defenestrating (or worse) students that fail to meet his high expectations. He holds the guild in the highest esteem and largely considers most students a waste of his and the guild's valuable time and resources, but is regardless considered by his peers to be the perfect man for his job.

He is the author of A Brief History of the Guild of Moon Magic, a copy of which is available in the Moon Mage Guild library in The Crossing. A volume of identical content but titled slightly different as A Brief History of the Moon Mage Guild is available in the library in the Lesser Fist Fortress near Sicle Grove.


You see Guildleader Kssarh T'kinnirii, a Human Moon Mage.
Kssarh has green eyes. His black hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has dark skin.
He is aged for a Human.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a well-crafted brass and walnut telescope in his right hand and a supple leather telescope case in his left.
He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a midnight black cloak of rich velvet embroidered with the constellations of the night sky, a black tome satchel, a deep crimson tunic fashioned from leather, a pair of deep crimson pants fashioned from soft leather and some soft leather boots.