Hollow Eve Festival 403 Map

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Revision as of 23:27, 28 October 2011 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (finished central thorax)
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Main Level

Shop Appearance Shop Name Types of Inventory Done
14 menacing steel arch Musical Chairs of Doom Possibly lethal game N
14 low steel door Fangs for the Memory Verby fangs, claws, whips, and clothing N
14 large chicken-shaped arch Game of Chicken, A Possibly lethal game N
15 dilapidated door Mob Mentality Weapons and clothes N
15 red door with "Wicked Windows" set on it in stained glass Wicked Windows Windows for houses N
16 polished brass door Outrageous Fortune Weapons N
16 ironwood double doors Tending the Fold Origami N
17 bright yellow door ? Not moon mage N
17 small door decorated with a set of bowling pins being eaten by a skull Skull Bowling Bowling game, jugglies, clothing, jewelry N
17 ebon friezed archway Relief in the Dark Housing items (estate holder only) N
18 thin curtain leading into a wide stall Made for Walking Armor N
18 arch surmounted by a beaming cockroach Little Feets Adoption Center Pets N
18 brass-studded door The Cutting Edge, By Ventidius Weapons N
19 square brass grating set low on the wall Herb's Bakery Food, containers N
19 bright door with a fanciful mask painted on it ? ? N
20 plain door Gearanimals House pets N
20 white door with a picture of a badger in a cloak and hat Beastly Behavior Custom cloaks N
21 large ornate door Behind the Mask Masks N
21 ring of pennants Entrail Toss Arena Throwing game, trinkets, food N
21 pale canvas flap Natural Selections Beastly brawling weapons N