Prime Message Boards

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Revision as of 14:22, 2 June 2011 by ISHARON (talk | contribs)
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This is a list of the boards for DragonRealms Prime. The primary purpose of this list is for archiving forum posts, but it can also be used by people who don't remember where a particular topic can be found.

Category Topic
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Game Master and Official Announcements
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Responses to GM/Official Announcements
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player General Discussions
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Complaints
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Weekly Bug Reports
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Questions and Requests for the Board Monitor Team.
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Suggestions for DragonRealms (Overall)
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Support - Message Boards
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Support - Front Ends (Game Access)
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Topic/Folder Requests
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player DragonRealms: Platinum
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player DragonRealms: The Fallen
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Bloodlust
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player DragonRealms Portraits - Q&A
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Help Documentation
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Help Wanted
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player The Equine Cemetery
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player The Kaith Kirm
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Advertising
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player In the Lion's Den
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Discuss the New Forums Here!
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Name Change Discussions
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Did You Ever Wonder?
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Support - Zmud
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Collectables
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Goodbye to Staff
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player DR Testing
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player The Blotter
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Crash Talk
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Kudos
Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player Profile
DragonRealms Policy Discussions Policy Announcements (Staff only)
DragonRealms Policy Discussions Responses to Policy Announcements
DragonRealms Policy Discussions General Discussions on Policy
DragonRealms Policy Discussions Grave Robbing policy
DragonRealms Policy Discussions PvP combat policy
DragonRealms Policy Discussions Scripting policy
DragonRealms Policy Discussions Stealing policy
DragonRealms Policy Discussions Assist policy
DragonRealms Policy Discussions Role-playing "evil" policy
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Game Master and Official Announcements
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Responses to GM/Official Announcements
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia General Discussions
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Bugs -- Surviving in Elanthia
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Complaints - Surviving in Elanthia
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Elanthian Etiquette
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia On Death
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Training Characters
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Lost And Found
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Money Matters
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Puzzles And Traps
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Raffles And Auctions
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia The Justice System
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Items to Buy or Sell
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Gwethdesuans
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Items - What's THAT DO?
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Food & Drink - Tobacco & Smoking
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Jobs
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Elanthian Fashion
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia The Arena System
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Books and Guides
Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia Item Registration
Abilities, Skills and Magic Game Master and Official Announcements
Abilities, Skills and Magic Responses to GM/Official Announcements
Abilities, Skills and Magic General Discussions
Abilities, Skills and Magic Bugs
Abilities, Skills and Magic Complaints
Abilities, Skills and Magic Survival Skills - Economic
Abilities, Skills and Magic Survival Skills - Staying Alive
Abilities, Skills and Magic Survival Skills - Getting There
Abilities, Skills and Magic Survival Skills - Stealth
Abilities, Skills and Magic The Experience System
Abilities, Skills and Magic Encumbrance
Abilities, Skills and Magic Guild Specific Abilities
Abilities, Skills and Magic Magical Items
Abilities, Skills and Magic Magic - Suggestions, Discussions and Thoughts
Abilities, Skills and Magic Non-Combat Skills
Abilities, Skills and Magic Fishing
Abilities, Skills and Magic Mounts - General Discussions
Abilities, Skills and Magic Mounts - Bugs
Abilities, Skills and Magic Mounts - Suggestions
Abilities, Skills and Magic Suggestions - New/Existing Guilds and Skills
Abilities, Skills and Magic Suggestions - Beard System
Abilities, Skills and Magic Suggestions - Tattoos
Abilities, Skills and Magic Suggestions - Titles
Abilities, Skills and Magic Suggestions - Mining
Abilities, Skills and Magic Holy Magic Feedback
Abilities, Skills and Magic Elemental Magic Feedback
Abilities, Skills and Magic Lunar Magic Feedback
Abilities, Skills and Magic Life Magic Feedback
Abilities, Skills and Magic Creature Magic Feedback
Abilities, Skills and Magic Targeted Magic Feedback
Abilities, Skills and Magic General Magic Feedback - CORE ISSUES -(CAST, PREPARE, HARNESS, PERCEIVE)
Abilities, Skills and Magic Tomes of Cornucopia - Spellbooks
Abilities, Skills and Magic Origami
Abilities, Skills and Magic Rumors
Abilities, Skills and Magic Task System: General Discussion and Bugs
Abilities, Skills and Magic Tasks: The Bounty System
Lore GameMaster Announcements - Lore
Lore Responses to GameMaster Announcements
Lore General Discussions - Lore
Lore Bugs - Lore
Lore Complaints - Lore
Lore Suggestions - Lore
Lore Alchemy Skill
Lore Animal Lore Skill
Lore Artistry Skill
Lore Appraisal Skill
Lore Carving Discipline
Lore Enchanting Skill
Lore Tinkering Discipline
Lore Musical Skills
Lore Scholarship Skill
Lore Smithing Skill
Lore Outfitting Skill
Lore Teaching Skill
Lore Suggestions - Titles
Lore Shaping Discipline
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Game Master and Official Announcements
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Responses to GM/Official Announcements
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia General Discussions and Observations about the Geography of Elanthia
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Bugs
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Complaints
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Aesry Surlaenis'a
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia The Crossing
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Hara'jaal
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Leth Deriel
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Mer'Kresh and M'Riss
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Muspar'i
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Northern Towns and Villages of Zoluren
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia The Clan settlements and Gorbesh Fortress of Zoluren
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Ratha and Reshalia
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Riverhaven
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Therenborough, Langenfirth and The Keeps of Therengia
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Shard and environs, in the Province of Ilithi
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Forfedhdar
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia The Hunting Areas of Provinces
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Landmarks - The Crossing Temple
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Throne City
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Citizenship in Elanthia
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Waterway and Ocean Travel - Water Craft
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Rossman's Landing
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Raven's Point
Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia Ain Ghazal
Creatures of Elanthia Game Master and Official Announcements
Creatures of Elanthia Responses to GM/Official Announcements
Creatures of Elanthia General Discussions - Creatures
Creatures of Elanthia Bugs - Creatures
Creatures of Elanthia Complaints - Creatures
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 0 - 50 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 50 - 100 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 100 - 150 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 150 - 200 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 200 - 260 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 260 - 320 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 320 - 380 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 380 - 440 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures 440 - 500 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Creatures over 500 Ranks
Creatures of Elanthia Suggestions - Critter Creations
Creatures of Elanthia Under or Over Rated Creatures
Creatures of Elanthia Critter Guides
Creatures of Elanthia Share Your Crits
Creatures of Elanthia The Undead
Creatures of Elanthia Bloodsuckers
Creatures of Elanthia Constructs
Combat - Weapons and Armor Game Master and Official Announcements
Combat - Weapons and Armor Responses to GM and Official Announcements
Combat - Weapons and Armor General Discussions
Combat - Weapons and Armor Bugs
Combat - Weapons and Armor Complaints
Combat - Weapons and Armor Suggestions for Combat, Weapons and Armor
Combat - Weapons and Armor Brawling
Combat - Weapons and Armor Heavy-Edged Weapons
Combat - Weapons and Armor Medium-Edged Weapons
Combat - Weapons and Armor Light-Edged Weapons
Combat - Weapons and Armor Pikes
Combat - Weapons and Armor Quarterstaff
Combat - Weapons and Armor Slings
Combat - Weapons and Armor Thrown Weapons
Combat - Weapons and Armor Two-Handed Edged Weapons
Combat - Weapons and Armor Plate Armor
Combat - Weapons and Armor Chain Armor
Combat - Weapons and Armor Cloth and Leather Armor
Combat - Weapons and Armor Shields
Combat - Weapons and Armor Blunt Weapons
Combat - Weapons and Armor Bows and Arrows - Death By Air
Combat - Weapons and Armor Crossbows
Combat - Weapons and Armor Halberds
Combat - Weapons and Armor Tactics
Combat - Weapons and Armor Arenas and Gladiator Pits
Combat - Weapons and Armor Bone Armor
Combat - Weapons and Armor Dual Wield / Offhand
The Races of DragonRealms Game Master and Official Announcements
The Races of DragonRealms Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Races of DragonRealms General Discussions - Races
The Races of DragonRealms Bugs - Races
The Races of DragonRealms Complaints - Races
The Races of DragonRealms Dwarves - The Mead Hall
The Races of DragonRealms Elotheans - The Library
The Races of DragonRealms Elves - Elven Observations
The Races of DragonRealms Gnomes - The Gnook
The Races of DragonRealms Gor'Togs - Tog Talk
The Races of DragonRealms Halflings - Halfling Happenings
The Races of DragonRealms Humans - Human Nature
The Races of DragonRealms Kaldar - The Korner
The Races of DragonRealms Prydaen - The Hub
The Races of DragonRealms Rakash - Rakash Pack
The Races of DragonRealms S'Kra Mur - S'Kra Mur Musings
The Races of DragonRealms Languages of Elanthia
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Game Master and Official Announcements
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Responses to GM/Official Announcements
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Teasers - Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia General Discussions - Events in General (OOC)
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Bugs - Events and Happenings
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Suggestions - Brainstorm Central!
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Festivals / Merchants
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Invasions
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia In-Character Event discussions.
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Paid Events / Quests
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Order Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Community Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Zoluren Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Therengia Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Ilithi Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Qi Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Event Calendar System
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia The Hentaraen
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Waerd Aev
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Paid Events/Quest Suggestions
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Droughtman's Challenge
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Nobility of Elanthia
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Recruitment for the Militias
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Homeland Security
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia The Outcasts
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Forfedhdar Events
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Right Now Roleplaying
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Vouchers
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Hollow Eve Festival
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia The Assassins Game
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia The Wyvern Trials
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Secret Welkin Gift Exchange
The Barbarians Game Master and Offical Announcements
The Barbarians Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Barbarians General Discussions - Barbarians
The Barbarians Bugs - Barbarians
The Barbarians Complaints - Barbarians
The Barbarians Conflicts - Gladiator's Pit
The Barbarians Barbarian Ability - Berserk
The Barbarians Barbarian Ability - The Dances
The Barbarians Barbarian Ability - Magic Resistance
The Barbarians Barbarian Ability - The Roars
The Barbarians The Inner Fire
The Barbarians Barbarian Meditations
The Barbarians Weapons Smithing
The Barbarians The Hunt
The Barbarians The Barbarian Tradition
The Barbarians Events - Barbarian
The Barbarians Barbarian Ability - War Stomp
The Barbarians Barbarians in Real Life
The Barbarians Suggestions
The Barbarians Barbarian Guild Title Suggestions
The Barbarians Savage Fights
The Barbarians Warpaint
The Bards Game Master and Official Announcements
The Bards Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Bards General Discussions - Bards
The Bards Bugs - Bards
The Bards Complaints - Bards
The Bards Conflicts - Bards
The Bards Suggestions and Discussion -- Music and Playing
The Bards Suggestions and Discussion - Enchantes
The Bards Guild Requirements - Q & A
The Bards Bard-Related Events
The Bards Songs to Share
The Bards Bardic Profiles and Tales
The Bards Bards In Real Life
The Bards Suggestions and Discussion -- Instruments
The Bards The Open Stage
The Bards Bard Guild FAQ
The Bards Bard Guild Title Suggestions
The Bards Suggestions and Discussion -- Heritages
The Bards Suggestions and Discussion - Special Abilities
The Clerics Game Master and Official Announcements
The Clerics Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Clerics General Discussions ~ Clerics
The Clerics Bugs ~ Clerics
The Clerics Rants and Raves ~ Clerical Conflicts
The Clerics Cleric Items
The Clerics Cleric Related Events
The Clerics Clerical Gratuities and Etiquette
The Clerics Clerical Suggestions For Improvement
The Clerics Clerical Combat
The Clerics Fond Farewells
The Clerics Magic Talk ~ Current Cleric Magic
The Clerics Magic Talk ~ Future Clerical Magic
The Clerics Religions In Elanthia
The Clerics Communes, Rituals and Devotion
The Clerics Success Stories
The Clerics Clerics In Real Life
The Clerics Cleric Guild FAQ
The Clerics Cleric Guild Title Suggestions
The Empaths Game Master and Official Announcements
The Empaths Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Empaths General Discussions - Empaths
The Empaths Bugs - Empaths
The Empaths Complaints - Empaths
The Empaths Conflicts - Empaths
The Empaths Discussion of Current Empath Abilities
The Empaths Empaths - Frequently Asked Questions
The Empaths Herbs, Alchemy and Natural Healing
The Empaths Empathy - Grievances and Praise
The Empaths Suggestions - Empaths
The Empaths The Healerie - Tall tales and True
The Empaths Making Money
The Empaths Empathic Ethics
The Empaths Empath related Events and Empath Lore
The Empaths Magic and Empath Spells
The Empaths To our Guru, with love
The Empaths Healing Systems
The Empaths Empaths in Real Life
The Empaths Shift
The Empaths You saved me!
The Empaths Empath Guild Title Suggestions
The Empaths Empaths in the Fields
The Moon Mages Game Master and Official Announcements
The Moon Mages Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Moon Mages General Discussions - Moon Mages
The Moon Mages Bugs - Moon Mages
The Moon Mages Complaints - Moon Mages
The Moon Mages Conflicts... Drop a beam and run
The Moon Mages Frequently Asked Questions
The Moon Mages Guild Events
The Moon Mages The Heavens, Predictions, and Divination Tools
The Moon Mages The Lunar Magic Spell Books
The Moon Mages New Spell Suggestions
The Moon Mages Enchantment System and Other Magical Items
The Moon Mages Guild Abilities
The Moon Mages The Moon Mage Sects
The Moon Mages Player-Run Gatherings
The Moon Mages Targeted Magic System
The Moon Mages Stellar Magic
The Moon Mages Combat for Moon Mages
The Moon Mages Contests
The Moon Mages The Astral Plane
The Moon Mages Moon Mage Guild Title Suggestions
The Necromancers Game Master and Official Announcements
The Necromancers Responses to GM and Official Announcements
The Necromancers General Discussions
The Necromancers Bugs - Necromancers
The Necromancers Complaints - Necromancers
The Necromancers Spells - Necromancers
The Necromancers Abilities - Necromancers
The Necromancers Suggestions - Necromancers
The Necromancers Necromancer Ideologies
The Necromancers Ask the Necromancer GMs ... But respond in The Commons
The Necromancers The Commons: A place for further discussion
The Necromancers Roleplaying the Necromancer
The Necromancers In-Character Necromancer Discussions
The Paladins Game Master/Official Announcements
The Paladins Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Paladins General Discussions
The Paladins Bugs
The Paladins Complaints
The Paladins Conflicts
The Paladins Frequently Asked Questions
The Paladins The Guild Roster
The Paladins Weapons, Armor and Tactics
The Paladins Shields and Tactics for Shields
The Paladins Magic Talk and Spell Ideas
The Paladins Paladin Suggestions
The Paladins Paladins and the Gods They Serve
The Paladins Discussions About The Soul
The Paladins Holy Glyphs
The Paladins Leading
The Paladins Critical Hits from Paladins
The Paladins Paladin Items and Forged Armor For Sale
The Paladins Paladin Events
The Paladins Comments on Thieves
The Paladins General Paladin Smithing
The Paladins Suggestions on Guild Requirements
The Paladins Shopping With Paladins
The Paladins Good Deeds and Praise
The Paladins Holy Weapons--Suggestions and Questions.
The Paladins Paladins and Their Warhorses
The Paladins Paladins in Real Life
The Paladins Paladins A to Z
The Paladins Camp Squire
The Paladins Paladin Guild Title Suggestions
The Rangers Game Master and Official Announcements
The Rangers Responses to GM and Official Announcements
The Rangers General Discussions
The Rangers Bugs! -- Rangers
The Rangers Complaints
The Rangers Conflicts - Ranger Compost Pile
The Rangers Ranger Ideas - Suggestions For Improvement
The Rangers Ranger Help Center- General Questions
The Rangers Companions
The Rangers Spells & Beseeches
The Rangers Ranger Abilities
The Rangers The Hunter's Lodge - Advice On Where, What, And How To Hunt
The Rangers Ranger Ramblings
The Rangers Meeting Discussions
The Rangers Roleplaying
The Rangers Tributes To our Ranger Gurus
The Rangers Ranger Philosophy
The Rangers Rangers In Real Life
The Rangers Ranger-Related Events
The Rangers Tenderfoot's Shack
The Rangers Ranger Web Pages
The Rangers Great Explorations
The Rangers The Scientific Ranger
The Rangers Beseech The Ranger Gurus For Knowledge
The Rangers The Ranger Trophy Hall
The Rangers Ranger Guild Title Suggestions
The Thieves Game Master and Official Announcements
The Thieves Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Thieves General Discussions - Thieves
The Thieves Bugs - Thieves
The Thieves Complaints - Thieves
The Thieves Conflicts - A Friendly Place to ::thud::
The Thieves Thieving 101 & Frequently Asked Questions
The Thieves Shopping With Thieves (All About The Thief Shop)
The Thieves Cooking Recipes (Or Stealing Strategies)
The Thieves Thief-Related Events
The Thieves Inter-Guild Relations
The Thieves Suggestions And Revised Suggestions
The Thieves Bragging Rights (Greatest capers, best escapes, critical hits)
The Thieves Roleplaying The True Thief
The Thieves All About Backstabbing
The Thieves Why I Became A Thief
The Thieves Stealing: Ethics And Other Thoughts
The Thieves Ask The Thiefly GM's...But Respond In The Den Please
The Thieves The Den: A Place To Talk The Sequel
The Thieves Cheers And Tears
The Thieves Stepping Out Of The Shadows - Thieves In Real Life
The Thieves Lockpick Crafting And Other Guild Specific Skills
The Thieves Boxes, Bombs, And Other Surprises.
The Thieves Thief Requirements and Discussions
The Thieves Thiefly In-Character Discussions and Reflections
The Thieves Thief Guild Title Suggestions
The Traders Game Master and Official Announcements
The Traders Response to GM/Official Announcements
The Traders General Discussions -- Traders
The Traders Bugs -- Traders
The Traders Complaints -- Traders
The Traders Bad Business - Trader Conflicts
The Traders Guild Suggestions
The Traders Elanthian Economy
The Traders Roleplaying a Trader
The Traders Those Darn Thieves
The Traders Trading -- Commodities and Supplies
The Traders Caravans and Beasts Of Burden
The Traders A Pat on the Yak
The Traders Guild Events
The Traders Real Life Traders - The People Behind The Yaks
The Traders Traders Wanted!
The Traders Trader Guild Title Suggestions
The Traders Shops
The Warrior Mages Game Master and Official Announcements
The Warrior Mages Responses to GM/Official Announcements
The Warrior Mages General Discussions - Warrior Mages
The Warrior Mages Bugs - Warrior Mages
The Warrior Mages Complaints - Warrior Mages
The Warrior Mages Conflicts - Warrior Mages
The Warrior Mages Enchantment and Other Schools
The Warrior Mages Familiars
The Warrior Mages KABOOM! Share Your Crits
The Warrior Mages Kudos and Thanks
The Warrior Mages Magic Talk - Current Warrior Mage Magic
The Warrior Mages Magic Talk - Future Spells/Spell Ideas
The Warrior Mages Questions and Help with Skill Requirements
The Warrior Mages Warrior Mages - Related Events
The Warrior Mages Warrior Mage Whimsy
The Warrior Mages Weapons, Armor, and Tactics - Warrior Mage Style
The Warrior Mages Targeted Magic
The Warrior Mages Cantrips
The Warrior Mages Cabals and other Warrior Mage Groups
The Warrior Mages Warrior Mage Ability - Aethereal Pathway
The Warrior Mages Suggestions - Warrior Mages
The Warrior Mages Warrior Mages in Real Life
The Warrior Mages Warrior Mage Guild Title Suggestions
Official and Player-Run Organizations Game Master and Official Announcements
Official and Player-Run Organizations Responses to GM and Official Announcements
Official and Player-Run Organizations General Discussions - Official and Player-Run Organizations
Official and Player-Run Organizations Bugs - Official and Player-Run Organizations
Official and Player-Run Organizations Complaints - Official and Player-Run Organizations
Official and Player-Run Organizations Order and Player Hosted Event Announcements
Official and Player-Run Organizations Order of the White Rose
Official and Player-Run Organizations Order of the Iron Circle - Li Tumbra Mir
Official and Player-Run Organizations Order of the Black Fox
Official and Player-Run Organizations Order of the Dragon Shield
Official and Player-Run Organizations Order of the Apostles
Official and Player-Run Organizations The Tavern Troupe
Official and Player-Run Organizations Mentors and Mentoring
Official and Player-Run Organizations The Architectural and Landscaping Association for Elanthia
Official and Player-Run Organizations Order of the Theren Guard
Official and Player-Run Organizations Sanctioned Orders - Suggestion Box
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Game Master and Official Announcements
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Replies to GM and Official Announcements
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families General Discussions - Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans, and Families
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Bugs - Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans, and Families
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Complaints - Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans, and Families
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Advertising Your Organization
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Silent Guardians
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Unofficial Order & Player Hosted Event Annoucements
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families The Sanguine Eye
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families The Idon Raiders
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families The Flying Company
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families Goose Family Crime Syndicate
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families The Wardens of the Biiskbowr
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families The Professional Healers Association (PHA)
Unofficial Player Guilds, Clans and Families The Augstawne Girene Dzirta
Estate Holders of Elanthia Game Master and Official Announcements
Estate Holders of Elanthia Responses to GM and Official Announcements
Estate Holders of Elanthia General Discussions - Estate Holders of Elanthia
Estate Holders of Elanthia Bugs - Estate Holders of Elanthia
Estate Holders of Elanthia Complaints - Estate Holders of Elanthia
Estate Holders of Elanthia Premium Member Check-In
Estate Holders of Elanthia Estate Holder Events
Estate Holders of Elanthia Furniture - Shops & Ideas
Estate Holders of Elanthia Estate Holders Shopping Network
Estate Holders of Elanthia Ideas For Alterers
Estate Holders of Elanthia Benefits!
Estate Holders of Elanthia Hunting Areas
Estate Holders of Elanthia Pets!
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods - Ilithi
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods - Therengia
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods - Zoluren
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods - Qi'Reshalia
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods - Mer'kresh/M'Riss
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods - Ratha
Estate Holders of Elanthia Build A Neighborhood
Estate Holders of Elanthia Interior Design In Elanthia
Estate Holders of Elanthia Neighborhoods - Forfedhdar
The Social Side of DragonRealms General Discussions
The Social Side of DragonRealms Complaints
The Social Side of DragonRealms Conflicts - In Game Characters
The Social Side of DragonRealms Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character
The Social Side of DragonRealms Acting Up - Roleplaying Verbs
The Social Side of DragonRealms Roleplaying Commendations
The Social Side of DragonRealms Roleplaying in General
The Social Side of DragonRealms Roleplaying Multiple Characters
The Social Side of DragonRealms Suggestions - Verbs
The Social Side of DragonRealms In-Character Fiction
The Social Side of DragonRealms Elanthian History
The Social Side of DragonRealms Memories
The Social Side of DragonRealms Commoner's Corner
The Social Side of DragonRealms Family Connection
The Social Side of DragonRealms Companionship Wanted
The Social Side of DragonRealms Weddings, Feasts and Funerals
The Social Side of DragonRealms Heroes
The Social Side of DragonRealms Villains
The Social Side of DragonRealms Finding Someone To Roleplay a Plot
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The Social Side of DragonRealms Goodbyes
The Social Side of DragonRealms Claims to the Highest Circle
The Social Side of DragonRealms Alterations - Look what I got
The Social Side of DragonRealms DR's First Annual Player's Choice Awards
The Social Side of DragonRealms DragonRealms 2007 Player's Choice Awards
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Warm Fuzzies
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from the MidWest
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from the Northeast
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from the Rockies
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from the Southeast
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from the West Coast
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from the Mid-Atlantic
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from Outside the U.S.A.
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World VegasCon - General Discussions
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World VegasCon - Travel Arrangements and Information
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World VegasCon- Room Arrangements
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Miscellaneous Gatherings
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Searching for Artists
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World This'N'That
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Tunes, Tomes and Trash
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Weapons of the Realms and out of the Realms
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Medieval Discussions
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Publishing your Book in Elanthia
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Humour
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Player Created Websites
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Losses to Our Community
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players from the Southwest
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World LOTR movie discussion
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Columbia Tragedy
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Players in the Military
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World SimuCon Discussion
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Sports Talk, Fantasy and Otherwise
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Discussion Regarding Katrina
Outside Elanthia - Life in the Real World Eat, Drink, and...Be Full!
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old Staff announcements - General
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old Staff Announcements - Barbarians
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old GM and Staff Announcements - Bards
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Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old GM and Staff Announcements - Empaths
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old GM and Staff announcements - Paladins
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old GM and Staff announcements - Moon Mages
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old GM and Staff announcements - Rangers
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old GM and Staff announcements - Thieves
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old announcements from Traders
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old announcements from Warrior Mages
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Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old announcements from Rangers Glade
Archived Staff and Game Master Announcements Old announcements from Events