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Revision as of 18:56, 24 January 2011 by LANCEL (talk | contribs)
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Not convinced that the list should be part of the Inquisition page.
-Glimmereyes 22:03, 24 January 2011 (UTC)

I have to agree with Glimmer, I do not yet see a good reason why it should be part of Elanthipedia. Until a good arguement can be made, I'm removing it. -Moderator Caraamon Makdasi(talk) 23:03, 24 January 2011 (UTC)

Well I was asked to correct some errors on the Inquisition page and to add to the content. As the e-pedia is "A collaborative project with the mission of indexing and archiving as much information about the online text-based rpg DragonRealms as possible." I felt this information needed to be posted as it deals with the Inquisition. I believe it is justified because this information is not a secret but would be public knowledge to anyone in the game trying to attain it. Inquisitors and followers/supporters offer out their lists to anyone who asks and Lancel has made a posted list IC'ly on the forums placing the list at every major city gate for anyone coming into the city to read. Magan 23:37, 24 January 2011 (UTC)

I think I'd have to agree with Magan on this. If it has been posted on the forum and the Mods haven't removed it then it is already readily available to anyone willing to visit the forums and we have all sorts of forum posts up. If the Mods can't justify removing it from the forums I don't believe it should be removed from here. Lbslcasey 23:50, 24 January 2011 (UTC)

I'm going to have to agree with both Magan and Lbslcasey. There was a list posted IC a month ago and an updated list posted again this past weekend neither of which were removed from the forums and neither of which I was asked to not post again. While Elanthipedia is NOT IC much of the information accumulated here is and is used IG. What is the differance if the list is made easily available here or on the Forum. Which BTW an updated list will be going up again in another month. -- Lancel 23:56, 24 January 2011 (UTC)