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"Eu" happens to be the Prydaen word for "nature" -- and thus, as a deity, Eu is the entirety of the natural world, far beyond the scope of mortal apprehension. Eu is never referred to as He, She or It -- always as Eu -- and never appears to mortals.

Eu's symbol, the Faiyka, is a disc of white gold which bears three narrow rays in bas relief.


Anyone claiming to have seen Eu is actually referring to the triple form, Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor... whose name is frequently shortened to Eu. This can be confusing for outsiders, but the Prydaen have no trouble keeping it straight.

Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor represents the totality of mortal experience. He (or she) appears mainly to clan elders and priests -- or their non-Prydaen equivalents -- in the form of a renowned ancestor. His appearance to a younger person is usually an indication that they are destined for great things.

His symbol, the Triquetra, is a triple knot that can vary in form as much as the god himself.