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Meantermel Uzim
Race Prydaen
Gender Female
Guild Barbarian
Instance Prime


Name: Meantermel Choreta'Leweyi
Current Age: 22

She was born on the 10th day of the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Bronze Wyvern, 379 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer..


You have a heart-shaped face, pointed ears, cat-slitted tilted violet eyes, a classical nose and dimples. Your deep purple-streaked black mane is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn in a tousled mass of locks that tumbles over your shoulders. You have glittered creamy white fur, a curving tail and a curvaceous figure. A cabochon ruby teardrop rests on your forehead, just above your eyes. You are a moth-stalker. Your right cheekbone has a tattoo of a Harawep's Pawn spider bearing sharp fangs drenched in venom. You are in good shape.

You are wearing a polished chain helm topped with curved horns, a pair of anlora-avtoma earstuds, a soaring chakrel eagle amulet hung from a flat-linked silver chain, a woven silver choker sprinkled with small ruby ovals, a deep red hooded cloak lined with inky black satin, a roughened leather locksmith's apron, a finger-length oval-shaped coal-black spider with narrow white stripes, a cabochon ruby teardrop, a ruby and onyx brooch shaped like a black widow, a battered oak staff, a steel-wrapped ironwood longbow with a braided spidersilk bowstring, a reinforced elder hirdu bow, a black backpack shaped like a spider, a clingy gown of spidersilk webbing interwoven with silver-dipped threads, some shadowy crested leathers, a carved anlora-avtoma armband, some enameled elbow spikes, a steel medium shield, an embossed leather bracelet deeply dyed in fiery scarlet hues, a deep ebony lizard wristcuff inset with diamond eyes, some polished gold-plated knuckles, some mail gloves, an albredine crystal ring, a slender gold wedding ring set with a fiery ruby rose, a gold engagement ring set with a dark red ruby teardrop, a small golden signet ring inset with ruby flecks, a tight bundle, a polished leather belt, a thigh quiver dyed in a brown and green camouflage pattern, a royal blue thigh bag, some rough suede knee wraps affixed with sharpened peccary tusks, a blue-white mistglass anklet encrusted with chunks of dour saffron ismenite, some steel-toed footwraps with silver buckles, some knee-high boots covered in black lace and a calcified femur.


Meantermel remains completely quiet on her origins, but it should be noted that she absolutely abhors necromancy and it can be concluded that like most prydaens, she was left homeless because of practicers of that craft.

She's spent years wandering the realms from one end to the other, never quite fitting in anywhere. She's found a place of peace in Aesry, and will bury herself there for months at a time, hunting and keeping to herself. However when she gets hungry for company, she'll make a trip back to the mainland, but is never quite comfortable there.

Nowadays Meantermel wanders the realms, not spending too long in any one location. She likes to try new things and can be found occasionly in the mine in Dirge or the Forging Society in Haven.


She spent many months dating Demron and getting to know his family. Ultimately they got engaged, but split up shortly after. On the rebound she wed Rantjur, a longtime friend and they remained married for nearly a year, but they decided that marriage was not for them and they split. However they remain close friends. After a long period of focusing on her training, she married Enwah, a friend she'd known for a while, but again things did not work out and they went their separate ways. By this time she was convinced she was unable to settle with anyone due to her major wanderlust and resigned herself to that. Eventually she met a gor'tog called Baraune, and eventually they started dating despite her rebuffing several of his advances. In due course they married and she is still currently married to him.