Observe command

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OBSERVE <celestial body> - Moon Mages

This command is used primarily for Moon Mages to view celestial bodies and gain insight to preform predictions on themselves or others. It's secondary function acts much like the LOOK command, except it outputs the following to the user: "You look around, trying to appear nonchalant."

Upon a successful observation, the player will receive a message similar to the following:

You scan the skies for a few moments.
Xibar is unobscured by clouds.
Waxing still, half of the blue moon Xibar looks down from above.
It is quite near and glowing rather insistently.

You learned something useful from your observation.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Once a Moon Mage has observed a celestial body and learned something from it, they may then use the PREDICT command to preform a prediction and give a bonus or penalty to a skill based on the result of said prediction.

There is a timer that restricts the time between possible successful observations. It's around 3 minutes, but needs verification. If a player tries to observe too soon, they receive a message similar to this:

You scan the skies for a few moments.
Xibar is unobscured by clouds.
Waxing still, half of the blue moon Xibar looks down from above.
It is quite near and glowing rather insistently.

You have not pondered your last observation sufficiently.
You are unable to make use of this latest observation.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

It should be noted that it is possible to fail in an observation, based on a few factors, including, but not limited to, cloud cover, Astrology skill, and Perception skill. Upon failing an observation the player will receive a message similar to this:

You scan the skies for a few moments.
Xibar is unobscured by clouds.
Waxing still, half of the blue moon Xibar looks down from above.
It is quite near and glowing rather insistently.

You fail to learn anything useful from your observation.
Roundtime: 5 sec.