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*[[Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings/Petitions and Log 03-26-2022]]
*[[Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings/Petitions and Log 03-26-2022]]
*[[Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings/Petitions and Log 04-09-2022]]
*[[Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings/Petitions and Log 04-02-2022]]

It has been 441 years, 192 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer 04-10-2022.<br />
It has been 441 years, 192 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer 04-10-2022.<br />

Revision as of 18:02, 12 April 2022

Roll of the Court Advisor

The Court Advisor sits at the right hand of the Baron and serves as his voice in all matters when appropriate. A conduit by which information from the people and provincial representatives communicate with His Grace.

Current Court Advisor

Court Advisor Aaiyaah Kenman, Paladin, Citizenship, Therengia.
Aaiyaah has an aristocratic face, pointed ears and piercing blue-grey eyes. His snow-white hair is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn tied back. He has warm caramel-hued skin and a broad-shouldered build. He is statuesque for an Elf.

Meetings and Petitions

It has been 441 years, 192 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer 04-10-2022.
Faeandu, 33 Uthmor 441.
Log provided from the point of view of Kaelie, Order of the Black Fox - Council

 ~In Attendance~
Advisor Aaiyaah
Hub Storyteller Kethrai
Bastion of Life Karthor
Carnage Darling Dantia
Frost Princess Nemy
Fire Witch Merilwen
Shadowmancer Szarevar
Intern Jorvak
Ambassador Elizzibiana
Voidwalker Zynell
Doctor Remyngton
Sylvan Lady Ruea
Harmless Biomancer Kaelie

    No new petitions were put forward
No updates on petitions that are pending

Aaiyaah exclaims, "Hello and welcome everyone! It is so very good to see everyone! Please make yourselves comfortable, get your classes going, and help yourselves to all the booze and food you want!"
Aaiyaah says, "Agenda for today is as follows.....Welcome and introduction (what we are doing now), discussion of current events and happenings, petitions, and then open floor."
Aaiyaah says, "We have had an amazing few meetings with less than 2 petitions."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "So lets see if we can keep the streak alive!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I understand that each of you could be doing any number of things right now and I want to personally thank each of you for making time to be here today! The purpose of these meetings is to help foster better communication among Therengians, allies, and friends to foster closer working relationships!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "That said, I am here at your disposal to assist you in any and all means to carry out His Grace's wishes in an effort to realize his vision for Therengia! Please do not hesitate to call on me to help in anyway possible!"
Aaiyaah asks, "With that, let us get started! Who would like to kick us off with current events?"
Szarevar says, "I uh...had mana streams jitter just a few roisaen ago."
Kintryn says, "I can kick us off."
Kintryn asks, "Unless szar wants to go first?"
Kintryn says, "Did not mean to interrupt."
Szarevar quietly says to Dantia, "It had nothing whatsoever to do with the samatak I accidentally dropped in my coffee last week."
Karthor says to Szarevar, "Ah, welcome to the club."
Szarevar says, "No no I'm fine. Please by all means."
Remyngton softly says to Szarevar, "Wait where did you get... you know we can discuss that later..."
Kintryn says, "As you all know, there has been a threat of Orcs reported by Lord Rossman. So..........."
Kintryn says, "Tomorrow at 5 bells east, we encourage you all to meet at Rossmans gate. A little before if you wish. We will go over a history of Viggu and from there move into the tunnels for some exploration."
Kintryn says, "Tirost and I will be leading us in. There will be others there to help."
Kintryn says, "After the tunnels and the follow up of history,."
Kintryn says, "We will go into the manor house for an egg hunt. However, we must be prepared for anything. It will be a lot of fun. Bring your eggs."
Kintryn says, "That is all I have."
Aaiyaah asks, "Oh yes, I have one of those eggs too, we will create a super clan chief?"
Kintryn says, "We can try."
Kintryn asks, "Maybe a champion times 3 war chief?"
Remyngton asks, "Super clan chief... that would be like..
Viggu right?"
Aaiyaah says, "Oh yes, like the killer paper we had last week."
Kintryn says, "Could be."
Aaiyaah asks, "Have we had any additional orc attacks?"
Kintryn says, "We have had a couple out the east gate of Riverhaven."
Kintryn says, "Seems he likes that area."
Kintryn says, "None in town of yet."
Salvitoriel says, "Aye and during one such event i noticed an oddity with the chain lightning spell failing to go off correctly."
Aaiyaah asks, "Oh? How so?"
Salvitoriel says, "Instead of preparing it was to hot to handle."
Aaiyaah asks, "I wish I had any kind of understanding about that....maybe Mazrian or Merilwen can help us understand that?"
Aaiyaah asks, "Ever seen that happen before?"
Merilwen says, "I've not that I recall."
Mazrian says, "No."
Aaiyaah says, "Congratulations Salv, you got something new to us all."
Zynell asks Szarevar, "What jitter did you have?"
Szarevar asks Zynell, "The streams just felt...jittery?"
Szarevar says, "It was like trying to hold an eel for a rois there."
Aaiyaah says, "I do want to let everyone know that I have had some conversations with the Keep and we will be getting some answers on a number of petitions soon."
Kintryn asks, "Soon?"
Kintryn says, "Now you sound like the people who run our estate meetings."
Aaiyaah asks, "Who would like the floor next?"
Szarevar says, "Right. Bridge coming soon."
Karthor says, "That's good, the petition to answer the petition's been answered with a "we intend to answer". I think I got that straight."
Szarevar asks Karthor, "Bureaucracy is a beautiful thing, no?"
Elizzibiana says, "Just a quick reminder that the OIC will be having their beach bash midweek, please check the calender. Its on Aesry."
Merilwen says, "That's why we have wine."
Kethrai says, "I did have a concern to raise related to the orcs."
Elizzibiana says, "And also if any are interested, Misktons vision meeting is shortly, seems they have some new visions to discuss."
Elizzibiana says, "And that's all I have at the moment."
Zynell says, "Earlier there were flayed snowbeasts attacking shard, last night ish. it may not yet reach theren walls, but it is a different necromancy than... others."
Aaiyaah asks, "Oh? flayed?"
Zynell says, "I think some reports are filed or filed."
You say, "That sounds like a bad time for the Snowbeasts. Flayed."
Zalinyar says, "There was a cleric that reported a vision shortly before they attacked Shard."
Zynell says, "But seemed a thing for meeting notes given the theren stance."
Dantia says to Zalinyar, "I had one as well."
Zynell says, "And empaths."
Remyngton says, "Dantia and I both had visions before it occured as well."
Merilwen says, "And they dropped scrolls."
Zynell says, "They were undead and in mass."
Zalinyar asks, "Did the empath ones involve ichor?"
You ask Dantia, "Did you jot down those visions anywhere?"
Zynell says to you, "I did."
Ruea asks, "Have I missed the airing of grievances?"
Aaiyaah says, "No, you still have time."
Ruea says, "Oh thank goodness."
You say, "You mean about people that show up late and want to complain about other things? Nope right on time."
Ruea says to you, "I'll come up with something to complain about since I was late."
Zynell says, "Otherwise the cleric meetings got updated and i hope to see folk there."
Aaiyaah says, "You are not late if you bring booze."
Elizzibiana says to you, "Seems Miskton might be discussing that down in Shard at his usual meeting."
Ruea exclaims, "The price of moonsilver is so high!"
Kintryn says, "You know it seems in years past during Viggu's raids on the north, there were undead in the south. While these are a different type, it makes me curious."
Dantia says, "It seems some folks were interested in what I saw, so I will recount it quickly."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Oh, again!"
Dantia says, "A phantom pain blossomed within me, sending forth ripples of nausea. In my mind's eye, a bloated serpentine body writhes, splitting at the sides in agony as rivers of yellow-tinted blood evacuate from the shredded openings. I recoiled at the sick sensation."
Kintryn says, "Ewww."
Karthor says, "Well that's not the right color fer blood."
Dantia says, "The recoiling at the sensation immediately made me think necromancy, given that's our usually physical response."
You say, "Glad I missed it. I really want visions of pretty things one day."
Zalinyar says, "Cadderly saw yellow-green ichor in his vision."
Kethrai says, "The reality was very much like those visions I'm afraid..."
Zynell says, "Clerics saw A horde of ichorous yellow-black auras ebb into my field of vision, but I could not discern their origin. I was filled with a holy urge to undo this great wrong that is coming."
Szarevar says to you, "So when I went to the college up in Theren we used to mix up things in alchemy class that caused the best visions. I'll dig up my old notes for you as soon as I can."
Remyngton says to you, "In the meantime I have these funny white spores at my house..."
Elizzibiana asks Mazrian, "Any warmages see anything?"
Szarevar says to Remyngton, "White spores? They could be hallucinogenic. If they are, we will have to talk."
Aaiyaah asks, "Anything additional concerning the flayed snowbeasts?"
Ruea says, "Goodness I wish I knew an Empath... So much pain... I feel so weak..."
Dantia says to Remyngton, "Don't do it again."
Ruea says, "Thank you both."
You whisper to Zynell, "Thanks topped me off!"
Teyl exclaims, "Thanks!"
Kethrai says, "We've been talking about how Siksraja may be a strategically useful target for them, being remote and little-traveled. It occurred to me that another strategic action they could take in that area, would be to cut off the Rakash from gaining favor with their gods. It is... potentially very vulnerable."
Kintryn says, "It is an area we have kept and will continue to keep watch on."
Aaiyaah says, "Had not considered that."
Dantia says, "It's a very insightful thought."
Kintryn says, "Indeed."
Kethrai quietly says, "I don't have much actionable with that."
Kethrai says, "It's just a worry."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Kethrai, much appreciated."
You say, "So two things."
You exclaim, "Not sure if anyone knew, but I've keeping notes during our meetings here recently and writing them up. If anyone wants to find them let me know!"
You exclaim, "And the second thing. I'm like 20 hours away from not being able to learn empathy anymore. Get your heals while you can!"
Kintryn says, "Grats Kaelie."
You exclaim, "Thanks!"
Zynell exclaims to Mazrian, "Quick, bolt to the leg!"
Remyngton says, "Fantastic accomplishment."
You ask, "What's this?"
Karthor asks, "Ya know you'll still be able to heal folks at that point, right?"
Ruea says, "Have some sungold as a congratulations for your hard work."
Dantia quietly says to Karthor, "Unless she... goes shock."
Ruea asks, "Doesn't everyone keep sungold in their bag to give out as a party favor?"
You exclaim, "I do love sungold! And have a thing I might need that for!"
Karthor says to Dantia, "Well, there's that I s'pose."
Aaiyaah whispers, "anything else m lady?"
You say to Aaiyaah, "That was all my outloud words."
Aaiyaah says to you, "Fantastic job on the meeting notes. I really appreciate your work on those."
You exclaim to Aaiyaah, "Thanks!"
Aaiyaah says, "Alright, so, remember. We are keeping the streak going."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Petitions!"
Merilwen says, "More tequila is needed in Theren."
Szarevar says, "I'd like a silverwood bridge."
Aaiyaah asks, "Do we have fewer than 2 petitions? If so , what are they?"
Ruea says, "I would like the Baron to impose a ban on the color "nightmare black", it is boring and I hate it."
Aaiyaah says, "Ok, there is two."
Aaiyaah says, "Wait, thats three."
Teyl asks, "What if you combine yours into one request?"
Merilwen says, "But it's the black of nightmares."
Ruea says to Kintryn, "He likes me, he might do it."
Ruea says to Elizzibiana, "I love that bracelet."
Zynell says to Ruea, "Anger Dergati at your own peril."
Szarevar says, "No way. My nightmares are in orange and purple. If there is going to be conflict, it has to clash."
Elizzibiana says to Ruea, "Just as long as you dont have him ban steel grey or crimson, I'm good."
Ruea says to Zynell, "We have tea twice a month, she adores me."
Aaiyaah says, "Got the petitions so far, we can make three work...."
Aaiyaah asks, "Any others?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Fantastic. Going once!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Twice!!!"
Elizzibiana asks Ruea, "This one?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Gone!!!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Upcoming events!"
Ruea says to Elizzibiana, "Absolutely stunning balance with the materials."
Aaiyaah asks, "Anyone have events they wish to speak on that are comingup?"
Elizzibiana says to Ruea, "Very old too."
Karthor says, "The Guard's got arm wrestlin' comin' up in a couple days."
Karthor says, "Then the performance thing in Muspar'i the followin' week, Stelling's quite excited 'bout that one."
Karthor says, "That about sums it up methinks."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Karthor."
Szarevar says, "And while we are talking about events, thank you all who patronize those. Everyone's events. That's kind of the core of our community and takes a fair amount of work and planning."
Nemy says, "In bouts two weeks der is gonna be a poolside shindig wif games n prizes n stuffs hosted by the Court of Nytfrost."
Aaiyaah asks, "Where at Nemy?"
Nemy says, "Ya welcomes ta come n we still acceptin applications."
Nemy exclaims, "Tha slide!"
Nemy says, "Duh."
Nemy says, "Will be on tha event listin soon."
Remyngton asks, "There is slide?"
Nemy says, "Sures is."
Remyngton asks, "How have I not know there is slide til now?"
Nemy says, "Directions n stuffs is Moonster's job tho."
Zynell says to Remyngton, "Can take you there later."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Nemy."
Kethrai says, "We are having a three-andu Prydaen cultural faire, going on right now..."
Zynell exclaims, "Andu one was wonderful!"
Kethrai says, "Last andu was a song and storytelling night. This andu will be a scavenger hunt, being held at Sunfall Hub."
Kethrai says, "Next andu will be a play, held at the ancient tree near Knife Clan."
Remyngton says, "I very much enjoyed the first one."
Kintryn says, "I am sad I missed it."
Kintryn says, "Perhaps i can make the play."
Kethrai says to Aaiyaah, "That's all."
Kethrai says to Kintryn, "Would be very happy to have you."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Kethrai."
Ruea says, "Hello darlings, you may know me as Ruea, or "that girl with the glitter."
Ruea says, "The Baron is continuing to allow me use of the theater and I will be casting a play shortly, I'm letting you know you've all been conscripted."
Aaiyaah says, "She is not joking."
Aaiyaah says, "Seen the list."
Ruea says, "You'll be getting scripts shortly, rehearsal is next week, please remember to be fully healed because if you bleed on my stage the stage-hands get cranky."
Zynell softly asks Remyngton, "You know he will just drag you with him right?"
Ruea says, "Arguing with me is, as always, a wasted effort."
You say, "I'll be triage for the actors and actress'."
Remyngton softly says, "Zynell he will have to catch me first."
Ruea says, "If anyone would like to for the sake of posterity, this is the moment."
Ruea says to you, "You're also in charge of drink sampling and approval."
You exclaim to Ruea, "Good for me!"
Zynell says, "Dibs on triage with kaelie."
Ruea says to Remyngton, "You will be on time and know your lines dear."
Remyngton softly says to Ruea, "Yes ma'am."
Ruea says to Remyngton, "Thank you dear."
Ruea says, "That concludes my announcements."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Ruea."
Zynell whispers, "times when triage is the best spot"
Aaiyaah asks, "Any more upcoming events folks might want to touch on?"
Zynell says, "Visions meeting tonight."
Aaiyaah says, "Alright then. So Next week..."
Aaiyaah says, "I plan on having some updates on as many petitions as possible to relay."
Ruea says to Dantia, "What was that? It tickled."
You ask, "Why do they not clean the glasses here and give it to me like a what? Souvenier?"
Aaiyaah says, "I cannot promise all of them will have updates, but some."
Szarevar says to Zynell, "Just noting the meeting. I have never been to one so may try to make that."
Zalinyar quietly says to Merilwen, "He said anyone who WANTED to."
Dantia quietly says to Ruea, "Shares a bit of extra luck with everyone in the room."
Zynell says to Szarevar, "Oh they are quite interesting and disorienting. so... true moonwalker style."
Aaiyaah asks, "Anything that needs to be brought to open floor before we adjourn?"
Merilwen says to Szarevar, "I can't believe I've been to one and you haven't."
Szarevar says to Merilwen, "I see a lot of things and I'm not sure if it's aftereffects from the things I took at college or proximity to Probability."
Szarevar says to Merilwen, "So I avoid the topic."
Aaiyaah asks, "Everyone happy with meeting locations as of late? Do you all prefer me to move meetings to spots that do not require the rope bridge?"
Mazrian says, "I mean, I wouldn't say no."
Ruea says, "I'm on a search for molten-core diamonds, please feel free to make a pile for me of the ones in your posession."
Zynell says, "If you wish to keep it."
Karthor asks, "Whether or not they require the rope bridge depends on where yer startin' from, eh?"
Merilwen says, "We have no issues with where."
Jorvak says to Aaiyaah, "Spreading them around was a good idea."
Mazrian says, "I think we should consider the Saltfisher in Riverhaven for a rotation. The fried chicken is amazing."
Aaiyaah says, "Was thinking about hold a round of them in Rossman's."
Remyngton says, "Give folks a break from the bridge from time to time."
Szarevar says, "As long as we don't have to do too many in Riverhaven. I haven't heard back from my permit request to Sir Kenamer's office and I hear the cavity searches can be brutal."
Aaiyaah asks, "Any issues with Ravens as of late?"
Ruea says to Szarevar, "Just don't tense up dear."
Elizzibiana says, "One way to avoid the bridge is easy, use the barge."
Szarevar says to Ruea, "Uh huh. Steel gauntlets. Impossible."
Kintryn says, "They have been fairly quiet up here in the norht."
Karthor says, "Haven't had any encounters lately, meself."
Ruea says to Szarevar, "No one has ever felt the need to search me beyond a general frisking, so I may not be the right person to ask."
Elizzibiana says, "Ehh, Karazhil keeps me from being frisked. That and being a former Haven citizen."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Alright, so with that , looks like we will be adjourning early today! Thank you all for coming! Meeting Adjourned!!!"