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Kintryn quietly says, "Grumble."<br />
Kintryn quietly says, "Grumble."<br />
<br />
<br />
== <code></code> ==
You yell, "For Glory!"<br />
><br />
Shenney says, "It is dark here, but you are my light."<br />
><br />
You sling a senci spear off from over your shoulder.<br />
><br />
You trace the Glyph of Light.<br />
<br />
A brief burst of pain wracks your body and your soul feels somewhat diminished. Slowly, five globes of light extrude from your fingertips and begin to glow brightly.<br />
<br />
The tiny balls of light swirl around you, darting around your body making your vision incredibly clear and lighting the area surrounding you.<br />
><br />
Shenney gazes at you.<br />
><br />
You clap your hands once in an august gesture of piety.<br />
A blazing golden light erupts from the depths of your soul! Pulsating with thin grey fractures, the glow soon spreads to the whole of your body and your spear.<br />
><br />
Also here: a calmed Shenney and a calmed Transcendent Paladin Garthur.<br />
Obvious paths: southwest.<br />
><br />
Shenney says to Garthur, "Qij is an awesome Paladin."<br />
><br />
Shenney says to Garthur, "You should strive to emulate his light."<br />

== <code> </code> ==
== <code> </code> ==

Revision as of 12:25, 3 July 2016

Status Active
Race Gnome
Gender Male
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime

--This page approved by Qij The Good One, the player of Qij, and all affiliates of Qij, Qurious Enterprises, CirQus Menagerie, and Quality Qompanionship"--


You see Qij, a Gnome.
Qij has dark eyes. His dark brown hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has smooth skin.
He is tiny for a Gnome.
He appears to be an adult.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a pink coral medallion, a black mage's robe and a large primrose sack.


It has been 419 years, 259 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 7th month of Moliko the Balance in the year of the Crystal Snow Hare.
It is currently fall and it is sunset.
You're positive it's 12 roisaen before the Anlas of Phelim's Vigil....

You follow Qij southwest.

[Observatory, Third Level] A soft sitting mat covers the floor entirely, save for a narrow strip of anti-color bordering starkly on all sides. Painted onto the crystal hemisphere, a detailed star diagram spreads over your head, marking the constellations and their positions at various times of the year.
You also see the Guildleader Kssarh, an elegant silver stand with a guild register on it, a rounded archway and a tricolored scroll.
Also here: Qij.
Obvious exits: northeast, west.

Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij says, "So we meet again."

Qij says, "I have some conditions."

Kssarh glares at Qij as he stalks about his office.

Qij says, "As I believe I am of the utmost value to this guild."

Qij says, "And should you dare to not meet them."

Kssarh glowers at Qij and waves impatiently.

Qij says, "I shall take my talents back to the sewers."

Qij asks, "Am I understood?"

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij nods to you.

You nod to Qij.

Qij says, "Leilanie, tell him my first condition."

Qij folds his arms across his chest.

You say, "Ummm..."

You fidget nervously.

Qij says, "It's ok."

Qij nods emphatically.

You hesitantly ask, "He, ummm....we wants to cause mayhem?"

Qij nods.

Qij says, "Yup."

Qij says, "And if you try to stop us..."

Qij shakes his head.

Qij says, "We walk."

Qij folds his arms across his chest.

Qij asks, "Ok?"

Qij says, "Second condition, LL."

Qij gestures at you.

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

You slowly ask, "He wants sweet peas to be readily available?"

Qij says, "Yup."

Qij says, "READILY."

Qij says, "Available."

Qij says, "If that's not something you can provide, then I question your guildleaderliness."

You say, "In an organic garden."

You nod emphatically.

Qij says, "Organic."

Qij says, "Or-Gan-Nick."

Qij says, "And tell him about the gidii."

Qij nods to you.

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij folds his arms across his chest.

Qij leans over and whispers, "welcome at all guild affairs"

Qij leans over and whispers, "and moon mage functions"

You loudly exclaim, "The gidii is the new mascot!"

Qij says, "Exactly."

Qij nods emphatically.

You shake your fist!

Qij says, "I'll give you a moment to consider."

Qij says, "This is a serious affair."

Qij says, "Not like the last time."

Qij leans over and whispers, "do you think he gets it or should we head to the sewers"

Qij gazes thoughtfully at you.

You whisper to Qij, "I think he gets it, maybe"

Qij squints.

Qij leans over and whispers, "you're right. he's tough to read"

You smile at the Guildleader Kssarh, revealing the dimples in your cheeks.

Qij squints.

Qij smiles as Kssarh whispers something to him. After a few roisaen of glaring at each other, attempting to appear stern, they exchange a handshake and appear to relax.

Qij says, "Then it's settled."

You hum happily to yourself.

Kssarh bends over and hisses something at Qij.

Kssarh suddenly hauls off and slaps Qij upside the head!

You laugh!

You quickly clasp both hands over your mouth.

Qij dusts himself off.

Kssarh looks up at Qij and says something to him.

Qij adjusts his coral medallion.

Qij removes a pink coral medallion from his neck.

Qij hangs a pink coral medallion around his neck.

Qij snuggles up to the pink gidii, who tucks Qij under one wing.

Shaking in fear, the pink gidii runs in circles before finally figuring which direction to go. Honking loudly, it runs away.

Kssarh jabs Qij sharply in the chest.

Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij says, "Yea yea."

Qij asks, "Where's my office going to be?"

Qij and Kssarh continue their conversation.

Qij asks, "Is that right?"

Kssarh extends a cupped hand to Qij for a moment.

Qij holds his hand up before his mouth and begins to cough, his shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!

Kssarh whispers a few words in Qij's ear.

Kssarh glowers at Qij.

Kssarh smiles ever-so-slightly as he continues speaking to Qij.

Kssarh glowers at Qij.

Kssarh hisses a few angry words at Qij.

You hum to yourself.

Kssarh drops a book on a table and mutters a few choice words at Qij.

Qij nods emphatically.

Qij dusts himself off.

You follow Qij west.


1. You have just enough strength to mess up someone's crafting script by dragging them to the wrong room.
2. You have just enough stealth to set Evro on fire.
3. You have just enough stealing to get a blueberry tart for Nebby.
4. You have just enough magic to gate groups of people to Ratha against their will.
5. You have just enough backstabbing to ruin Fahijeck's hunting trip.
6. You have just enough evasion to hunt near Riverlynn and she's wearing your favorite pants.
7. You have just enough discipline to machine-gun gweth.
8. Your scripts work.

Qapers of The Qij

You patter north, leading your group.
[Orphanage, Playground]
A large climbing structure juts out of an enormous sandbox that provides a relatively soft landing for any who make a misstep. A teeter-totter has been wedged down on the ground with a large block for safe travel in the dark. You also see a wooden swing.
Also here: Pathfinder Kintryn and Ruven.
Obvious paths: south.
You settle yourself on the wooden swing.
You push with your feet, causing the swing to sway from the branch with a rhythmic creaking noise.
You say, "Ok."
You say, "Tell me your problems."
You smile sweetly.
Kintryn quietly says, "Qij."
Kintryn quietly says, "So help me."
Ruven glances at you.
You exclaim, "I will!"
You turn to face Ruven.
< Moving in gracefully, you lob a senci spear at Ruven. Ruven completely fails to block with his targe. The spear lands a very heavy hit that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest, lightly stunning him.
The spear falls to the ground!
[You're solidly balanced and in superior position.]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]

Kintryn quietly says, "Grumble."

You yell, "For Glory!"
Shenney says, "It is dark here, but you are my light."
You sling a senci spear off from over your shoulder.
You trace the Glyph of Light.

A brief burst of pain wracks your body and your soul feels somewhat diminished. Slowly, five globes of light extrude from your fingertips and begin to glow brightly.

The tiny balls of light swirl around you, darting around your body making your vision incredibly clear and lighting the area surrounding you.
Shenney gazes at you.
You clap your hands once in an august gesture of piety.
A blazing golden light erupts from the depths of your soul! Pulsating with thin grey fractures, the glow soon spreads to the whole of your body and your spear.
Also here: a calmed Shenney and a calmed Transcendent Paladin Garthur.
Obvious paths: southwest.
Shenney says to Garthur, "Qij is an awesome Paladin."
Shenney says to Garthur, "You should strive to emulate his light."