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{{ShopItem|t=i|peridot worry beads carved to resemble crows|875}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|peridot worry beads carved to resemble crows|875}}


Revision as of 00:22, 13 January 2015

Elemental Emissary
Event Romancing the Seas
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Weapon shops, Armor shops, Shield shops, Jewelry shops, Magic shops, Warrior Mage shops
This store only accepts Kronars

[The Jaal Jeraya, Elemental Emissary]
Sheets of dark blue silk drape the walls and billow down from the ceiling like puffy blue clouds, lending an ephemeral quality to the room. Amidst the silken fabric hangs a single lantern which casts dancing shadows, adding to the ethereal ambiance. Clustered below the lantern are a variety of tables, pedestals, and other assorted containers holding merchandise that a surly clerk watches carefully. You also see a small trunk with some stuff on it, an arched fir door, a devices case with some stuff on it, an armor stand with some stuff on it, a weapon rack with some stuff on it, a jewelry counter with some stuff on it, a ring tray with some stuff on it, a silvery jewelry tree with some stuff on it, a peg board with some stuff on it, a hanging box, and a rounded hanging basket.
Obvious exits: none.

On the cushioned table
Item Price Done
smoky zengalmi ring carved to resemble a curled whip 16,250   !!
jagged rhodonite amulet carved in the shape of a fireshard 12,500   No
scintillating necklace crafted from tiny lemicule bubbles 17,500   No
polished animite coffin-shaped amulet set with a delicate pink erythrite rose 562,500   No
ruby-throated cambrinth crow 20,787   No
amber-eyed cambrinth wolf 20,787   
polished cambrinth wristcuff carved to resemble a rat 18,750   No
wide cambrinth wristcuff bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 21,875   !!
narrow cambrinth armband bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 14,062   No
dark cambrinth armband with an onyx raven set against silver flecks 20,000   !!
ruby-eyed cambrinth dragon 20,787   !!
red-gold cambrinth ring crafted to resemble a miniature fireball 6,250   !!
red-gold cambrinth pendant crafted to resemble a miniature fireball 8,750   !!
On the cushioned pedestal
Item Price Done
polished gaethzen sphere formed to resemble a fireball 18,750   No
On the small trunk
Item Price Done
amber-handled footbrush embedded with the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild 2,500   
ebony-handled footbrush embedded with the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild 1,500   !!
worn oak-handled footbrush embedded with the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild 437   !!
scruffy pine-handled footbrush embedded with the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild 437   !!
A smudged placard reads:
~Jest some stuffs I come across in m'travels.

Hastily scrawled is the signature: "Bungles Bunglefoot"
On the devices case
Item Price Done
onyx black widow spider earring inlaid with an ilmenite hourglass 26,250   No
heavy gold torque shaped like a ruby-eyed king snake eating its tail 10,000   !!
pale grey avaes owl charm with sparkling diamond eyes 11,250   No
heavy silver wristcuff inlaid with a star-eyed azurite panther 13,750   !!
savage-looking carved asketine wolverine pendant 8,750   No
tiny lemicule turtle set in a brushed silver ring 16,625   !!
golden owl nestled atop a polished cambrinth egg 43,750   !!
cambrinth orb wrapped with the form of a lithe leopard 38,750   !!
cambrinth ring carved to resemble a curled lizard 9,750   !!
cambrinth orb carved in the shape of a curled cat 27,500   !!
thick cambrinth armband set with a glass mosaic of a dog 20,000   !!
On the armor stand
Item Price Done
fine-linked chain armor set in the center with a circle of gems 111,250   !!!!
thick leather armor set in the center with a circle of gems 72,500   !!!!
fine-linked chain coif woven with opalescent metallic strands 2,250   !!!!
fine leather mask with transparent opalescent eyeplates 1,375   !!
lurid green oval shield etched with tendrils of lightning 250   !!!!
fine-linked chain coif woven with yellow metallic strands 2,250   No
fine-linked chain coif woven with sapphire metallic strands 2,250   No
fine-linked chain coif woven with rusted metallic strands 2,000   No
fine-linked chain coif woven with icy-blue metallic strands 2,250   !!
fine-linked chain coif woven with red metallic strands 2,250   No
stained leather mask with transparent yellow eyeplates 1,375   No
buffed leather mask with transparent sapphire eyeplates 1,875   No
cured leather mask with transparent icy-blue eyeplates 1,500   No
blackened leather mask with transparent red eyeplates 1,250   !!
leather mask with transparent eyeplates 1,125   No
dirt brown oval shield etched in bas-relief with a rounded boulder 250   No
sky-blue oval shield painted with billowing clouds 250   No
large oval shield emblazoned with the image of a tumultuous ocean 250   !!
burnished oval shield emblazoned with detailed flames 250   !!
polished oval shield emblazoned with the image of a wavering ethereal shield 250   !!
On the weapon rack
Item Price Done
gleaming silver broadsword with an opal dragon-claw pommel 9,375   No
carved oak-hilted scimitar set with an opal cut to resemble a cloud 3,750   No
carved oak-hilted scimitar set with a yellow diamond cut to resemble a boulder 3,750   
carved oak-hilted scimitar set with a sapphire wave 2,500   
carved oak-hilted scimitar set with a blue topaz sphere 2,500   
carved oak-hilted scimitar set with a white diamond lightning bolt 3,750   
carved oak-hilted scimitar set with a carved ruby flame 2,500   
gleaming silver broadsword with a yellow diamond dragon-claw pommel 9,375   No
gleaming silver broadsword with a sapphire dragon-claw pommel 6,250   
gleaming silver broadsword with a blue topaz dragon-claw pommel 6,250   
gleaming silver broadsword with a white diamond dragon-claw pommel 9,375   No
gleaming silver broadsword with a ruby dragon-claw pommel 8,750   
On the jewelry counter
Item Price Done
fine animite bracelet with dangling diamond spellbook charms 312,500   !!
slender silver bracelet with dangling crystal spellbook charms 1,625   !!
heavy gold spellbook amulet edged with an onyx spine 7,500   !!
large steel spellbook amulet edged with a blackened spine 1,875   !!
flame-carved fire opal periapt 18,750   !!
opalescent blown-glass wand earring 1,000   !!
blown-glass ice fortress pendant suspended from a black cord 1,875   !!
heavy granite ballista amulet with a thick steel chain 2,500   !!
burnished gold wedding band forged to resemble a curved wand 8,750   !!
thin silver wedding band forged to resemble a curved wand 15,000   !!
slender platinum wedding band forged to resemble a curved wand 36,250   !!
brushed silver ring set with a crystalline fist 3,750   !!
On the ring tray
Item Price Done
simple pewter ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 625   No
heavy steel ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 1,250   No
smooth engagement ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 5,625   No
polished wedding band bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 6,250   No
detailed animite ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 437,500   No
burnished platinum ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 43,750   No
white jade ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 12,500   No
brushed silver ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 2,500   No
white gold ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 10,000   No
twisted cambrinth ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild 6,250   !!
On the silvery jewelry tree
Item Price Done
silver armlet set with a mosaic of the Warrior Mage guild crest 1,375   !!
gold armlet set with a mosaic of the Warrior Mage guild crest 16,000   No
gleaming animite ring set with a miniature fir talisman 437,500   No
brushed platinum ring set with a miniature dark talisman 38,750   No
bright gold ring set with a miniature large talisman 5,375   No
burnished silver ring set with a miniature simple talisman 1,500   No
burnished gold anklet with dangling crystal spheres 9,375   No
slender silver anklet with dangling crystal spheres 2,250   !!
exquisite animite necklace with diamond familiar charms 600,000   No
elegant platinum necklace with emerald familiar charms 77,500   No
detailed gold necklace strung with polished beads sculpted in the shapes of various familiars 12,125   No
detailed silver necklace strung with polished beads sculpted in the shapes of various familiars 2,375   No
rough necklace strung with wooden beads carved in the shapes of various familiars 530   No
On the peg board
Item Price Done
burlap talisman pouch with an iron gerbil clasp 400   No
cotton talisman pouch with a silver squirrel clasp 1,250   No
leather talisman pouch with a gold dog clasp 5,000   No
velvet talisman pouch with a platinum owl clasp 15,000   !!
In the hanging box
Item Price Done
turquoise worry beads carved to resemble curled lynxes 1,000   !!
onyx worry beads carved to resemble curled panthers 875   No
lapis lazuli worry beads formed in the shape of curled leopards 1,125   No
amber worry beads carved to resemble owls 875   No
teak worry beads carved to resemble curled bears 875   No
nacre worry beads carved to resemble geese 1,125   No
cat's eye quartz worry beads carved to resemble cats 875   !!
sapphire worry beads carved to resemble falcons 1,250   No
bone worry beads carved to resemble dogs 750   No
ruby worry beads carved to resemble ravens 1,250   No
In the rounded hanging basket
Item Price Done
soft worry doll dressed in mage's robes 1,500   No
amethyst worry beads carved to resemble curled gerbils 1,000   No
jade worry beads carved in the shape of miniature turtles 1,125   No
emerald worry beads carved in the shape of tiny lizards 1,125   No
oak worry beads carved to resemble curled guinea-pigs 625   No
rose quartz worry beads carved in the shape of piglets 750   No
silver maple worry beads carved in the shape of curled rats 625   No
white pine worry beads carved to resemble squirrels 625   No
moonstone worry beads carved to resemble bats 1,250   No
ivory worry beads carved to resemble rabbits 1,000   No
peridot worry beads carved to resemble crows 875   No