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This script offers to teach your ongoing class to everyone in the room. It will not work without the triggers that set the class variable.
This script offers to teach your ongoing class to everyone in the room. It will not work without the triggers that set the class variable.

Revision as of 13:59, 13 March 2011

Teach Room (script)
Category utility
Front-end Genie
Author Isharon

This script offers to teach your ongoing class to everyone in the room. It will not work without the triggers that set the class variable.


#trigger {begins to listen to you teach the (.+) skill} {#statusbar 3 Teaching $1;#var class $1}
#trigger {^You continue to instruct your students? on (.+)\.$} {#statusbar 3 Teaching $1;#var class $1}
#trigger {^You are teaching a class on (.+) which} {#statusbar 3 Teaching $1;#var class $1}

Script (Teaches Class to Everyone)

eval players replace("$roomplayers", "Also here: ", ", ")
eval players replace("%players", " and", ",")
eval players replace("%players", ".", ", ")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is kneeling,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is lying down,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is sitting,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is behind a plexus of azure lines,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is emanating a benevolent holy aura,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is emanating a bright holy aura,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is emanating a malevolent holy aura,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is radiating a glowing aura,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is shrouded in ghostly flames,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by a fiery mantle,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by a shimmering shield,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by one circling blade of ice,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by two circling blades of ice,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by three circling blades of ice,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by four circling blades of ice,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by five circling blades of ice,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", ", [\w'-]+ ", ", ")
eval players replacere("%players", ", [\w'-]+ ", ", ")
eval players replacere("%players", ", [\w'-]+ ", ", ")
eval players replace("%players", ", ", "|")
var players %players
echo players: %players
eval total count("%players", "|")

eval player element("%players", 1)
eval number count("%players", "|%player")
var count 0
gosub RemoveLoop
action setvariable player $1 when ^@.* (\S+)$
put #parse @%player
counter set %count
gosub teach
if %players != "|" then goto Loop

eval number count("%players", "|%player|")
eval players replace("%players", "|%player|", "|")
eval players replace("%players", "||" "|")
evalmath count %count + %number
if !contains("%players", "|%player|") then return
goto RemoveLoop

counter subtract 1
put teach $class to %player
waitforre ^I could not find who you were referring to|^That person is too busy teaching|^You begin to lecture|^You have already offered to teach|is already listening to you|is listening to someone else|is not paying attention to you
if %c = 0 then return
goto teach

Script (Announces Class)

This script merely announces your class to everyone in the room.

Syntax: .class [skillset of subject]
For example, if you were teaching first aid, you would type .class survival.

send demeanor neutral
waitforre ^You decide to take things as they come

action setvariable class $1 when ^You are teaching a class on (.*) which (is still open to new students|you have currently closed to new students)
put assess teach

action setvariable level a novice's when %class.+ novice
action setvariable level a practitioner's when %class.+ practitioner
action setvariable level a dilettante's when %class.+ dilettante
action setvariable level an aficionado's when %class.+ aficionado
action setvariable level an adept's when %class.+ adept
action setvariable level an expert's when %class.+ expert
action setvariable level a professional's when %class.+ professional
action setvariable level an authority's when %class.+ authority
action setvariable level a genius's when %class.+ genius
action setvariable level a savant's when %class.+ savant
action setvariable level a master's when %class.+ master
action setvariable level a grand master's when %class.+ grand master
action setvariable level a guru's when %class.+ guru
action setvariable level a legend's when %class.+ legend

put exp %1 rp 10
waitforre Total Ranks Displayed

put '/quietly I am teaching %level class on %class if anyone wants to listen.