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(Created page with '__FORCETOC__ {{NPC |name=Sardolf Slethran |status=n |guild=Moon Mage |race=Human |gender=Male |location=Zoluren |map=- |relat=Aistria, Wyndsol, Rendric, Magan }} Sardolf Slethra…')
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The life of this Slethran was shrouded in mystery and even in death it remains so. Will the secrets surrounding this man ever be revealed or will they remain hidden in the sands of time?
The life of this Slethran was shrouded in mystery and even in death it remains so. Will the secrets surrounding this man ever be revealed or will they remain hidden in the sands of time?

351 -- Sardolf Slethran is born.
362 -- Began being tutored by local scholar. Literacy, Culture, Lore, and Other.
367 -- Realized his ability to detect mana. Began tutorage under Lazirel, a witch that studied and taught Necromancy. Sardolf was much more adept to the energy matrix of magical items than magic itself.
368 -- Ceased being taught by Lazirel as he was found unworthy of Necromantic knowledge.
372 -- Left the Velakin Desert with an Outcast detachment that was scouting the southern lands.
373 -- Settled in Shard and began living under a bridged claimed as Addlestone's.
- Met a group called Necrop (Necromancer Hunters). Befriended one Necrop and began learning of Necromancy and measures used to counter it.
- Witness to the last Necrop passing the great wall into Dark Hand.
375 -- Began working for King Raenilar as a courier.
- Met Cayene of the Blue Flame and became employed as a courier.
- (late) Became an operative within the Flame, dealing with infiltration and assassination.
376 -- Denounced affiliation with the Outcast occupying Shard and began to work in efforts to liberate the city.
- Sardolf married Aistria and adopts her son, Kaewynd, as his own.
- (late) Rendric is born.
377 -- (Year of Darkness) Took on terrorist operations as ordered by the Flame.
- Assassinated navy Personnel in attempts to help Nathak and Peace Keepers to gain a foothold.
- Eliminated Theolas, suspected spy within the Blue Flame.
- Assassinated two people within Keep walls outside of The Crossing.
378 -- Publicly began helping in the liberation of Shard.
- Began assassinating Outcast Guards within the city walls, as well as Outcast supporters.
379 -- Helped in the liberation of Shard. Killed many fellow Outcast. Was soon lynched from the city by Resistance members.
- Reindolf falls to the use of Necromancy and later confronts and is killed by Sardolf.
-(late) Lazdolf Slethran dies of old age.
-(late) Sardolf becomes known as the only man to be marked by Grey Assassins and live.
-(late) Magan Slethran is born.
381 -- Became Flame of the Blue Flame. Cayene steps down with Sardolf taking his place.
- Reorganized the Flame into a unit structure in hopes of being commissioned for the Navy. Never to happen.
- Reorganized the Blue Flame once more into an informant and operative organization. Begins carrying out hits on individuals in the name of the "People".
- Began funding research teams all over Elanthia in efforts to recover items of Necromancy.
- Eliminated resistance cell within the Blue Flame known as the Secret Society.
- Sent Slethran family into hiding.
382 -- Sardolf becomes politically out spoken against Vorclaf and begins raising support and finance to fund revolution.
384 -- Sardolf begins learning of Nightengale family and has operatives sent to search for old Nightengale artifacts connected with Necromancy.
385 -- Gains control over fractions of the Zoluren Military and Navy. Begins plans for initial uprising of Zoluren.
386 -- Battleplans for urban warefare to be carried out on The Crossing area are found in a side appartment near Taelbert's Inn. Rumors abound that they were drawn by Sardolf.
389 -- Discovers ruins of Nightengale mansion and begins focusing all resources there.
- Sardolf is assassinated for unknown reasons.
394 -- Slethran family is brought out of hiding.

Revision as of 14:58, 25 August 2010

Sardolf Slethran
Status: Dead
Guild: Moon Mage
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Relatives: Aistria, Wyndsol, Rendric, Magan

Sardolf Slethran was an Outcast turn traitor to his people during the Outcast War. A prominent figure within the Blue Flame during the war and after. (351 AV - 386 AV)

Sardolf, A Biography of

This is the recorded biography of Sardolf Slethran by an anonymous source. Given the sketchy life of Sardolf, the following documents may or may not be correct.

Early Life

It was the year of three fifty-one. Myseria, wife of Lazdolf Slethran, gave birth to their first son. This child was named Sardolf. The Slethran family lived in a small nomadic tribe somewhere in the Velakin Desert. The family was a Human family and not directly connected with the ones more commonly known as the Outcasts, but lived among many and followed suit with their culture. When Sardolf was eleven years of age his father sent him to a local scholar to be tutored. Among Sardolf's studies he was taught literature, culture, lore, and arithmetic. He was an able student and learned well, never neglecting his studies.

Around the age of sixteen Sardolf began to realize he had an extraordinary ability that his Father and Mother did not. He could detect the weave of magic. Some months went by as Sardolf struggled to control his gift, usually ending in house fires or exploding pots. A day came when his father approached him with an old decrepit woman at his side. The woman was introduced as Lazirel the Witch and was to train Sardolf to control his ability. Time passed with the Witch and Sardolf soon realized two things. One being that he was more attuned to the magical matrix imbuing items, than the weave of mana itself. The second was that Lazirel's teachings were of dark arts and Sardolf struggled with this. Never fully committing himself over to her teachings, he was soon released by the Witch whom found him unworthy of her teachings.

A couple of years passed in the Velakin Desert with Sardolf growing tired of the simple life he lived. Setting out with a party of scouts he was able to leave the Desert and travel the lands. Seeing new sites, learning of other cultures, and eventually settling down in the city of Shard. Though he fell quickly in love with his new home, life was hard. Having failed to find any sort of decent work and no means of income he soon found himself without a roof to live under. Sardolf eventually took to living under one of the local bridges and scampered through the alleys searching for food.

It was during this time that Sardolf would come across a man who pledged his life to Necrop. Quickly befriending him, Sardolf was often seen in the company of other Necrops, later it is revealed by Sardolf that they considered themselves Necromancer Hunters. Many would later come to believe that it is with Necrop that Sardolf received a majority of his knowledge about Necromancers and measures to counter their kind. What knowledge he learned from those of Necrop may never be fully understood. Only some months after coming into their company, Sardolf would watch the last of them cross over into Dark Hand. He would never see them again.

Outcast War

Sardolf finally found a means of income shortly after the Outcast marched on Shard. Allowed to approach King Raenilar, Sardolf offered his services to the King and was granted the duties of a courier. Not a week after this Sardolf would run into a man known as Cayene. He would also assume a courier position working for the Blue Flame. We can only assume Sardolf must have made some sort of impression on Cayene. It was not long before Sardolf became an operative within the Blue Flame, his main duty being infiltration and rumored to be an assassin.

In three seventy-six Ferdahl Kukakakai was executed by the Outcast. It is at this time that Sardolf denounced any affiliation with the Outcast and began working for the liberation of Shard. These were tough times for him. Sardolf was mistrusted by those against the Outcast and was considered a traitor by the Outcast. However, in this year Sardolf married a Rissan lady known as Aistria. It was noted by his closest friends just how desperately in love with Aistria he was, and how found he was of her son Kaewynd. Near the end of the year their family had grown to four as Sardolf's first and only blood son was born. His name was to be Rendric.

The following year was to be one of the worst in Sardolf's life. By this time he had dedicated his life to the Blue Flame and vowed to do anything for them. Cayene did not let the opportunity pass. Sardolf was soon ordered to begin taking on terrorist operations for the Flame. Sabotaging military equipment, sowing seeds of descent in the ranks, and setting deadly traps were among some of his doings. It is rumored that Sardolf, on orders of Cayene, played a role in eliminating Zoluren Navy soldiers in an attempt to aid Nathak who was the leader of a terrorist group known as the Peace Keepers. Nathak was once a part of the Zoluren Navy under the command of Captain Trantris. Through efforts of both Sardolf and Nathak, much of this unit was turned terrorist but was disbanded before they could steal the Proud Nissa. Sardolf was even ordered to fulfill his duty as an assassin. Two opposing figures of the Blue Flame were found dead in the Keep and it is rumored to be by Sardolf's hand. Later he was ordered to dispatch of a suspected spy in the Blue Flame. The target, Theolas, was a close friend of Sardolf's. It is recorded that after Theolas was killed that Sardolf attempted to take his own life but was stopped in the process by fellow Blue Flame. It has been quoted that he asked them to end his life. "I am no man, I am a monster! Slay me as you would any other monster!"

Sardolf was taken away by the Flame for several months after that and there is no record of what happened during this time. It was in Shard that Sardolf was once again seen. He was outspoken against King Raenilar and the occupation and began assassinating Guards and supporters of the Outcast. He was a wanted man that only one Outcast could catch. Reindolf, Sardolf's younger brother, had caught up with him on the outskirts of Shard. Unlike his older brother, Reindolf had been Lazirel's prized possession and was taught all the old Witch had known. For unknown reasons the two brothers fought. For several hours they battled one another with a frightening might of magic and fury. It was near the end that Sardolf finally gave in to darker magics and was able to slay his brother. The news of his youngest sons death at the hands of his eldest son, infuriated Lazdolf. Lazdolf forsake his eldest son saying, "On this day I have lost both my sons."

Continuing in this efforts to liberate Shard, Sardolf was there for the final battle. Killing many Outcast and some former friends he felt as if he had finally proven himself to those he had been helping. The man-hunt for any Outcast supporters afterwards resulted in Sardolf's life being marked by the Grey Assassins. He was lynched from his home of Shard and pursued by Grey Assassins until he was finally able to evade them completely. Sardolf was now an Outcast of Irony. Disowned by his family, traitor to his people, and enemy to those he helped during the war. Sardolf removed himself from society and was not seen for the next few years.

The Blue Flame

In three eighty-one Sardolf reemerged and took control of the Blue Flame. Hoping that old hostilities had passed he organized the Blue Flame into a military structure and attempted to be commissioned as a Naval unit. His dreams for the Flame crumbled as he was denied once again based on his sketchy past and relations with the Outcast. Furious with the decision, Sardolf once again reformed the Flame as an informant and operative organization. He began sending his men to carry out assassinations and terrorist operations against the Nobility of Zoluren in the name of the "People". A group within the Flame disagreed with what he was doing and plotted to have Sardolf killed. Those loyal to Sardolf informed him of this and a war broke out between the Blue Flame. The war was quiet and subtle but the evidence was overwhelming as bodies began to litter the entire city of The Crossing.

As the civil war raged Sardolf became more and more paranoid. He began sending operatives through-out the world in an attempt to find lore on Necromancy for unknown reasons. Near the end of the year three eight-one the war had reached a climax. The Blue Flame had lost a staggering sixty-one percent of his former strength. Sardolf sent his family into hiding as he began preparation for the final blow. On the last day of the year Sardolf order for Operation Firestorm to begin. The order called for all opposing Blue Flame's family and friends to be assassinated. The war was over by the new year. With the death of family and friends many of the opposing Blue Flame took who they could and fled the province.

End of an Era

Depending on who you speak with, over that past year Sardolf had either become a Hero of the People, or an Insane Terrorist. Whichever statement be true, for the next four years Sardolf would openly oppose Prince Vorclaf and raise support and finances to fund a revolution. Many in the Zoluren Military admired Sardolf for what he had done in the war against the Outcast. He quickly found support from a majority of the Zoluren Navy and elements of the Militia. As the years past his support continued to grow and a rebellion appeared on the horizon. As the seventh year arrived for the resistance it looked as if the time had finally arrived. Revolt in the streets was an every day occurrence. The Guards couldn't keep up with the crime and what military was not under Sardolf's control was weak and broken. Everything was set in stone until word arrived that changed Sardolf's life.

Since the Blue Flame Civil War, Sardolf had continued to send operatives out in search for anything related with Necromancy. The very eve that the revolution was to take place word arrived that a mansion had been discovered in Aesry. The mansion belonged to an ancient Necromantic family, the Nightengale Family. Sardolf quickly left Zoluren in direction of Aesry. Without Sardolf's leadership the revolution plans quickly evaporated and was no more. Sardolf had arrived in Aesry and had only been there a week when his corpse was found. In a small hovel he had bought, he was found laying on the floor with his heart removed from his body. To this day no-one knows the exact reason of his assassination. Outcast, Blue Flame, old military fanatics, Zoluren operatives, or Necromancers?

The life of this Slethran was shrouded in mystery and even in death it remains so. Will the secrets surrounding this man ever be revealed or will they remain hidden in the sands of time?


351 -- Sardolf Slethran is born. 362 -- Began being tutored by local scholar. Literacy, Culture, Lore, and Other. 367 -- Realized his ability to detect mana. Began tutorage under Lazirel, a witch that studied and taught Necromancy. Sardolf was much more adept to the energy matrix of magical items than magic itself. 368 -- Ceased being taught by Lazirel as he was found unworthy of Necromantic knowledge. 372 -- Left the Velakin Desert with an Outcast detachment that was scouting the southern lands. 373 -- Settled in Shard and began living under a bridged claimed as Addlestone's. - Met a group called Necrop (Necromancer Hunters). Befriended one Necrop and began learning of Necromancy and measures used to counter it. - Witness to the last Necrop passing the great wall into Dark Hand. 375 -- Began working for King Raenilar as a courier. - Met Cayene of the Blue Flame and became employed as a courier. - (late) Became an operative within the Flame, dealing with infiltration and assassination. 376 -- Denounced affiliation with the Outcast occupying Shard and began to work in efforts to liberate the city. - Sardolf married Aistria and adopts her son, Kaewynd, as his own. - (late) Rendric is born. 377 -- (Year of Darkness) Took on terrorist operations as ordered by the Flame. - Assassinated navy Personnel in attempts to help Nathak and Peace Keepers to gain a foothold. - Eliminated Theolas, suspected spy within the Blue Flame. - Assassinated two people within Keep walls outside of The Crossing. 378 -- Publicly began helping in the liberation of Shard. - Began assassinating Outcast Guards within the city walls, as well as Outcast supporters. 379 -- Helped in the liberation of Shard. Killed many fellow Outcast. Was soon lynched from the city by Resistance members. - Reindolf falls to the use of Necromancy and later confronts and is killed by Sardolf. -(late) Lazdolf Slethran dies of old age. -(late) Sardolf becomes known as the only man to be marked by Grey Assassins and live. -(late) Magan Slethran is born. 381 -- Became Flame of the Blue Flame. Cayene steps down with Sardolf taking his place. - Reorganized the Flame into a unit structure in hopes of being commissioned for the Navy. Never to happen. - Reorganized the Blue Flame once more into an informant and operative organization. Begins carrying out hits on individuals in the name of the "People". - Began funding research teams all over Elanthia in efforts to recover items of Necromancy. - Eliminated resistance cell within the Blue Flame known as the Secret Society. - Sent Slethran family into hiding. 382 -- Sardolf becomes politically out spoken against Vorclaf and begins raising support and finance to fund revolution. 384 -- Sardolf begins learning of Nightengale family and has operatives sent to search for old Nightengale artifacts connected with Necromancy. 385 -- Gains control over fractions of the Zoluren Military and Navy. Begins plans for initial uprising of Zoluren. 386 -- Battleplans for urban warefare to be carried out on The Crossing area are found in a side appartment near Taelbert's Inn. Rumors abound that they were drawn by Sardolf. 389 -- Discovers ruins of Nightengale mansion and begins focusing all resources there. - Sardolf is assassinated for unknown reasons. 394 -- Slethran family is brought out of hiding.