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==Comedy of Letters==
==Sales Floor==
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{{ShopHeader|title=On the steel rack}}<
{{ShopHeader|title=On the steel rack}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|plain postcard|625}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|plain postcard|625}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|plain lettercard|625}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|plain lettercard|625}}

Latest revision as of 20:02, 3 November 2024

Comedy of Letters
Event Hollow Eve Festival 450
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Writing shops
This store only accepts Kronars

Sales Floor

[Comedy of Letters, Sales Floor]
Simple whitewashed walls are covered with shelves and racks displaying the shop's wares. Overhead the oil lanterns illuminate the shop with clear light while the clerks move about restocking merchandise.
You also see Attendant Kossia, a tent flap, Tailor Iyte and a prominent notice.
Obvious exits: none.

A prominent notice reads:
"Welcome, Guests!  We're here to help!

Attendant Kossia specializes in custom stationery
for those who want the tone of their letters and
other correspondences to match their appearance!

Likewise, Tailor Iyte studied with Ichea in order
to craft the perfect kits for storing your
customized stationery in an organized way.

Please STUDY their options and ASK them questions
to create your favorite items!"
On the oak rack
Item Price Done
plain parchment 625   No
sheet of paper 625   No
plain notecard 625   No
plain card 625   No
plain vellum 625   No
plain papyrus 625   No
sheet of letterhead 625   No
sheet of notepaper 625   No
plain memo 625   No
sheet of cardstock 625   No
plain invitation 625   No
On the oak shelf
Item Price Done
plain missive 625   No
plain document 625   No
plain scroll 625   No
plain foolscap 625   No
plain onionskin 625   No
sheet of rag-paper 625   No
sheet of laid-paper 625   No
sheet of bond-paper 625   No
sheet of rice-paper 625   No
plain sheet 625   No
sheet of stationery 625   No
On the steel rack
Item Price Done
plain postcard 625   No
plain lettercard 625   No
plain epistle 625   No
plain note 625   No
plain report 625   No
plain bulletin 625   No
plain memorandum 625   No
plain notice 625   No
plain manuscript 625   No
plain missive 625   No
plain codex 625   No

Attendant Kossia

You've overheard others asking Kossia about a number of topics, including color1, modification, color2, symbol, choose, finish, and status.


Attendant Kossia reaches into his seasilk bindle, which seems surprisingly deep and spacious, as he pulls out a tall sign and unfurls it for you to read:

    1) an acid-green          2) an alabaster           3) an amber               4) an apple-green       
    5) an apple-red           6) an apricot             7) an aqua                8) an argent            
    9) an ash-grey           10) an aubergine          11) an auburn             12) an azure             
   13) a baby-blue           14) a banana-yellow       15) a barn-red            16) a bardic blue        
   17) a beige               18) a bisque              19) a bistre              20) a black              
   21) a blood-red           22) a blue                23) a blue-green          24) a blush pink         
   25) a bone-white          26) a brick-red           27) a brown               28) a burgundy           
   29) a burnt orange        30) a buttercup           31) a canary-yellow       32) a cardinal           
   33) a celadon             34) a cerise              35) a cerulean            36) a charcoal           
   37) a chartreuse          38) a cherry-red          39) a claret              40) a cloud-grey         
   41) a coal-black          42) a cobalt              43) a coral               44) a cornflower         
   45) a cornsilk            46) a cream               47) a crimson             48) a cyan               
   49) a daffodil            50) a dark blue           51) a dark brown          52) a dark green         
   53) a dark grey           54) a dark orange         55) a dark pink           56) a dark purple        
   57) a dark red            58) a dark yellow         59) a dove-grey           60) a dun                
   61) an ebony              62) an ecru               63) an eggshell           64) an emerald-green     
   65) a fawn-brown          66) a fern-green          67) a flame-orange        68) a flax-colored       
   69) a forest-green        70) a fuchsia             71) a garnet-red          72) a gentian            
   73) a ginger              74) a golden              75) a grass-green         76) a green              
   77) a grey                78) a heather blue        79) a heliotrope          80) a honey-colored      
   81) an ichor-green        82) an icy blue           83) an indigo             84) an inky black        
   85) an ivory              86) a jade green          87) a jet black           88) a khaki              
   89) a lavender            90) a lemon-yellow        91) a light blue          92) a light brown        
   93) a light green         94) a light grey          95) a light orange        96) a light pink         
   97) a light purple        98) a light red           99) a light yellow       100) a lilac              
  101) a lime-green         102) a liver-brown        103) a magenta            104) a mahogany           
  105) a marigold           106) a maroon             107) a mauve              108) a midnight-black     
  109) a midnight-blue      110) a mint-green         111) a moss-green         112) a mulberry           
  113) a mustard-yellow     114) a nutmeg             115) an oceanic blue      116) an ochre             
  117) an off white         118) an olive-green       119) an onyx              120) an orange            
  121) an orchid            122) a peach              123) a peacock-blue       124) a periwinkle         
  125) a pink               126) a pistachio          127) a pitch black        128) a plum               
  129) a poppy red          130) a powder-blue        131) a puce               132) a pumpkin-orange     
  133) a purple             134) a pus-yellow         135) a raspberry-pink     136) a raven-black        
  137) a red                138) a Rissan-orange      139) a rose               140) a royal blue         
  141) a russet             142) a rust-red           143) a sable              144) a saffron            
  145) a sage-green         146) a sapphire-blue      147) a scarlet            148) a sea-green          
  149) a seafoam            150) a seal-brown         151) a sepia              152) a shell-pink         
  153) a sky-blue           154) a slate-grey         155) a snow-white         156) a spring-green       
  157) a steel-grey         158) a straw-colored      159) a strawberry         160) a sunset-orange      
  161) a swamp-green        162) a taffelberry-black  163) a tan                164) a tangerine          
  165) a taupe              166) a tawny              167) a teal               168) a turquoise          
  169) an ultramarine       170) an umber             171) a verdigris          172) a vermilion          
  173) a violet             174) a violet-blue        175) a violet-red         176) a viridian           
  177) a yellow             

[ASK KOSSIA TO CHOOSE COLOR {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your paper.  While you can skip the color1 option, you must do each of the remaining steps.  When finished, ASK KOSSIA ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]


Attendant Kossia reaches into his seasilk bindle, which seems surprisingly deep and spacious, as he pulls out a tall sign and unfurls it for you to read:

    1) adorned with           2) stamped with           3) depicting              4) displaying           
    5) embellished with       6) emblazoned with        7) inked with             8) featuring            
    9) figured with          10) illustrating          11) marked with           12) embossed with        
   13) imprinted with        14) portraying            15) showcasing            16) showing              

[ASK KOSSIA TO CHOOSE MODIFICATION {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your paper.  While you can skip the color1 option, you must do each of the remaining steps.  When finished, ASK KOSSIA ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]


Attendant Kossia reaches into his seasilk bindle, which seems surprisingly deep and spacious, as he pulls out a tall sign and unfurls it for you to read:

    1) acorn                  2) albatross              3) ale-filled mug         4) anchor               
    5) badger                 6) balloon                7) bell                   8) blood wolf           
    9) boar                  10) bobcat                11) boobrie               12) bull                 
   13) bunch of grapes       14) burning torch         15) butterfly             16) curled-up cat        
   17) sitting cat           18) stalking cat          19) tabby cat             20) centaur              
   21) cantering centaur     22) chalice               23) chicken               24) cobra                
   25) coiled snake          26) comet                 27) cornucopia            28) cow                  
   29) coyote                30) howling coyote        31) crab                  32) crane                
   33) crescent moon         34) crocodile             35) crown                 36) dog                  
   37) dolphin               38) donkey                39) dove                  40) dragon               
   41) flaming dragon        42) flying dragon         43) duck                  44) erupting volcano     
   45) eye                   46) falcon                47) faiyka                48) feather              
   49) jellyfish             50) exploding fireball    51) firecat               52) flaming anvil        
   53) flickering flame      54) fox                   55) frog                  56) gargoyle             
   57) ghost                 58) goat                  59) goblin                60) goshawk              
   61) gremlin               62) gryphon               63) hanged man            64) hangman's noose      
   65) harp                  66) hawk                  67) heart                 68) hedgehog             
   69) heron                 70) sprig of holly        71) honeybee              72) horseshoe            
   73) hourglass             74) hummingbird           75) iladza                76) imp                  
   77) ivy vine              78) jackal                79) jaguar                80) jug                  
   81) kelpie                82) key                   83) kingsnake             84) kitten               
   85) knight on horseback   86) kraken                87) lamb                  88) lantern              
   89) leaping fish          90) leopard               91) leucro                92) lightning bolt       
   93) lily                  94) lion                  95) lit candle            96) lizard               
   97) lobster               98) lotus                 99) lute                 100) lyre                 
  101) magpie               102) maple leaf           103) mermaid              104) mongoose             
  105) monkey               106) mouse with cheese    107) musical notes        108) needle and thread    
  109) negeri blossom       110) nyad                 111) oak leaf             112) octopus              
  113) oil lamp             114) open book            115) orc                  116) orlog                
  117) otter                118) owl                  119) ox                   120) padlock              
  121) pair of dice         122) palm tree            123) panther              124) parrot               
  125) peacock              126) pelican              127) pen and inkwell      128) peony                
  129) phoenix              130) pine cone            131) pine tree            132) plow                 
  133) pumpkin              134) racoon               135) raindrop             136) ram                  
  137) rat                  138) raven in flight      139) rearing horse        140) rearing unicorn      
  141) roaring lion         142) rooster              143) rosebud              144) running horse        
  145) sailing ship         146) sana'ati dyaus leaf  147) set of scales        148) scarecrow            
  149) scorpion             150) rolled up scroll     151) scythe               152) seahorse             
  153) seashell             154) seven-pointed star   155) shariza              156) shark                
  157) sheaf of grain       158) flock of sheep       159) shrew                160) shrike               
  161) skeleton             162) skull and crossbones 163) skunk                164) snail                
  165) snarling wolf        166) snow-capped mountain 167) snowbeast            168) snowflake            
  169) spider in a web      170) spoked wheel         171) sprite               172) squirrel             
  173) stack of books       174) stack of coins       175) stag                 176) stork                
  177) storm goose          178) striking adder       179) sunburst             180) sunflower            
  181) swamp troll          182) swan                 183) target               184) tart                 
  185) telescope            186) thistle              187) thundercloud         188) tiger                
  189) toadstool            190) togball              191) tombstone            192) triskele             
  193) turkey               194) turtle               195) umbrella             196) unicorn              
  197) Vela'tohr blossom    198) velver               199) viper                200) wand                 
  201) weasel               202) wedge of cheese      203) welkin               204) whale                
  205) willow tree          206) windmill             207) wineglass            208) witch's hat          
  209) wolf                 210) wolverine            211) woodpecker           212) wren                 
  213) wyvern               214) yak                  215) yeehar               216) zombie               

[ASK KOSSIA TO CHOOSE SYMBOL {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your paper.  While you can skip the color1 option, you must do each of the remaining steps.  When finished, ASK KOSSIA ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]

Tailor Iyte

You've overheard others asking Iyte about a number of topics, including color, container, modification, style, symbol, type, choose, finish, and status.


Tailor Iyte pulls a scroll from his carryall and unrolls it for you to read:

    1) acid-green             2) alabaster              3) amber                  4) apple-green          
    5) apple-red              6) apricot                7) aqua                   8) argent               
    9) ash-grey              10) aubergine             11) auburn                12) azure                
   13) baby-blue             14) banana-yellow         15) barn-red              16) bardic blue          
   17) beige                 18) bisque                19) bistre                20) black                
   21) blood-red             22) blue                  23) blue-green            24) blush-pink           
   25) bone-white            26) brick-red             27) brown                 28) burgundy             
   29) burnt orange          30) buttercup             31) canary-yellow         32) cardinal             
   33) celadon               34) cerise                35) cerulean              36) charcoal             
   37) chartreuse            38) cherry-red            39) claret                40) cloud-grey           
   41) coal-black            42) cobalt                43) coral                 44) cornflower           
   45) cornsilk              46) cream                 47) crimson               48) cyan                 
   49) daffodil              50) dark blue             51) dark brown            52) dark green           
   53) dark grey             54) dark orange           55) dark pink             56) dark purple          
   57) dark red              58) dark yellow           59) dove-grey             60) dun                  
   61) ebony                 62) ecru                  63) eggshell              64) emerald-green        
   65) fawn-brown            66) fern-green            67) flame-orange          68) flax-colored         
   69) forest-green          70) fuchsia               71) garnet-red            72) gentian              
   73) ginger                74) golden                75) grass-green           76) green                
   77) grey                  78) heather-blue          79) heliotrope            80) honey-colored        
   81) ichorous green        82) icy blue              83) indigo                84) inky black           
   85) ivory                 86) jade-green            87) jet-black             88) khaki                
   89) lavender              90) lemon-yellow          91) light blue            92) light brown          
   93) light green           94) light grey            95) light orange          96) light pink           
   97) light purple          98) light red             99) light yellow         100) lilac                
  101) lime-green           102) liver-brown          103) magenta              104) mahogany             
  105) marigold             106) maroon               107) mauve                108) midnight-black       
  109) midnight-blue        110) mint-green           111) moss-green           112) mulberry             
  113) mustard-yellow       114) nutmeg               115) oceanic blue         116) ochre                
  117) off white            118) olive-green          119) onyx                 120) orange               
  121) orchid               122) peach                123) peacock-blue         124) periwinkle           
  125) pink                 126) pistachio            127) pitch-black          128) plum                 
  129) poppy-red            130) powder-blue          131) puce                 132) pumpkin-orange       
  133) purple               134) pus-yellow           135) raspberry-pink       136) raven-black          
  137) red                  138) Rissan-orange        139) rose                 140) royal blue           
  141) russet               142) rust-red             143) sable                144) saffron              
  145) sage-green           146) sapphire-blue        147) scarlet              148) sea-green            
  149) seafoam              150) seal-brown           151) sepia                152) shell-pink           
  153) sky-blue             154) slate-grey           155) snow-white           156) spring-green         
  157) steel-grey           158) straw-colored        159) strawberry           160) sunset-orange        
  161) swamp-green          162) taffelberry-black    163) tan                  164) tangerine            
  165) taupe                166) tawny                167) teal                 168) turquoise            
  169) ultramarine          170) umber                171) verdigris            172) vermilion            
  173) violet               174) violet-blue          175) violet-red           176) viridian             
  177) yellow               
As you peruse the list, Iyte expounds, "While some of my associates are willing to rework a design multiple times, all of my sales are final.  If you wish to change the design of a kit we finish, you'll need to purchase a new one -- I won't further modify a finished design you agreed to.  No exceptions, no refunds, no exchanges."
[ASK IYTE TO CHOOSE COLOR {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding the item you wish to create a stacker for.  Iyte will only do work for packaging such as envelopes or packages, waxes, and parchments to be used with MAIL.  When finished, ASK IYTE ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]


Tailor Iyte pulls a scroll from his carryall and unrolls it for you to read:

    1) bag                    2) basket                 3) box                    4) bundle               
    5) case                   6) chest                  7) dispenser              8) kit                  
    9) pouch                 10) tote                 
As you peruse the list, Iyte expounds, "While some of my associates are willing to rework a design multiple times, all of my sales are final.  If you wish to change the design of a kit we finish, you'll need to purchase a new one -- I won't further modify a finished design you agreed to.  No exceptions, no refunds, no exchanges."
[ASK IYTE TO CHOOSE CONTAINER {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding the item you wish to create a stacker for.  Iyte will only do work for packaging such as envelopes or packages, waxes, and parchments to be used with MAIL.  When finished, ASK IYTE ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]


Tailor Iyte pulls a scroll from his carryall and unrolls it for you to read:

    1) adorned with           2) decked out with        3) decorated with         4) depicting            
    5) displaying             6) embellished with       7) emblazoned with        8) featuring            
    9) figured with          10) illustrating          11) marked with           12) portraying           
   13) imprinted with        14) showcasing            15) showing               16) stamped with         
As you peruse the list, Iyte expounds, "While some of my associates are willing to rework a design multiple times, all of my sales are final.  If you wish to change the design of a kit we finish, you'll need to purchase a new one -- I won't further modify a finished design you agreed to.  No exceptions, no refunds, no exchanges."
[ASK IYTE TO CHOOSE MODIFICATION {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding the item you wish to create a stacker for.  Iyte will only do work for packaging such as envelopes or packages, waxes, and parchments to be used with MAIL.  When finished, ASK IYTE ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]


Tailor Iyte pulls a scroll from his carryall and unrolls it for you to read:

    1) ashen                  2) crude                  3) crudely crafted        4) deformed             
    5) elongated              6) felt-lined             7) ink-stained            8) leather-lined        
    9) misshapen             10) oily                  11) padded                12) reinforced           
   13) salt-stained          14) stained               15) velvet-lined          16) warped               
   17) wax-covered           18) waxed leather         19) well-crafted          20) (blank)              
As you peruse the list, Iyte expounds, "While some of my associates are willing to rework a design multiple times, all of my sales are final.  If you wish to change the design of a kit we finish, you'll need to purchase a new one -- I won't further modify a finished design you agreed to.  No exceptions, no refunds, no exchanges."
[ASK IYTE TO CHOOSE STYLE {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding the item you wish to create a stacker for.  Iyte will only do work for packaging such as envelopes or packages, waxes, and parchments to be used with MAIL.  When finished, ASK IYTE ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]


Tailor Iyte pulls a scroll from his carryall and unrolls it for you to read:

    1) adders                 2) albatrosses            3) ampules                4) arrows               
    5) barrels                6) black widow spiders    7) blossoms               8) bottles              
    9) candles               10) cauldrons             11) censers               12) centaurs             
   13) charms                14) cigars                15) claws                 16) cobras               
   17) coiled ropes          18) coins                 19) cows                  20) coyotes              
   21) crossbow charms       22) crossed lance charms  23) crowns                24) cups                 
   25) dagger charms         26) dice charms           27) dolphins              28) donkeys              
   29) doves                 30) dragonflies           31) eagles                32) eyes                 
   33) feather charms        34) fish charms           35) flowers               36) forger's tongs       
   37) four-leafed clovers   38) galleons              39) goshawks              40) hammer charms        
   41) herb charms           42) herons                43) honey bees            44) horned owls          
   45) icicles               46) igloos                47) jackals               48) jellybeans           
   49) jellyfish             50) jaguars               51) kegs                  52) king snakes          
   53) knitting needles      54) kraken charms         55) leaves                56) lions                
   57) lockpicks             58) magpies               59) mongooses             60) needles              
   61) nightingales          62) octopus charms        63) orlogs                64) oxen                 
   65) panthers              66) phoenixes             67) pickaxe charms        68) quills               
   69) raccoons              70) rams                  71) ravens                72) roses                
   73) runestone charms      74) scorpions             75) seashells             76) seven-pointed stars  
   77) sharks                78) shield charms         79) shrews                80) shrikes              
   81) skulls                82) spiderwebs            83) stars                 84) tabby cats           
   85) talons                86) tricorns              87) unicorns              88) vipers               
   89) vultures              90) wand charms           91) weasels               92) welkins              
   93) wild boars            94) wolverines            95) wolves                96) wraiths              
   97) wrens                 98) wyverns               99) yaks                 100) zombies              
As you peruse the list, Iyte expounds, "While some of my associates are willing to rework a design multiple times, all of my sales are final.  If you wish to change the design of a kit we finish, you'll need to purchase a new one -- I won't further modify a finished design you agreed to.  No exceptions, no refunds, no exchanges."
[ASK IYTE TO CHOOSE SYMBOL {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding the item you wish to create a stacker for.  Iyte will only do work for packaging such as envelopes or packages, waxes, and parchments to be used with MAIL.  When finished, ASK IYTE ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]


Tailor Iyte pulls a scroll from his carryall and unrolls it for you to read:

    1) ash-dusted             2) battered               3) broken fragments of    4) charms of            
    5) charred                6) colorful               7) complex                8) crystalline          
    9) faded                 10) gemstone              11) glitter-drenched      12) glitter-dusted       
   13) glittered             14) large                 15) minuscule             16) modest               
   17) mud-covered           18) oversized             19) painted               20) simple               
   21) soot-covered          22) stone                 23) tiled                 24) tiny                 
   25) weathered             26) wooden               
As you peruse the list, Iyte expounds, "While some of my associates are willing to rework a design multiple times, all of my sales are final.  If you wish to change the design of a kit we finish, you'll need to purchase a new one -- I won't further modify a finished design you agreed to.  No exceptions, no refunds, no exchanges."
[ASK IYTE TO CHOOSE TYPE {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding the item you wish to create a stacker for.  Iyte will only do work for packaging such as envelopes or packages, waxes, and parchments to be used with MAIL.  When finished, ASK IYTE ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]