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Known Sylvan Ephemera (8)

Alluring Taisidonian sirenrarefaeTaisidon IslandComposed of the essence of pure melody, the creature's lithe frame is surrounded by a shimmering auditory vortex that causes her form to shudder from within an ever-changing kaleidoscope of harmonic energies. Flowing like liquid gold, hair cascades down her back as her eyes, two pools as deep and as dark blue as the ocean, undulate in hypnotic waves that synchronize their rhythm with the manifestation of her being. She is at once beautiful and terrifying to gaze upon for too long, as one cannot help but feel an otherworldly desire to never look away.
Blight maggotcommonbeastBoar Clan (Pilgrimage Trail)The blight maggot looks like a giant leech. Its slimy surface glistens with a disgusting black ooze, with intermittent eruptions of sickly yellow pus. The repulsive beast leaps to and fro with frightening speed, seemingly uninterested in the crawling of its smaller brethren.
Conifer-cone spawncommonconstructWolf Clan
Aesry (Birch Path)
Gor'Tog District (SW of Outer Hib)
Byproducts of an Awaken Forest spell gone awry, these benign little constructs are encountered in most coniferous forests.
Flower spritecommonfaeMistwood Forest (east of Rossman's Landing)
Fang Cove
Horse Clan
Aesry (Woodland Path)
Boar Clan
Pale grey death squirrel (ephemeron)commonundeadArthe Dale
Shh'oi paguur (ephemeron)uncommonbeastTaisidon IslandThe small monkey has large eyes ringed with white circles, giving it a constant look of surprise. Its prehensile tail is also ringed with white, and its paws, with their typically opposable thumbs, are reddish in color with white fingers. Found in the Taisidon jungles, the shh'oi paguur is infamous for its thieving ways and love of guavas.
Sycamore dryadcommonfaeForest of Night
Two-headed addercommonbeastAsketi's MountThese animals are one of the many uncanny byproducts of the polluted waters flowing from Asketi's Mount.

Pages in category "Sylvan ephemera"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.