Crystal City Players/Logs/Interview With a Spy: Difference between revisions

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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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(Shaylynne motions with her head toward another figure moving along the main thoroughfare just outside the alley in which the group is hidden.)
(Shaylynne motions with her head toward another figure moving along the main thoroughfare just outside the alley in which the group is hidden.)

Senthic nods to Shaylynne.
Senthic nods to Shaylynne.

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Ezerak quietly asks, "No, it couldn't be... could it?" he takes a step toward the desk, eyeing the drawers carefully. "Would she really be clever enough to know the most obvious hiding place is the last place I'd look?"
Ezerak quietly asks, "No, it couldn't be... could it?" he takes a step toward the desk, eyeing the drawers carefully. "Would she really be clever enough to know the most obvious hiding place is the last place I'd look?"

(Ezerak glances toward a door leading deeper into the house, the sound of approaching footsteps hastening his strides toward the desk. In a rush, he opens each drawer with less care for discretion, dumping the contents onto the floor. His lips curl into a slow smile as a false bottom drops out from under the final drawer in his hand, the carefully rolled parchment scroll falling from within, landing at Alastor's feet just as the door creaks open.)
(Ezerak glances toward a door leading deeper into the house, the sound of approaching footsteps hastening his strides toward the desk. In a rush, he opens each drawer with less care for discretion, dumping the contents onto the floor. His lips curl into a slow smile as a false bottom drops out from under the final drawer in his hand, a carefully rolled parchment scroll falling from within, landing at Alastor's feet just as the door creaks open.)

(Siendra steps into the room, a dagger in one hand and a candle in the other.)
(Siendra steps into the room, a dagger in one hand and a candle in the other.)
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(Senthic draws a dagger from inside his pocket, revealing it as the same weapon used against Rowena. Turning to Alastor, he takes a step toward him, bent on revenge, paused only by the loaded bolt of Alastor's weapon shifting in his direction.)
(Senthic draws a dagger from inside his pocket, revealing it as the same weapon used against Rowena. Turning to Alastor, he takes a step toward him, bent on revenge, paused only by the loaded bolt of Alastor's weapon shifting in his direction.)

Ezerak says to Senthic, "That was my original plan, really. The only reason you re still alive is because that one," he flicks his head toward Thalia, "insisted I not kill you on the spot."
Ezerak says to Senthic, "That was my original plan, really. The only reason you're still alive is because that one," he flicks his head toward Thalia, "insisted I not kill you on the spot."

(Ayrell takes a step back, clutching her journal against her chest and observing the goings on from a safe distance against the wall.)
(Ayrell takes a step back, clutching her journal against her chest and observing the goings on from a safe distance against the wall.)

Latest revision as of 12:06, 19 August 2023

Interview With a Spy was the sixth performance conducted by the Crystal City Players. It was a "spy vs spy" style play, co-written by Ayrell Evyntine and Ezerak Evyntine-Vershir.


Playwright/Director/Verity - Ayrell Evyntine

Co-playwright/Alastor - Ezerak Evyntine-Vershir

Rowena - Siendra Vauns'Arotru

Thalia - Shaylynne Kendiahle

Elias - Senthic Heru'Armiarma

Colson - Nyrhin Essrotha


Lady of Elamiri Ayrell came through a thick dark curtain.

Ayrell smiles.

Ayrell says, "Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Shoan a Sidelkuloa."

Ayrell smiles graciously out at the audience.

Ayrell says, "Tonight, we have a very special performance in store. An original production, co-written by myself and Ezerak, that we call... Interview With a Spy. As the show is somewhat lengthy, I promised to keep our introduction this evening short, so without further ado, The Crystal City Players welcome you and we hope you enjoy the show."

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Ayrell smiles one last time at the audience and makes her way gracefully off stage.

Act One

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The stage lights rise to reveal what appears to be an exclusive establishment, the decor of high quality, with plush chairs around exquisite tables, and a fully stocked bar off to one side.  Seated at one of the tables, a male and a female can be seen, nursing their drinks, and conversing in hushed tones that build in volume as the spotlight settles on them."

Shaylynne exclaims, "Here's to another successful mission!"

(Shaylynne raises her drink toward Elias.)

(Senthic raises his drink, clanking his glass against Thalia's.)

Senthic says, "And praise the Immortals it's over."

(Senthic tips his head back, swallowing the contents of his drink in a single swallow.)

Shaylynne nods at Senthic, obviously agreeing with his views.

(Shaylynne follows Elias's lead, leaning her head back and chugging her drink, coughing slightly as she returns her empty glass to the table, staring into its depths as if willing it to be full again.)

Shaylynne says, "On second thought, maybe we should have ordered the entire bottle."

(Siendra approaches the table with an empty mug and a bottle of brandy in hand.)

Siendra says, "Ask and you shall receive."

Siendra winks at Shaylynne.

Siendra smiles at Elias, her expression one of utter adoration as she expertly opens the bottle, refilling the empty mugs on the table before filling her own and taking her place in the empty chair beside Elias.

Siendra says, "After what you two have been through the past few weeks, I thought you could use it."

Senthic gazes fondly at Siendra.

Senthic lovingly says to Siendra, "Thank you, Rowena," he smiles, leaning in to place a tender kiss on Rowena's cheek. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Siendra teasingly says, "You two would have to serve your own drinks, for one," she grins, playfully tapping her index finger over Elias's nose. Leaning back slightly, she retrieves a folded piece of parchment from inside the neckline of her bodice, pressing it between two fingers as she holds it up for Elias to see. "For two, Colson would have to find someone else to play courier for these missives."

(Shaylynne leans across the table, snatching the parchment from Rowena's hands.)

Shaylynne asks, "Another mission?"

Senthic says, "So soon?" he reaches for the letter, his fingers only just missing it as Thalia leans back in her seat. "We only just finished our last one. I expected Vaile would be reeling from that loss for a while."

(Shaylynne gazes at the wax seal that secures the document.)

Shaylynne says, "Looks like we expected wrong."

(Shaylynne flips the letter over, observing it for anything out of the ordinary before sliding her finger under the fold to break the seal.)

Shaylynne asks, "What are the chances that these orders will involve a tropical vacation and drinks on a beach?"

Siendra chuckles.

Siendra says, "Slim to none, I'd say."

Senthic grins.

Senthic says to Siendra, "We can always hope."

(Shaylynne opens the letter, her eyes slowly scanning the contents, reading it over once, twice... three times... her expression one of intense focus and concentration.)

Senthic impatiently asks Shaylynne, "Well? What is it? Are we going on vacation?"

(Shaylynne passes the letter to Elias.)

Shaylynne says, "Not quite."

(Senthic peruses the letter, looking decidedly more uncomfortable with every line he takes in.)

Senthic says, "An artifact capable of raising the dead?" he looks up, glancing between Rowena and Thalia. "Why would Colson assign us something like this? Matters of magic aren't exactly in our wheelhouse."

Shaylynne says, "He's not asking us to *use* it. He's just asking us to find it. Preferably, before Vaile does. But, if Colson knows about it, I'd wager Vaile does, too. The man has eyes everywhere."

Siendra shudders.

Siendra asks, "Can you just imagine an artifact like that in Vaile's hands?"

Senthic says, "I prefer not to," he continues reading the letter, blinking in surprise at something else written there. "Hold up... what is -."

Shaylynne says, "Ah, right. I almost forgot about that second part."

Siendra glances at Shaylynne.

Siendra glances at Senthic.

Siendra asks, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Shaylynne says to Siendra, "Seems Colson has a reporter friend who is looking for someone in our profession with whom she can conduct some kind of... hands-on interview. Colson owes her a favor and we are... as he says... the absolute best in our field, therefore - he has chosen us to show her around."

Siendra blinks.

Siendra says, "But... What about your identities? Your work is dangerous enough without adding exposure to an already too long list of threats. Every villain you've ever thwarted would be beating down your doors."

Senthic says, "Most of the villains we've thwarted already know who we are. The problem is more with the villains we have yet to thwart. If everyone on Elanthia knows our names, it would make it decidedly more difficult to get around unnoticed."

Shaylynne says, "We could be famous."

(Shaylynne straightens in her seat, adjusting her collar and jutting her chin forward in an exaggerated display of pride.)

Senthic chuckles to himself.

Senthic says, "More like INfamous," he lowers his gaze back to the letter, reading over one more time with a sigh. "The only reason I'm tempted is because Colson vouches for the girl's skill at discretion. According to him, no names will be used."

Shaylynne says, "My personal favorite, however, is this part here," she leans across the table, tapping her index finger against a line on the letter, quoting the text aloud, "My friend would be very grateful for your cooperation and is willing to pay a handsome sum in compensation for your troubles."

Siendra glances at Shaylynne.

Siendra glances at Senthic.

Siendra slowly asks, "How handsome?"

(Senthic turns the letter toward Rowena, indicating a number on the page that causes Rowena's eyes to open wide in disbelief.)

Siendra gazes at Senthic.

Siendra softly says to Senthic, "With that kind of money, you and I could finally afford to pay for the wedding we've been dreaming about for so long."

Senthic softly says to Siendra, "With that kind of money, I could give you everything I ever promised you we could have."

Shaylynne says, "With that kind of money, I could buy myself a small island somewhere and live out my days on a tropical beach with a drink in my hand - since Colson seems determined to never make that our mission."

Senthic gazes at Siendra.

Senthic asks Siendra, "What do you think we should do?"

Siendra nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Siendra says to Senthic, "You did say Colson promised the girl would be discreet."

Shaylynne says, "And very... very appreciative, in the form of many... many platinums."

(Senthic stares down at the letter, deep in thought, seemingly undecided, yet tempted.)

Senthic says, "This mission isn't going to be an easy one. If we agree to this, we could be placing the girl in direct danger by allowing her to follow us to any of the places this artifact might require us to go."

Shaylynne says, "She's the one who asked for an interview with a spy. If she doesn't know what she's getting into with a request like that, I say that's a "her" problem, not an "ours"."

(Senthic gives one last contemplative look at the letter before lifting his gaze to meet Rowena's with a smile.)

Senthic says, "In that case, I say we do it. Colson wouldn't ask it of us if he didn't vouch for the girl. So long as we're careful, we can give this reporter a story worth writing and retire off the profits while ensuring this artifact remains safely out of Vaile's reach for good."

Shaylynne asks, "Besides," she shrugs, lifting her drink to offer a toast, "It is but an interview. What could possibly go wrong?"

Act Two

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The lights dim and the curtain lowers to the sound of clinking glasses as the three celebrate their impending increase of wealth.  When the curtain rises again, the luxurious tavern has been replaced by the scene of a darkened alley with three cloaked figures huddled in the shadows, searching the area warily."

Shaylynne quietly asks, "I'm still not sure I'm comfortable with this whole reporter idea. On the surface, it sounded tempting, at first, but the more I think about it, it feels more like an unnecessary risk. This artifact is no small trophy. What if she does something to compromise the mission?"

Senthic quietly says, "Colson wouldn't have made the arrangements if there was any chance of that happening. He's never been a fool before. It's unlikely he'd start being one now."

Shaylynne quietly says, "He's sending a reporter to follow two spies on what is, by far, the most sensitive mission we've ever been given. I don't know about you, but that sounds like foolishness."

Siendra quietly says, "I didn't hear you complaining when you were planning your early retirement."

Shaylynne quietly says, "That was then. I've had more time to think about it and I think I've changed my mind."

Senthic quietly says, "Well, you should have thought about that sooner. Because I'm pretty sure that's her - so there's no turning back now."

(Senthic gestures toward a shadowy figure making its way toward them through the alley. The outline appears feminine, though no features are visible until it steps into the light illuminating the others, revealing a woman dressed in black from head-to-toe. Her long black hair is pinned behind her head in a stylish twist with two lone, elegant spirals left to frame her face and accentuate the delicate pair of spectacles rested atop her nose.)

Ayrell smiles as she observes the three figures standing before her, reaching into a satchel strapped across her shoulder to retrieve a small journal and a piece of charcoal from inside.

(Ayrell opens the journal, readying her charcoal with a look of intent in her eyes.)

Ayrell pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Ayrell asks, "I am so sorry I am late. What have I missed so far?"

Senthic glances at Shaylynne.

Shaylynne glances at Senthic.

Shaylynne glances at Ayrell.

Shaylynne asks Ayrell, "Other than an introduction?"

Ayrell blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Ayrell asks, "Oh, dear. How silly of me. Yes, of course," she rests her charcoal in the spine of the book to free her hand, extending it toward Thalia in greeting, "My name is Verity. It is such a pleasure to meet you," she glances down at the notes in her journal then back up at Thalia. "You look to be... Thalia, is it?"

(Shaylynne shakes Verity's hand, eyeing her with a defeated sigh before turning a strained look upon Elias.)

Shaylynne says to Senthic, "At least she *dressed* discreetly."

Senthic chuckles to himself.

Senthic laughingly says to Shaylynne, "You were the one who asked for an introduction."

Senthic smiles at Ayrell.

Senthic says to Ayrell, "I'm Elias. This here is Rowena," he gestures at Rowena with a fond smile. "She's not a spy, but she may as well be, for all the work she does for Thalia and myself. Though, I would ask that you keep her name to yourself, much like we've been promised you will do with ours."

Ayrell says, "On my honor, your identities are safe with me."

Senthic nods to Ayrell.

Senthic asks, "Good. Now that that's out of the way, what is it exactly you're looking for from us?"

Ayrell smiles at Senthic.

Ayrell asks, "I am not looking for much. Mostly an opportunity to observe and take a few notes... and ask questions, of course. For instance: What is the plan this evening? You all look dressed and ready for action. Are we going to bring some bad guys to justice?"

(Ayrell retrieves her charcoal from the journal, readying it in her hand and looking between Elias, Rowena, and Thalia in expectant anticipation.)

Shaylynne says, "If by "bring some bad guys to justice," you mean "intercept the delivery of a map," then yes, we are going to bring some bad guys to justice."

Ayrell jots down some notes.

Ayrell asks, "Right, yes. The map. Colson mentioned something about that. It is being delivered? Exchanged?"

Siendra blinks at Ayrell.

Siendra asks Ayrell, "Colson told you about the mission?"

Ayrell nods to Siendra.

Ayrell says, "Artifact. Necromancy. It all sounds utterly fascinating."

Senthic says, "Dangerous is more like it. You'd do well to keep behind us and to the shadows. Distance is the only way we can - maybe - assure your safety."

Shaylynne just nudged Senthic.

Shaylynne quietly says, "That's our cue."

(Shaylynne motions with her head toward another figure moving along the main thoroughfare just outside the alley in which the group is hidden.)

Senthic nods to Shaylynne.

Senthic quietly says, "That it is. Rowena, you stay here," he looks at Rowena with a combination of apology and concern. "I can't have anything happening to you. And Verity," he glances at Verity. "I can't tell you what to do, so just... keep out of the way and unseen."

(Senthic starts to move toward the alley's exit with Thalia on his heels.)

(Ayrell hurries to try and keep up, her journal and charcoal still in hand.)

(Ayrell pushes her spectacles further up her nose as she picks up her pace.)

Ayrell quietly asks Senthic, "So what is the plan?"

(Shaylynne points at the figure.)

Shaylynne quietly says, "That person is the contact receiving the map. We don't want to kill anyone if we don't have to, so we're going to go for the old swap game. Render the contact incapacitated, take his cloak, put it on Elias, and have him receive the map instead. The courier will never know the difference and neither will their boss."

Ayrell quietly says, "Brilliant."

Ayrell jots down some notes.

Shaylynne glances at Ayrell.

Shaylynne shakes her head.

Shaylynne sighs.

(Ayrell hangs back to watch as Elias and Thalia approach the cloaked figure on the street, their movements subtle, stealthy. Revealing impeccable skill and experience in their craft. With barely a scuffle to draw attention to their efforts, Thalia renders the figure unconscious with a well-aimed strike to the head, catching the body before it can fall and dragging it into another alley with Elias following close behind.)

(Senthic emerges from the alley wearing the cloak of the fallen figure, pulling the hood over his head and taking the figure's place at the meeting point on the street.)

Shaylynne crooks her finger, motioning Ayrell to come closer.

(Ayrell hurries over to stand with Thalia in the shadows.)

Ayrell quietly asks Shaylynne, "What do we do now?"

Shaylynne quietly says, "We wait."

(Senthic remains vigilant, standing watch over the street. As another figure starts to move toward him, he tugs the hood of his cloak lower to conceal his face, greeting the courier with a curt nod. Without a word exchanged, the courier nods back, handing over a rolled up parchment scroll, and quickly turning to disappear back into the shadows.)

(Senthic waits several moments to make sure the courier is gone before moving to meet the others back in the alley where they left Rowena.)

Senthic quietly says, "That was almost too easy."

Shaylynne quietly says, "Hey, we'll take easy where we can get it."

(Ayrell steps in closer, listening, watching, but not saying anything.)

Siendra quietly asks, "Is it the map?"

(Senthic unties the ribbon securing the scroll and opens it, a slow smile forming across his lips.)

Senthic quietly says, "This looks like retirement to me."

Senthic smiles at Siendra.

Senthic quietly says to Siendra, "I hope you're ready for a honeymoon."

Siendra beams at Senthic!

(Ayrell leans closer to get a better view of the map, jotting down some notes in her journal.)

Ayrell quietly asks, "Are you familiar with the location this points to?"

(Ayrell gestures at the map.)

Senthic nods to Ayrell.

Senthic quietly says, "I am. We just have to make sure Vaile doesn't learn of its whereabouts before we can get there."

Shaylynne quietly says, "We'll need to hide the map. I could take it and put it somewhere safe."

Senthic shakes his head.

Senthic quietly says, "No. If Vaile becomes aware that you and I have intercepted this, our homes are the first place he'll look."

Siendra quietly says, "I could take it to mine? Vaile may know of our connection, but he doesn't know how closely I work with the two of you. He may not suspect me, at least not at first, and by the time he does, the artifact should be long gone and in Colson's hands."

Shaylynne quietly says, "I'm not sure that's wise."

Senthic quietly says, "I actually think it's perfect," he rolls the scroll back up, securing the tie and handing it to Rowena. "Just be extra careful with this. Put it somewhere no one would think to look. Thalia and I will come by tomorrow night to retrieve it on our way to the location. The sooner this artifact is in our possession, the better."

(Siendra accepts the parchment and tucks it away in her satchel.)

Siendra quietly says, "I'll protect it with my life," she leans in and kisses Elias on the cheek. "You two be safe. I'll see you tomorrow."

Act Three

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The lights lower to cast the theater in momentary darkness, the sound of footsteps echoing along the stage to indicate the group making their way from the alley and back to their homes.  Silence lingers for several seconds before a single set of footsteps return, slow and precise, soon followed by another.  When the lights come up, the alley remains dimly lit, a lone figure standing pressed against the building, his head leaning around the corner to speak with someone seemingly hidden on the other side."

Ezerak asks, "I received your summons. You have news?"

You hear a quiet voice say, "I have more than news, Alastor. I have orders. If you think you can handle it."

Ezerak asks, "When have I ever not handled your orders?"

You hear a quiet voice say, "Just be quiet and listen. I don't have much time."

Ezerak nods.

You hear a voice say, "There is a map. The one I was telling Vaile about. I've seen it with my own eyes and can confirm it marks the supposed location of the artifact."

Ezerak asks, "That's rather convenient, though I fail to see why you're telling me about it. Aren't you the one who's supposed to be in close to get these sorts of things from Colson's minions?"

You hear a quiet voice ask, "You know my abilities are limited. The map has been given to the girl, Rowena. What I need from you is to find where she's hiding it and pilfer it without drawing attention to my involvement. Do you understand?"

Ezerak asks, "We're resorting to petty burglary now?"

You hear a quiet voice say, "Last I checked, your job is to take orders, not question them."

Ezerak chuckles.

Ezerak smugly says, "Very well. Your wish is my command."

(Ezerak bows to the shadows and starts to walk away.)

You hear a quiet voice ask, "Oh, and Alastor?"

(Ezerak pauses mid-stride, turning halfway to look back at the edge of the building.)

Ezerak asks, "Yes?"

You hear a quiet voice say, "Your aim is the map. Nothing more. Leave the girl out of it, if you can."

Ezerak says, "Understood," he nods. "Trust that by this time tomorrow, the map will be yours and Vaile will be one step closer to victory. Of that, you have my word."

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "Slowly, the lights fade to darken the theater once again, the curtain falling closed to conceal the stagehands whose movement can be heard on the other side, shifting the set in preparation for the next scene."

Act Four

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "As the curtain starts to rise, the lights rise with it, illuminating one side of the stage that has been designed to give the audience a view as if looking through the wall of a modest home.  Humble furnishings fill the small parlor, a settee, a few chairs, a desk - all cast with a faint glow as if lit by moonlight through an unassuming window built into the partition at the far side of the room."

(Ezerak enters through the window, pulling it open and climbing stealthily into the room.)

Ezerak casually observes the area.

Ezerak quietly asks himself, "If I were a map, where would I be?"

(Ezerak moves through the room, checking the walls for any signs of hidden compartments, searching under cushions, looking behind furniture, his expression curious at his inability to find anything.)

(Ezerak's gaze falls on the desk, skeptical.)

Ezerak quietly asks, "No, it couldn't be... could it?" he takes a step toward the desk, eyeing the drawers carefully. "Would she really be clever enough to know the most obvious hiding place is the last place I'd look?"

(Ezerak glances toward a door leading deeper into the house, the sound of approaching footsteps hastening his strides toward the desk. In a rush, he opens each drawer with less care for discretion, dumping the contents onto the floor. His lips curl into a slow smile as a false bottom drops out from under the final drawer in his hand, a carefully rolled parchment scroll falling from within, landing at Alastor's feet just as the door creaks open.)

(Siendra steps into the room, a dagger in one hand and a candle in the other.)

Siendra gasps!

Ezerak mumbles something unprintable.

Siendra exclaims, "Stop right there!"

(Siendra sets the candle on a side table, lifting the dagger to aim it at Alastor in a threatening stance.)

(Ezerak bends forward to scoop up the scroll, shoving it into the pocket of his cloak with a patronizing shake of his head.)

Ezerak says, "I'm afraid I can't do that. But, if you'll just stay right where you are, we can part ways without anyone getting hurt."

Siendra says to Ezerak, "You aren't leaving with that scroll."

(Ezerak takes a step backward toward the window.)

Ezerak says, "Quite the contrary, that's *exactly* what I'm doing."

(Ezerak turns away, hurrying to make his escape.)

(Siendra lunges forward, tackling Alastor to the ground.)

Siendra exclaims to Ezerak, "Give it back!"

(Ezerak twists his body to face Rowena from where he remains on the floor, struggling to push her off.)

Ezerak says to Siendra, "Not a chance."

(Siendra continues to trade blows with Alastor until finally managing to find her opening, using her dagger to press it against Alastor's neck, halting his strikes as he holds his hands up in a defensive gesture.)

Siendra says to Ezerak, "I don't want to kill you, but I will, if I must. The scroll. Now."

Ezerak says to Siendra, "It looks like you got me," he gives an exaggerating pitiful look. Suddenly, his hands move in an intricate pattern, catching Rowena off guard and disarming her, the dagger easily transitioning into his hands. With impressive force Alastor rolls Rowena off him, pinning her to the floor, and driving the dagger between her ribs. "And now it looks like I've got you."

Siendra screams!

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The lights dramatically go dark over the scene, leaving Rowena and Alastor in shadows as illumination rises on the other side of the stage.  The street outside Rowena's home has been carefully constructed in realistic fashion, revealing Elias, Thalia, and Verity walking together at a leisurely pace, their heads snapping upward at the echo of Rowena's scream."

Shaylynne says, "Was that -."

Senthic exclaims, "Rowena!"

(Ayrell rushes to keep up, her glasses slipping down her nose as she tries to push them up, her journal and charcoal still clutched in her hands.)

Ayrell says, "I thought you said no one would know she had the map."

Senthic breathlessly exclaims, "Now is not the time, Verity. We need to get to her!"

(Senthic barrels toward the door of Rowena's house, pounding on it in desperation.)

Senthic exclaims, "Rowena! Rowena, I'm here!"

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The lights once again rise over the macabre scene inside the home."

Ezerak blinks.

(Ezerak rises from the floor, cursing under his breath as he glances down at Rowena.)

Ezerak says to Siendra, "This wouldn't have happened if you'd have just stepped aside as I asked."

A pained expression crosses Siendra's face.

(Siendra pulls the dagger from her chest and grips it tight in readiness to fight, determination filling her eyes as she tries to stand, but fails.)

(Senthic continues pounding on the door, his strikes becoming more frantic.)

Senthic yells, "I'm coming in!"

(Senthic takes a step back in preparation to charge the door.)

Siendra says to Ezerak, "You won't get away with this. Elias will find you and Vaile will fail, as he always does."

Ezerak says, "Not today."

(Senthic hurtles forward, slamming his shoulder into the door and shattering it into a myriad of pieces.)

(Ezerak maneuvers his way to the window, only just managing to reach it as Elias bursts into the room with Thalia and Verity not long behind. Swift and agile, Alastor swings his legs over the frame, looking back in time to meet Elias's eyes before slipping through the aperture and disappearing into the darkness beyond.)

Senthic exclaims to Siendra, "Rowena!"

(Senthic rushes to Rowena's side, falling to his knees and sweeping her into his arms as she slumps to the floor, unable to gather the strength to stand.)

Siendra says to Senthic, "The map," she coughs, grimacing in pain from the motion. "Elias, he has the map."

Senthic exclaims to Siendra, "I don't care about the map. I care about you," he looks with despair at Thalia and Verity. "She needs a healer. Someone... anyone!"

Shaylynne gazes sadly at Senthic.

Shaylynne sympathetically says to Senthic, "Elias, I don't think -."

Senthic desperately says to Shaylynne, "Please!" He looks down at Rowena's paling face, grimacing at the blood staining her lips. "I've got you, Rowena. Everything is going to be okay. We're going to get you help and everything is going to be okay."

(Siendra gazes fondly up at Elias, her trembling hand lightly cupping his cheek in her palm.)

Siendra sadly says to Senthic, "You're so sweet to tell such lies, Elias."

Senthic sadly says to Siendra, "It's not a lie, Rowena. We're getting married, remember? We have a honeymoon to plan. I won't let you leave me like this."

A pained expression crosses Senthic's face.

(Ayrell closes her journal, tucking the charcoal inside it and places it into her satchel.)

Ayrell quietly says, "I'll see if I can find a healer."

Ayrell glances at Shaylynne.

(Shaylynne moves toward the window, glancing back at Verity with a sharp nod.)

Shaylynne says, "I'm going to go after the thief. By now, he's probably long gone, but we have to try. If we don't get it back, all of this will have been for nothing... and Rowena deserves better."

(Ayrell stares at Thalia for a long moment, seeming to search her eyes for something before nodding in agreement, slipping through the front door and into the gradually dimming lights on that side of the stage.)

(Shaylynne exits through the window, leaving Rowena and Elias alone.)

Senthic gazes sadly at Siendra.

Senthic quietly says to Siendra, "See, Rowena? You're going to be just fine. Help will be here soon."

Siendra gazes fondly at Senthic.

Siendra weakly says to Senthic, "I love you, Elias. Never...," she coughs, grimacing in pain, "never forget that."

Senthic quietly says to Siendra, "I love you, too, Rowena. And I won't forget, because you're going to be here. Forever and always. Don't let Vaile win, Rowena. Be strong."

Siendra weakly says to Senthic, "I... I'm sorry... I... I tried..."

(Siendra draws in a final, ragged breath, releasing it on a soft exhale that closes her eyes, falling limp in Elias's arms, the dagger in her hand tumbling to the floor at her side with a dull thud.)

(Senthic clutches Rowena to him.)

Senthic breathily says to Siendra, "No..."

Senthic shakes his head.

Senthic mournfully exclaims to Siendra, "Rowena, no!"

Senthic begins to weep softly.

(Senthic holds Rowena to him for several moments, tears streaming from his eyes. After a while, his sobs start to ease, his eyes shifting to land on the dagger still lying on the floor at Rowena's side. Carefully, he reaches out to retrieve it, staring at it for several seconds and then back down at Rowena's lifeless form.)

Senthic gently kisses Siendra on the forehead.

Senthic says to Siendra, "I won't let him get away with this, Rowena. On my life, I swear to you, I will make Vaile pay. And when I find the man who did this to you - he's going to wish he killed me, too."

Act Five

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The lights fade over Elias and Rowena, cloaking the theater in darkness, the only sound that of the curtain lowering to once again conceal the movement of stagehands working quickly to change out the set.  Silence hangs heavy for several long moments until the sound of a single set of footsteps can be heard, followed soon by another, the curtain rising with only a dim light to reveal the alley from before, a cloaked figure disappearing around the edge of the building as Alastor approaches."

(Ezerak passes the scroll to a slender hand that extends from the shadows, taking it swiftly and pulling it out of view.)

Ezerak smugly says, "Your map, my lady."

You hear an irritable voice say, "Don't "my lady" me, Alastor. What in the Immortals' names were you thinking? I told you the girl was not to be harmed."

Ezerak says, "The girl had other plans."

You hear a voice say, "You didn't have to kill her."

Ezerak sarcastically says, "Would you have preferred I let her chase me through the window? If so, you should have told me. I could have just invited her to join us here for this meeting. I'm sure she would have *loved* to meet you."

You hear a voice say, "Don't be ridiculous. Of course I didn't want her to chase you through the window. I'd just... hoped for a different outcome."

Ezerak says, "The only outcome that matters is Vaile getting that artifact. Now that we have the map, Vaile can send his men to retrieve it and Colson will learn, once and for all, that Vaile is not one to be trifled with."

You hear someone sigh.

You hear a voice say, "No."

Ezerak raises an eyebrow.

Ezerak asks, "No? What do you mean "no"?"

You hear a voice say, "I mean... no. Elias will be on the move with a vengeance now that Rowena is dead. There's no time to waste on sending anyone else. I'll retrieve the artifact myself."

Ezerak asks, "That's a risk I'm not sure Vaile would want you to take. What if you're found out? Or worse... what if you decide to betray us?"

You hear a voice say, "Have some faith in me, Alastor. Just because I failed Vaile last time doesn't mean I intend to do so again."

Ezerak says, "See that you don't. Vaile isn't one for giving third chances. You're lucky he's giving you a second."

You hear a voice say, "The last thing I need is a lecture from you about luck. You did your job, now let me do mine. I'll be in touch."

Ezerak says, "I'll be waiting."

(Ezerak bows to the shadows and disappears into the darkness.)

Act Six

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "Shadows claim the stage, the curtain lowering on the alley to the sound of footsteps echoing into the distance.  After a brief pause and some amount of scuffling behind the fabric, the curtain rises to unveil the interior of an ancient-looking temple, a pair of large stone doors positioned behind an altar at center stage."

(Senthic enters the temple with Thalia and Verity, the three of them approaching to examine the stone doors.)

Senthic quietly says, "I can't be sure, but I think this is the place. I recognized the location on the map, but I've never seen it for myself."

Ayrell says, "A temple does seem fitting. Ancient artifact, and all that."

(Ayrell retrieves her notebook and charcoal, carefully scribing several notes within the pages.)

Ayrell asks Senthic, "So we are thinking it is behind these doors?"

Shaylynne says, "I only saw the map for a moment, but I thought I saw it mention something about a switch."

(Shaylynne leans forward, peering closer at the stone.)

Ayrell glances at Shaylynne.

Ayrell glances at Senthic.

Ayrell curiously asks, "A switch?"

(Shaylynne nods in affirmation without taking her eyes from the wall.)

Shaylynne distractedly says, "It was a common practice when the ancient shamans wanted to build something capable of keeping people out. That's why the doors are so large, and fashioned out of stone. If past experience tells me anything, they will have arranged some sort of mechanism to aid in opening them, else it would take fifty men, even after the doors are unlocked."

(Ayrell's glasses slip down her nose, forcing her to pause in her notetaking to push them back up.)

Ayrell says, "That is positively intriguing."

Senthic says, "We need to hurry. With the map in Vaile's hands, it's only a matter of time before he sends someone to retrieve the artifact for himself. My worry is that we're already too late."

(Senthic squints at a block jutting slightly further out on the wall than the others. Resting his hand upon it, he gives it a push. As the block depresses, a loud *CLICK* resonates over the theater, followed by a low grinding noise as the doors in the background part, revealing a plinth with an ornate amulet on display upon it.)

Ayrell blinks.

(Ayrell resumes her notetaking, glancing up at the amulet and back down to the page in front of her, scribbling intently, as if sketching a picture.)

Shaylynne glances at Senthic.

Shaylynne hesitantly asks Senthic, "Do you suppose that's it?"

(Senthic gazes at the object in awe.)

Senthic distractedly says, "It matches the description," he glances at Thalia, a hopeful gleam in his eyes, "We did it. We beat him to it."

Shaylynne says, "It sure looks that way."

Shaylynne glances at Senthic.

Shaylynne asks Senthic, "Would you like to retrieve it, or should I?"

(Senthic moves forward, seeming not to hear Thalia's question. Approaching the plinth, he checks the area around the amulet for traps, making sure it's clear before lifting it from its stand.)

Senthic quietly says, "It's beautiful."

Shaylynne says, "It's also very dangerous - and so is Vaile. We should get out of here before his men find us."

Ayrell nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ayrell says, "We should reach out to Colson and let him know we have it. Maybe I could have a look at it before you hand it over? For the story, of course."

Ayrell pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Senthic says, "Yes, Colson should be notified immediately," he looks from Thalia to Verity, "and we'll see. You might not want to get too close to it. We don't really know what it might do."

Shaylynne says, "I'll send word to have Colson meet us in the usual place. If we head straight there, we can make the exchange and this can all be over without any more risk of complication... or worse."

Senthic nods.

Senthic says, "Let us go, then," he gazes down at the amulet, admiring it briefly before his features twist into a grimace, gripping it against his palm with renewed determination. "We haven't a moment to lose."

Act Seven

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "Darkness falls over the temple, a single light lingering over the now-empty stand on the plinth before winking out of existence entirely.  The curtain falls, the faint sound of furniture and set pieces being moved around, settling again into silence as the curtain rises on one half of the stage, the design indicative of the main tavern room of a local inn."

Shaylynne says, "I sent a courier to Colson. He should be here soon, if he isn't already."

Ayrell says, "Another victory for his best agents. This sounds like an occasion to celebrate. A few drinks, perhaps? My treat."

Ayrell smiles at Elias and Thalia, stepping aside to flag down one of the employees bustling about the room. She leans toward the male, speaking something inaudible to him that garners a nod in return as the male moves away to fulfill Verity's request.

(Ayrell returns to Elias and Thalia, nodding decisively.)

Ayrell says, "The order is placed. He said he'll bring the drinks to the room when they are ready."

Senthic says, "I'm less worried about drinks than I am about getting this artifact to Colson. This mission may be over, but my work is far from done."

Shaylynne glances at Senthic.

Shaylynne asks, "Have you changed your mind about retirement?"

Senthic glances at Shaylynne.

Senthic says, "What is there to retire for, now that Rowena is gone? The only thing left for me now is vengeance."

Ayrell gazes at Senthic with a sympathetic look on her face.

Shaylynne says to Senthic, "Vengeance? Elias, that's -."

(Senthic raises his hand to stop Thalia from finishing.)

Senthic says, "Vaile needs to be stopped. We have let him get away with far too much already and I swore to Rowena I would end him for what he did to her. It matters not who held the blade, though I'll find him and kill him, too. They all deserve to die and, one way or another, I intend to see it done."

(Ayrell gazes at Elias, her hands moving to retrieve her notebook and charcoal from her satchel. Silently, she jots a few notes, looking them over closely before carefully closing the cover once again.)

(Shaylynne leads the group to a door positioned at center stage, the opposite side of it veiled in shadows from the lights that have yet to rise.)

Shaylynne says, "This is our usual room," she looks around the tavern, ensuring they haven't been followed. Satisfied that the coast is clear, she turns to Verity, motioning her toward the door with a sharp nod of her head. "Go on inside. It's best we get ourselves out of sight and not invite any more trouble."

Ayrell nods to Shaylynne.

(Ayrell places a charcoal-tinted hand on the doorknob, turning it gently, and stepping into the room with Elias right behind.)

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "A single line of lights on the other side of the door rise, illuminating the entryway while leaving the farthest end of the room in shadows."

(Shaylynne follows Elias and Verity inside. Closing the door behind her, she leans her back against it, casually blocking it from anyone else who might attempt to come in... or out.)

Shaylynne asks, "It's a bit dark in here. Alastor, dear... would you mind turning on a light?"

Ezerak says, "My pleasure."

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The room remains dark for a moment, no sound save that of a lighter flicking to life.  As the flame ignites the wick of a small lamp, the rest of the lights rise to reveal Alastor seated at a desk, the lighter in one hand and a loaded crossbow in the other, leaning back in the chair to prop his boots up in front of him."

Ayrell gasps!

Ayrell pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

(Ayrell looks between Elias and Thalia, the motion somewhat dramatic in seemingly exaggerated shock.)

Senthic glances at Ezerak.

Senthic glances at Shaylynne.

Senthic gazes at Shaylynne.

Senthic sadly says to Shaylynne, "Thalia, no..."

(Shaylynne retrieves a knife from a small sheath at her waist, pushing away from the door to point the sharpened tip at Elias.)

Shaylynne says to Senthic, "I'm afraid, yes. The amulet, if you will," she jerks the knife sharply, directing Elias toward Alastor, "hand it over, and no one need be hurt."

Senthic scowls.

Senthic venomously says, "Over my dead body."

(Senthic draws a dagger from inside his pocket, revealing it as the same weapon used against Rowena. Turning to Alastor, he takes a step toward him, bent on revenge, paused only by the loaded bolt of Alastor's weapon shifting in his direction.)

Ezerak says to Senthic, "That was my original plan, really. The only reason you're still alive is because that one," he flicks his head toward Thalia, "insisted I not kill you on the spot."

(Ayrell takes a step back, clutching her journal against her chest and observing the goings on from a safe distance against the wall.)

Senthic asks, "I won't be giving it to you. Either of you," he glances at Thalia. "You of all people should know better. How could you even do this? To me," he grimaces, "to Rowena?"

Senthic shakes his head.

Shaylynne sighs.

Shaylynne says, "Rowena was an accident."

Shaylynne glances at Ezerak.

Ezerak shrugs.

Shaylynne rolls her eyes.

Shaylynne gazes sadly at Senthic.

Shaylynne says to Senthic, "I'm sorry, old friend, but it is what it is. Vaile wants that amulet and, as he's paying me more than Colson, I have to do what I have to do."

Shaylynne stretches out a hand imploringly to Senthic.

Shaylynne says to Senthic, "We have you surrounded, so you may as well concede."

(Senthic grudgingly removes the amulet from his pocket, a look of betrayal etched across his face as he hands it to her.)

Senthic says to Shaylynne, "You'll never get away with this."

(Shaylynne snatches the amulet from Elias, walking over to the desk and setting it in front of Alastor.)

Shaylynne says to Ezerak, "There," she gestures at the amulet. "I did my part. Vaile has his trinket. Now, let Elias go."

Ezerak says, "Of course."

Ezerak smiles innocently.

Ezerak says to Shaylynne, "There is one last thing, though."

(Ezerak turns the crossbow on Thalia. Before she can react, he squeezes the trigger, the bolt flying true to embed itself in Thalia s chest.)

Shaylynne gasps!

Senthic exclaims, "Thalia!"

(Shaylynne grasps at the bolt protruding from her chest, her eyes rolling back in her head as she crumples to the ground. Blood begins to pool around her, the last breath of life escaping her on a sigh.)

(Ezerak rises from the desk, staring down at Thalia's body in disdain.)

Ezerak smugly says to Shaylynne, "I told you - you were lucky Vaile gave you a second chance. Turns out... you weren't so lucky after all."

(Ezerak sets the crossbow aside, reaching down instead to draw a sword from the sheath at his belt.)

Ezerak asks Senthic, "Now... where were we?"

(Senthic glances at Thalia's lifeless form, a mixture of emotions crossing his face from sadness to anger to rage. Jaw clenched, he lifts the dagger in his hand to point it at Alastor, sneering at him in abject hatred.)

Senthic says to Ezerak, "I believe we were at the part where I end you."

(Ezerak eyes the dagger in Elias's hand in fascination.)

Ezerak says, "So sentimental. How touching."

(Ezerak lunges at Elias, the length of his blade providing better reach to strike. Despite Alastor's advantage, Elias evades, quick on his feet, the two of them trading blows in an impressive display, neither appearing to have the upper hand until it changes in an instant.)

(Senthic sees his opening, weaving past Alastor's guard to drive the dagger deeply between Alastor's ribs, angling the blade upward and jerking it with a vicious twist.)

Senthic says to Ezerak, "That was for Rowena," he snarls, winding his fist back to drive a solid punch into Alastor's nose that knocks his body backward and prone to the floor. "And that was for me. May you rest in agony."

Ezerak groans.

(Ezerak goes limp, succumbing to his wounds.)

(Senthic stands in the center of the room, breathing heavily from exertion. As the seconds tick by, he gradually begins to calm, taking in the mess around him in heartbreaking realization of everything that has happened... and everything he has lost.)

(Senthic jumps slightly at the sound of a knock at the door, startled by the unexpected intrusion.)

Senthic glances at Ayrell.

Ayrell quietly says, "That... must be the wine."

(Ayrell moves toward the door, pulling it open and ushering a young man inside bearing a tray with three glasses atop it. The man glances at the bodies on the floor, then back at Verity, who gently pushes the door closed behind him to avoid anyone else outside the door seeing in.)

Ayrell smiles sweetly at the young man.

Ayrell says, "There was a little bit of a misunderstanding. If you... would not mind remaining here for a few moments?" she turns away from the man, ignoring his widened eyes and the questions in his stare as she focuses her attention on Elias. "This is not exactly the story I anticipated, but it is certainly something."

(Senthic ignores Verity, moving back to the desk, his steps slow and calculated. Deep in thought, he retrieves the amulet, looking it over, his eyes distant.)

Ayrell hesitantly asks Senthic, "What do you suppose you will do now?"

Senthic quietly says, "I...," he lifts the amulet, looking it over closely, an odd spark glinting in his eye. "I'm going to bring her back."

Ayrell blinks.

Ayrell hesitantly asks, "Bring... who back?"

Senthic gazes at Ayrell.

Senthic says, "Rowena. I'm going to bring her back," he closes his fingers around the amulet, clutching it tight. "If I use it, at least it won't be in Vaile's hands - and Colson plans to destroy it. With everything I've lost because of this... thing... I can't let him do that until at least one of these wrongs has been made right."

Ayrell asks Senthic, "What you are talking about is necromancy. Are you sure that is what you want to do? Or, better yet... is it what *Rowena* would want you to do?"

Senthic says, "Rowena would want to be alive. She would want to be with me," he shakes his head, looking a little dazed and unfocused, bordering on crazed, "This is what I have to do. For her, as much as for myself."

Ayrell nods to Senthic.

(Ayrell places her journal in her satchel and turns back to the young man with the drinks. Standing before him, she meets the man's eyes, their gazes held for a moment before he lowers his line of sight, seeming to indicate one of the glasses. Nodding to the man, Verity selects the indicated glass, taking another for herself, her steps cautious as she offers the drink to Elias.)

Ayrell says to Senthic, "It sounds like you have it all figured out, then," she holds up her glass to him in a solemn toast. "To a job... well done."

Senthic says, "To a job done, at least."

(Senthic throws his head back, downing the wine in a single swallow.)

Senthic wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Senthic blinks.

(Senthic glances at his glass.)

Senthic asks, "What is...?"

(Senthic's knees buckle, collapsing to the floor, unconscious.)

Ayrell frowns.

(Ayrell moves toward Elias's body. Bending forward, she retrieves the amulet from Elias's hands, rising once again to speak into the room as if to someone who isn't there.)

Ayrell says, "You can come in, Colson. It is done."

(Nyrhin enters through the door of an adjoining room, frowning at the grisly scene around him, coming to pause beside Thalia s lifeless figure on the floor.)

Nyrhin shakes his head.

Nyrhin says, "I suspected she had turned on us, but I never expected this."

(Ayrell hands the amulet to Colson, her own expression grim.)

Ayrell says, "It is never easy when one of your own turns."

Nyrhin says, "A shame," he moves away from Thalia, coming to stand beside Elias where he remains on the floor, his breathing shallow in slumber. "At least we can still save one of them."

Ayrell asks Nyrhin, "What will happen to him?"

Nyrhin says, "We will make sure he gets the help that he needs," he nods. "As for you -."

(Nyrhin turns to Verity with a smile.)

Nyrhin says to Ayrell, "You performed admirably. Exactly as I knew you would."

Ayrell smiles.

Ayrell says, "I was only doing my job."

Nyrhin nods to Ayrell.

Nyrhin says, "And that is why you are one of the best. Elias and Thalia are... well, were... two of my top agents. Anyone less skilled than you would never have been able to pull off such a ruse," he smirks. "The glasses suit you."

Ayrell laughs!

(Ayrell removes her spectacles and tucks them away, clearly not requiring their assistance to see.)

Ayrell says, "As much as I enjoy your flattery, there remains work to be done. As long as the amulet remains intact, it remains a danger to everyone around it. Not to mention, this room will need to be cleared and cleaned to avoid panic among the masses."

Nyrhin nods.

Nyrhin says, "That's what he's here for," he nods at the young man who approaches to provide the last remaining glass of wine to Colson who takes it and offers a toast to Verity. "To the best 'reporter' in my employ."

Ayrell chuckles.

(Ayrell raises her glass.)

Ayrell says, "It just goes to show how dangerous our work can be," she takes a sip of the drink, a small smile curling her lips, "and how one never knows what they will unveil during an interview with a spy."

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The lights fade over Colson and Verity as they share their celebratory drink, a brief pause allowing Verity's closing words a moment to resonate through the theater before the curtain makes its final descent in conclusion of the show."

Curtain Call

(Ayrell returns to the stage with a graceful stride and smiles out at the audience.)

Ayrell says, "Thank you all so much! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our wonderful cast."

Ayrell exclaims, "In the role of our beautiful Rowena, Siendra!"

Ayrell gestures at Siendra.

Senthic looks at Siendra and applauds!

Senthic lets out a hearty cheer for Siendra!

(Siendra waves, beaming, and gives a deep bow.)

Shaylynne lets out a hearty cheer for Siendra!

Ayrell exclaims, "Playing the part of our heartbroken hero - Senthic!"

Ayrell gestures at Senthic.

Siendra lets out a hearty cheer for Senthic!

(Senthic bows somewhat awkwardly.)

Senthic grins sheepishly.

Ayrell exclaims, "As our devious double-crossing spy - Shaylynne!"

Senthic grins.

Ayrell gestures at Shaylynne.

Senthic lets out a hearty cheer for Shaylynne!

Senthic looks at Shaylynne and applauds!

Shaylynne bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Siendra lets out a hearty cheer for Shaylynne!

Senthic lets out a hearty cheer for Shaylynne!

Ayrell exclaims, "As our villainous henchman for Vaile - Ezerak!"

Ezerak bows.

Senthic lets out a hearty cheer for Ezerak!

Ayrell gestures at Ezerak.

Senthic looks at Ezerak and applauds!

Siendra lets out a hearty cheer for Ezerak!

Shaylynne looks at Ezerak and applauds!

Ayrell exclaims, "And in the role of our cleverly scheming spy boss, Colson - Nyrhin!"

Senthic snickers.

Nyrhin bows.

Senthic looks at Nyrhin and applauds!

Shaylynne lets out a hearty cheer for Nyrhin!

Nyrhin grins.

Siendra lets out a hearty cheer for Nyrhin!

Nyrhin waves.

Senthic lets out a hearty cheer for Nyrhin!

Siendra exclaims, "And of course! Our crime-writing mastermind Verity - Ayrell!"

Ayrell smiles.

Siendra gestures at Ayrell.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Shaylynne smiles at Ayrell.

Ezerak looks at Ayrell and applauds!

Senthic lets out a hearty cheer for Ayrell!

Senthic looks at Ayrell and applauds!

Nyrhin applauds.

Shaylynne looks at Ayrell and applauds!

Siendra lets out a hearty cheer for Ayrell!

Ayrell exclaims, "Thank you all so much for coming! We do hope you enjoyed the show!"

Senthic waves.

Shaylynne waves.

Siendra smiles.

Ayrell says, "We will all be in the lobby shortly for any who would like to join us."

Ayrell smiles.

Siendra waves.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Ayrell waves.

Senthic grins sheepishly.

Siendra squeals!

Nyrhin waves.

Lady of Elamiri Ayrell's group went through a thick dark curtain.