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<br />

Our Qij.....<br />

<br />
--This page approved by Qij The Good One, the player of Qij, and all affiliates of Qij, Qurious Enterprises, CirQus Menagerie, and Quality Qompanionship"--

== <code>''A Qij''</code> ==

You see Qij, a Gnome.<br />
Qij has an angular face, and dark eyes. His dark brown hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has smooth skin.<br />
He is tiny for a Gnome.<br />
He appears to be an adult.<br />
He is in good shape.<br />

He is wearing a pink coral medallion, a remarkable commoner's cloak, a tiger-striped gnome skull, and a rudimentary gadget receptacle.<br />

== <code>''THE Qij....''</code> ==

....Often has conversations with himself that he isn't present for.<br />
....Often has conversations with himself that he isn't present for.<br />

Line 30: Line 15:
....Enjoys mischief, and finds himself most present, joyful, and aware when dealing with merrymaking and/or mayhem.<br />
....Enjoys mischief, and finds himself most present, joyful, and aware when dealing with merrymaking and/or mayhem.<br />

....Experiences bouts of extreme paranoia.<br />
....Often times gets involved with evil-minded ne'er-do-wells when he thinks they are just fellow pranksters and shenaniganizers.

....Often times gets involved with evil-minded ne'er-do-wells when he thinks they are just fellow pranksters and shenaniganizers.<br />
....Is clueless when it comes to the ladies.

....Is clueless when it comes to the ladies.<br />
....Often times believes his services are direly needed by various people and/or guilds. He will change professions or undertake grand and perilous adventures on a whim, enrolling countless passersby into his dangerous and whimsical flights of fancy.

....Is quite certain the big white "Good Doggy" in the orphanage lived the best and most loved life that Qij has ever seen.<br />

....Often times believes his services are direly needed by various people and/or guilds. He will change professions or undertake grand and perilous adventures on a whim, enrolling countless passersby into his dangerous and whimsical flights of fancy.<br />

....Has a propensity to be very generous with what little he has.<br />
....Has a propensity to be very generous with what little he has.<br />

....Often loses some or all of his items after dying, departing, and not bothering to go retrieve them.<br />
....Often loses some or all of his items after dying, departing, and not bothering or remembering to go retrieve them.<br />

....Does not partake in the favor of the Gods, and has been quoted as saying "Eluned Take The Wheel" when he is (quite obviously to others) doing the opposite.<br />
....Does not partake in the favor of the Gods, and has been quoted as saying "Eluned Take The Wheel" when he is (quite obviously to others) doing the opposite.<br />

== <code>''THE DAY QIJ JOINED THE MOON MAGE GUILD......AGAIN''</code> ==

It has been 419 years, 259 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.<br />
It is the 7th month of Moliko the Balance in the year of the Crystal Snow Hare.<br />
It is currently fall and it is sunset.<br />
You're positive it's 12 roisaen before the Anlas of Phelim's Vigil....<br />

== <code>''THE Qijs....''</code> ==

You see Qij, Scholar of Aesry Surlaenis'a, a Gnome.<br />
Qij has a round kertig-rimmed monocle magnifying one of his observant dark eyes. His white hair is long and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has wrinkled skin and a witheringly frail build.
He is tiny for a Gnome.<br />
He appears to be ancient.<br />
He has a thick bushy mustache that droops heavily on his upper lip and a long shaggy beard.<br />
He is in good shape.<br />

He is wearing some ornate robes of deep purple dreamweave, and some burlap fingerless gloves.<br /)
You follow Qij southwest.

== <code> Qapers of The Qij </code> ==
[Observatory, Third Level]
A soft sitting mat covers the floor entirely, save for a narrow strip of anti-color bordering starkly on all sides. Painted onto the crystal hemisphere, a detailed star diagram spreads over your head, marking the constellations and their positions at various times of the year.<br />
You also see the Guildleader Kssarh, an elegant silver stand with a guild register on it, a rounded archway and a tricolored scroll.<br />
Also here: Qij.<br />
Obvious exits: northeast, west.<br />

You exclaim, "Hail!"<br />
Haelinon says, "Hi."<br />
Haelinon is slain before your eyes!<br />
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon ask, "Wait how did I die that time?"<br />
You quietly say to Haelinon, "The Good Guys say HAIL. Not Hi."<br />
Darkgaze asks, "What's going on Haelinon?"<br />
You say, "We don't know actually."<br />
You say, "But we need to find it help."<br />
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "Well two traps killed first two. Third time I was killed by someone."<br />
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "Think it was him."<br />
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "Qij."<br />
You say, "No no no."<br />
You say, "Good Qij's don't kill."<br />
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "And lost spell because Richard ran into the room."<br />
You quietly say to Darkgaze, "He's hysterical."
----You quietly exclaim, "No, no, no I don't burglarize.  I go in and rearrange some items though...less of an elf on a shelf.  Like a Gnome in a Home!"
----[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "The Great and also Dumb Uritel has been missing for some time, and was last seen Old and Dumb.  After much time not bothering searching, he has been pronounced dead.  Services will be 5 fortnights from the second andu of the acrimonious snail. When the bell strikes 9 Elven Ladies.  Be there."

[General] Your mind hears Rhadyn thinking, "Uritel. You will be missed. I'm busy at that time. I have a new vat of ale that needs tending to. Please send my condolences."
Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.

[General] Your mind hears Heartsfyre thinking, "um"
Qij says, "So we meet again."
Qij says, "I have some conditions."

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "If I see him, I will send your regards."
Kssarh glares at Qij as he stalks about his office.

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "But again.  Old and dumb.  Let's just call it Checkmate or Match or Mistletoe...whatever you call it when your arch nemesis perishes."
Qij says, "As I believe I am of the utmost value to this guild."
Qij says, "And should you dare to not meet them."

[General] Your mind hears Rhadyn thinking, "I do hear you play a mean game of tic-tac-mistletoe Qij"
Kssarh glowers at Qij and waves impatiently.

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Not since mistertoe found out about us."
Qij says, "I shall take my talents back to the sewers."
----Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "There's a process to how I deal with problems. Step 1 is gripin'."

You hear your mental voice echo, "My step 1 is silently bearing the existential weight of my previous choices.  It's a very short step.  The rest of the steps usually happen somewhere in Taelbert's."
Qij asks, "Am I understood?"
----Your shadow babbles, "Ramee!"

You nod.
Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij nods to you.
You say, "I agree."

You nod to Qij.
You sigh.

You say, "But there's nothing we can do about that now."
Qij says, "Leilanie, tell him my first condition."

You say, "As a matter of fact, there never was anything we could do about it...."
Qij folds his arms across his chest.

You ask, "Why must you live in the past?"
You say, "Ummm..."

Your shadow babbles, "Tanooneenamileenee!"
You fidget nervously.

Qij says, "It's ok."
You say, "Well that's hardly the point."

You say, "I really wish you'd stop bringing it up."
Qij nods emphatically.

You say, "She wasn't even Elven."
You hesitantly ask, "He, ummm....we wants to cause mayhem?"

You say, "B-b-b-but that wasn't the point."
Qij nods.

Qij says, "Yup."
You say, "Insufferable...."
Qij says, "And if you try to stop us..."
Qij shakes his head.
Qij says, "We walk."
Qij folds his arms across his chest.

You scowl blackly.
Qij asks, "Ok?"
Qij says, "Second condition, LL."

You patter east.
Qij gestures at you.
Nebby says, "I may be in trouble."<br />
Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.
You say, "Uhoh..."<br />

You move over to guard Nebby.<br />
You slowly ask, "He wants sweet peas to be readily available?"
You ask, "What do you need Mister Nebby?"<br />
Qij says, "Yup."

You ask, "Who needs to die?"<br />
Qij says, "READILY."
Qij says, "Available."
Nebby says, "Not that kind of trouble."<br />
You ask, "Who needs their ankles slashed?"<br />
Qij says, "If that's not something you can provide, then I question your guildleaderliness."

You ask, "Who needs to be poked in the eye with a raisin?"<br />
You say, "In an organic garden."

You ask, "Who needs to get their ears stuffed with pre-owned toothpaste?"<br />
You nod emphatically.
Nebby laughs at you!
Qij says, "Organic."
Qij says, "Or-Gan-Nick."
Qij says, "And tell him about the gidii."
Qij nods to you.

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.
Qij folds his arms across his chest.
Qij leans over and whispers, "welcome at all guild affairs"
Qij leans over and whispers, "and moon mage functions"

You loudly exclaim, "The gidii is the new mascot!"
Qij says, "Exactly."
Qij nods emphatically.

You shake your fist!
Qij says, "I'll give you a moment to consider."
Qij says, "This is a serious affair."
Qij says, "Not like the last time."
Qij leans over and whispers, "do you think he gets it or should we head to the sewers"
Qij gazes thoughtfully at you.

You whisper to Qij, "I think he gets it, maybe"
Qij squints.
Qij leans over and whispers, "you're right. he's tough to read"

You smile at the Guildleader Kssarh, revealing the dimples in your cheeks.
Qij squints.
Qij smiles as Kssarh whispers something to him. After a few roisaen of glaring at each other, attempting to appear stern, they exchange a handshake and appear to relax.

Qij says, "Then it's settled."
You hum happily to yourself.

Kssarh bends over and hisses something at Qij.
Kssarh suddenly hauls off and slaps Qij upside the head!

You laugh!

You quickly clasp both hands over your mouth.
Qij dusts himself off.
Kssarh looks up at Qij and says something to him.
Qij adjusts his coral medallion.
Qij removes a pink coral medallion from his neck.
Qij hangs a pink coral medallion around his neck.
Qij snuggles up to the pink gidii, who tucks Qij under one wing.

Shaking in fear, the pink gidii runs in circles before finally figuring which direction to go. Honking loudly, it runs away.
Kssarh jabs Qij sharply in the chest.
Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.
Qij says, "Yea yea."
Qij asks, "Where's my office going to be?"
Qij and Kssarh continue their conversation.
Qij asks, "Is that right?"
Kssarh extends a cupped hand to Qij for a moment.
Qij holds his hand up before his mouth and begins to cough, his shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!
Kssarh whispers a few words in Qij's ear.

Kssarh glowers at Qij.
Kssarh smiles ever-so-slightly as he continues speaking to Qij.
Kssarh glowers at Qij.

Kssarh hisses a few angry words at Qij.

You hum to yourself.
Kssarh drops a book on a table and mutters a few choice words at Qij.
Qij nods emphatically.
Qij dusts himself off.
You follow Qij west.

== <code> Qapers of The Qij </code> ==

You ask, "Who needs their basement filled with dead rabbits?"<br />
You ask, "Who needs their shoes to turn into death adders while they're in the bathtub?"<br />
Nebby says, "Oh that one is harsh."<br />
You ask, "Who needs their favorite shirt to be changed to a slightly uncomfortable size?"<br />
You say, "Who needs their pantry to be filled with jelly beans but when you eat the jelly beans you find out they are all that weird off-white flavor even though they are multi colored jelly beans so they keep eating MORE AND MORE AND MORE slowly losing hope in their own ability to evaluate their life until finally they give up in desperation, crying out your name in vain."<br />
You sob.<br />
You break down and bawl your eyes out, tears flying everywhere.<br />
Nebby gasps!<br />
You say, "Oh wait sorry what were we talking about?"
You patter north, leading your group.<br />
You patter north, leading your group.<br />
[Orphanage, Playground]<br />
[Orphanage, Playground]<br />
Line 248: Line 150:
Also here: Pathfinder Kintryn and Ruven.<br />
Also here: Pathfinder Kintryn and Ruven.<br />
Obvious paths: south.<br />
Obvious paths: south.<br />
><br />
You settle yourself on the wooden swing.<br />
You settle yourself on the wooden swing.<br />
><br />
You push with your feet, causing the swing to sway from the branch with a rhythmic creaking noise.<br />
You push with your feet, causing the swing to sway from the branch with a rhythmic creaking noise.<br />
><br />
You say, "Ok."<br />
You say, "Ok."<br />
><br />
You say, "Tell me your problems."<br />
You say, "Tell me your problems."<br />
><br />
You smile sweetly.<br />
You smile sweetly.<br />
><br />
Kintryn quietly says, "Qij."<br />
Kintryn quietly says, "Qij."<br />
><br />
Kintryn quietly says, "So help me."<br />
Kintryn quietly says, "So help me."<br />
><br />
Ruven glances at you.<br />
Ruven glances at you.<br />
><br />
You exclaim, "I will!"<br />
You exclaim, "I will!"<br />
You turn to face Ruven.<br />
You turn to face Ruven.<br />
Line 271: Line 164:
[You're solidly balanced and in superior position.]<br />
[You're solidly balanced and in superior position.]<br />
[Roundtime 3 sec.]<br />
[Roundtime 3 sec.]<br />
<br />
Kintryn quietly says, "Grumble."<br />
Kintryn quietly says, "Grumble."<br />
<br />
<br />
Line 277: Line 169:
You yell, "For Glory!"<br />
You yell, "For Glory!"<br />
><br />
Shenney says, "It is dark here, but you are my light."<br />
Shenney says, "It is dark here, but you are my light."<br />
><br />
You sling a senci spear off from over your shoulder.<br />
You sling a senci spear off from over your shoulder.<br />
><br />
You trace the Glyph of Light.<br />
You trace the Glyph of Light.<br />
<br />
A brief burst of pain wracks your body and your soul feels somewhat diminished. Slowly, five globes of light extrude from your fingertips and begin to glow brightly.<br />
A brief burst of pain wracks your body and your soul feels somewhat diminished. Slowly, five globes of light extrude from your fingertips and begin to glow brightly.<br />
<br />
The tiny balls of light swirl around you, darting around your body making your vision incredibly clear and lighting the area surrounding you.<br />
The tiny balls of light swirl around you, darting around your body making your vision incredibly clear and lighting the area surrounding you.<br />
><br />
Shenney gazes at you.<br />
Shenney gazes at you.<br />
><br />
You clap your hands once in an august gesture of piety.<br />
You clap your hands once in an august gesture of piety.<br />
A blazing golden light erupts from the depths of your soul! Pulsating with thin grey fractures, the glow soon spreads to the whole of your body and your spear.<br />
A blazing golden light erupts from the depths of your soul! Pulsating with thin grey fractures, the glow soon spreads to the whole of your body and your spear.<br />
><br />
Also here: a calmed Shenney and a calmed Transcendent Paladin Garthur.<br />
Also here: a calmed Shenney and a calmed Transcendent Paladin Garthur.<br />
Obvious paths: southwest.<br />
Obvious paths: southwest.<br />
><br />
Shenney says to Garthur, "Qij is an awesome Paladin."<br />
Shenney says to Garthur, "Qij is an awesome Paladin."<br />
><br />
Shenney says to Garthur, "You should strive to emulate his light."<br />
Shenney says to Garthur, "You should strive to emulate his light."<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Line 310: Line 191:
You are unable to surprise Telutci with your sneak attack!<br />
You are unable to surprise Telutci with your sneak attack!<br />
You slip out of the shadows behind Telutci! Displaying controlled ferocity, you draw back before smoothly slicing at Telutci's leg with swift and elegant precision.<br />
You slip out of the shadows behind Telutci! Displaying controlled ferocity, you draw back before smoothly slicing at Telutci's leg with swift and elegant precision.<br />
<br />
A shriek of pain follows an abruptly terminated attempt to nurse his injured limb, and Telutci collapses to the ground!<br />
A shriek of pain follows an abruptly terminated attempt to nurse his injured limb, and Telutci collapses to the ground!<br />
Telutci is stunned!<br />
Telutci is stunned!<br />
[You're battered, solidly balanced and in dominating position.]<br />
[You're battered, solidly balanced and in dominating position.]<br />
Roundtime: 6 sec.<br />
Roundtime: 6 sec.<br />
<br />
* Driving in like an adept combatant, Telutci draws a haralun bastard sword at you. You badly fail to block with a small amber-scale shield with fitted seams. The sword lands a powerful strike that bites deeply into the left calf.<br />
* Driving in like an adept combatant, Telutci draws a haralun bastard sword at you. You badly fail to block with a small amber-scale shield with fitted seams. The sword lands a powerful strike that bites deeply into the left calf.<br />
[You're near death, very badly balanced with opponent in strong position.]<br />
[You're near death, very badly balanced with opponent in strong position.]<br />
><br />

You see Telutci start to back off just as you lose consciousness. The challenge has been satisfied!<br />
You see Telutci start to back off just as you lose consciousness. The challenge has been satisfied!<br />
<br />
Willing your presence to be but a brief ripple in the pool of perception, you still yourself to silence once again.<br />
Willing your presence to be but a brief ripple in the pool of perception, you still yourself to silence once again.<br />
<br />
[12:23:52 AM] Your mind hears Acerild thinking, "{faintly}" "way to let us down, qij"<br />
[12:23:52 AM] Your mind hears Acerild thinking, "{faintly}" "way to let us down, qij"<br />
><br />
You're unconscious. Try again later, when you're not.<br />
You're unconscious. Try again later, when you're not.<br />
<br />
Vinjince says to you, "You owe me a new jelly bean."<br />
Vinjince says to you, "You owe me a new jelly bean."<br />
<br />
Redeth quietly asks, "Did he eat it?"<br />
Redeth quietly asks, "Did he eat it?"<br />
<br />
Vinjince says to Redeth, "Yes."<br />
Vinjince says to Redeth, "Yes."<br />
<br />
Telutci visibly churns with an inner rage!<br />
Telutci visibly churns with an inner rage!<br />
<br />
You pull Wealand close in a slow, lingering kiss.<br/>
You pull Wealand close in a slow, lingering kiss.<br/>
>release life<br/>
>release life<br/>
You release your hold on Life.<br/>
You release your hold on Life.<br/>
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.<br/>
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.<br/>
A chill crosses the surface of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily. You feel the eyes of the gods upon you and realize that none look upon you with favor.<br/>
A chill crosses the surface of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily. You feel the eyes of the gods upon you and realize that none look upon you with favor.<br/>
Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 10 minutes.<br/>
Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 10 minutes.<br/>
Congratulations Qij! You just received an award for roleplaying! Don't forget to review the RPA verb for how to use your award.<br/>
Congratulations Qij! You just received an award for roleplaying! Don't forget to review the RPA verb for how to use your award.<br/>
Line 361: Line 223:
[12:08:10 AM] * Bazzo was just struck down! <br/>
[12:08:10 AM] * Bazzo was just struck down! <br/>
[12:08:16 AM] * Qij was just struck down!<br/>
[12:08:16 AM] * Qij was just struck down!<br/>
You yell, "This game is hard!"<br/>
You yell, "This game is hard!"<br/>

Line 371: Line 232:
Also here: the body of Death's Messenger Misstep who is lying down.<br/>
Also here: the body of Death's Messenger Misstep who is lying down.<br/>
Obvious paths: south.<br/>
Obvious paths: south.<br/>
A teal cloud eel glides in.<br/>
A teal cloud eel glides in.<br/>
A milky cloud eel glides in.<br/>
A milky cloud eel glides in.<br/>
An alabaster cloud eel glides in.<br/>
An alabaster cloud eel glides in.<br/>
You say, "Looks like you had a big....nevermind."<br/>
You say, "Looks like you had a big....nevermind."<br/>
You hear the ghostly voice of Misstep say, "Help."<br/>
You hear the ghostly voice of Misstep say, "Help."<br/>
You patter south.<br/>
You patter south.<br/>
You get a glass of pink lemonade from inside some dense shrubbery.<br/>

You dance about with your pink lemonade.<br/>
You patter south.<br/>
You patter east.<br/>
You patter east.<br/>
You patter north.<br/>
You patter north.<br/>
The monk glances over to you and nods in greeting as you enter the guildhall.<br/>
[Clerics' Guild, Sanctorum]<br/>
Dark brown walls paneled with a coarse flowing grain mark this circular chamber. Curved, comfortable-looking sofas are set about some potted acanth trees and you notice a few clerics sitting quietly while reading tomes from the guild's private library. The guild's record keeper sits behind his desk in the corner next to some bins used for storage. You also see a silver and gold gilt scroll, a door leading to the guildleader's study, an arched door and a charity chest.<br/>
Also here: Wirks.<br/>
Obvious exits: east, out.<br/>
You put your lemonade in the charity chest.<br/>
You wink at Wirks.<br/>
You patter out.<br/>
You whisper to Annieka, "HE IS INVISIBLE"<br/>
You whisper to Annieka, "HE IS INVISIBLE"<br/>
You whisper to Annieka, "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL"<br/>
You whisper to Annieka, "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL"<br/>
Line 393: Line 263:
You say, "I should just be an Empath. I get hurt too much to be a Commoner."<br/>
You say, "I should just be an Empath. I get hurt too much to be a Commoner."<br/>
Lalouisa says, "I get hurt to much for you not to be an empath Qij."<br/>
Lalouisa says, "I get hurt to much for you not to be an empath Qij."<br/>
Cashmere says to you, "Dont do it."<br/>
Cashmere says to you, "Dont do it."<br/>
Cashmere drops to her knees swooning from some incredible pain.<br/>
Cashmere drops to her knees swooning from some incredible pain.<br/>

Line 403: Line 270:

Digless just arrived.
Digless just arrived.<br />
You ask, "Oh hey, are you Digmo's brother?"<br />
You ask, "Oh hey, are you Digmo's brother?"
You ask, "If we get you a shovel, will your name change?"<br/>
You ask, "If we get you a shovel, will your name change?"<br/>
Digless drops his rock in a waste bin.<br/>
Digless drops his rock in a waste bin.<br/>


>give my ticket to Ylono<br/>
Ylono smiles and says, "Well that is almost done, just give me a few more moments here."<br/>

Qij says, "I am thinking of going bungee jumping for my 474th birthday."<br/>

Qij says, "Everyone suggested against it."<br/>

Qij says, "But like my GranQij always said."<br/>

You ponder.<br/>

Qij says, "YLONO."<br/>

Qij patters out.<br/>

Line 416: Line 296:
You reveal yourself.<br/>
You reveal yourself.<br/>
You gesture.<br/>
You gesture.<br/>
Color leeches from the skin on your face as you feel the bone structure underneath shift to accomodate changes on the inside of your skull. Crippling pain and nausea give way to euphoria as your mutation takes hold and the aetheric structure of the plane becomes visible in a blood haze.<br/>
Color leeches from the skin on your face as you feel the bone structure underneath shift to accomodate changes on the inside of your skull. Crippling pain and nausea give way to euphoria as your mutation takes hold and the aetheric structure of the plane becomes visible in a blood haze
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in Crossing now.<br/>
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in Crossing now.<br/>
You feel fully rested.<br/>
You feel fully rested.<br/>
You say, "WRONG BUTTON."<br/>
You say, "WRONG BUTTON."<br/>
Your spell subtly alters the corruption around you, creating a blind spot once more.<br/>
Your spell subtly alters the corruption around you, creating a blind spot once more.<br/>
>say /quiet }qij time to go dude...<br/>
>say /quiet }qij time to go dude...<br/>
To whom are you speaking?<br/>
To whom are you speaking?<br/>
[01:04:02 PM] Your mind hears Qij thinking, "Worst necromancer ever."<br/>
[01:04:02 PM] Your mind hears Qij thinking, "Worst necromancer ever."<br/>
You hear your mental voice echo to Baylix, "check check qij qij"
You hear your mental voice echo to Baylix, "check check qij qij"
[Personal] Your mind hears Baylix thinking, "<to you>" "I hear!!"
[Personal] Your mind hears Baylix thinking, "<to you>" "I hear!!"
You hear your mental voice echo to Baylix, "new gweth, who dis"
You hear your mental voice echo to Baylix, "new gweth, who dis"
You say, "Hey guys who fixes crap in Shard."<br/>
You say, "Hey guys who fixes crap in Shard."<br/>
Line 474: Line 343:
[Personal] Your mind hears Etasia thinking, "<to you>" "hehe"<br/>
[Personal] Your mind hears Etasia thinking, "<to you>" "hehe"<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Qij thinking, "I identify as a Qij, thank you very much. I wish your jokes identified as funny."<br/>
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I identify as a Qij, thank you very much. I wish your jokes identified as funny."<br/>
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I had a guardian once, but he identified as a gerbil."<br/>
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I had a guardian once, but he identified as a gerbil."<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Aluwyyn thinking, "squirrels are more dangerous"<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Aluwyyn thinking, "squirrels are more dangerous"<br/>
Line 514: Line 383:
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "This conversation could not have gone any better."<br/>
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "This conversation could not have gone any better."<br/>

You get a thin cookbook bound in mulberry leather from atop a donation shelf.<br/>
You get an owl-feather quill with a slender diacan tip from inside a hip tote which is in your black backpack.<br/>
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"<br/>
You turn to page 2 in your thin cookbook.<br/>
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"<br/>
You turn to page 3 in your thin cookbook.<br/>
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"<br/>
You turn to page 4 in your thin cookbook.<br/>
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"<br/>
You turn to page 5 in your thin cookbook.<br/>
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"<br/>
You close your thin cookbook, hooking back the latch.<br/>
You put your quill in the hip tote which is inside your black backpack.<br/>
You set a thin cookbook bound in mulberry leather on a donation shelf.<br/>
You beam!<br/>
Tathalus exclaims, "Hail Gnoble one!"<br/>
Lycidylia hugs you.<br/>
Tathalus says, "Until next time."<br/>
Tathalus gives you a brotherly hug, rubbing your scalp with his knuckles.<br/>
Lycidylia says, "And i wont hurl spells at him next time either."<br/>
Lycidylia shakes her head.<br/>
Tathalus says, "She will."<br/>
Lycidylia says, "Not."<br/>
Tathalus says, "She will."<br/>
Lycidylia says, "Not."<br/>
Tathalus says, "She will."<br/>
Goblin Bait Tathalus goes southeast, leading his group.<br/>
You hear your mental voice echo to Tathalus, "She will..."<br/>
Biomancer Lycidylia just arrived, leading her group.<br/>
Lycidylia says, "Not."<br/>
Biomancer Lycidylia goes southeast, leading her group.<br/>
Angel says to you, "Lilas sQij."<br/>
Angel says to you, "Lilacas."<br/>
Angel exclaims to you, "Lilacs!"<br/>
You say, "I agree. Lie Less."<br/>
You say, "I don't really call them lies though."<br/>
Angel gives a sheet of dappled rose paper a hug!<br/>
You say, "More like truth bendies."<br/>
Angel asks, "Lyci where were the mourning bands in Leth?"<br/>
You say, "Travallyns."<br/>
You say, "Trevalyns."<br/>
You say, "Trevallyns."<br/>
Angel says, "I have one or two, but I think mine have sayings."<br/>
Angel says, "Ahh."<br/>
You say, "Travelsards."<br/>
You say, "Troovletufts."<br/>
You say, "Tarpelyns."<br/>
You say, "THEY ARE NEAR LETH."<br/>
You sob.<br/>
You quietly say to yourself, "You tried..."<br/>
Angel says, "I am going to run to Trevelyn's then."<br/>
You say, "If they have one with spikes and doom on it."<br/>
You say, "That's the one for me."<br/>
Lycidylia puts her turtle in her dreamweave unicorn.<br/>
You say, "Because I am VISCOUS."<br/>
You say, "I MEAN VICIOUS."<br/>
You grit your teeth.<br/>
Darkgaze chortles softly at some secret joke.<br/>
You smile gloopily.<br/>
You quietly say to Reiku, "Gnome Power."<br/>
Reiku edges away from you.<br/>
Reiku stands near Selame.<br/>
Selame looks very unfocused and seems to be staring at nothing with a blissful smile on her face.<br/>
You quietly say to Selame, "Good Good Qij."<br/>
You give Selame an emphatic nod.<br/>
[Hilltop Cemetery, Before Mausoleum]<br/>
The trees have given way to a mausoleum crafted from white marble. The entrance is marked by two smooth columns and perched just above, a solemn-looking stone gargoyle surveys the surroundings. You also see an Elven silk picnic cloth embroidered with silvery thread with several things on it, a Darkmist abyss monkey draped in strands of clattering bone fragments and a huge **WARNING** sign.<br/>
Also here: Nurse Illiya who is circled by ephemeral phantom sharks, Danger Wizard Dasheek who has a stony visage, Shadow Reiku, Blood Dancer Selame who is lying down, Grey Empath Akeiro who is sitting and Nepenthe Timorias.<br/>
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.<br/>
Selame asks Reiku, "Should I hit him with the pillow maneuever and send him flying to the east?"<br/>
You hum cheerfully to yourself.<br/>
You get a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea from inside a hip tote which is in your black backpack.<br/>
You get an owl-feather quill with a slender diacan tip from inside a hip tote which is in your black backpack.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A pillow being suplexed by an overambitious Gnome. He backs off the pillow, quite sure the challenge has been satisfied.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your pale blue paper to Selame, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
Selame has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea.<br/>
Selame reads her paper.<br/>
Selame laughs at you!<br/>
Selame holds out her hand towards you for a highfive.<br/>
[To highfive Selame, type HIGHFIVE Selame, or type HIGHFIVE HELP to see optional emotes to use within the next forty five seconds.]
Dasheek takes a sip of his tea.<br/>
You and Selame attempt to highfive, but you miss and just barely clip her hand.<br/>
You sigh.<br/>
After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Qij, this court finds you innocent of the charges brought upon you. You are free to go. Guards, please return this man's things."
The guard releases you, and somewhat reluctantly hands you a sack containing your things. You are shunted to a small area in the corner where you redress in relative privacy.<br/>

You patter north.<br/>
[Therenborough, Quadrangle]<br/>
The vast quadrangle is paved with blocks of silver-speckled granite and bordered by rows of marble columns interspersed with matching benches. Throngs of people congregate in this popular gathering spot. Every so often an animated speaker addresses the crowds from the public orator's stand. You also see a large green chrysoberyl, a large rust-colored garnet, The Two Birds card and an alabaster birdbath.<br/>
Also here: Barbarian Gorteous who is sitting.<br/>
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.<br/>

You dust yourself off.<br/>

You sit down.<br/>
You say, "They got the wrong Qij."<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A 4 panel cartoon depicting Gorteous nervously waiting by Theren Keep after the guards snatch away his pal. All 4 panels seem to be the word "Qij" repeated in differing scripts, sizes, and seemingly volumes. You wonder what it means...yet somehow you know exactly what it means.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>

You offer your striped paper to Gorteous, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>

The Baronial guardsman strides north, looking around carefully for signs of trouble.<br/>

== <code>''The "Q"seum''</code> ==
== <code>''The "Q"seum''</code> ==
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A magnificent seascape beneath a bewitchingly fogged night sky. Waves roll onto the shore, and the vast expanse of the night sky's horizon seems to be intended to draw you into a meditative ponderance of it's meaning. On the beach is posed the graceful figure of a golden-haired Elothean woman, studying a large tome laid upon a piece of driftwood. Her tanned skin leads you to believe she spends much of her time here, but her tranquil stare displays the calm wisdom of a healer not unfamiliar with the battlefield. At the bottom, miniscule script reads, "Lycidylia Kitsune: Keeper of the Tathalus, Dolphin Pal, Protector of Gnomes, Healer of Healers, Calmer of Scattered and Disquieted Qijs. The pal that keeps the pals palled.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your black paper to Lycidylia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: An elegant and regal portrait; An Elothean man stands calmy, gazing into the distance. His dark hair is well groomed, but evidently belongs to a "doer of deeds", his well defined features lend themselves to a mysterious affect. At the bottom of the portrait, in unbelievably tiny calligraphy, are the words, "Tathalus Kitsune: Keeper of Lycidylia, Protector of Gnomes, Owner of Slightly Charred Combat Attire, Hugger of Pals. The kindest and most wonderful friend a Qij could want."<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your grey paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "I would look great in that gown"<br/>
Xionara leans over and whispers, "the feathered look definitely suits you"<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "SQUUAAACK"<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "what do phoenixes say?"<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "Is it like giraffes? Like what sound do giraffes make?"<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "keeps me up at night"<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "you had the best outfit 100%"<br/>
Xionara leans over and whispers, "I think they honk, squawk and squeeeeeee"<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "that makes so much more sense...."<br/>
Xionara leans over and whispers, "the squeeeee is a superior version of squawk with a squeal in it"<br/>
You whisper to Xionara, "I have so much to learn from you"<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: An elegant flaming giraffe honking, squawking, and squeeing as it runs into the horizon...<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your amber paper to Xionara, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
----Charrack throws his head back and howls, sounding remarkably like a real wolf!

You jump back from Charrack!

You say, "You sounded..."

You say, "Remarkably like a real wolf."

You fret.

Charrack says, "Thank you."

Charrack smiles.

You twiddle your thumbs.

Charrack goes out.<br />
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A hectic scene as a Gnomish Empath returns home from work one day to find his beautiful Halfling Wife linked to another man. As he storms out, he attempts to flip the table but finds it's too heavy to achieve the dramatic effect he hopes. He slowly tips it over as they silently watch him struggle. The napkin holder falls to the ground, unspilled. He picks up the napkins and throws them everywhere. One sticks in his beard and he fiercely struggles to remove it in a fit of rage. Finally, he grabs a macaroni and cheese tart, throwing it against the wall and it splatters back onto his foot. He turns to leave and slips on the fresh macaroni, falling down the stairs of his now broken home in disgrace and shame. His Wife turns to her student and says "I genuinely have no clue who that was."<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your black paper to Melindrha, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>

The paper reads: A multi-panel comic, labeled "It Wasn't a Joke"...Panel 1: A dashing Paladin holding court with his squires, lecturing the finer points of soul state management. Panel 2: One of the students cracks a joke about being on fire. Panel 3: Chortling from the class as our Paladin tries to figure out who said it. Panel 4: A bird's-eye-view of the classroom, a small plume of smoke rising from it... Panel 5: Shocked students staring in amazement. Panel 6: Our Noble Paladin, flames scorching his hindquarters as he runs into the distance. A snicker comes from the shadows.<br/>
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij<br/>

A begrudgingly accepted gift for Madigan.
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Heart-Shaped Food Caravan wrapped with a bandage fluttering in the breeze. Parked outside the Empath Guild, it is pulled by two (hopefully fake?!) blood-soaked gidii. The sign above it says "HeartLinkz Rolling Sausage Shop" with a goofy smiling Guretin holding a severed hand with a thumbs up.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your black paper to Guretin, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
Jaelia asks you, "So which Qij are you today?"<br/>
Nebby says, "Qij is both a singularity in time and multi-dimensional state of ebing."<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A three-sided coin flipping in the air with a gaggle of concerned citizens gathered around watching. One of them calls out "Heads!". The coin lands just out of sight...<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>

You offer your lilac paper to Jaelia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A black unicorn with a horn twisted into a Q-shape. He is charging at an unsuspecting ne'er-do-well, prepared to implement his unwieldy weapon in whatever manner it is implemented....You desperately wish to see the next part of the scene....<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your white paper to Melindrha, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
----You apply the quill to the paper and write: A multi-scene cartoon of an awkward looking prydaen refusing a mouse offered to him as he gags slightly...in the next scene he is unmasked to be two pudgy dwarves atop each others shoulders....in the next scene the dwaves are seen hobbling into the distance in shame, one of them trailing a hilarious and poorly made 'tail'

Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your marigold paper to Heartsfyre, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer.  Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br />
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A GM-eating squirrel cheebling his way towards a ship in the distance....<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your transparent paper to Iocanthe, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
Iocanthe has accepted your offer and is now holding a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper.<br/>
Iocanthe says to you, "Thankfully, I am an SGM, so I'm immune."<br/>
You say, "I'll understand if you need to shred it for government secret reasons or whatever."<br/>
Iocanthe nods to you.<br/>
You say, "I will save it in the Q'seum."<br/>
You tap your head.<br/>
Lycidylia beams at you! What a warm feeling!<br/>
Iocanthe asks you, "Save what?"<br/>
Iocanthe scratches her head.<br/>
You ponder.<br/>
You say, "Hi."<br/>
You hug Iocanthe who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of ozone clings to her skin.<br/>
Moving quickly, Iocanthe crumbles up a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper and stuffs it into her mouth. Chewing madly, she makes several frustrated hacking noises. After several long moments, Iocanthe appears to have been successful and a triumphant expression spreads across her face.<br/>
You say, "It's me."<br/>
Iocanthe grins.<br/>
You say, "Qij."<br/>
Iocanthe nods to you.<br/>
Iocanthe takes a seat near you.<br/>
You sit down near Iocanthe.<br/>
You let out a long sigh of relief.<br/>
~~A bunch of things happened as Iocanthe bestowed a new galley upon Amphitritee~~<br/>
Iocanthe says, "Okay. I'm heading out, but I hope that you have a fabulous night."<br/>
A bag of buttered popcorn appears in Iocanthe's hand with a *pop*. Now you wish you had some.<br/>
Gem-like particles begin to swirl from Iocanthe who quickly fades into a sparkling cloud of tiny stars that float away, disappearing into the sky.<br/>
You accept Golameth's offer and are now holding a sheet of textured paper scattered with tiny hedgehogs.<br/>

>read my pap<br/>
The paper is drawn with: A wizzened gnome sketching a gnome on a piece of paper. Outstretching from the paper is a hand and pen drawing the gnome who is drawing the gnome.<br/>
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Golameth<br/>

You laugh!<br/>

You hug Golameth. A faint scent of dried blood clings to his skin.<br/>

You say, "Gola."<br/>

You say, "You have ascended."<br/>

Golameth holds out his hand towards you for a highfive.<br/>
[To highfive Golameth, type HIGHFIVE Golameth, or type HIGHFIVE HELP to see optional emotes to use within the next forty five seconds.]<br/>

You and Golameth attempt to highfive, but you miss and just barely clip his hand.<br/>

You snap your fingers.<br/>

You say, "Dangit."<br/>

Golameth says, "Nah thankyou for being so Qij."<br/>

You quietly say to yourself, "Gotta work on that."<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Burnt glitter is strewn about all around...What looks like it could have been an elf lies dead with his head a pulpy mess from an apparent moonbeam injury. A pristine, dull-edged, unsullied letter opener is jammed into the ground beside him with a note that reads, "You were mostly right...."
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>

Golameth whirls about in a bold, flashy manner!<br/>
Nightmare Braesen just arrived.<br/>
Braesen visibly churns with an inner rage!<br/>
A deep howl of bloodlust erupts from Golameth as his chest puffs out from the strain of corded chest muscles tightening all at once!<br/>
You offer your pale blue paper to Darkgaze, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: An extraordinarily detailed painting of an unbothered Qij.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your striped paper to Darkgaze, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A rickety boat in rough seas. Men and women alike cower as they hold tight to anything bolted down, fearful of the next wave that may sweep them overboard to their deaths. Flipping the paper over is a wide view of the same scene...The boat is on dry land without a cloud in the sky. At the bottom is the prophetic etching..."Dummies gonna Dumb"<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
Tathalus says, "Incase I aint said it, I love this woman."<br/>
You offer your pink paper to Lycidylia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A shadowy figure performing acts of charity under cover of night. A caption at the bottom says, "Silent Friend to the Friendless"<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>

You offer your sky-blue paper to Purnay, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
The paper reads: A wise old Mage with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, stands in the face of a fearsome Dragon. At the bottom, the drawing says, "Live, Laugh, Depart"<br/>
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij<br/>

You offer your white paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A cozy fireplace in a remote cabin in the mountains. Overlooking a beautiful, pure white valley, gidiis wading through the snow and grazing on the last of the wild snuggleberries; the picture is calm and serene. A picture of a noble and upright Gnome sits proudly above the hearth. He sits proudly, wearing a disheveled cloak, wild hair, and mischievous look upon his somehow wrinkled yet youthful face. The inscription beneath it reads, "You Only Qij Once." It is crossed out several times, as if arguing with itself.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>

You put your quill in the mistwood case which is inside your shoulder pack.<br/>

You offer your parchment paper to Darkgaze, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>

Lycidylia leans on Darkgaze.<br/>

You say, "For your new house specifically."<br/>


You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two pals dancing like heck.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>

Zehira studies her omnibus almanac closely.<br/>

You offer your sky-blue paper to Rhorgul, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A gigantic s'kra mur flying through the air in the hands of something resembling an Elf but looking more like a sparkly nightmare bear. As they hit the ground glitter flies in all directions, coating the audience. The s'kra perishes as the crowd cheers. The janitors sigh and plead, yet again, with management to get them the GlitterMax3000 for when Golameth comes to town next.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>

Golameth whirls about in a bold, flashy manner!<br/>
You offer your black paper to Golameth, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You quietly say to Darkgaze, "Gola doesn't want the Q'seum piece."<br/>
You say, "Preserve it for generations to come."<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A messy drawing of a young boy hiding under the sheets staring into a corner of darkened shadows.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your pale blue paper to Zynell, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You whisper to Zynell, "you give that to agalea"<br/>
Zynell offers Agalea a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea.<br/>
Agalea accepts Zynell's pale blue paper.<br/>
Agalea reads her paper.<br/>
Agalea says to you, "Thank you for the drawing."<br/>
Agalea smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.<br/>
You hear a voice say, "Qij is wise in Qij, let it be know, Qij."<br/>
Something pops in Agalea's eye and discharges a sickly lime-yellow fluid that runs down her face.<br/>
Agalea puts her paper in her leather pack.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A fuzzy footed child baking cookies with his Grandmother.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You put your paper in the wooden cupboard.<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A sneaky Qij finding sneaky places.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You put your paper in the metal ring.<br/>

The paper reads: A lost Gnome, without a hope in Hail.<br/>
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij<br/>
You put your paper in the tangled roots.<br/>
In the tangled roots you see a sheet of amber paper and a drowned rat.<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A long-unattended and no longer festive feast festering beneath a flurry of flying flickertoe fleas.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You put your paper on the oaken table.<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A dull, seemingly poorly-made sword with a halfling- or gnome-sized grip, sitting atop a wooden rack. Children's toys are uncomfortably close, regardless of the relic's degree of battlereadiness.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You put your paper in the duffel bag.<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A two tone sketch of a dreary day turned bright again by the arrival at some oft-visited happy place.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You giggle at some secret joke.<br/>
You quietly say to yourself, "I like that one."<br/>
You nod emphatically.<br/>
You put your paper on the copperwood counter.<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A dream-like sketch of a plate-clad Gnome hurling gigantic spears at unsuspecting friends and foes alike. A thought bubble above his head seems to say in a dark, low voice...."Justice...."<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You laugh at a sheet of pale yellow paper sprinkled with embedded buttercups!<br/>
You put your paper in the comfortable chair.<br/>
You giggle at some secret joke.<br/>

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A stinky Knight sloshing about in soggy boots brimming with humanity.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You drop a sheet of pale yellow paper sprinkled with embedded buttercups.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A fuzzy, dreamlike picture of a bipedal cherry with alluring eyes compared to most stonefruit, yet terrible gnashing teeth.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your black paper to Chelinde, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two hoes gardening together.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your black paper to Melindrha, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
Gremtrak exclaims, "May you be bathed in the light!"<br/>
The loud roaring of a raging inferno emanates from a fiery fissure.<br/>
Gremtrak gestures at Tathalus.<br/>
A bright flash engulfs Gremtrak's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Tathalus!<br/>
Tathalus dodges aside.<br/>
Gremtrak laughs!
Gremtrak says, "No gremmy light."
Gremtrak snaps his fingers.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Holy Whiff.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your green paper to Gremtrak, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
Gremtrak says, "So I can say, you light up my world, to everyone it hits."<br/>
Gremtrak has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of matte green paper smudged with dirt.<br/>
Gremtrak reads his paper.<br/>
Gremtrak laughs!<br/>
You put your quill in the mistwood case which is inside your shoulder pack.<br/>
You twiddle your thumbs.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A joyous reunion.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your transparent paper to Riverlynn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
Riverlynn lovingly snuggles up to you.<br/>
Riverlynn has accepted your offer and is now holding a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper.<br/>
Riverlynn reads her paper.<br/>
You ask, "Oh hey what's on that paper?"<br/>
You gaze silently at Riverlynn.<br/>
Riverlynn says, "Us."<br/>
Riverlynn nods emphatically.<br/>
You yell, "Riverlynn is here guys!"<br/>
You quietly say to Bees, "She's your knees."<br/>
Riverlynn laughs!<br/>
You hug Bees.<br/>
Riverlynn exclaims, "Yay!"<br/>
You gaze at Riverlynn in awe.<br/>
You let out a loud "Huzzah!"<br/>
You do a happy little dance of joy!<br/>
Riverlynn holds a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper high into the air for all to see.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two Elotheans peacefully napping in the midst of a battlefield...raging fireballs and bolts of holy fire alongside spilled apple cider.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your transparent paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
A gift to his old friend Darkgaze:
A gift to his old friend Darkgaze:

Line 525: Line 814:
Lycidylia says, "Definitely a Qij and a Dark."<br/>
Lycidylia says, "Definitely a Qij and a Dark."<br/>
Darkgaze says, "I'm so keeping that one forever."<br/>
Darkgaze says, "I'm so keeping that one forever."<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A half-breed-hating half-breed-friend surrounded by half-breed-loving full-breeds.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your transparent paper to Mazrian, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
Mazrian chuckles at you!<br/>
You nod politely to Vaerek.<br/>
Atuen asks Zalinyar, "And what Order do you belong to now? back with the Dragon Shield? the Theren Guard maybe?"<br/>
Gifts to his pals Tathalus and Lycidylia:<br/>
Gifts to his pals Tathalus and Lycidylia:<br/>
Line 565: Line 861:
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Clarrke's hand.<br/>
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Clarrke's hand.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A pal surrouned by pals pallin' around like pals do.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your amber paper to Lycidylia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You hug Lycidylia who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of sea spray clings to her skin.<br/>
You hug Tathalus who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of falling rain clings to his skin.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A joyfully stunned Gnome laying on the floor of a lavish walk-in closet. In his hands, a dirty cleaning cloth.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A joyfully stunned Gnome laying on the floor of a lavish walk-in closet. In his hands, a dirty cleaning cloth.<br/>
Line 590: Line 892:
You offer your transparent paper to Druesyllia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You offer your transparent paper to Druesyllia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A store clerk holding his own leg in his hand, moaning incomprehensible answers to customer questions as flies begin to gather.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your transparent paper to Psychmenon, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A host of unseen ephemera swirling silently around 3 adventurers; 2 spry and handsome elves, 1 confused old Gnome.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your transparent paper to Khaelyn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You give Khaelyn an emphatic nod.<br/>
Khaelyn has accepted your offer and is now holding a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper.<br/>
You giggle at some secret joke.<br/>
You hug Khaelyn who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of falling rain clings to her skin.<br/>
Khaelyn reads her paper.<br/>
You hug Theale. A faint scent of falling rain clings to his skin.<br/>
You patter northwest.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Good Qij and a Good Tea.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your yellow paper to Illiya, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Qij found so much paper."<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Dartwin thinking, "I have a Qij story on paper I'll always carry around. They are priceless."<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Robarvo thinking, "should i exstinguish him.. this qij? I mean if he is the real qij he will come back stronger right? Quick grab ye pitchforks and torches"<br/>
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I shall make a story for Robarvo too. May he cherish it evermorelyish."<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "Sir Rob - Even though you are a horrible Paladin, even you know - No one Touches Qij unless they want their body parts scattered across all planes of existance!"<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Angel thinking, "Qij let me know if you want me to run you out for more paper."<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Robarvo thinking, "so i will be shrewn about and be limited omnisient? And will still have great stories told of my existance... this sounds to me like i will be a martyr!!!"<br/>
[General] Your mind hears Robarvo thinking, "get more gem value from the critters!! Now is the time to get them gem pouches filled up!!"<br/>
The paper reads: A Rakash that has been stitched back together after a seemingly horrid accident. He vaguely resembles a dummy, but his freckles are all out of place and his green eyes are bloodshot and misplaced.<br/>
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two pals, Gnoble and Nobler. Hailing their way to Victory under the threat of imminent palship.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You say, "And that's for you Mister Vaddon."<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A gossamer-draped Vigil Keeper standing quiet guard over the memories of the many.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your red paper to Jaelia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: a tangled mess of friendship, forever knotted together after an evidently overexuberant group hug...<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your red paper to Crobin, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: An incredibly detailed one-of-a-kind work of art disappearing into a strangely attractive patch of shadows....chewing sounds come from somewhere out of sight.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your violet paper to Teyl, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A puddle of Qij surrounded by his closest Qij's.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your pale blue paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
The paper reads: A Gnobleman advancing upon legions of zombie invaders. Fearless. Unwavering. Unintelligent.<br/>
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij<br/>
Akeiro has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: What looks like a potentially beautiful Kaldaran Priestess hidden behind a tangled, cobweb-infested, twig-riddled mop of midnight black hair.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A friendship trap. Two unlikely creatures brought together by a shared love of footwear and an old friend.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your paper to Zehira, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Good Dog being a Good Dog.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your violet paper to Elore, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two Empaths laying prone on a dirty hospital floor, wrapped in a strange golden energy, staring lovingly into each other's eyes.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
Illiya has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea.<br/>
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Good Guy gallantly riding upon a Giant Pink Gidii. The creature is quietly eating at the base of a snugglefruit tree. You're not sure why, but you notice the rider has particularly nice hands.<br/>
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.<br/>
You offer your pale blue paper to Ansara, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.<br/>

== <code>''Qij's Don't Have Bank Accounts''</code> ==
== <code>''Qij's Don't Have Bank Accounts''</code> ==

Line 612: Line 995:
You say, "You healed me."<br/>
You say, "You healed me."<br/>
You say, "And Qij's don't have bank accounts."<br/>
You say, "And Qij's don't have bank accounts."<br/>

== <code>''THE DAY QIJ JOINED THE MOON MAGE GUILD......AGAIN''</code> ==

It has been 419 years, 259 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.<br />
It is the 7th month of Moliko the Balance in the year of the Crystal Snow Hare.<br />
It is currently fall and it is sunset.<br />
You're positive it's 12 roisaen before the Anlas of Phelim's Vigil....<br />

You follow Qij southwest.

[Observatory, Third Level]
A soft sitting mat covers the floor entirely, save for a narrow strip of anti-color bordering starkly on all sides. Painted onto the crystal hemisphere, a detailed star diagram spreads over your head, marking the constellations and their positions at various times of the year.<br />
You also see the Guildleader Kssarh, an elegant silver stand with a guild register on it, a rounded archway and a tricolored scroll.<br />
Also here: Qij.<br />
Obvious exits: northeast, west.<br />

Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij says, "So we meet again."
Qij says, "I have some conditions."

Kssarh glares at Qij as he stalks about his office.

Qij says, "As I believe I am of the utmost value to this guild."
Qij says, "And should you dare to not meet them."

Kssarh glowers at Qij and waves impatiently.

Qij says, "I shall take my talents back to the sewers."

Qij asks, "Am I understood?"

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij nods to you.

You nod to Qij.

Qij says, "Leilanie, tell him my first condition."

Qij folds his arms across his chest.

You say, "Ummm..."

You fidget nervously.

Qij says, "It's ok."

Qij nods emphatically.

You hesitantly ask, "He, ummm....we wants to cause mayhem?"

Qij nods.

Qij says, "Yup."
Qij says, "And if you try to stop us..."
Qij shakes his head.
Qij says, "We walk."
Qij folds his arms across his chest.

Qij asks, "Ok?"
Qij says, "Second condition, LL."

Qij gestures at you.
Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

You slowly ask, "He wants sweet peas to be readily available?"
Qij says, "Yup."

Qij says, "READILY."
Qij says, "Available."
Qij says, "If that's not something you can provide, then I question your guildleaderliness."

You say, "In an organic garden."

You nod emphatically.
Qij says, "Organic."
Qij says, "Or-Gan-Nick."
Qij says, "And tell him about the gidii."
Qij nods to you.

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.
Qij folds his arms across his chest.
Qij leans over and whispers, "welcome at all guild affairs"
Qij leans over and whispers, "and moon mage functions"

You loudly exclaim, "The gidii is the new mascot!"
Qij says, "Exactly."
Qij nods emphatically.

You shake your fist!
Qij says, "I'll give you a moment to consider."
Qij says, "This is a serious affair."
Qij says, "Not like the last time."
Qij leans over and whispers, "do you think he gets it or should we head to the sewers"
Qij gazes thoughtfully at you.

You whisper to Qij, "I think he gets it, maybe"
Qij squints.
Qij leans over and whispers, "you're right. he's tough to read"

You smile at the Guildleader Kssarh, revealing the dimples in your cheeks.
Qij squints.
Qij smiles as Kssarh whispers something to him. After a few roisaen of glaring at each other, attempting to appear stern, they exchange a handshake and appear to relax.

Qij says, "Then it's settled."
You hum happily to yourself.

Kssarh bends over and hisses something at Qij.
Kssarh suddenly hauls off and slaps Qij upside the head!

You laugh!

You quickly clasp both hands over your mouth.
Qij dusts himself off.
Kssarh looks up at Qij and says something to him.
Qij adjusts his coral medallion.
Qij removes a pink coral medallion from his neck.
Qij hangs a pink coral medallion around his neck.
Qij snuggles up to the pink gidii, who tucks Qij under one wing.

Shaking in fear, the pink gidii runs in circles before finally figuring which direction to go. Honking loudly, it runs away.
Kssarh jabs Qij sharply in the chest.
Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.
Qij says, "Yea yea."
Qij asks, "Where's my office going to be?"
Qij and Kssarh continue their conversation.
Qij asks, "Is that right?"
Kssarh extends a cupped hand to Qij for a moment.
Qij holds his hand up before his mouth and begins to cough, his shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!
Kssarh whispers a few words in Qij's ear.

Kssarh glowers at Qij.
Kssarh smiles ever-so-slightly as he continues speaking to Qij.
Kssarh glowers at Qij.

Kssarh hisses a few angry words at Qij.

You hum to yourself.
Kssarh drops a book on a table and mutters a few choice words at Qij.
Qij nods emphatically.
Qij dusts himself off.
You follow Qij west.


Some Qijjy gifts:

In Common, it reads:

     All through the night the the reindeer did ride to make it the Qij's places he hide.  Then the jolly red man atop a snow covered sleigh yelled out what tis Cris Mass this day? He pondered in thought, where is the Qij, what woud Cris Mass good cheer be without this small dude... So to ye I send the qijiest sleigh, some skates and some poison to do as ye may. May the 12 days of fest bring you on a small quest, to find much cheer in this Cris Mass year.   your friend,  Etasia

Latest revision as of 16:22, 3 September 2024

Qij frameless\alt=QijPortrait
Status Active
Race Gnome
Gender Male
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime

Our Qij.....

....Often has conversations with himself that he isn't present for.

....Has the most extreme documented case of GTA (Gnomic Time Absence). He often forgets where he is and needs to remind himself. Sometimes he feels a great length of time has elapsed when in reality only a few roisaen have passed. At times he may repeat himself without realizing.

....Enjoys mischief, and finds himself most present, joyful, and aware when dealing with merrymaking and/or mayhem.

....Experiences bouts of extreme paranoia.

....Often times gets involved with evil-minded ne'er-do-wells when he thinks they are just fellow pranksters and shenaniganizers.

....Is clueless when it comes to the ladies.

....Is quite certain the big white "Good Doggy" in the orphanage lived the best and most loved life that Qij has ever seen.

....Often times believes his services are direly needed by various people and/or guilds. He will change professions or undertake grand and perilous adventures on a whim, enrolling countless passersby into his dangerous and whimsical flights of fancy.

....Has a propensity to be very generous with what little he has.

....Often loses some or all of his items after dying, departing, and not bothering or remembering to go retrieve them.

....Does not partake in the favor of the Gods, and has been quoted as saying "Eluned Take The Wheel" when he is (quite obviously to others) doing the opposite.

THE Qijs....

You see Qij, Scholar of Aesry Surlaenis'a, a Gnome.
Qij has a round kertig-rimmed monocle magnifying one of his observant dark eyes. His white hair is long and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has wrinkled skin and a witheringly frail build. He is tiny for a Gnome.
He appears to be ancient.
He has a thick bushy mustache that droops heavily on his upper lip and a long shaggy beard.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing some ornate robes of deep purple dreamweave, and some burlap fingerless gloves.<br /)

Qapers of The Qij

You exclaim, "Hail!"
Haelinon says, "Hi."
Haelinon is slain before your eyes!
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon ask, "Wait how did I die that time?"
You quietly say to Haelinon, "The Good Guys say HAIL. Not Hi."
Darkgaze asks, "What's going on Haelinon?"
You say, "We don't know actually."
You say, "But we need to find it help."
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "Well two traps killed first two. Third time I was killed by someone."
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "Think it was him."
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "Qij."
You say, "No no no."
You say, "Good Qij's don't kill."
You hear the ghostly voice of Haelinon say, "And lost spell because Richard ran into the room."
You quietly say to Darkgaze, "He's hysterical."

You quietly exclaim, "No, no, no I don't burglarize.  I go in and rearrange some items though...less of an elf on a shelf.  Like a Gnome in a Home!"

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "The Great and also Dumb Uritel has been missing for some time, and was last seen Old and Dumb.  After much time not bothering searching, he has been pronounced dead.  Services will be 5 fortnights from the second andu of the acrimonious snail. When the bell strikes 9 Elven Ladies.  Be there."

[General] Your mind hears Rhadyn thinking, "Uritel. You will be missed. I'm busy at that time. I have a new vat of ale that needs tending to. Please send my condolences."

[General] Your mind hears Heartsfyre thinking, "um"

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "If I see him, I will send your regards."

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "But again.  Old and dumb.  Let's just call it Checkmate or Match or Mistletoe...whatever you call it when your arch nemesis perishes."

[General] Your mind hears Rhadyn thinking, "I do hear you play a mean game of tic-tac-mistletoe Qij"

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Not since mistertoe found out about us."

Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "There's a process to how I deal with problems. Step 1 is gripin'."

You hear your mental voice echo, "My step 1 is silently bearing the existential weight of my previous choices.  It's a very short step.  The rest of the steps usually happen somewhere in Taelbert's."

Your shadow babbles, "Ramee!"

You nod.

You say, "I agree."

You sigh.

You say, "But there's nothing we can do about that now."

You say, "As a matter of fact, there never was anything we could do about it...."

You ask, "Why must you live in the past?"

Your shadow babbles, "Tanooneenamileenee!"

You say, "Well that's hardly the point."

You say, "I really wish you'd stop bringing it up."

You say, "She wasn't even Elven."

You say, "B-b-b-but that wasn't the point."

You say, "Insufferable...."

You scowl blackly.

You patter east.

Nebby says, "I may be in trouble."
You say, "Uhoh..."
You move over to guard Nebby.
> You ask, "What do you need Mister Nebby?"
> You ask, "Who needs to die?"
> Nebby says, "Not that kind of trouble."
> You ask, "Who needs their ankles slashed?"
> You ask, "Who needs to be poked in the eye with a raisin?"
> You ask, "Who needs to get their ears stuffed with pre-owned toothpaste?"
> Nebby laughs at you!

You ask, "Who needs their basement filled with dead rabbits?"
> You ask, "Who needs their shoes to turn into death adders while they're in the bathtub?"
> Nebby says, "Oh that one is harsh."
> You ask, "Who needs their favorite shirt to be changed to a slightly uncomfortable size?"
> You say, "Who needs their pantry to be filled with jelly beans but when you eat the jelly beans you find out they are all that weird off-white flavor even though they are multi colored jelly beans so they keep eating MORE AND MORE AND MORE slowly losing hope in their own ability to evaluate their life until finally they give up in desperation, crying out your name in vain."
> You sob.
> You break down and bawl your eyes out, tears flying everywhere.
> Nebby gasps!
> You say, "Oh wait sorry what were we talking about?"

You patter north, leading your group.
[Orphanage, Playground]
A large climbing structure juts out of an enormous sandbox that provides a relatively soft landing for any who make a misstep. A teeter-totter has been wedged down on the ground with a large block for safe travel in the dark. You also see a wooden swing.
Also here: Pathfinder Kintryn and Ruven.
Obvious paths: south.
You settle yourself on the wooden swing.
You push with your feet, causing the swing to sway from the branch with a rhythmic creaking noise.
You say, "Ok."
You say, "Tell me your problems."
You smile sweetly.
Kintryn quietly says, "Qij."
Kintryn quietly says, "So help me."
Ruven glances at you.
You exclaim, "I will!"
You turn to face Ruven.
< Moving in gracefully, you lob a senci spear at Ruven. Ruven completely fails to block with his targe. The spear lands a very heavy hit that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest, lightly stunning him.
The spear falls to the ground!
[You're solidly balanced and in superior position.]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]
Kintryn quietly says, "Grumble."

You yell, "For Glory!"
Shenney says, "It is dark here, but you are my light."
You sling a senci spear off from over your shoulder.
You trace the Glyph of Light.
A brief burst of pain wracks your body and your soul feels somewhat diminished. Slowly, five globes of light extrude from your fingertips and begin to glow brightly.
The tiny balls of light swirl around you, darting around your body making your vision incredibly clear and lighting the area surrounding you.
Shenney gazes at you.
You clap your hands once in an august gesture of piety.
A blazing golden light erupts from the depths of your soul! Pulsating with thin grey fractures, the glow soon spreads to the whole of your body and your spear.
Also here: a calmed Shenney and a calmed Transcendent Paladin Garthur.
Obvious paths: southwest.
Shenney says to Garthur, "Qij is an awesome Paladin."
Shenney says to Garthur, "You should strive to emulate his light."

You hear your mental voice echo to Darkgaze, "You can't spell "make my enemies regret crossing me forevermore" without "Q""
[Personal] Your mind hears Darkgaze thinking, "<to you>" "I suppose that's hard logic to argue"

Telutci asks, "Hmm?"
>ambush slash
You are unable to surprise Telutci with your sneak attack!
You slip out of the shadows behind Telutci! Displaying controlled ferocity, you draw back before smoothly slicing at Telutci's leg with swift and elegant precision.
A shriek of pain follows an abruptly terminated attempt to nurse his injured limb, and Telutci collapses to the ground!
Telutci is stunned!
[You're battered, solidly balanced and in dominating position.]
Roundtime: 6 sec.

  • Driving in like an adept combatant, Telutci draws a haralun bastard sword at you. You badly fail to block with a small amber-scale shield with fitted seams. The sword lands a powerful strike that bites deeply into the left calf.

[You're near death, very badly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
You see Telutci start to back off just as you lose consciousness. The challenge has been satisfied!
Willing your presence to be but a brief ripple in the pool of perception, you still yourself to silence once again.
[12:23:52 AM] Your mind hears Acerild thinking, "{faintly}" "way to let us down, qij"
You're unconscious. Try again later, when you're not.
Vinjince says to you, "You owe me a new jelly bean."
Redeth quietly asks, "Did he eat it?"
Vinjince says to Redeth, "Yes."
Telutci visibly churns with an inner rage!

You pull Wealand close in a slow, lingering kiss.
>release life
You release your hold on Life.
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.
A chill crosses the surface of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily. You feel the eyes of the gods upon you and realize that none look upon you with favor.
Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 10 minutes.

Congratulations Qij! You just received an award for roleplaying! Don't forget to review the RPA verb for how to use your award.

SEND: [Melete] Keep up the good work, Qij. You're moving in the right direction.

[12:07:52 AM] * Qij was just struck down!
[12:08:10 AM] * Bazzo was just struck down!
[12:08:16 AM] * Qij was just struck down!
You yell, "This game is hard!"

You patter north.
[Wilds, Pine Needle Path]
Birds dart in and out of the dense shrubbery here, calling to one another in cadences that are almost comprehendible. Responses seem to emanate from the wooden structure ahead, a timber building with ornately carved double doors, and seemingly without a roof. You also see a pile of branches, some braided grass, a waste bin and a tall wooden figure whose gaze seems to vigilantly scan the surroundings.
Also here: the body of Death's Messenger Misstep who is lying down.
Obvious paths: south.
A teal cloud eel glides in.
A milky cloud eel glides in.
An alabaster cloud eel glides in.
You say, "Looks like you had a big....nevermind."
You hear the ghostly voice of Misstep say, "Help."
You patter south.

You get a glass of pink lemonade from inside some dense shrubbery.
You dance about with your pink lemonade.
You patter south.
You patter east.
You patter east.
You patter north.
You patter north.
The monk glances over to you and nods in greeting as you enter the guildhall.
[Clerics' Guild, Sanctorum]
Dark brown walls paneled with a coarse flowing grain mark this circular chamber. Curved, comfortable-looking sofas are set about some potted acanth trees and you notice a few clerics sitting quietly while reading tomes from the guild's private library. The guild's record keeper sits behind his desk in the corner next to some bins used for storage. You also see a silver and gold gilt scroll, a door leading to the guildleader's study, an arched door and a charity chest.
Also here: Wirks.
Obvious exits: east, out.
You put your lemonade in the charity chest.
You wink at Wirks.
You patter out.

You whisper to Annieka, "HE IS INVISIBLE"
You whisper to Annieka, "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL"
Annieka rubs her head.
Annieka says to you, "Hush."

You say, "I should just be an Empath. I get hurt too much to be a Commoner."
Lalouisa says, "I get hurt to much for you not to be an empath Qij."
Cashmere says to you, "Dont do it."
Cashmere drops to her knees swooning from some incredible pain.

Digless just arrived.
You ask, "Oh hey, are you Digmo's brother?"
You ask, "If we get you a shovel, will your name change?"
Digless drops his rock in a waste bin.

>give my ticket to Ylono
Ylono smiles and says, "Well that is almost done, just give me a few more moments here."

Qij says, "I am thinking of going bungee jumping for my 474th birthday."

Qij says, "Everyone suggested against it."

Qij says, "But like my GranQij always said."

You ponder.

Qij says, "YLONO."

Qij patters out.

You reveal yourself.
You gesture.
Color leeches from the skin on your face as you feel the bone structure underneath shift to accomodate changes on the inside of your skull. Crippling pain and nausea give way to euphoria as your mutation takes hold and the aetheric structure of the plane becomes visible in a blood haze "Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in Crossing now.
You feel fully rested.
You say, "WRONG BUTTON."
Your spell subtly alters the corruption around you, creating a blind spot once more.
>say /quiet }qij time to go dude...
To whom are you speaking?
[01:04:02 PM] Your mind hears Qij thinking, "Worst necromancer ever."

You hear your mental voice echo to Baylix, "check check qij qij" [Personal] Your mind hears Baylix thinking, "<to you>" "I hear!!" You hear your mental voice echo to Baylix, "new gweth, who dis"

You say, "Hey guys who fixes crap in Shard."
Caidie says, "Ylono."
Riverlynn asks, "Like armor?"
Riverlynn says, "Yeah, him."
You say, "I agree, Caidie.  YOLO.  But who fixes armor in Shard please."
Jilette asks, "Metal or leather?"
Riverlynn says, "He does both."
Jilette says, "Well there's the one in the waystation just outside the north gate."
Jilette says, "Starts with a Y I think but I can't remember his exact name."
You whisper to Caidie, "hahahaha"
You whisper to Caidie, "Jilette is not. on. point."
Charlize says, "Ylono."
Jilette says, "That's it."
You say, "Ok guys, YOLO. I'm gonna go find out who knows where to repair armor."
You patter south.

Qij was just struck down!

[General] Your mind hears Snowheart thinking, "Doh! There goes Qij!"
[General] Your mind hears Gyren thinking, "Qij"
[General] Your mind hears Gyren thinking, "oh.. too soon?"
[General] Your mind hears Reynne thinking, "anyone know where the qij, qij is?"
[General] Your mind hears Lycidylia thinking, "he never has any favors anyway misser Reynne"
[General] Your mind hears Reynne thinking, "well qij"
[General] Your mind hears Rhadyn thinking, "He prefers the favor of the masses. He's selfless like that."
[General] Your mind hears Reynne thinking, "he's definitely a great qij that Qij"
[General] Your mind hears Gyren thinking, "I know someone who makes a great Qij"

[General] Your mind hears Aidirr thinking, "Any Clerics around Boar Clan that can rez ?"
[General] Your mind hears Rabee thinking, "i am not near Boar Clan but I am free. "
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "as long as there's only one of you, I think we're safe..."
[Personal] Your mind hears Etasia thinking, "<to you>" "hehe"

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I identify as a Qij, thank you very much. I wish your jokes identified as funny."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I had a guardian once, but he identified as a gerbil."
[General] Your mind hears Aluwyyn thinking, "squirrels are more dangerous"
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I rolled with it. Got him a little cage and one of those wheels. No need to fight it. All are welcome."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I wasn't a very good Empath."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "And when I was a Barbarian all I did was collect throwable stuff. Sweet peas, cupcakes, gerbil guardians. I wasn't a very good Barbarian either."
[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "How are you doing as a Qij tho?"
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "10/10 would Qij again."

You glance down to see a ceramic mixing bowl with cornflower glazing in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
You say, "Wow."
You say, "They've come a long way with the glazing on these mixing bowls."
You say, "Nothing like when I was a Qij."
You drop a ceramic mixing bowl with cornflower glazing.
You patter south.

Askogara just disintegrated!
Askogara was just struck down!
You get a greeting card in the shape of a pale grey death spirit from inside a heretic's supply sack with a reinforced leather bottom which is in your black backpack.
You scribble your signature on death spirit card.
You summon a carrier pigeon to deliver your death spirit card to Askogara.

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "If anyone would like to know who got hit in the neck with a cucumber at dawn, let me know."
[General] Your mind hears Nulak thinking, "Cucumbers don't bite at dawn"
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "You're fishin' the wrong waters then."
[General] Your mind hears Eurynomile thinking, "i very much would likes to know who did the cucumbers hitting and who the hitted was...."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Well, the story begins..."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "It begins with a cucumber."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "And the cucumber is shaped like a dolphin."
[General] Your mind hears Eurynomile thinking, "the daddy pickle loved the moms pickle... we know that part Qij..."
[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "that depends on who was the one in a pickle"
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "And the middle part of the story."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Is me wondering out loud if you could throw cucumbers at people."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Then I walked to the empath's guild, naturally."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "And I found out the answer to my question. Much to the chagrin of Rachmaj's neck."
[General] Your mind hears Eurynomile thinking, "ha! so shoulda known... was the cucumbers edilble still after all was over?"
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I don't intend to find out. I plan on keeping it to throw at others."
[General] Your mind hears Eurynomile thinking, "forced salad eatings will become the new menacings throught the lands i fear.."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "This conversation could not have gone any better."

You get a thin cookbook bound in mulberry leather from atop a donation shelf.
You get an owl-feather quill with a slender diacan tip from inside a hip tote which is in your black backpack.
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"
You turn to page 2 in your thin cookbook.
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"
You turn to page 3 in your thin cookbook.
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"
You turn to page 4 in your thin cookbook.
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"
You turn to page 5 in your thin cookbook.
In your thin cookbook, you write "Qij"
You close your thin cookbook, hooking back the latch.
You put your quill in the hip tote which is inside your black backpack.
You set a thin cookbook bound in mulberry leather on a donation shelf.
You beam!

Tathalus exclaims, "Hail Gnoble one!"
Lycidylia hugs you.
Tathalus says, "Until next time."
Tathalus gives you a brotherly hug, rubbing your scalp with his knuckles.
Lycidylia says, "And i wont hurl spells at him next time either."
Lycidylia shakes her head.
Tathalus says, "She will."
Lycidylia says, "Not."
Tathalus says, "She will."
Lycidylia says, "Not."
Tathalus says, "She will."
Goblin Bait Tathalus goes southeast, leading his group.
You hear your mental voice echo to Tathalus, "She will..."
Biomancer Lycidylia just arrived, leading her group.
Lycidylia says, "Not."
Biomancer Lycidylia goes southeast, leading her group.

Angel says to you, "Lilas sQij."
Angel says to you, "Lilacas."
Angel exclaims to you, "Lilacs!"
You say, "I agree. Lie Less."
You say, "I don't really call them lies though."
Angel gives a sheet of dappled rose paper a hug!
You say, "More like truth bendies."

Angel asks, "Lyci where were the mourning bands in Leth?"
You say, "Travallyns."
You say, "Trevalyns."
You say, "Trevallyns."
Angel says, "I have one or two, but I think mine have sayings."
Angel says, "Ahh."
You say, "Travelsards."
You say, "Troovletufts."
You say, "Tarpelyns."
You sob.
You quietly say to yourself, "You tried..."
Angel says, "I am going to run to Trevelyn's then."
You say, "If they have one with spikes and doom on it."
You say, "That's the one for me."
Lycidylia puts her turtle in her dreamweave unicorn.
You say, "Because I am VISCOUS."
You say, "I MEAN VICIOUS."
You grit your teeth.
Darkgaze chortles softly at some secret joke.
You smile gloopily.

You quietly say to Reiku, "Gnome Power."
Reiku edges away from you.
Reiku stands near Selame.
Selame looks very unfocused and seems to be staring at nothing with a blissful smile on her face.
You quietly say to Selame, "Good Good Qij."
You give Selame an emphatic nod.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Before Mausoleum]
The trees have given way to a mausoleum crafted from white marble. The entrance is marked by two smooth columns and perched just above, a solemn-looking stone gargoyle surveys the surroundings. You also see an Elven silk picnic cloth embroidered with silvery thread with several things on it, a Darkmist abyss monkey draped in strands of clattering bone fragments and a huge **WARNING** sign.
Also here: Nurse Illiya who is circled by ephemeral phantom sharks, Danger Wizard Dasheek who has a stony visage, Shadow Reiku, Blood Dancer Selame who is lying down, Grey Empath Akeiro who is sitting and Nepenthe Timorias.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.
Selame asks Reiku, "Should I hit him with the pillow maneuever and send him flying to the east?"
You hum cheerfully to yourself.
You get a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea from inside a hip tote which is in your black backpack.
You get an owl-feather quill with a slender diacan tip from inside a hip tote which is in your black backpack.
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A pillow being suplexed by an overambitious Gnome. He backs off the pillow, quite sure the challenge has been satisfied.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your pale blue paper to Selame, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Selame has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea.
Selame reads her paper.
Selame laughs at you!
Selame holds out her hand towards you for a highfive.
[To highfive Selame, type HIGHFIVE Selame, or type HIGHFIVE HELP to see optional emotes to use within the next forty five seconds.] Dasheek takes a sip of his tea.
You and Selame attempt to highfive, but you miss and just barely clip her hand.
You sigh.

After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Qij, this court finds you innocent of the charges brought upon you. You are free to go. Guards, please return this man's things." The guard releases you, and somewhat reluctantly hands you a sack containing your things. You are shunted to a small area in the corner where you redress in relative privacy.

You patter north.
[Therenborough, Quadrangle]
The vast quadrangle is paved with blocks of silver-speckled granite and bordered by rows of marble columns interspersed with matching benches. Throngs of people congregate in this popular gathering spot. Every so often an animated speaker addresses the crowds from the public orator's stand. You also see a large green chrysoberyl, a large rust-colored garnet, The Two Birds card and an alabaster birdbath.
Also here: Barbarian Gorteous who is sitting.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

You dust yourself off.

You sit down.
You say, "They got the wrong Qij."

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A 4 panel cartoon depicting Gorteous nervously waiting by Theren Keep after the guards snatch away his pal. All 4 panels seem to be the word "Qij" repeated in differing scripts, sizes, and seemingly volumes. You wonder what it means...yet somehow you know exactly what it means.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your striped paper to Gorteous, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

The Baronial guardsman strides north, looking around carefully for signs of trouble.

The "Q"seum

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A magnificent seascape beneath a bewitchingly fogged night sky. Waves roll onto the shore, and the vast expanse of the night sky's horizon seems to be intended to draw you into a meditative ponderance of it's meaning. On the beach is posed the graceful figure of a golden-haired Elothean woman, studying a large tome laid upon a piece of driftwood. Her tanned skin leads you to believe she spends much of her time here, but her tranquil stare displays the calm wisdom of a healer not unfamiliar with the battlefield. At the bottom, miniscule script reads, "Lycidylia Kitsune: Keeper of the Tathalus, Dolphin Pal, Protector of Gnomes, Healer of Healers, Calmer of Scattered and Disquieted Qijs. The pal that keeps the pals palled.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your black paper to Lycidylia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: An elegant and regal portrait; An Elothean man stands calmy, gazing into the distance. His dark hair is well groomed, but evidently belongs to a "doer of deeds", his well defined features lend themselves to a mysterious affect. At the bottom of the portrait, in unbelievably tiny calligraphy, are the words, "Tathalus Kitsune: Keeper of Lycidylia, Protector of Gnomes, Owner of Slightly Charred Combat Attire, Hugger of Pals. The kindest and most wonderful friend a Qij could want."
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your grey paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You whisper to Xionara, "I would look great in that gown"
Xionara leans over and whispers, "the feathered look definitely suits you"
You whisper to Xionara, "SQUUAAACK"
You whisper to Xionara, "what do phoenixes say?"
You whisper to Xionara, "Is it like giraffes? Like what sound do giraffes make?"
You whisper to Xionara, "keeps me up at night"
You whisper to Xionara, "you had the best outfit 100%"
Xionara leans over and whispers, "I think they honk, squawk and squeeeeeee"
You whisper to Xionara, "that makes so much more sense...."
Xionara leans over and whispers, "the squeeeee is a superior version of squawk with a squeal in it"
You whisper to Xionara, "I have so much to learn from you"
You apply the quill to the paper and write: An elegant flaming giraffe honking, squawking, and squeeing as it runs into the horizon...
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
> You offer your amber paper to Xionara, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Charrack throws his head back and howls, sounding remarkably like a real wolf!

You jump back from Charrack!

You say, "You sounded..."

You say, "Remarkably like a real wolf."

You fret.

Charrack says, "Thank you."

Charrack smiles.

You twiddle your thumbs.

Charrack goes out.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A hectic scene as a Gnomish Empath returns home from work one day to find his beautiful Halfling Wife linked to another man. As he storms out, he attempts to flip the table but finds it's too heavy to achieve the dramatic effect he hopes. He slowly tips it over as they silently watch him struggle. The napkin holder falls to the ground, unspilled. He picks up the napkins and throws them everywhere. One sticks in his beard and he fiercely struggles to remove it in a fit of rage. Finally, he grabs a macaroni and cheese tart, throwing it against the wall and it splatters back onto his foot. He turns to leave and slips on the fresh macaroni, falling down the stairs of his now broken home in disgrace and shame. His Wife turns to her student and says "I genuinely have no clue who that was."
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
> You offer your black paper to Melindrha, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

The paper reads: A multi-panel comic, labeled "It Wasn't a Joke"...Panel 1: A dashing Paladin holding court with his squires, lecturing the finer points of soul state management. Panel 2: One of the students cracks a joke about being on fire. Panel 3: Chortling from the class as our Paladin tries to figure out who said it. Panel 4: A bird's-eye-view of the classroom, a small plume of smoke rising from it... Panel 5: Shocked students staring in amazement. Panel 6: Our Noble Paladin, flames scorching his hindquarters as he runs into the distance. A snicker comes from the shadows.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij

A begrudgingly accepted gift for Madigan.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Heart-Shaped Food Caravan wrapped with a bandage fluttering in the breeze. Parked outside the Empath Guild, it is pulled by two (hopefully fake?!) blood-soaked gidii. The sign above it says "HeartLinkz Rolling Sausage Shop" with a goofy smiling Guretin holding a severed hand with a thumbs up. Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your black paper to Guretin, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Jaelia asks you, "So which Qij are you today?"
Nebby says, "Qij is both a singularity in time and multi-dimensional state of ebing."
You apply the quill to the paper and write: A three-sided coin flipping in the air with a gaggle of concerned citizens gathered around watching. One of them calls out "Heads!". The coin lands just out of sight...
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your lilac paper to Jaelia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A black unicorn with a horn twisted into a Q-shape. He is charging at an unsuspecting ne'er-do-well, prepared to implement his unwieldy weapon in whatever manner it is implemented....You desperately wish to see the next part of the scene....
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
> You offer your white paper to Melindrha, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A multi-scene cartoon of an awkward looking prydaen refusing a mouse offered to him as he gags slightly...in the next scene he is unmasked to be two pudgy dwarves atop each others shoulders....in the next scene the dwaves are seen hobbling into the distance in shame, one of them trailing a hilarious and poorly made 'tail'

Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your marigold paper to Heartsfyre, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer.  Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A GM-eating squirrel cheebling his way towards a ship in the distance....
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Iocanthe, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Iocanthe has accepted your offer and is now holding a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper.
Iocanthe says to you, "Thankfully, I am an SGM, so I'm immune."
You say, "I'll understand if you need to shred it for government secret reasons or whatever."
Iocanthe nods to you.
You say, "I will save it in the Q'seum."
You tap your head.
Lycidylia beams at you! What a warm feeling!
Iocanthe asks you, "Save what?"
Iocanthe scratches her head.
You ponder.
You say, "Hi."
You hug Iocanthe who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of ozone clings to her skin.
Moving quickly, Iocanthe crumbles up a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper and stuffs it into her mouth. Chewing madly, she makes several frustrated hacking noises. After several long moments, Iocanthe appears to have been successful and a triumphant expression spreads across her face.
You say, "It's me."
Iocanthe grins.
You say, "Qij."
Iocanthe nods to you.
Iocanthe takes a seat near you.
You sit down near Iocanthe.
You let out a long sigh of relief.
~~A bunch of things happened as Iocanthe bestowed a new galley upon Amphitritee~~
Iocanthe says, "Okay. I'm heading out, but I hope that you have a fabulous night."
A bag of buttered popcorn appears in Iocanthe's hand with a *pop*. Now you wish you had some.
Gem-like particles begin to swirl from Iocanthe who quickly fades into a sparkling cloud of tiny stars that float away, disappearing into the sky.

You accept Golameth's offer and are now holding a sheet of textured paper scattered with tiny hedgehogs.

>read my pap
The paper is drawn with: A wizzened gnome sketching a gnome on a piece of paper. Outstretching from the paper is a hand and pen drawing the gnome who is drawing the gnome.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Golameth

You laugh!

You hug Golameth. A faint scent of dried blood clings to his skin.

You say, "Gola."

You say, "You have ascended."

Golameth holds out his hand towards you for a highfive.
[To highfive Golameth, type HIGHFIVE Golameth, or type HIGHFIVE HELP to see optional emotes to use within the next forty five seconds.]

You and Golameth attempt to highfive, but you miss and just barely clip his hand.

You snap your fingers.

You say, "Dangit."

Golameth says, "Nah thankyou for being so Qij."

You quietly say to yourself, "Gotta work on that."

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Burnt glitter is strewn about all around...What looks like it could have been an elf lies dead with his head a pulpy mess from an apparent moonbeam injury. A pristine, dull-edged, unsullied letter opener is jammed into the ground beside him with a note that reads, "You were mostly right...." Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

Golameth whirls about in a bold, flashy manner!
> Nightmare Braesen just arrived.
> Braesen visibly churns with an inner rage!
> A deep howl of bloodlust erupts from Golameth as his chest puffs out from the strain of corded chest muscles tightening all at once!
> You offer your pale blue paper to Darkgaze, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: An extraordinarily detailed painting of an unbothered Qij.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your striped paper to Darkgaze, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A rickety boat in rough seas. Men and women alike cower as they hold tight to anything bolted down, fearful of the next wave that may sweep them overboard to their deaths. Flipping the paper over is a wide view of the same scene...The boat is on dry land without a cloud in the sky. At the bottom is the prophetic etching..."Dummies gonna Dumb"
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
> Tathalus says, "Incase I aint said it, I love this woman."
> You offer your pink paper to Lycidylia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A shadowy figure performing acts of charity under cover of night. A caption at the bottom says, "Silent Friend to the Friendless"
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your sky-blue paper to Purnay, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

The paper reads: A wise old Mage with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, stands in the face of a fearsome Dragon. At the bottom, the drawing says, "Live, Laugh, Depart"
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij

You offer your white paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A cozy fireplace in a remote cabin in the mountains. Overlooking a beautiful, pure white valley, gidiis wading through the snow and grazing on the last of the wild snuggleberries; the picture is calm and serene. A picture of a noble and upright Gnome sits proudly above the hearth. He sits proudly, wearing a disheveled cloak, wild hair, and mischievous look upon his somehow wrinkled yet youthful face. The inscription beneath it reads, "You Only Qij Once." It is crossed out several times, as if arguing with itself.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You put your quill in the mistwood case which is inside your shoulder pack.

You offer your parchment paper to Darkgaze, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Lycidylia leans on Darkgaze.

You say, "For your new house specifically."

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two pals dancing like heck.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

Zehira studies her omnibus almanac closely.

You offer your sky-blue paper to Rhorgul, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A gigantic s'kra mur flying through the air in the hands of something resembling an Elf but looking more like a sparkly nightmare bear. As they hit the ground glitter flies in all directions, coating the audience. The s'kra perishes as the crowd cheers. The janitors sigh and plead, yet again, with management to get them the GlitterMax3000 for when Golameth comes to town next.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

Golameth whirls about in a bold, flashy manner!
> You offer your black paper to Golameth, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You quietly say to Darkgaze, "Gola doesn't want the Q'seum piece."
You say, "Preserve it for generations to come."

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A messy drawing of a young boy hiding under the sheets staring into a corner of darkened shadows.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your pale blue paper to Zynell, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You whisper to Zynell, "you give that to agalea"
Zynell offers Agalea a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea.
Agalea accepts Zynell's pale blue paper.
Agalea reads her paper.
Agalea says to you, "Thank you for the drawing."
Agalea smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
You hear a voice say, "Qij is wise in Qij, let it be know, Qij."
Something pops in Agalea's eye and discharges a sickly lime-yellow fluid that runs down her face.
Agalea puts her paper in her leather pack.

CURRENTLY UNFOUND Q'SEUM TREASURES - CLAIM THEM IF YOU CAN! You apply the quill to the paper and write: A fuzzy footed child baking cookies with his Grandmother.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You put your paper in the wooden cupboard.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A sneaky Qij finding sneaky places.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You put your paper in the metal ring.

The paper reads: A lost Gnome, without a hope in Hail.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij
You put your paper in the tangled roots.
In the tangled roots you see a sheet of amber paper and a drowned rat.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A long-unattended and no longer festive feast festering beneath a flurry of flying flickertoe fleas.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You put your paper on the oaken table.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A dull, seemingly poorly-made sword with a halfling- or gnome-sized grip, sitting atop a wooden rack. Children's toys are uncomfortably close, regardless of the relic's degree of battlereadiness.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You put your paper in the duffel bag.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A two tone sketch of a dreary day turned bright again by the arrival at some oft-visited happy place. Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You giggle at some secret joke.
You quietly say to yourself, "I like that one."
You nod emphatically.
You put your paper on the copperwood counter.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A dream-like sketch of a plate-clad Gnome hurling gigantic spears at unsuspecting friends and foes alike. A thought bubble above his head seems to say in a dark, low voice...."Justice...."
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You laugh at a sheet of pale yellow paper sprinkled with embedded buttercups!
You put your paper in the comfortable chair.
You giggle at some secret joke.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A stinky Knight sloshing about in soggy boots brimming with humanity.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You drop a sheet of pale yellow paper sprinkled with embedded buttercups.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A fuzzy, dreamlike picture of a bipedal cherry with alluring eyes compared to most stonefruit, yet terrible gnashing teeth. Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your black paper to Chelinde, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two hoes gardening together.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your black paper to Melindrha, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Gremtrak exclaims, "May you be bathed in the light!"

The loud roaring of a raging inferno emanates from a fiery fissure.

Gremtrak gestures at Tathalus.
A bright flash engulfs Gremtrak's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Tathalus!
Tathalus dodges aside.

Gremtrak laughs!
Gremtrak says, "No gremmy light."
Gremtrak snaps his fingers.
> You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Holy Whiff.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your green paper to Gremtrak, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Gremtrak says, "So I can say, you light up my world, to everyone it hits."

Gremtrak has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of matte green paper smudged with dirt.

Gremtrak reads his paper.
Gremtrak laughs!

You put your quill in the mistwood case which is inside your shoulder pack.

You twiddle your thumbs.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A joyous reunion.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Riverlynn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Riverlynn lovingly snuggles up to you.
Riverlynn has accepted your offer and is now holding a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper.
Riverlynn reads her paper.
You ask, "Oh hey what's on that paper?"
You gaze silently at Riverlynn.
Riverlynn says, "Us."
Riverlynn nods emphatically.
You yell, "Riverlynn is here guys!"
You quietly say to Bees, "She's your knees."
Riverlynn laughs!
You hug Bees.
Riverlynn exclaims, "Yay!"
You gaze at Riverlynn in awe.
You let out a loud "Huzzah!"
You do a happy little dance of joy!
Riverlynn holds a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper high into the air for all to see.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two Elotheans peacefully napping in the midst of a battlefield...raging fireballs and bolts of holy fire alongside spilled apple cider.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

A gift to his old friend Darkgaze:

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A stick figure picture of a frolicking Gnome leading a blindfolded and bloody-footed Elothean through a messy child's playroom. Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

Darkgaze says to Lycidylia, "I think he caught my good side."
Lycidylia says, "Definitely a Qij and a Dark."
Darkgaze says, "I'm so keeping that one forever."

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A half-breed-hating half-breed-friend surrounded by half-breed-loving full-breeds.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Mazrian, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Mazrian chuckles at you!
You nod politely to Vaerek.
Atuen asks Zalinyar, "And what Order do you belong to now? back with the Dragon Shield? the Theren Guard maybe?"

Gifts to his pals Tathalus and Lycidylia:

The paper reads: A perfectly symmetrical "Q".
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij

The paper reads: A poorly drawn picture of Qij drawing himself poorly drawing himself.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two Gazes intertwined, marveling at a plump pink pig basking in the subtle glow of a shadowy moonbeam.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You whisper to Darkgaze, "an engagement present"

You apply the quill to the paper and write: An empath dressed like an empath pretending to be an empath.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Darkewolff, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A furiously noble UnHealer clawing through a vast horde of vagabonds, snaffwizzles, and fartabrants...
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Akeiro, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A fluffy stuffed pink heart stitched with the warning, "FEAR THE RUE"
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Alanarue, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A russett panther watching a bunch of noisy two-legs smile and stare at each other while they warble and coo back and forth.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Iryta's otter's den.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A childish rendering of Grumbletoes the Cricket "Giftgiver" who dwells at the bottom of every Tavern Troupe box of gifts.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Vixonia's burlap bag.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A bunch of off-duty refreshment carts playing dice and smoking taffleberry tobacco in an alley behind a Tavern Troupe event.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Almarius's Katamba-black pouch.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A pristine and freshly wound-free Gnome resting under the shade of a leaning Clarrke tree.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Clarrke's hand.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A pal surrouned by pals pallin' around like pals do.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your amber paper to Lycidylia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You hug Lycidylia who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of sea spray clings to her skin.
You hug Tathalus who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of falling rain clings to his skin.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A joyfully stunned Gnome laying on the floor of a lavish walk-in closet. In his hands, a dirty cleaning cloth.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Melindrha's hand.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A tiny Gnomish tinkerer traveling to the ends of Elanthia, searching for unattainable ingredients in an attempt to duplicate an Elf of unparralleled beauty and grace.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Alisabeth's black leather harness.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: a dummy.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You silently slip a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper into Comfrin's leather mantle.

later that day....

[General] Your mind hears Kalinandra thinking, "I just found a Qij paper randomly lying on the ground. It's pretty funny."
[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "it's offensive. Be careful"
[Personal] Your mind hears Kalinandra thinking, "<to you>" " The paper reads: a dummy. Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij No context. Just that."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Hah! Go me."

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A pair of cartoon lockpicks struggling to unlock what will undoubtedly turn out to be an empty Gnomish tinker's trunk....
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Druesyllia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A store clerk holding his own leg in his hand, moaning incomprehensible answers to customer questions as flies begin to gather.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Psychmenon, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A host of unseen ephemera swirling silently around 3 adventurers; 2 spry and handsome elves, 1 confused old Gnome.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your transparent paper to Khaelyn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You give Khaelyn an emphatic nod.
Khaelyn has accepted your offer and is now holding a pressed sheet of deckle-edged transparent tissue paper.
You giggle at some secret joke.
You hug Khaelyn who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of falling rain clings to her skin.
Khaelyn reads her paper.
You hug Theale. A faint scent of falling rain clings to his skin.
You patter northwest.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Good Qij and a Good Tea.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your yellow paper to Illiya, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Qij found so much paper."
[General] Your mind hears Dartwin thinking, "I have a Qij story on paper I'll always carry around. They are priceless."
[General] Your mind hears Robarvo thinking, "should i exstinguish him.. this qij? I mean if he is the real qij he will come back stronger right? Quick grab ye pitchforks and torches"
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I shall make a story for Robarvo too. May he cherish it evermorelyish."
[General] Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "Sir Rob - Even though you are a horrible Paladin, even you know - No one Touches Qij unless they want their body parts scattered across all planes of existance!"
[General] Your mind hears Angel thinking, "Qij let me know if you want me to run you out for more paper."
[General] Your mind hears Robarvo thinking, "so i will be shrewn about and be limited omnisient? And will still have great stories told of my existance... this sounds to me like i will be a martyr!!!"
[General] Your mind hears Robarvo thinking, "get more gem value from the critters!! Now is the time to get them gem pouches filled up!!"

The paper reads: A Rakash that has been stitched back together after a seemingly horrid accident. He vaguely resembles a dummy, but his freckles are all out of place and his green eyes are bloodshot and misplaced.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two pals, Gnoble and Nobler. Hailing their way to Victory under the threat of imminent palship.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You say, "And that's for you Mister Vaddon."

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A gossamer-draped Vigil Keeper standing quiet guard over the memories of the many.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your red paper to Jaelia, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: a tangled mess of friendship, forever knotted together after an evidently overexuberant group hug...
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your red paper to Crobin, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: An incredibly detailed one-of-a-kind work of art disappearing into a strangely attractive patch of shadows....chewing sounds come from somewhere out of sight.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your violet paper to Teyl, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A puddle of Qij surrounded by his closest Qij's.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your pale blue paper to Tathalus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

The paper reads: A Gnobleman advancing upon legions of zombie invaders. Fearless. Unwavering. Unintelligent.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Qij

Akeiro has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: What looks like a potentially beautiful Kaldaran Priestess hidden behind a tangled, cobweb-infested, twig-riddled mop of midnight black hair.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A friendship trap. Two unlikely creatures brought together by a shared love of footwear and an old friend.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.

You offer your paper to Zehira, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Good Dog being a Good Dog.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your violet paper to Elore, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: Two Empaths laying prone on a dirty hospital floor, wrapped in a strange golden energy, staring lovingly into each other's eyes.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
Illiya has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of pale blue paper resembling the unending waves of the sea.

You apply the quill to the paper and write: A Good Guy gallantly riding upon a Giant Pink Gidii. The creature is quietly eating at the base of a snugglefruit tree. You're not sure why, but you notice the rider has particularly nice hands.
Barely able to contain your pride at your work, you sign your name at the corner.
You offer your pale blue paper to Ansara, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Qij's Don't Have Bank Accounts

You ask, "Anyone mind healing?"

Your body feels at full strength.
Your spirit feels full of life.
You have some minor abrasions to the right leg.
You have no significant injuries.

Belesamor touches you.
You feel a warmth radiate from Belesamor's touch.
You have a brief sensation that leaves your wounds tingling.

You offer Belesamor a tip of 30000000 Dokoras. Type CANCEL TIP to withdraw the offer.

Belesamor accepts your tip and slips it away with a smile.
Belesamor exclaims, "Wait what? Thanks!"
Belesamor asks, "Why?"
You say, "Thanks for the fixies."
You ask, "Why?"
You say, "You healed me."
You say, "And Qij's don't have bank accounts."


It has been 419 years, 259 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 7th month of Moliko the Balance in the year of the Crystal Snow Hare.
It is currently fall and it is sunset.
You're positive it's 12 roisaen before the Anlas of Phelim's Vigil....

You follow Qij southwest.

[Observatory, Third Level] A soft sitting mat covers the floor entirely, save for a narrow strip of anti-color bordering starkly on all sides. Painted onto the crystal hemisphere, a detailed star diagram spreads over your head, marking the constellations and their positions at various times of the year.
You also see the Guildleader Kssarh, an elegant silver stand with a guild register on it, a rounded archway and a tricolored scroll.
Also here: Qij.
Obvious exits: northeast, west.

Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij says, "So we meet again."

Qij says, "I have some conditions."

Kssarh glares at Qij as he stalks about his office.

Qij says, "As I believe I am of the utmost value to this guild."

Qij says, "And should you dare to not meet them."

Kssarh glowers at Qij and waves impatiently.

Qij says, "I shall take my talents back to the sewers."

Qij asks, "Am I understood?"

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij nods to you.

You nod to Qij.

Qij says, "Leilanie, tell him my first condition."

Qij folds his arms across his chest.

You say, "Ummm..."

You fidget nervously.

Qij says, "It's ok."

Qij nods emphatically.

You hesitantly ask, "He, ummm....we wants to cause mayhem?"

Qij nods.

Qij says, "Yup."

Qij says, "And if you try to stop us..."

Qij shakes his head.

Qij says, "We walk."

Qij folds his arms across his chest.

Qij asks, "Ok?"

Qij says, "Second condition, LL."

Qij gestures at you.

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

You slowly ask, "He wants sweet peas to be readily available?"

Qij says, "Yup."

Qij says, "READILY."

Qij says, "Available."

Qij says, "If that's not something you can provide, then I question your guildleaderliness."

You say, "In an organic garden."

You nod emphatically.

Qij says, "Organic."

Qij says, "Or-Gan-Nick."

Qij says, "And tell him about the gidii."

Qij nods to you.

Qij gazes at the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij folds his arms across his chest.

Qij leans over and whispers, "welcome at all guild affairs"

Qij leans over and whispers, "and moon mage functions"

You loudly exclaim, "The gidii is the new mascot!"

Qij says, "Exactly."

Qij nods emphatically.

You shake your fist!

Qij says, "I'll give you a moment to consider."

Qij says, "This is a serious affair."

Qij says, "Not like the last time."

Qij leans over and whispers, "do you think he gets it or should we head to the sewers"

Qij gazes thoughtfully at you.

You whisper to Qij, "I think he gets it, maybe"

Qij squints.

Qij leans over and whispers, "you're right. he's tough to read"

You smile at the Guildleader Kssarh, revealing the dimples in your cheeks.

Qij squints.

Qij smiles as Kssarh whispers something to him. After a few roisaen of glaring at each other, attempting to appear stern, they exchange a handshake and appear to relax.

Qij says, "Then it's settled."

You hum happily to yourself.

Kssarh bends over and hisses something at Qij.

Kssarh suddenly hauls off and slaps Qij upside the head!

You laugh!

You quickly clasp both hands over your mouth.

Qij dusts himself off.

Kssarh looks up at Qij and says something to him.

Qij adjusts his coral medallion.

Qij removes a pink coral medallion from his neck.

Qij hangs a pink coral medallion around his neck.

Qij snuggles up to the pink gidii, who tucks Qij under one wing.

Shaking in fear, the pink gidii runs in circles before finally figuring which direction to go. Honking loudly, it runs away.

Kssarh jabs Qij sharply in the chest.

Qij nods to the Guildleader Kssarh.

Qij says, "Yea yea."

Qij asks, "Where's my office going to be?"

Qij and Kssarh continue their conversation.

Qij asks, "Is that right?"

Kssarh extends a cupped hand to Qij for a moment.

Qij holds his hand up before his mouth and begins to cough, his shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!

Kssarh whispers a few words in Qij's ear.

Kssarh glowers at Qij.

Kssarh smiles ever-so-slightly as he continues speaking to Qij.

Kssarh glowers at Qij.

Kssarh hisses a few angry words at Qij.

You hum to yourself.

Kssarh drops a book on a table and mutters a few choice words at Qij.

Qij nods emphatically.

Qij dusts himself off.

You follow Qij west.


Some Qijjy gifts:

In Common, it reads:

     All through the night the the reindeer did ride to make it the Qij's places he hide.  Then the jolly red man atop a snow covered sleigh yelled out what tis Cris Mass this day? He pondered in thought, where is the Qij, what woud Cris Mass good cheer be without this small dude... So to ye I send the qijiest sleigh, some skates and some poison to do as ye may. May the 12 days of fest bring you on a small quest, to find much cheer in this Cris Mass year.   your friend,  Etasia