Dantia/Logs/20210217 Log: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<pre> Your empathic senses hum with an indistinct buzz coming from the direction of Ilithi. You ponder. A shadowy figure bumps into you, and you feel something slipped into...")
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Crossed headsman's axes hang on the fieldstone wall behind the bar, the blades inlaid with carnelian to resemble spatters of blood. To the south, burly patrons cluster about a private table, while the noise from the east makes it easy to identify the location of the common room. A stairway leads up to the second floor.
Crossed headsman's axes hang on the fieldstone wall behind the bar, the blades inlaid with carnelian to resemble spatters of blood. To the south, burly patrons cluster about a private table, while the noise from the east makes it easy to identify the location of the common room. A stairway leads up to the second floor.
You also see a menu.
You also see a menu.
Also here: Shadow Daughter Seltzer, Alley Fighter Allye, Cranky Teacher Blysse, Rainbow Collector Violetti, Helping Hand Melindrha and Enabler Bruwster (sitting).
Also here: Shadow Daughter Seltzer, Alley Fighter Allye, Cranky Teacher Blysse, Rainbow Collector Violetti, Helping Hand Melindrha, Frost Princess Nemy, Student Brydon, Kit of the Hub Senthic, Empath Laaria and Enabler Bruwster (sitting).
Obvious exits: east, south.
Obvious exits: east, south.

Latest revision as of 12:16, 18 February 2021

Your empathic senses hum with an indistinct buzz coming from the direction of Ilithi.

You ponder.

A shadowy figure bumps into you, and you feel something slipped into your hand.  Before you can really process any of it, the figure is simply gone.  Glancing at the note, you read, "Hangman's Noose.  Shard.  Now or never."  Was this meant for another, perhaps?

You say to Telamont, "Ah, I hate to... run. But I think I need to attend to something in Shard."

< A quick run to Shard later... >

[Hangman's Noose, Main Bar]
Crossed headsman's axes hang on the fieldstone wall behind the bar, the blades inlaid with carnelian to resemble spatters of blood.  To the south, burly patrons cluster about a private table, while the noise from the east makes it easy to identify the location of the common room.  A stairway leads up to the second floor.
You also see a menu.
Also here: Shadow Daughter Seltzer, Alley Fighter Allye, Cranky Teacher Blysse, Rainbow Collector Violetti, Helping Hand Melindrha, Frost Princess Nemy, Student Brydon, Kit of the Hub Senthic, Empath Laaria and Enabler Bruwster (sitting).
Obvious exits: east, south.

You peer quizzically at Melindrha.

Melindrha waves to you.

Melindrha asks, "You followed?"

You glance at Bruwster, a male Halfling.

Melindrha peers quizzically at you.

You say, "I was not followed, no."

You clear your throat.

Bruwster says to you, "Another of my students."

You smile at Bruwster.

You quietly ask, "My apologies, but... I received a note?"

>look Bruwster
You see Enabler Bruwster Fieldberry, Fugitive Alchemist of Ilithi, a Halfling Empath.
Bruwster Fieldberry is a diminutive Halfling man with greying sandy-blond hair combed over in back to hide a bald spot.  Pale blue eyes peer through silver-framed spectacles as he scans his surroundings suspiciously.  His clothing is rumpled at best, the nap on his scarlet tunic hopelessly crushed, the once-bright embroidery faded and frayed.  Yellow wool knickerbockers are rolled up to just below the knees, leaving his hairy feet bare.
He appears to be of indeterminate age.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a gnarled walking stick with a leather strap, a worn leather sling with a reinforced cup, a rumpled scarlet tunic with faded embroidery, a pair of yellow wool knickerbockers and a patched leather satchel with a tarnished silver clasp.

Melindrha says, "When one digs around in the dusty back rows of the library where most dear to tread, paranoia becomes second nature."

Bruwster says, "This one gets it."

Bruwster nods to Melindrha.

You chuckle at Melindrha.

Bruwster says, "I've been doing a bit more research into the same topic."

Melindrha nods to Bruwster.

You raise an eyebrow in Bruwster's direction.

You say, "I do love to hear about research..."

You chuckle.

Melindrha nods to you.

Bruwster closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Bruwster says, "I think we are alone here.  That is good."

Melindrha asks, "Are there others who received notes?"

You quietly say to Violetti, "I'm glad to see friendly faces here at least. I was a tad worried about what I was walking into."

Violetti flashes a wide grin at you.

Bruwster says, "My emissary left messages with those who may be interested in my research.  Hopefully they exercise discretion and don't bring others."

Violetti quietly asks you, "Was I supposed to be worried?

You giggle at Violetti.

Bruwster asks, "I don't know, when furtive figures slip notes into my hand, that always makes me a little nervous.  What if someone was watching?"

Bruwster asks, "I wonder if I might experiment on one of you?"

Violetti raises her hand.

Violetti exclaims, "Mememe!"

Violetti bounces around happily.

Bruwster asks, "Do you want to be older or younger?"

> look viol
You see Rainbow Collector Violetti Kultaseni, Rainbow Dragon of Elanthia, a Gnome.
Violetti has a round face, a pair of puffy white spun glitter clouds swaying from her ears, long eyelashes that fringe hopelessly wide starry amethyst eyes, a small nose and a soft, guileless mouth.  Her gloaming violet hair is hip length and thick with a white streak running through it, and is worn in a tousled arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty sungold halo showcasing tiny rainbow sapphire horns.  She has delicate groupings of burgeoning sungold dragon scales scattered across fair skin covered in a colorful assortment of boldly outlined symbols and a sleek, sylphlike figure.
She is itty bitty for a Gnome.
She appears to be young.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a tiny field rat, a pair of cleverly articulated dragon wings displaying delicate sungold scales, a cloud-white top with the words "HAPPY LITTLE THOUGHTS" printed on the front, some knee-length spun rainbow overalls trimmed with cloud-white lace, some spun glitter ankle socks striped in rainbow colors and a pair of petite dragon feet crafted from sungold.

Violetti exclaims, "Younger!"

Violetti beams!

Bruwster just touched Violetti, barely brushing her skin.

You say to Violetti, "Any younger and you might be a babe again..."

Violetti is giggling at you.

Violetti exclaims to you, "That would be fun!"

Bruwster sharply inhales, and Violetti's eyes fly open, her body trembling.

Violetti exclaims, "It tickles!  I love it!"

An almost visible connection between Bruwster and Violetti seems to thrum through the air.

You catch sight of a hooded figure moving away from your location, heading across the common room towards the exit.

Bruwster collapses.
The connection between Violetti and Bruwster suddenly seems to snap.  You glance over at Violetti and notice that she looks different somehow.

Bruwster asks Violetti, "How do you feel?"

Violetti ponders.

Violetti struts about.

> look Viol
You see Rainbow Collector Violetti Kultaseni, Rainbow Dragon of Elanthia, a Gnome.
Violetti has a round face, a pair of puffy white spun glitter clouds swaying from her ears, long eyelashes that fringe hopelessly wide starry amethyst eyes, a small nose and a soft, guileless mouth.  Her gloaming violet hair is hip length and thick with a white streak running through it, and is worn in a tousled arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty sungold halo showcasing tiny rainbow sapphire horns.  She has delicate groupings of burgeoning sungold dragon scales scattered across fair skin covered in a colorful assortment of boldly outlined symbols and a sleek, sylphlike figure.
She is itty bitty for a Gnome.
She appears to be young.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a tiny field rat, a pair of cleverly articulated dragon wings displaying delicate sungold scales, a cloud-white top with the words "HAPPY LITTLE THOUGHTS" printed on the front, some knee-length spun rainbow overalls trimmed with cloud-white lace, some spun glitter ankle socks striped in rainbow colors and a pair of petite dragon feet crafted from sungold.

Violetti exclaims, "I feel amazing!"

You beam at Violetti!

Bruwster says, "Yes, I believe I have finally perfected the art of making greater changes to one's apparent age."

Bruwster says, "Gather round, and I shall teach you how to do the same -- assuming you have the skill to do so."

You observe Bruwster with fascination.

Bruwster just touched Seltzer, barely brushing her skin.

You dreamily say, "New knowledge...."

Bruwster just touched Allye, barely brushing her skin.
Bruwster's eyes widen and he draws back slightly from Allye.

Bruwster just touched Blysse, barely brushing his skin.

Bruwster touches you.
You feel a warmth radiate from Bruwster's touch.
You have a brief sensation that leaves your wounds tingling.
Bruwster draws back slightly from you, a look of fear momentarily crossing his face.

You sense a deepening closeness between you and Bruwster.

Bruwster just touched Melindrha.
Bruwster's eyes widen and he draws back slightly from Melindrha.

Bruwster empathically reaches out into your mind.

You gulp.

Melindrha slowly empties her lungs.

> shift help age
You can potentially do the following types of age shifts:

SHIFT {player} AGE {a YEAR} {YOUNGer|OLDer}
SHIFT {player} AGE {a DECADE} {YOUNGer|OLDer}

You tap into some of Bruwster's knowledge, increasing your awareness of how to manipulate the effects of time on the body.

Bruwster says, "In order to attempt what I have shown you, you'll need to be extremely skilled, an empathic legend."

Bruwster says, "But you will find it substantially faster than working one year at a time."

You say to Bruwster, "You have no idea how helpful this will be... I've had marathon shifting sessions for some older folks lately."

Bruwster says to you, "Yes, seldom do people seem to want a mere year or two."

You chuckle at Bruwster.

You ask Bruwster, "Is this something all Empaths will know how to do when their skill is right, or will they need to learn from those of us here?"

Allye asks Bruwster, "Will we be able to share this knowledge with others as you did?"

Allye nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You grin at Allye.

You quietly say to Allye, "Great minds."

Bruwster says, "I think they will likely come to understand it with enough work."

Bruwster says, "I trust you will be discreet with this knowledge.  There is still a lot of paranoia about how this ability could be misused."

You nod to Bruwster.

Bruwster says, "Our guild tends to want to steer us toward healing alone."

You say to Bruwster, "Fairly short sighted, if you ask me."

You grumble.

Bruwster says, "It's why I have to keep moving between safe houses."

You frown at Bruwster.

You ask Bruwster, "Can we do anything to help you?"

Bruwster says, "Don't tell people where you found me."

Bruwster grins.

You nod.

You exclaim, "We'll just say we all collectively stumbled over the same rock and suddenly knew new things!"

Bruwster says, "The guild's afraid of having another Jomay on its hands -- or perhaps as importantly, afraid of the public fearing them having another Jomay on its hands."

Violetti asks, "Oooo, she was scary!  Is scary?"

Violetti ponders.

Blysse nods at Violetti, obviously agreeing with her views.

Bruwster says, "Fortunately, I am built to go unnoticed."

Bruwster snorts, loudly.

Violetti grins at Bruwster, her dimples flashing into view.

Violetti exclaims, "You're almost as small as me!"

Bruwster says to Violetti, "There is a book in our library on the topic, though you should be aware that it may have been edited by the khalaen."

Violetti peers quizzically at Bruwster.

Bruwster says, "Still, it does provide some context."

Violetti exclaims, "I read it!"

Violetti exclaims, "I just don't know if she's alive or dead!"

Melindrha says, "No one does."

Violetti exclaims, "I think she's alive and made herself look like someone else again!"

Violetti grins, revealing her dimples.

You grin.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Violetti says, "That's what I'd do."

Violetti nods in agreement.

Blysse asks Violetti, "Who would you like to look like?"

Violetti slowly exclaims to Blysse, "Me but a dragon!"

Violetti giggles.

You chuckle.

You say, "Think we all saw that one coming."

You grin.

Violetti is giggling at you.

Allye grins.

Blysse says, "She's my favorite student."

Violetti exclaims, "I did!"

Violetti preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Blysse says, "Even when she was molting."

Violetti giggles at Blysse.

Bruwster exclaims, "Everyone can aspire to greatness!"

Violetti nods at Bruwster, obviously agreeing with his views.

Student Brydon just arrived.

Bruwster says, "But don't lose sight of how amazing you are in the attempt to become something else."

Bruwster closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Violetti beams at Bruwster!

Violetti exclaims to Bruwster, "I am amazing!  It's true!"

Violetti struts about.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes just arrived.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "Greetings.  It has been some time Bruwster."

Bruwster says, "Greetings, K'alfar."

You curtsy to an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

The emissary bows deeply to Bruwster.

> look alfar
Bent and wrinkled, the creature's milky eyes betray a glimmer of humor.  Dressed in elegant emissary's robes cut to allow frail wings to protrude, the alfar leans on a gnarled wooden staff, softly smiling.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "Everyone."

You say, "Good to see you again, Emissary."

Kit of the Hub Senthic just arrived, leading his group.

Melindrha moves over to guard Bruwster.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "The courts are still hectic, but managed to align and agree to allow me to express our continued gratitude."

You smile.

Violetti asks, "What courts?"

Violetti peers quizzically at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "I often ask myself the purpose of them myself, nothing but infighting and maneuvering."

Violetti giggles at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

You say, "I'm sorry to hear you still face friction."

You frown.

Violetti exclaims, "You should take over and make them be nice!"

Violetti nods to an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "A wise alfar dislikes politics but champions their cause nevertheless.  Most alfar love politics."

The emissary smirks.

Melindrha shudders.

You chuckle.

Violetti says, "Sounds boring."

Violetti exclaims, "You should come visit us more often.  We're fun!"

Violetti exclaims, "Fashion Princess can teach you all about clothing!  And Dantia is super sweet and likes balls!"

You say, "The Alfar Appreciation event seemed to go very well, and I received quite a few questions about our relationship with the Alfar afterward. I hope we can continue to spread awarness, especially among those coming up through our Guild."

Bruwster asks, "How many alfar were there?"

You say to Bruwster, "We had about half a dozen present. I hope in the future we can draw even more out."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "We will never waver in our duty.  We will always stand between you and adversity. "

You smile.

Violetti asks, "Why do you do it?"

Violetti peers quizzically at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

Bruwster says, "That is a relief, honored emissary, because I have a lot of adversity, and I'm short."

Violetti says, "I know I'm adorable and stuffs, but I figure there's an actual reason."

Violetti grins at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

Violetti exclaims, "You should tell us the story!  I love stories!"

Violetti bounces around happily.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes asks, "You do not recall?"

Violetti exclaims, "Nope!"

Violetti asks, "Could you tell us?  Pretty please?"

Violetti grins at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

Violetti exclaims, "I'll even be quiet for it!"

Violetti giggles.

You grin.

The alfar lays a questioning hand on Bruwster's arm and tilts its head in curiosity.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes asks, "The choices you make in teaching your students are not ours to question.  But they do not recall the purpose?"

You nibble on your lip.

Bruwster says, "No, honored emissary, it is not something they teach us.  Perhaps the reason for the pact is lost."

You squint at Bruwster.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "I will consult the historians and those that oversee the pact.  It is not my story to tell."

You say, "Most of my research has simply said that this reason was lost to time, not that it was withheld."

Violetti looks at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes with a sigh.

You quietly say, "Why am I still surprised when I find yet another thing we are purposefully not told."

Bruwster says, "I do not know whether it is deliberately withheld or simply unknown."

Bruwster says, "This is beyond my area of research."

Melindrha says, "Could have started as one and ended as the other."

Blysse asks Bruwster, "Is there really a difference?"

Violetti exclaims, "Maybe the K'Alfar will come back and tell us!"

Violetti grins at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

Melindrha says, "One is control, the other is a potential mistake."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "And beyond my liberty to disclose.  It is not my place.  I would be surprised if the songsmiths let this stand though."

Bruwster says, "In practice, maybe not, but in principle, yes."

The alfar chuckles a moment, and shakes his head.

Blysse says, "With the longevity of some of our kind I doubt it was forgotten."

You say, "If this is knowledge that your historians or... songsmiths... know, we would be eager to listen and share it again."

Violetti nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

The alfar nods.

Violetti quietly asks Allye, "Can I tell people I met a K'Alfar?  Or is that part of the secret?"

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Allye quietly says to Violetti, "I think maybe secret."

Violetti nods to Allye.

Violetti sighs.

Violetti says, "Oookay."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "My being here is no secret."

Violetti whines and complains bitterly and generally manages to act like the world was created specifically to inconvenience her.

Violetti exclaims, "Oooo!"

Violetti beams!

Allye grins at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

Violetti exclaims, "That's the bestest news today!  After being made a child again!"

You chuckle.

You ask, "Emissary, is there anything your courts are in conflict about that would be benficial for us to know? Is there some way we could aid?"

The emissary laughs a long moment and sighs.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "The courts are in conflict about everything.  But of matters pertinent to you?  Truthfully, nothing should concern you.  The one thing agreed upon is our duty to the pact."

You nod.

Blysse says, "Our not knowing the full extent of the pact should concern us I would think."

You say, "I'm sorry to hear that, but glad at least there is consensus on one topic."

You chuckle.

Violetti exclaims to you, "Great Uncle's Rock always used to say that at least all rocks were rocks.  I think that's the same thing!"

Violetti hums happily to herself.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "The direction of the falling maple leaf caused an uproar last tidefire, and there was a particularly embarassing Dukes cousin that somehow managed to outmanuever last seasons champion weaver."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "No one saw that coming.  There were debates for weeks over it."

Violetti says, "I never know maple leaves were so serious of business."

You say, "Sounds similar to our own politics."

Melindrha asks, "As an omen?"

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "An omen?  We put little stock in prophecy."

Violetti quietly says, "I need to start watching leaves fall."

You say to Bruwster, "Have you and the Emissary met before? You seemed to know each other."

Bruwster says, "We are acquainted."

You ask, "Were they the alfar that came when you called?"

Bruwster shakes his head.

You nod.

Bruwster says, "I think the emissary is old enough to be retired from active service."

You grin at Bruwster.

Violetti gazes at an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.

Violetti exclaims, "How can you tell?  They don't look old to me!"

> look alfar
Bent and wrinkled, the creature's milky eyes betray a glimmer of humor.  Dressed in elegant emissary's robes cut to allow frail wings to protrude, the alfar leans on a gnarled wooden staff, softly smiling.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "My eyes aren't what they used to be, but my sword arm is even more useless these days.  And my dancing feet, why, I would trip over level ground.  A wonder in combat I am now."

You say, "Bah, that's why you have an Empath at your side. We make up for what the other lacks."

The alfar nods at solemnly Dantia.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "We make for a deadly pair."

You ask, "Emissary, I apologize... I don't think anyone has asked your name? Or if there is another title we might better call you buy?"

You say, "By, even."

Violetti asks, "I thought his name was 'K'Alfar'?"

Violetti flails her arms about.

Bruwster says, "K' is an honorific hat Empath's use."

Bruwster says, "That."

Bruwster coughs.

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "My house has not agreed to let me speak on their behalf.  The courts have encouraged me to come.  It is a strange position not typical of my office."

You nod.

A shadowy figure arrives and furtively whispers something into Bruwster's ear.

Bruwster says, "It looks like I've worn out my welcome.  Use this knowledge wisely but discreetly."

Melindrha glances at Bruwster.

Enabler Bruwster just went east.

You say, "I understand, I just wanted to make sure that we were being respectful."

> peer east
You peer east and see ...

[Hangman's Noose, Common Room]
Crackling torches light this musty room, the air filled with the smells of smoke, roasted meat and strong ale.  Tables have been pushed away from the center of the floor to form a makeshift stage for a small band, playing raucous and bawdy shanties on battered instruments.  A long bar lines one wall to the west, and a broad table is pushed against the opposite corner.
You also see a dim doorway leading into a back room.
Obvious exits: east, south, west.

You gaze off to the east.

> perc health
You sense:
    The presence of Laaria, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of Senthic.
    The presence of Brydon, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of Nemy, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of Allye, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of Blysse, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of Violetti, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of Melindrha, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of an ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes.
You sense (E, E) from your current position:
    The presence of Tweedum.
You sense (E, S, OUT, NW, NE, NW) from your current position:
    The presence of a Halfling vendor.
You sense (E, S, OUT, NW, NE, NW, SW, E) from your current position:
    The presence of Awaza.
Roundtime: 3 seconds

Melindrha stops guarding.

Melindrha says, "When you're on the run..."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "You are.  I am here to pay my respects to you."

Violetti exclaims, "Zipzip!  Gone!"

You quietly say, "I hope he is alright..."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "And I hope to be allowed to speak more freely in time.  I have submitted requests to open discussion.  I trust the courts to take these requests at the leisurely pace typical of their uselessness."

The alfar smirks.

You chuckle.

You say, "If it would ever help to have one of our Empaths come to speak to your courts, you have but to ask."

You say, "I'm sure we could rustle someone up with some poise and dignity."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "With Bruwster gone, I should make my leave.  I do not wish to cause any trouble.  I thank you again for your efforts, the pact is our honor to uphold."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes says, "Be well."

An ancient alfar dressed in emissary robes just went south.

Laaria says, "I'm all poise, dignity is an optional extra."

Melindrha says to you, "I nominate you."

You laugh at Melindrha!

Senthic nods to Laaria.

Allye giggles at Laaria.

Senthic grins at Laaria.

You say, "Well we can cross that bridge when we get there... and when I have more time to come up with talking points to get myself out of it."

Melindrha laughs!

Allye looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Violetti is giggling at you.

You chuckle.

Melindrha says, "Nice try.  You're voluntold."

Laaria says, "It's gonna be you Dantia."

You grin.

Laaria says, "Just accept it."

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Senthic snickers.

Violetti exclaims, "You should go, Dantia!  I think we voted!"

Violetti giggles.

You say, "For everyone here, it is rare for an alfar to speak, especially so openly. And that they may even consider sharing more information with us is... astounding."

You nod.

Melindrha nods to you.

Senthic nods to you.

Violetti exclaims, "I hope they do!"

Violetti bounces around happily.

Allye grins at you.

Violetti says, "I think it's because of the maple leaves."

Violetti nods in agreement.

You chuckle at Violetti.

Senthic nods at Violetti, obviously agreeing with her views.

You say, "Arguing about the way the wind is blowing. I've heard about wars over less, I suppose."

You grin.

Violetti is giggling at you.

Laaria nods.

Allye grins.

Violetti exclaims, "Yupyupyup!  People have gone to war over icky love stuff too!  Talk about silly!"

Violetti clucks her tongue and shakes her head.

Blysse laughs at Violetti.

You grin at Violetti.

Allye says, "I have to get going.  It was wonderful to see you all.  Let's never speak of it."

Melindrha says, "As do I."

You say, "I, too, am going to make my way back to Crossing. I believe there were a few people I scared with comments about 'I may not be coming back from Shard'..."

You chuckle.

Violetti exclaims, "Tell them all that you're safe and sound!"

Violetti says, "Then be super secretie and don't tell them why."

Violetti giggles.

You exclaim, "Travel well, everyone!"