Armor:Rusty rencate kitchen pot helm: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Armor |newarmorapp=Yes |noun=helm |look=Though oxidized and showing heavy signs of wear and tear, rencate rivets remain strong. |MTag=rencate, |STag=kitchen pot, |type=plate...")
(Redirected page to Armor:Rusty kitchen pot helm)
Line 1: Line 1:
#REDIRECT [[Armor:rusty kitchen pot helm]]
|look=Though oxidized and showing heavy signs of wear and tear, rencate rivets remain strong.
|STag=kitchen pot,
|type=plate armor
|area=eyes, head, neck
|puncture=very high
|punctureab=very great
|slice=very high
|sliceab=very great
|impactab=very great
|construction=marginally vulnerable

Latest revision as of 03:20, 27 May 2020