Paladin/Spell Tree: Difference between revisions

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File:Paladin Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png|frameless|upright=4
File:Paladin Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png|frameless|upright=4
rect 20 90 180 130 [[Aspirant's Aegis]]
rect 820 600 980 640 [[Rebuke]]
rect 220 60 380 100 [[Vessel of Salvation]]
rect 420 90 580 130 [[Tamsine's Kiss]]
rect 1020 60 1180 100 [[Alamhif's Gift]]
rect 1020 120 1180 160 [[Crusader's Challenge]]
rect 20 310 180 350 [[Heroic Strength]]
rect 220 280 380 320 [[Courage]]
rect 220 400 380 440 [[Divine Guidance]]
rect 220 340 380 380 [[Righteous Wrath]]
rect 220 220 380 260 [[Sentinel's Resolve]]
rect 620 340 780 380 [[Anti-Stun]]
rect 620 240 780 280 [[Divine Armor]]
rect 820 400 980 440 [[Bond Armaments]]
rect 820 400 980 440 [[Bond Armaments]]
rect 820 220 980 260 [[Soldier's Prayer]]
rect 620 640 780 680 [[Banner of Truce]]
rect 620 560 780 600 [[Clarity]]
rect 620 500 780 540 [[Rutilor's Edge]]
rect 620 400 780 440 [[Marshal Order]]
rect 620 400 780 440 [[Marshal Order]]
rect 1020 340 1180 380 [[Truffenyi's Rally]]
rect 620 340 780 380 [[Anti-Stun]]
rect 620 240 780 280 [[Divine Armor]]
rect 420 90 580 130 [[Tamsine's Kiss]]
rect 420 660 580 700 [[Shatter]]
rect 420 590 580 630 [[Footman's Strike]]
rect 420 240 580 280 [[Veteran Insight]]
rect 420 240 580 280 [[Veteran Insight]]
rect 820 220 980 260 [[Soldier's Prayer]]
rect 20 620 180 660 [[Stun Foe]]
rect 220 620 380 660 [[Halt]]
rect 220 620 380 660 [[Halt]]
rect 420 590 580 630 [[Footman's Strike]]
rect 220 60 380 100 [[Vessel of Salvation]]
rect 420 660 580 700 [[Shatter]]
rect 220 560 380 600 [[Hands of Justice]]
rect 220 560 380 600 [[Hands of Justice]]
rect 620 560 780 600 [[Clarity]]
rect 220 400 380 440 [[Divine Guidance]]
rect 620 640 780 680 [[Banner of Truce]]
rect 220 340 380 380 [[Righteous Wrath]]
rect 620 500 780 540 [[Rutilor's Edge]]
rect 220 280 380 320 [[Courage]]
rect 820 600 980 640 [[Rebuke]]
rect 220 220 380 260 [[Sentinel's Resolve]]
rect 20 90 180 130 [[Aspirant's Aegis]]
rect 20 620 180 660 [[Stun Foe]]
rect 20 310 180 350 [[Heroic Strength]]
rect 1020 690 1180 730 [[Holy Warrior]]
rect 1020 690 1180 730 [[Holy Warrior]]
rect 1020 600 1180 640 [[Smite Horde]]
rect 1020 600 1180 640 [[Smite Horde]]
rect 1020 60 1180 100 [[Alamhif's Gift]]
rect 1020 340 1180 380 [[Truffenyi's Rally]]
rect 1020 120 1180 160 [[Crusader's Challenge]]

Latest revision as of 21:07, 23 December 2024

RebukeBond ArmamentsSoldier's PrayerBanner of TruceClarityRutilor's EdgeMarshal OrderAnti-StunDivine ArmorTamsine's KissShatterFootman's StrikeVeteran InsightHaltVessel of SalvationHands of JusticeDivine GuidanceRighteous WrathCourageSentinel's ResolveAspirant's AegisStun FoeHeroic StrengthHoly WarriorSmite HordeAlamhif's GiftTruffenyi's RallyCrusader's ChallengePaladin Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png
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