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|date=24 September 2022
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{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Location
! Location
! Category
! Category
! Restrictions
! Owner
! Owner
! Appearance
! Appearance
| Fayl'Shar Court, Almhara Arch - 1
| Almhara Arch - 1
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Laceia
| Tikatok
| elegant black marble manor
| gleaming green ophite hall a dilapidated chicken coop leaning against the facade
| Fayl'Shar Court, Almhara Arch - 1
| Almhara Arch - 1
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Bellicia
| Tayria
| spacious white marble manor with a large etrana bush covered in deep blue flowers growing beneath the window
| ivy-covered green ophite home enclosed within a verdant labyrinth of neatly trimmed boxwood
| Fayl'Shar Court, Almhara Arch - 1
| Almhara Arch - 1
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Alexasta
| Aaoskar
| ivy-covered white marble manor with a straw-stuffed scarecrow perched on a bale of hay at the edge of the yard
| polished blue onyx manor with a sign that reads "Go Away"
| Fayl'Shar Court, Almhara Arch - 1
| Almhara Arch - 1
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kierlon
| [[Bellicia]]
| stately black marble hall
| grand white stone residence with a flagstone path winding through luscious rose gardens
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Armande
| Nimeesha
| white marble manor with a cheery snowman out front
| sparkling white marble domicile
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Keiratylia
| Abbygyle
| silver-veined blue marble hall
| silver-veined blue marble hall with a huge oak tree placed by its entrance
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Ris
| Ris
| elegant white marble home with a tiny pet cemetery out back
| elegant white marble home with a tiny pet cemetery out back
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Baluster Boulevard - 2
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Edyta
| Armande
| elegant black marble manor
| white marble manor with a flower garden in full bloom out front
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Elriic
| Lilybette
| white-veined black marble manor with a small sana'ati tree growing in front of it
| gleaming green ophite hall
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Coupe
| Tyeney
| black marble manor
| ivy-covered pink marble residence
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Druesyllia
| Hrendhkerathan
| sparkling green marble manor with some budding lilac bushes near the door
| gold-veined white marble hall with a wooden herb planter hanging outside the window
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Bralinson
| Aariqueza
| ivy-covered white marble residence
| silver-veined grey marble manor
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Baluster Boulevard - 3
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Estephan
| [[Druesyllia]]
| gold-veined white marble hall
| sparkling green marble manor with some budding lilac bushes near the door
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Lxie
| spacious white marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Upper Class, Urban
| Wyndz
| Wyndz
| stately black marble manor with a large flamethorn tree growing in front of it
| stately black marble manor with a large flamethorn tree growing in front of it
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Verissa
| Mazilyn
| elegant white marble manor
| stately white marble hall with delicate clusters of twisted glass icicles hung along the eaves
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Sophieann
| Voldran
| ivy-covered white marble manor with vibrant red roses and ivy twining across the arch of its door
| ivy-covered white marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Goldstone Square - 4
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kattera
| Darknem
| elegant grey marble manor with a white-blossomed rose tree growing in a fluted clay planter just outside the door
| elegant grey marble manor with twisting topiary yew trees growing in marble urns on either side of the door
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kurtus
| Edwyne
| ivy-covered white marble manor
| ebony-gabled granite block hall
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Mordimer
| Rozalea
| ebony-gabled granite block hall
| white-veined pink marble manor with a white-blossomed rose tree growing in a fluted clay planter just outside the door
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Mayodomo
| Gapri
| elegant blue marble home with delicate clusters of twisted glass icicles hung along the eaves
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Upper Class, Urban
| Sinithsa
| gold-veined black marble manor
| gold-veined black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Ishelan
| Mijei
| elegant blue marble home
| ivy-covered white marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Goldstone Square - 5
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Ashreen
| Aviyana
| green ophite hall
| grey-veined black marble residence
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| [This home is claimed, but has not yet been entered by the owner.]
| Glythor
| gleaming black marble hall
| gleaming black marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Dazalia
| Zoyah
| silver-veined white marble manor
| silver-veined white marble manor with a stand of white-barked birch trees growing in the yard
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Rmel
| Amaci
| black marble manor
| black marble manor with a dragon-shaped cast iron lantern mounted by its entrance
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Goldstone Square - 6
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Barovia
| [[Lenaea]]
| spacious cypress-gabled manor
| elegant green jade home with a massive gold-plated dragon perched upon its roof
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kalira
| Erwyne
| white marble manor with a neatly trimmed hedge of roses
| attractive grey marble home
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Shenney
| Niekhu
| ivy-covered blue marble residence set with a silver plaque intricately engraved with the crest of the Bards' Guild
| elegant pink marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Pikeson
| Kiori
| black marble manor
| stately blue marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Aughie
| Colakle
| black marble hall
| spacious black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Rayah
| [[Crobin]]
| black-veined grey marble manor
| black-veined grey marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Ferada
| Font
| stately mahogany-gabled residence with tiny white rosebuds blooming near a marble fountain
| stately red brick manor fronted by an august colonnade of glyph-etched standstone
| Goldstone Square - 7
| Upper Class, Urban
| Grenwyse
| ivy-covered grey marble residence with delicate mounds of white faerie rose bushes growing beneath the windows
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Jazarene
| [[Kelela]]
| spacious ebony-gabled manor
| stately black marble hall with a delicately pruned cherry pozumshi tree growing in a small pot near the door
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kelela
| Maintain
| stately black marble hall
| gleaming black marble home
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Vaeniil
| Vaeniil
| elegant black marble manor
| elegant black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Idle
| Autumn
| gold-veined black marble residence
| stately mahogany-gabled residence with a window box planted with budding tulips upon the sill
| Goldstone Square - 8
| Upper Class, Urban
| Collain
| spacious cypress-gabled manor with oiled cedar shutters framing the windows.
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Iljanos
| Valandriss
| elegant white marble hall with a large stone fountain carved like a leaping dolphin
| elegant white marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Fyfth
| Mourghanna
| spacious white marble manor
| spacious white marble manor by a clear blue pond framed by lush green reeds and shimmering white water lilies
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Tenike
| Kolani
| gold-veined white marble manor
| gold-veined white marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 10
| Goldstone Square - 9
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Alisyn
| [[Khaelyn]]
| ivy-covered grey marble home with scarlet-streaked white roses twining over a lattice arch outside the door
| gold-veined black marble residence
| Goldstone Square - 10
| Goldstone Square - 10
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kalic
| Liale
| stately black marble residence
| white-veined black marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 10
| Goldstone Square - 10
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Rhoslyn
| Aureliane
| black-veined grey marble manor with twining wisteria vines covered in delicate violet blooms growing along the eaves
| silver-veined black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 10
| Goldstone Square - 10
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Athalantir
| Ripara
| white marble manor
| stately oak-gabled hall with a fragrant magnolia tree growing in front.
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Dregorax
| Merilin
| spacious black marble manor
| blue-veined white marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Katyaska
| Arzy
| grey marble hall with delicate mounds of white faerie rose bushes growing beneath the windows
| ivy-covered white marble home
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Leanara
| Tacita
| ivy-covered white marble home with twining wisteria vines covered in delicate violet blooms growing along the eaves
| spacious black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Goldstone Square - 11
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Tyear
| Ssalmissra
| ebony-gabled residence
| ebony-gabled residence
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Ebonyskye
| Arhhtha
| gold-veined black marble residence
| gold-veined black marble residence
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Stefany
| quartz block manor
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Upper Class
| Missys
| Missys
| stately marble house
| stately marble house
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Shikrar
| Rea
| ivy-covered grey marble hall
| attractive black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Upper Class, Urban
| Rhoge
| ivy-covered quartz block manor
| Goldstone Square - 12
| Upper Class, Urban
| Daerlynn
| ivy-covered white marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Majordome
| Ellysia
| grey quartz block manor
| elegant grey marble residence with scarlet-streaked white roses twining over a lattice arch outside the door
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Froste
| Enesa
| silver-veined black marble manor with tropical shonji plants growing in brightly colored clusters along the path to the front door
| ebony-gabled red brick home
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Lonelylyte
| Radrill
| glossy black marble domicile
| ivy-covered white marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Valesk
| Karlaena
| stately brown marble house
| silver-veined black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Goldstone Square - 13
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| missing
| Esikora
| House missing
| ivy-covered white marble residence
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Shayloe
| [[Telamont]]
| silver-veined black marble manor
| silver-veined black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Toranel
| Obolwasht
| oak-gabled home
| attractive green onyx hall
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kilan
| Xyrelle
| black marble hall
| black marble hall
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Upper Class
| Upper Class, Urban
| Kalcovah
| [[Rosaleeta]]
| attractive green onyx hall with a sign saying "Gone Fishing!" hanging on the front door
| sparkling pink marble residence
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Upper Class, Urban
| Shayloe
| silver-veined black marble manor
| Goldstone Square - 14
| Upper Class, Urban
| Vance
| dark quartz block manor

Latest revision as of 07:34, 22 September 2024


Caution.png Note that the following article is not necessarily accurate as it is a chronicling of data on player-owned locations. Because this is census data concerning player-owned establishments, housing or locations, the data on this page may be out of date or may be have been edited for privacy. These pages should not include any player information on non-publicly accessible locations or information considered game-secrets.

Fayl'Shar Court
Location: Crossing, Zoluren (RanikMap1)
Class / Type: Upper / Urban
Restrictions: None
Justice: none
Form: Free
Homes (Free): 66 (0)
Last Checked: 24 September 2022

Fayl'Shar Court.gif

Location Category Restrictions Owner Appearance
Almhara Arch - 1 Upper Class, Urban Tikatok gleaming green ophite hall a dilapidated chicken coop leaning against the facade
Almhara Arch - 1 Upper Class, Urban Tayria ivy-covered green ophite home enclosed within a verdant labyrinth of neatly trimmed boxwood
Almhara Arch - 1 Upper Class, Urban Aaoskar polished blue onyx manor with a sign that reads "Go Away"
Almhara Arch - 1 Upper Class, Urban Bellicia grand white stone residence with a flagstone path winding through luscious rose gardens
Baluster Boulevard - 2 Upper Class, Urban Nimeesha sparkling white marble domicile
Baluster Boulevard - 2 Upper Class, Urban Abbygyle silver-veined blue marble hall with a huge oak tree placed by its entrance
Baluster Boulevard - 2 Upper Class, Urban Ris elegant white marble home with a tiny pet cemetery out back
Baluster Boulevard - 2 Upper Class, Urban Armande white marble manor with a flower garden in full bloom out front
Baluster Boulevard - 3 Upper Class, Urban Lilybette gleaming green ophite hall
Baluster Boulevard - 3 Upper Class, Urban Tyeney ivy-covered pink marble residence
Baluster Boulevard - 3 Upper Class, Urban Hrendhkerathan gold-veined white marble hall with a wooden herb planter hanging outside the window
Baluster Boulevard - 3 Upper Class, Urban Aariqueza silver-veined grey marble manor
Baluster Boulevard - 3 Upper Class, Urban Druesyllia sparkling green marble manor with some budding lilac bushes near the door
Goldstone Square - 4 Upper Class, Urban Lxie spacious white marble hall
Goldstone Square - 4 Upper Class, Urban Wyndz stately black marble manor with a large flamethorn tree growing in front of it
Goldstone Square - 4 Upper Class, Urban Mazilyn stately white marble hall with delicate clusters of twisted glass icicles hung along the eaves
Goldstone Square - 4 Upper Class, Urban Voldran ivy-covered white marble manor
Goldstone Square - 4 Upper Class, Urban Darknem elegant grey marble manor with twisting topiary yew trees growing in marble urns on either side of the door
Goldstone Square - 5 Upper Class, Urban Edwyne ebony-gabled granite block hall
Goldstone Square - 5 Upper Class, Urban Rozalea white-veined pink marble manor with a white-blossomed rose tree growing in a fluted clay planter just outside the door
Goldstone Square - 5 Upper Class, Urban Gapri elegant blue marble home with delicate clusters of twisted glass icicles hung along the eaves
Goldstone Square - 5 Upper Class, Urban Sinithsa gold-veined black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 5 Upper Class, Urban Mijei ivy-covered white marble manor
Goldstone Square - 5 Upper Class, Urban Aviyana grey-veined black marble residence
Goldstone Square - 6 Upper Class, Urban Glythor gleaming black marble hall
Goldstone Square - 6 Upper Class, Urban Zoyah silver-veined white marble manor with a stand of white-barked birch trees growing in the yard
Goldstone Square - 6 Upper Class, Urban Amaci black marble manor with a dragon-shaped cast iron lantern mounted by its entrance
Goldstone Square - 6 Upper Class, Urban Lenaea elegant green jade home with a massive gold-plated dragon perched upon its roof
Goldstone Square - 7 Upper Class, Urban Erwyne attractive grey marble home
Goldstone Square - 7 Upper Class, Urban Niekhu elegant pink marble manor
Goldstone Square - 7 Upper Class, Urban Kiori stately blue marble hall
Goldstone Square - 7 Upper Class, Urban Colakle spacious black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 7 Upper Class, Urban Crobin black-veined grey marble manor
Goldstone Square - 7 Upper Class, Urban Font stately red brick manor fronted by an august colonnade of glyph-etched standstone
Goldstone Square - 7 Upper Class, Urban Grenwyse ivy-covered grey marble residence with delicate mounds of white faerie rose bushes growing beneath the windows
Goldstone Square - 8 Upper Class, Urban Kelela stately black marble hall with a delicately pruned cherry pozumshi tree growing in a small pot near the door
Goldstone Square - 8 Upper Class, Urban Maintain gleaming black marble home
Goldstone Square - 8 Upper Class, Urban Vaeniil elegant black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 8 Upper Class, Urban Autumn stately mahogany-gabled residence with a window box planted with budding tulips upon the sill
Goldstone Square - 8 Upper Class, Urban Collain spacious cypress-gabled manor with oiled cedar shutters framing the windows.
Goldstone Square - 9 Upper Class, Urban Valandriss elegant white marble hall
Goldstone Square - 9 Upper Class, Urban Mourghanna spacious white marble manor by a clear blue pond framed by lush green reeds and shimmering white water lilies
Goldstone Square - 9 Upper Class, Urban Kolani gold-veined white marble manor
Goldstone Square - 9 Upper Class, Urban Khaelyn gold-veined black marble residence
Goldstone Square - 10 Upper Class, Urban Liale white-veined black marble hall
Goldstone Square - 10 Upper Class, Urban Aureliane silver-veined black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 10 Upper Class, Urban Ripara stately oak-gabled hall with a fragrant magnolia tree growing in front.
Goldstone Square - 11 Upper Class, Urban Merilin blue-veined white marble hall
Goldstone Square - 11 Upper Class, Urban Arzy ivy-covered white marble home
Goldstone Square - 11 Upper Class, Urban Tacita spacious black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 11 Upper Class, Urban Ssalmissra ebony-gabled residence
Goldstone Square - 12 Upper Class, Urban Arhhtha gold-veined black marble residence
Goldstone Square - 12 Upper Class, Urban Missys stately marble house
Goldstone Square - 12 Upper Class, Urban Rea attractive black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 12 Upper Class, Urban Rhoge ivy-covered quartz block manor
Goldstone Square - 12 Upper Class, Urban Daerlynn ivy-covered white marble hall
Goldstone Square - 13 Upper Class, Urban Ellysia elegant grey marble residence with scarlet-streaked white roses twining over a lattice arch outside the door
Goldstone Square - 13 Upper Class, Urban Enesa ebony-gabled red brick home
Goldstone Square - 13 Upper Class, Urban Radrill ivy-covered white marble manor
Goldstone Square - 13 Upper Class, Urban Karlaena silver-veined black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 13 Upper Class, Urban Esikora ivy-covered white marble residence
Goldstone Square - 14 Upper Class, Urban Telamont silver-veined black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 14 Upper Class, Urban Obolwasht attractive green onyx hall
Goldstone Square - 14 Upper Class, Urban Xyrelle black marble hall
Goldstone Square - 14 Upper Class, Urban Rosaleeta sparkling pink marble residence
Goldstone Square - 14 Upper Class, Urban Shayloe silver-veined black marble manor
Goldstone Square - 14 Upper Class, Urban Vance dark quartz block manor