Immokokkon and Sons (2): Difference between revisions

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{{disambig2|Immokokkon and Sons }}
{{Store At A Glance
{{Store At A Glance
|Store Name = Immokokkon and Sons (1)
|Store Name = Immokokkon and Sons (2)
|Province =
|Owner = Laytle
|Town =
|NumRooms = 11
|MapNumber =
|Store Type = Jewelry
|Owner = n
|Fest = w
|NumRooms = 10
|Store Type = Jewelry, Festival
|Fest = y
|Coin = Lirums
|Coin = Lirums

|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Foyer
|desc=Sweeping, colored silks hang in perfectly arranged drapes upon poles dipped in gold, silver and platinum. A lovely hooked rug with vivid lilacs, daffodils, forget-me-nots and buttercups carpets the ground. Across from the tent entrance, a polished steel arch set with twinkling crystals opens onto a brightly-lit galleria. You also see a burlwood desk.<br>
Obvious exits: none. }}

Line 18: Line 21:

===Platinum Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Platinum Room
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Platinum Room
Line 24: Line 29:

A sign reads:<br>
|<pre>A sign reads:
"By rubbing our delicate articulated works of art, you can make them your own. Choose carefully. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
"By rubbing our delicate articulated works of art, you can make them your own.
Choose carefully. We offer no refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On a polished obsidian table}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On a polished obsidian table}}
Line 35: Line 43:

===Silver Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Silver Room
|desc=A subdued elegance emphasizes the jewelry above all else in this spartan room. Surprisingly mundane onyx pedestals, counters and trays allow the tiny, silvery works of art to flirt from every corner of the room. You also see a sign and a beveled onyx table with some stuff on it.<br>
Obvious exits: out.

|<pre>A sign reads:
"By rubbing our delicate articulated works of art, you can make them your own.
Choose carefully. We offer no refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the onyx table}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver bracelet|160,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver ring|115,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver pendant|135,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver brooch|135,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver anklet|160,000}}

===Gold Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Gold Room
|desc=A subdued elegance emphasizes the jewelry above all else in this spartan room. Surprisingly mundane alabaster pedestals, counters and trays allow the tiny, golden works of art to flirt from every corner of the room. You also see a sign and a small white table with some stuff on it.<br>
Obvious exits: out.

|<pre>A sign reads:
"By rubbing our delicate articulated works of art, you can make them your own.
Choose carefully. We offer no refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the white table}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold ring|130,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold brooch|150,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold pendant|150,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold bracelet|170,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold anklet|170,000}}

===Diamond Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Diamond Room
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Diamond Room
Line 42: Line 92:

An information sign reads: <br>
|<pre>An information sign reads:
"We offer exquisite jewelry featuring our exclusive, rare diamonds; pink diamonds, from far southern mines; blue diamonds, rare and exceptional; smoky diamonds, with their prismic earthy tones; white diamonds, the purest of all. Choose wisely. We do not offer refunds or exchanges."
"We offer exquisite jewelry featuring our exclusive, rare diamonds; pink diamonds,
from far southern mines; blue diamonds, rare and exceptional; smoky diamonds, with
their prismic earthy tones; white diamonds, the purest of all.
Choose wisely. We do not offer refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the golden pedestal}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the golden pedestal}}
Line 87: Line 142:

===Ruby Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Ruby Room
|desc=Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring royal rubies in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a beveled crystal and steel case with some stuff in it, a golden pedestal with some stuff on it, an information sign, and a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it.<br>
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads:
"Immokokkon and Sons is proud to offer extremely rare rubies -- the Starlight ruby,
a lushious pink ruby; the Midnight ruby, of deep crimson; the Moonspun ruby, which
is a delicate red with silvery tones. Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the platinum pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|starlight ruby and platinum ring|325,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|moonspun ruby and platinum ring|332,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|starlight ruby and platinum pendant|345,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|midnight ruby and platinum pendant|372,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|moonspun ruby and platinum pendant|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|midnight ruby and platinum ring|352,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=In the crystal case}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver ring set with thousands of tiny ruby chips|152,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated platinum ring set with thousands of tiny ruby chips|187,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver pendant with thousands of tiny ruby chips|172,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold pendant set with thousands of tiny ruby chips|187,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated platinum pendant set with thousands of tiny ruby chips|207,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold ring set with thousands of tiny ruby chips|167,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the golden pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|midnight ruby and gold pendant|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|midnight ruby and gold ring|332,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|starlight ruby and gold ring|325,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|moonspun ruby and gold ring|312,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|starlight ruby and gold pendant|325,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|moonspun ruby and gold pendant|332,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the silvery pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|midnight ruby and silver ring|317,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|starlight ruby and silver ring|290,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|moonspun ruby and silver pendant|317,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|midnight ruby and silver pendant|337,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|starlight ruby and silver pendant|310,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|moonspun ruby and silver ring|297,500}}

===Emerald Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Emerald Room
|desc=Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring elegant emeralds in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a golden pedestal with some stuff on it, a beveled crystal and steel case with some stuff in it with an articulated gold ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips on it, an information sign, and a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it.<br>
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads:
"Of the many types of emeralds in the lands, only two measure up to the
Immokokkon and Sons standard of excellance -- the Winter emerald of deep green,
which flashes with hints of gold and silver, and the Glacier emerald, a very rare
pale green emerald from deep in the mountains of Ker'Leor.
Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the platinum pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|glacier emerald and platinum pendant|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|winter emerald and platinum pendant|372,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|winter emerald and platinum ring|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|glacier emerald and platinum ring|332,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the golden pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|winter emerald and gold pendant|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|glacier emerald and gold pendant|332,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|winter emerald and gold ring|332,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|glacier emerald and gold ring|312,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=In/On the crystal case}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated gold ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips|167,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated silver ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips|152,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|articulated platinum ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips|187,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the silvery pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|winter emerald and silver pendant|337,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|glacier emerald and silver pendant|357,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|winter emerald and silver ring|297,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|glacier emerald and silver ring|317,500}}

===Sapphire Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Sapphire Room
|desc=Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring sparkling sapphires in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, an information sign, a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it, and a golden pedestal with some stuff on it.<br>
Obvious exits: out.

|<pre>An information sign reads:
"The House of Immokokkon long ago became famous for its unusual sapphire creations.
The Twilight sapphire, usually colored a deep blue, has at least three stars upon
its polished surface. The Star sapphire is ebony, with one large star in its center.
The Crimson sapphire, truly rare, is of a delicate rose to peachy color, usually
featuring one or two stars. Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the platinum pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|star sapphire and platinum ring|332,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|crimson sapphire and platinum ring|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|twilight sapphire and platinum ring|327,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|crimson sapphire and platinum pendant|372,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|star sapphire and platinum pendant|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|twilight sapphire and platinum pendant|347,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the silvery pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|twilight sapphire and silver ring |292,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|crimson sapphire and silver ring |317,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|star sapphire and silver ring |297,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|crimson sapphire and silver pendant |337,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|star sapphire and silver pendant |317,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|twilight sapphire and silver pendant|312,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the golden pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|star sapphire and gold ring|332,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|twilight sapphire and gold ring|312,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|twilight sapphire and gold pendant|327,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|crimson sapphire and gold ring|332,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|crimson sapphire and gold pendant|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|star sapphire and gold pendant|332,500}}

===Topaz Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Topaz Room
|desc=Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring twinkling topaz in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see an information sign, a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it, and a golden pedestal with some stuff on it.<br>
Obvious exits: out.

|<pre>An information sign reads:
"Laytle Immokokkon, youngest son of our founder, made a convincing argument
for the inclusion of topaz in Immokokkon's innovative designs. With our pleasure,
we present to you Laytle's own creations, featuring traditional, high-quality
Smoky topaz, and our exclusive Saffron topaz, with its fiery crimson and gold shimmer.
Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the platinum pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|saffron topaz and platinum pendant|377,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|smoky topaz and platinum pendant|352,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|saffron topaz and platinum ring|357,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|smoky topaz and platinum ring|332,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the silvery pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|saffron topaz and silver pendant|342,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|smoky topaz and silver pendant|317,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|saffron topaz and silver ring|317,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|smoky topaz and silver ring|297,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the golden pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|saffron topaz and gold pendant|357,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|saffron topaz and gold ring|337,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|smoky topaz and gold ring|312,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|smoky topaz and gold pendant|332,500}}

===Opal Room===
|roomname=Immokokkon and Sons, Opal Room
|desc=Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring opulent opals in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it, a golden pedestal with some stuff on it, and an information sign.<br>
Obvious exits: out.

|<pre>An information sign reads:
"Few gems are as dazzling to the eye as the Immokokkon and Sons royal Sunset opal.
This pale pink opal, with its mixture of deep blue, forest green, gold, silver and
crimson flecks, catches the light and creates a fiery, sunset-like explosion in any
jewelry setting. Painfully rare, the Sunset opal is offered for a limited time only.
Buy wisely. We do not offer refunds or exchanges on these exquisite pieces."</pre>

{{ShopHeader|title=On the platinum pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|sunset opal and platinum ring|437,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|sunset opal and platinum pendant|457,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the silvery pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|sunset opal and silver ring|402,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|sunset opal and silver pendant|4225,00}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the golden pedestal}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|sunset opal and gold ring|417,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|sunset opal and gold pendant|437,500}}


Latest revision as of 14:00, 11 November 2023

There are other pages that use the name "Immokokkon and Sons." Follow the link for more details.

Immokokkon and Sons (2)
Event Rarely available
Owner Laytle
# of Rooms 11
Store Type Jewelry shops
This store only accepts Lirums

[Immokokkon and Sons, Foyer]
Sweeping, colored silks hang in perfectly arranged drapes upon poles dipped in gold, silver and platinum. A lovely hooked rug with vivid lilacs, daffodils, forget-me-nots and buttercups carpets the ground. Across from the tent entrance, a polished steel arch set with twinkling crystals opens onto a brightly-lit galleria. You also see a burlwood desk.
Obvious exits: none.

[Immokokkon and Sons, Galleria]
With a plush woven carpet and gleaming crystal cases offset by highly polished steel accents, this galleria is the epitome of excess. An armed guard stands before several ornate entrances to adjoining tents, keeping an eye on every little thing. Brilliant candelabras and sconces, set upon alabaster tent poles and crossbeams, shed their light on all the dazzling articles crafted with loving care and just a bit of magic by the master jeweler Immokokkon and his sons. You also see a platinum arch, a crystalline arch, a ruby-colored arch, an emerald-colored arch, a sapphire-edged arch, a topaz-colored arch, an opalescent arch, a beveled crystal case with precious metal jewelry in it, a mirrored glass stand of several tiers which hold jewelry set with diamonds, a golden arch, and a silvery arch.
Obvious exits: out.

Platinum Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Platinum Room]
A subdued elegance emphasizes the jewelry above all else in this spartan room. Surprisingly mundane obsidian pedestals, counters and trays allow the tiny, platinum works of art to flirt from every corner of the room. You also see a sign and a polished obsidian table with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out.

A sign reads:
"By rubbing our delicate articulated works of art, you can make them your own. 
Choose carefully. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
On a polished obsidian table
Item Price Done
articulated platinum ring 150,000   
articulated platinum pendant 170,000   No
articulated platinum brooch 170,000   No
articulated platinum bracelet 190,000   No
articulated platinum anklet 190,000   No

Silver Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Silver Room]
A subdued elegance emphasizes the jewelry above all else in this spartan room. Surprisingly mundane onyx pedestals, counters and trays allow the tiny, silvery works of art to flirt from every corner of the room. You also see a sign and a beveled onyx table with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out.

A sign reads:
"By rubbing our delicate articulated works of art, you can make them your own. 
Choose carefully. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
On the onyx table
Item Price Done
articulated silver bracelet 160,000   
articulated silver ring 115,000   
articulated silver pendant 135,000   No
articulated silver brooch 135,000   
articulated silver anklet 160,000   No

Gold Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Gold Room]
A subdued elegance emphasizes the jewelry above all else in this spartan room. Surprisingly mundane alabaster pedestals, counters and trays allow the tiny, golden works of art to flirt from every corner of the room. You also see a sign and a small white table with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out.

A sign reads:
"By rubbing our delicate articulated works of art, you can make them your own. 
Choose carefully. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
On the white table
Item Price Done
articulated gold ring 130,000   
articulated gold brooch 150,000   No
articulated gold pendant 150,000   No
articulated gold bracelet 170,000   No
articulated gold anklet 170,000   No

Diamond Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Diamond Room]
Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring dazzling diamonds in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a golden pedestal with some stuff on it, a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it, an information sign, and a beveled crystal and steel case with some stuff in it.
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads: 
"We offer exquisite jewelry featuring our exclusive, rare diamonds; pink diamonds, 
from far southern mines; blue diamonds, rare and exceptional; smoky diamonds, with 
their prismic earthy tones; white diamonds, the purest of all. 
Choose wisely. We do not offer refunds or exchanges."
On the golden pedestal
Item Price Done
white diamond and gold pendant 375,000   !!
white diamond and gold ring 355,000   No
pink diamond and gold pendant 350,000   No
blue diamond and gold pendant 360,000   No
blue diamond and gold ring 340,000   No
pink diamond and gold ring 330,000   No
smoky diamond and gold ring 320,000   No
smoky diamond and gold pendant 340,000   No
On the platinum pedestal
Item Price Done
smoky diamond and platinum ring 340,000   No
blue diamond and platinum ring 360,000   No
pink diamond and platinum ring 350,000   No
blue diamond and platinum pendant 380,000   No
white diamond and platinum ring 375,000   No
smoky diamond and platinum pendant 360,000   No
white diamond and platinum pendant 395,000   No
pink diamond and platinum pendant 370,000   No
On the silvery pedestal
Item Price Done
white diamond and silver ring 315,000   No
smoky diamond and silver ring 305,000   No
blue diamond and silver ring 325,000   No
pink diamond and silver ring 315,000   No
white diamond and silver pendant 360,000   No
smoky diamond and silver pendant 325,000   No
blue diamond and silver pendant 345,000   No
pink diamond and silver pendant 335,000   No
In the crystal case
Item Price Done
articulated silver pendant set with thousands of tiny diamond chips 185,000   
articulated platinum pendant set with thousands of tiny diamond chips 220,000   No
articulated gold pendant set with thousands of tiny diamond chips 200,000   No
articulated platinum ring set with thousands of tiny diamond chips 200,000   No
articulated gold ring set with thousands of tiny diamond chips 180,000   No
articulated silver ring set with thousands of tiny diamond chips 210,000   No

Ruby Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Ruby Room]
Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring royal rubies in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a beveled crystal and steel case with some stuff in it, a golden pedestal with some stuff on it, an information sign, and a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads:
"Immokokkon and Sons is proud to offer extremely rare rubies -- the Starlight ruby, 
a lushious pink ruby; the Midnight ruby, of deep crimson; the Moonspun ruby, which 
is a delicate red with silvery tones. Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
On the platinum pedestal
Item Price Done
starlight ruby and platinum ring 325,000   No
moonspun ruby and platinum ring 332,500   No
starlight ruby and platinum pendant 345,000   No
midnight ruby and platinum pendant 372,500   No
moonspun ruby and platinum pendant 352,500   No
midnight ruby and platinum ring 352,500   No
In the crystal case
Item Price Done
articulated silver ring set with thousands of tiny ruby chips 152,500   No
articulated platinum ring set with thousands of tiny ruby chips 187,500   No
articulated silver pendant with thousands of tiny ruby chips 172,500   No
articulated gold pendant set with thousands of tiny ruby chips 187,500   No
articulated platinum pendant set with thousands of tiny ruby chips 207,500   No
articulated gold ring set with thousands of tiny ruby chips 167,500   No
On the golden pedestal
Item Price Done
midnight ruby and gold pendant 352,500   No
midnight ruby and gold ring 332,500   !!
starlight ruby and gold ring 325,000   No
moonspun ruby and gold ring 312,500   !!
starlight ruby and gold pendant 325,000   No
moonspun ruby and gold pendant 332,500   No
On the silvery pedestal
Item Price Done
midnight ruby and silver ring 317,500   No
starlight ruby and silver ring 290,000   No
moonspun ruby and silver pendant 317,500   No
midnight ruby and silver pendant 337,500   No
starlight ruby and silver pendant 310,000   No
moonspun ruby and silver ring 297,500   No

Emerald Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Emerald Room]
Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring elegant emeralds in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a golden pedestal with some stuff on it, a beveled crystal and steel case with some stuff in it with an articulated gold ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips on it, an information sign, and a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads:
"Of the many types of emeralds in the lands, only two measure up to the 
Immokokkon and Sons standard of excellance -- the Winter emerald of deep green, 
which flashes with hints of gold and silver, and the Glacier emerald, a very rare 
pale green emerald from deep in the mountains of Ker'Leor. 
Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
On the platinum pedestal
Item Price Done
glacier emerald and platinum pendant 352,500   No
winter emerald and platinum pendant 372,500   No
winter emerald and platinum ring 352,500   No
glacier emerald and platinum ring 332,500   !!
On the golden pedestal
Item Price Done
winter emerald and gold pendant 352,500   No
glacier emerald and gold pendant 332,500   No
winter emerald and gold ring 332,500   No
glacier emerald and gold ring 312,500   No
In/On the crystal case
Item Price Done
articulated gold ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips 167,500   No
articulated silver ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips 152,500   
articulated platinum ring set with thousands of tiny emerald chips 187,500   No
On the silvery pedestal
Item Price Done
winter emerald and silver pendant 337,500   No
glacier emerald and silver pendant 357,500   No
winter emerald and silver ring 297,500   No
glacier emerald and silver ring 317,500   !!

Sapphire Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Sapphire Room]
Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring sparkling sapphires in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, an information sign, a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it, and a golden pedestal with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads:
"The House of Immokokkon long ago became famous for its unusual sapphire creations. 
The Twilight sapphire, usually colored a deep blue, has at least three stars upon 
its polished surface. The Star sapphire is ebony, with one large star in its center. 
The Crimson sapphire, truly rare, is of a delicate rose to peachy color, usually 
featuring one or two stars. Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
On the platinum pedestal
Item Price Done
star sapphire and platinum ring 332,500   No
crimson sapphire and platinum ring 352,500   No
twilight sapphire and platinum ring 327,500   !!
crimson sapphire and platinum pendant 372,500   No
star sapphire and platinum pendant 352,500   No
twilight sapphire and platinum pendant 347,500   !!
On the silvery pedestal
Item Price Done
twilight sapphire and silver ring 292,500   No
crimson sapphire and silver ring 317,500   No
star sapphire and silver ring 297,500   No
crimson sapphire and silver pendant 337,500   No
star sapphire and silver pendant 317,500   No
twilight sapphire and silver pendant 312,500   No
On the golden pedestal
Item Price Done
star sapphire and gold ring 332,500   No
twilight sapphire and gold ring 312,500   No
twilight sapphire and gold pendant 327,500   No
crimson sapphire and gold ring 332,500   No
crimson sapphire and gold pendant 352,500   No
star sapphire and gold pendant 332,500   No

Topaz Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Topaz Room]
Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring twinkling topaz in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see an information sign, a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it, and a golden pedestal with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads:
"Laytle Immokokkon, youngest son of our founder, made a convincing argument 
for the inclusion of topaz in Immokokkon's innovative designs. With our pleasure, 
we present to you Laytle's own creations, featuring traditional, high-quality 
Smoky topaz, and our exclusive Saffron topaz, with its fiery crimson and gold shimmer. 
Choose wisely. We offer no refunds or exchanges."
On the platinum pedestal
Item Price Done
saffron topaz and platinum pendant 377,500   No
smoky topaz and platinum pendant 352,500   No
saffron topaz and platinum ring 357,500   No
smoky topaz and platinum ring 332,500   No
On the silvery pedestal
Item Price Done
saffron topaz and silver pendant 342,500   No
smoky topaz and silver pendant 317,500   No
saffron topaz and silver ring 317,500   No
smoky topaz and silver ring 297,500   No
On the golden pedestal
Item Price Done
saffron topaz and gold pendant 357,500   !!
saffron topaz and gold ring 337,500   No
smoky topaz and gold ring 312,500   No
smoky topaz and gold pendant 332,500   No

Opal Room

[Immokokkon and Sons, Opal Room]
Brilliant crystal cases glisten beneath dozens of sconces, creating a room filled with refracted colors. Within these cases are some of master jeweler Immokokkon's finest creations, featuring opulent opals in settings of gold, silver and platinum. You also see a platinum pedestal with some stuff on it, a silvery pedestal with some stuff on it, a golden pedestal with some stuff on it, and an information sign.
Obvious exits: out.

An information sign reads:
"Few gems are as dazzling to the eye as the Immokokkon and Sons royal Sunset opal. 
This pale pink opal, with its mixture of deep blue, forest green, gold, silver and 
crimson flecks, catches the light and creates a fiery, sunset-like explosion in any 
jewelry setting. Painfully rare, the Sunset opal is offered for a limited time only. 
Buy wisely. We do not offer refunds or exchanges on these exquisite pieces."
On the platinum pedestal
Item Price Done
sunset opal and platinum ring 437,500   No
sunset opal and platinum pendant 457,500   No
On the silvery pedestal
Item Price Done
sunset opal and silver ring 402,500   No
sunset opal and silver pendant 4225,00   No
On the golden pedestal
Item Price Done
sunset opal and gold ring 417,500   No
sunset opal and gold pendant 437,500   No