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(Created page with "==Allye's Nicknames== * Almarius: Too Mom * Violetti: Fashion Princess * Viyalo and Rhatt: Ma ==Portraits of Allye== The paper is painted with: A raven-maned Prydaen beauty...")
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* Viyalo and Rhatt: Ma
* Viyalo and Rhatt: Ma

==Portraits of Allye==
==Portraits of Allye and Allye-Adjacent Things==
The paper is painted with: A raven-maned Prydaen beauty, wearing a chic shawl of ivory Elven wool, an indigo winter gown with voluminous shireli lace underskirts, and a matching pair of slippers has been painted in great detail. She graces an interior room in a Carousel which appears to fade into the background, leaving the charming figure as the primary focus. A playful smile lifts the corners of her mouth and her bright cat-slitted turquoise eyes gaze with barely-contained joy into a neatly organized vault holding treasures of every kind, sorted carefully to make the most of the available space. Multiple tea sets, for example, are grouped together, their different patterns easily visible. Her hand is raised high in the air in a pose of jubilant celebration, fingers closed around a small item. In an elegant handbag you catch a glimpse of what appears to be pages and pages of neatly written inventory. In the corner you see the title, "I Found It!" next to the artist's signature.
The paper is painted with: A raven-maned Prydaen beauty, wearing a chic shawl of ivory Elven wool, an indigo winter gown with voluminous shireli lace underskirts, and a matching pair of slippers has been painted in great detail. She graces an interior room in a Carousel which appears to fade into the background, leaving the charming figure as the primary focus. A playful smile lifts the corners of her mouth and her bright cat-slitted turquoise eyes gaze with barely-contained joy into a neatly organized vault holding treasures of every kind, sorted carefully to make the most of the available space. Multiple tea sets, for example, are grouped together, their different patterns easily visible. Her hand is raised high in the air in a pose of jubilant celebration, fingers closed around a small item. In an elegant handbag you catch a glimpse of what appears to be pages and pages of neatly written inventory. In the corner you see the title, "I Found It!" next to the artist's signature.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Nilme
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Nilme

The paper reads: "Dear Miss Allye, You are the play-right supreme, writing a story of such land-to-sea majesty, I don't have the best rhyming but know, I really, really loved the show! P.S. Can there be a sequel? With a Klineklaus cameo?!" Looping and wavy lines border the words, with stick figure mermaids with cat ears and whiskers crookedly swimming in the space that's left. A tiny white mouse, with an air bubble around his head, is swimming beside the most detailed mermaid. The simple outline of a daisy is drawn in the bottom right hand corner, a pair of interlocking C's scribbled inside.
Artist: Claribel

The paper is drawn with: Vivid hues spread across the page to form the image of a lithe Prydaen woman sitting across a card table from a huge, warty ogre. The woman is wearing a flattering gown of lavender spidersilk that shows off her figure to perfection, its skirts flowing around her legs and chair, save for the tiptoes of her rosy slippers. Hulking over the top of the table, his fingers grasping five cards, the ogre is oddly enough wearing opalescent pink from the tip of his hat, to the sash wrapped around his rather large waist, to his rather dirty socks. In a pile on the floor next to the turquoise-eyed woman is a pack filled with items that match in color the ogres outfit. Upon closer inspection it appears that the ogre is missing a shirt among other things and the arm of what might just be a shirt is peeking out of the bag. At the bottom of the page are the words, "Never Gamble with an Empath," and the letter "E." The date sits just under that 429 years, 395 days.
The paper is drawn with: Vivid hues spread across the page to form the image of a lithe Prydaen woman sitting across a card table from a huge, warty ogre. The woman is wearing a flattering gown of lavender spidersilk that shows off her figure to perfection, its skirts flowing around her legs and chair, save for the tiptoes of her rosy slippers. Hulking over the top of the table, his fingers grasping five cards, the ogre is oddly enough wearing opalescent pink from the tip of his hat, to the sash wrapped around his rather large waist, to his rather dirty socks. In a pile on the floor next to the turquoise-eyed woman is a pack filled with items that match in color the ogres outfit. Upon closer inspection it appears that the ogre is missing a shirt among other things and the arm of what might just be a shirt is peeking out of the bag. At the bottom of the page are the words, "Never Gamble with an Empath," and the letter "E." The date sits just under that 429 years, 395 days.
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The paper is drawn with: A hearth is centered on the sheet, its heart filled with strange red, orange, and yellow shapes that give the impression of flickering flame with the help of a liberal use of glitter. Standing next to it is the petite form of a Prydaen woman, her turquoise eyes sparkling with gilded ink. Her black mane is coiled onto the top of her head and held there with a pair of hairsticks that point out from behind her delicate ears. Appearing in the middle of some grand gesture, one arm is outstretched with a tiny mermaid doll grasped within her fingers. Garbed in a gold bandeau and a tiered skirt that seems to float around her as if caught in swirling movement, the lithe figure faces across the page. On the other side of the paper is a circle of people, another Prydaen, a couple of Rakash, and at least two Elves, their seated figures appear to be gazing up as if either waiting for something or listening to a story. Elegant writing shows at the very bottom, "Allye's Sunbeam."
The paper is drawn with: A hearth is centered on the sheet, its heart filled with strange red, orange, and yellow shapes that give the impression of flickering flame with the help of a liberal use of glitter. Standing next to it is the petite form of a Prydaen woman, her turquoise eyes sparkling with gilded ink. Her black mane is coiled onto the top of her head and held there with a pair of hairsticks that point out from behind her delicate ears. Appearing in the middle of some grand gesture, one arm is outstretched with a tiny mermaid doll grasped within her fingers. Garbed in a gold bandeau and a tiered skirt that seems to float around her as if caught in swirling movement, the lithe figure faces across the page. On the other side of the paper is a circle of people, another Prydaen, a couple of Rakash, and at least two Elves, their seated figures appear to be gazing up as if either waiting for something or listening to a story. Elegant writing shows at the very bottom, "Allye's Sunbeam."
Artist: Eruwyn
Artist: Eruwyn

The paper is drawn with: The lush tones of an orchard fill the page around the forms of two women standing side by side. One Prydaen, the other Human, though both wear matching expressions of nervousness and excitement on their faces. The Prydaen lass appears to be peeking out from under a birdcage veil with eyes of bright turquoise, while the minutely taller Human displays eyes of hyacinthine with accents of gold and her own veil is slightly askew. Reaching between them, the Prydaen's arm, bare to show off soft, tawny fur, is posed as if to fix the wardrobe malfunction with fingers frozen in the drawing mere inches away. A few feet away is a short female Gnome with brightly colored red-gold hair arranged in ringlets. She hugs an iron-bound chest to her tiny form as if it might escape her grasp and gazes up with crystal green eyes, the ink used for them containing hints of glitter. At the bottom of the page are the words, "Before Wedding Jitters." Scrawled under that is the date, 434 years, 212 years.
Artist: Eruwyn

The paper is drawn with: Before the verdant backdrop of a flowering bower, stand two women. One is a Human with gold-limned hyacinthine eyes and aubergine hair that cascades down her back in a silky waterfall. Her svelte figure gowned modestly in dove-grey eolienne, while a birdcage veil affixed with black raven feathers creates a playful shadow across her aristocratic features. The other is a female Prydaen with eyes shaded to resemble turquoise gems, their hue contrasting the dark mass of her mane as it falls across her bare shoulders. She wears a strapless gown of ivory made from what appears to be cotton and lace, the delicate shapes of the lace forming miniscule flowers that almost appear to be growing across the fabric due to an artful use of light and dark colors. The pair each hold a bouquet of flowers in their right hands, while their left hands, one finger encircled by pale lilac, are clasped together. Beneath their feet, created from the shapes of the grass are the words, "Beautiful Brides."
Artist: Eruwyn

The paper is drawn with: Sea blues and greens create what is either the surface of some placid water or maybe just a blanket at the bottom of the page. Resting upon the top of the soft hues is a Prydaen woman with eyes of turquoise and a mane the color of a raven's feathers. A crown of coral is perched on her head, while a snug pieces of purple silk wraps her chest, displaying a good portion of the tawny fur on her torso. Furthering the mermaid theme, a skirt of gold is crafted into the graceful shape of a finned tail. Her gaze appears held by the Human female seated next to her, a warm smile turning her lips. Dreamy gold-limned eyes seem fixed upon the costumed Prydaen from under elegant eyebrows that arch upward. She is wearing an outrageously red wig combed into a mass of curls and her slim figure is garbed in what might be a fancy version of a sailor's outfit. It features a ruffled blouse and trousers embroidered with a stylized treasure map.
Artist: Eruwyn

The paper is drawn with: An ornate border wreathes the paper, filled with richly shaded flowers blooming among twining curls of leafy vine and glistening sea kelp. Glimpses of willowy wood nymphs and sinuous mermaids peek out from within the colorful flora. Precisely penned words are centered upon the page, the gloriously ostentatious night-hued calligraphy shimmering with subtle silver and gold highlights, giving the inked prose the appearance of being cut from a star-strewn sky. "To the lovely brides, Allye and Shaylynne, a gift of words -- a blessing -- that your union be as lush as a verdant garden in full bloom, as deep as the fathomless sea, and as everlasting as the forests, whose ancient roots are sunk deep into the earth. Cherish every moment." A pair of interlocked filigree hearts, one silver, and one gold, rest beneath the writing.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Tiarmo

The paper is drawn with: A graceful and well dressed Prydaen woman is featured on the right side of the page, she appears near a white door with a key clutched in one hand. On the other side of the page is an Elven man holding a glowing sword. Sketched between them is a skull and crossbows with a large red slash through it. Below the colorful picture are the words, "For your birthday, I will be giving you 10 passes to Droughtman's with the promise that I will only attempt to kill you if you have the key and I really want it." Under that are the words, "Your friend, Hebion."

The paper reads: The artist, rather than rendering a square face, has drawn a face that is perfectly square. The blockheaded figure has a series of overly-broad lines emerging from a round circle that was apparently meant to be the nose of a Prydaen but instead ended up as a flesh-colored spider with excessively large legs. The female, Prydaen subject, facing the side of the painting has been rendered with curves in all the wrong places. A tail reminiscent of a furry S'kra Mur emerges from the mid-thoracic spine, while a series of poorly drawn beige spikes is meant to represent fur.
The paper reads: The artist, rather than rendering a square face, has drawn a face that is perfectly square. The blockheaded figure has a series of overly-broad lines emerging from a round circle that was apparently meant to be the nose of a Prydaen but instead ended up as a flesh-colored spider with excessively large legs. The female, Prydaen subject, facing the side of the painting has been rendered with curves in all the wrong places. A tail reminiscent of a furry S'kra Mur emerges from the mid-thoracic spine, while a series of poorly drawn beige spikes is meant to represent fur.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Kaedan
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author: Kaedan

==Songs and Poems about Allye==
==Songs and Poems for/about Allye==
The paper reads:
The paper reads: ~~ Dancing Swan ~~ By Nilme Iondu'il, for Allye ~~ 442 AV ~~ Page 1 of 2 ~~ I needed food quickly, the party was planned- just that one single detail remained. Then suddenly somebody offered a hand, and a world full of choices was gained. ~~ She pulled out a notebook and started to grin. My anxiety began to slow. Miraculous choices were listed within, and she explained just how this would go. ~~ "Choose a container- custom pouch, box, or case, a nice haversack, basket, or bowl. Then drinks, both simple and to make your heart race! A customized dinner is our goal!" ~~
~~ An Epic Adventure Starring Kaedan and Alma ~~ By Nilme Iondu'il ~~ 442 AV ~~ (Page 1 of 3) ~~
With an adventure for Kaedan and Alma to write,
The paper reads: ~~ Dancing Swan ~~ By Nilme Iondu'il, for Allye ~~ 442 AV ~~ Page 2 of 2 ~~ "An appetizer of tarts, rice soup, or cheese, entrees of boar or yak chops with wine, side dishes of corn, salad, chutney, or peas?" And desserts? All favorites of mine! ~~ There were options I never knew existed and she described how each dish would taste. Everything would be just fine, she insisted, and be prepared to serve with great haste. ~~ I sat in amazement- my stress was all gone. Instead I felt sincere gratitude! Catered by our Allye and the Dancing Swan, the party would now have drink and food! ~~
I wanted to make sure that I did it right.
Just a perfect amount of patience and candy
would be needed, but inspiration is handy!
I've a cookie with chocolate chips in my hand,
a kimono nearby - thought not nearly as grand
as the ones worn by Kaedan, who has fabulous taste,
so I put quill to paper! I've no time to waste!
I start by imagining the amused look upon Kaedan's face,
when a gnome on a hobbyhorse gallops into the place,
announcing with great drama that there's been a crime
and he needs to help her quickly - without wasting time!
The paper reads:
~~ An Epic Adventure Starring Kaedan and Alma ~~ By Nilme Iondu'il ~~ 442 AV ~~ (Page 2 of 3) ~~
Humoring her, he'd smile as she grabbed his hand,
yelling GIDDYUP! GIDDYUP! as he went to stand.
Together, with the hobbyhorse leading the way,
they'd leave and begin their adventurous day!
"I had a HUGE bag of sweets, cookies, cupcakes and tarts,"
she'd tell him urgently, "And that's where the mystery starts!
There I was, innocently riding on my horse, playing tag,
when the treats disappeared leaving an empty bag!"
He'd chuckle as they made their way to the ferry,
as she explained all the flavors (blueberry, lemon and cherry)
of the treats that were missing, and what a terrible shame!
They had to find the treat thief who was to blame!
On the ferry, he'd lean and ruffle her hair,
telling her they'd discover what had happened, and where.
With a smile to himself, as the ferry boat landed,
he'd ask where she'd been when she came up empty-handed.
The paper reads:
~~ An Epic Adventure Starring Kaedan and Alma ~~ By Nilme Iondu'il ~~ 442 AV ~~ (Page 3 of 3) ~~
With a tap of her foot, she would stop there and think,
sending the hobbyhorse nodding while Kaedan sipped on a drink.
She'd say, 'Well, I'm pretty sure it was right over there!"
And as she was pondering, he'd pull out his chair.
They'd wander all five provinces, re-tracing her day
and every so often you'd hear Kaedan say,
"We could stop by the bakery and replace your sweets."
But Alma'd say they must avenge her stolen treats.
And at last, back in Crossing, they'd sit in the guild,
with the cupcakes he'd bought to get her bag re-filled.
A tart in each hand and hobbyhorse parked by the shelf,
Alma would remember she'd eaten the treats herself.
With the mystery solved, Kaedan would smile at his friend,
half relieved, half sad their epic adventure was at an end.

The paper reads:
The paper is drawn with: ~~ Grateful Harvest, for Tirost & Allye's Autumn Harvest Ball ~~ Words & Music by Useff Budna & Nilme Iondu'il ~~ Page 1 of 2 ~~ NILME: When Winter's cold has come and passed and gone are Springtime's soaking rains, we see the end of Summer's heat and start to harvest Autumn's grains. When Blufandu arrives each year, we gather treasures, garden-grown. With grateful hearts, we give our thanks and reap the springtime hopes we've sown. ~~ BOTH: So many things I'm thankful for- the first cool days, the breezy nights, the leaves that crinkle as we walk, and snuggling in the firelight. ~~ USEFF: When sunlight shrinks and nighttimes grow, and nature shifts its vibrant hues, we rummage through our winter box and find our warmest socks and shoes.
~~ Springtime Outing, by Nilme Iondu'il ~~ 446 AV ~~ Page 1 of 2 ~~
The chatter started early, with delighted exclamations -
a trip with friends would be such fun! (Was the concurring declaration!)
Where to go and what to do? So many choices came to mind.
The wonders of Mer'Kresh won out! They'd left the mainland far behind!
They arrived via balloon to M'riss one day in early Spring,
anxious to travel to Mer'Kresh and experience everything!
They ran past caracals, slopes, and flats to the galley in Belarritaco Bay!
The weather, perfect, the breeze, sublime - a truly beautiful day.
Walking the flagstones of the Carillon path, passing plants and a border of phlox,
making their way to the sculpted archway, the friends walked under its carved stone blocks.
The paper reads:
~~ Springtime Outing, by Nilme Iondu'il ~~ Page 2 of 2 ~~
Tangled vines and lovely spring flowers bloomed everywhere they looked,
even climbing up the footbridge that spanned the ornamental brook.
They saw a proud basalt lion sheltered under a camphor tree -
and the eternal flame atop a sculpted sphere was something they HAD to see!
Stained glass windows with different scenes, each one colorful and grand -
including Peri'el embracing the island and Eluned with dazzling torch in hand.
Despite a mishap with a large white goose, the friends had lots of fun!
Some waffles and coffee for dinner, and the Springtime outing was done.
With laughter and hugs shared, sad that the day had to end,
through a moongate they travelled - this trio of friends.

The paper reads:
~~ Dancing Swan ~~ By Nilme Iondu'il, for Allye ~~ 442 AV ~~ Page 1 of 2 ~~
I needed food quickly, the party was planned-
just that one single detail remained.
Then suddenly somebody offered a hand,
and a world full of choices was gained.
She pulled out a notebook and started to grin.
My anxiety began to slow.
Miraculous choices were listed within,
and she explained just how this would go.
"Choose a container- custom pouch, box, or case,
a nice haversack, basket, or bowl.
Then drinks, both simple and to make your heart race!
A customized dinner is our goal!"
The paper reads: ~~ Dancing Swan ~~ By Nilme Iondu'il, for Allye ~~ 442 AV ~~ Page 2 of 2 ~~
"An appetizer of tarts, rice soup, or cheese,
entrees of boar or yak chops with wine,
side dishes of corn, salad, chutney, or peas?"
And desserts? All favorites of mine!
There were options I never knew existed
and she described how each dish would taste.
Everything would be just fine, she insisted,
and be prepared to serve with great haste.
I sat in amazement- my stress was all gone.
Instead I felt sincere gratitude!
Catered by our Allye and the Dancing Swan,
the party would now have drink and food!

The paper is drawn with:
~~ Grateful Harvest, for Tirost & Allye's Autumn Harvest Ball ~~
Words & Music by Useff Budna & Nilme Iondu'il ~~ Page 1 of 2 ~~
When Winter's cold has come and passed
and gone are Springtime's soaking rains,
we see the end of Summer's heat
and start to harvest Autumn's grains.
When Blufandu arrives each year,
we gather treasures, garden-grown.
With grateful hearts, we give our thanks
and reap the springtime hopes we've sown.
So many things I'm thankful for-
the first cool days, the breezy nights,
the leaves that crinkle as we walk,
and snuggling in the firelight.
When sunlight shrinks and nighttimes grow,
and nature shifts its vibrant hues,
we rummage through our winter box
and find our warmest socks and shoes.
The paper is drawn with:
~~ Grateful Harvest, for Tirost & Allye's Autumn Harvest Ball ~~
Words & Music by Useff Budna & Nilme Iondu'il ~~ Page 2 of 2 ~~
So many things I'm thankful for-
the smell of apple cider warmed
and chilly weather's pressing need
to have you close within my arms-
When trees shake off their summer clothes
and hidden wonders reappear,
between the trunks of applewoods
and celebrations drawing near.
So many things I'm thankful for-
the muffled sounds of falling snow,
the way you look in scarf and gloves
as early winter shadows grow.
Through fallen maple leaves we wade,
in woolen coats and knitted hats,
and turn to quills and steaming teas
to contemplate the seasons passed.
So many things we're grateful for-
with vessels filled, and hearts restored,
but none so sweet as we enjoy
the fellowship of friends adored.

The paper reads:
Sonnet for A.K.
For many years I've heard your name, dear friend,
But knew your kindness only as rumor
Some resplendent rose glimpsed at a land's end,
Half-seen and half-imagined, yet obscured,
And Time it seems has lead me to your hall
Where smells of scones and tea do fill the air,
Where my worry and doubt do from me fall
And wild joy, once smothered, brightly flares!
Does sadness ever touch your brilliant soul?
If it should, I hope you will call my name,
And with sweet song or verse your troubles cull,
Or by your side through tempests to remain,
For all the kindness you have given free
Is priceless treasure of my memory.

The paper reads:
Sonnet 2 for A.K.
Amid shadows do I often wander
Along hard paths, cold and dreary alone
To protect what would else be plundered,
And lives that else a full life would not've known.
Such unblessed labors suit my darkened soul
And make the final breath fearless to take,
Yet some impulse to live yet keeps its hold:
Hope remains that I'll not willingly forsake.
Such hope a dying ember should remain,
But by grace of your hallowed art unmatched,
The ember swells into a fiery blaze,
And swallows clinging sorrow to the last!
For your skilled hand, dear friend, and holy sight
Have out of darkness wrought transcendent light.

The paper reads:
Sonnet 3 for A.K.
Like the new risen sun shinning bright,
Your presence casts radiant beams and warmth
That from the dreary gloom of unknown night
Lights the world and myriad colors pour,
For by the genius of your paints and brush,
Nature and true Imagination wed,
And in the sweet ecstasy of their love
Pain and fear, like clothes, are wholly shed,
And within the bond between panting breaths,
Happiness abounds in that sacred art,
And with inspiration the world is blessed
With an undying light within the heart.
Shine on, dear friend, and your bright muse pursue,
For your art is beloved in all its hues!

The paper reads:
Sonnet 4 for A.K.
It is my fate to sail amid the storm,
Where rain and monstrous gray waves do crash,
And tumultuous winds the sails have shorn,
While glowing lightning blinds and thunders crack.
Amid such caustic storms all hope seems vain,
And like a sword held in another's hand,
So I a tool should be and not complain,
And submit to ruling Fate's cruel plan,
But a lighthouse her brilliant beam does cast,
And mem'ry rekindles as well as hope,
That a dear friend's voice and familiar laugh
Might still again by me be fully known.
Such is your light, dear friend, belov'd and true
However poor these words of gratitude.

[mad libs style story]
Emyrose says, "Once upon a time the most beautiful and sparkly Prydaen baby ever was born in the city of Acenamacra."
Emyrose says, "Her parents decided to name her Allye and gave her all the robes and gowns that she wanted."
Emyrose gnaws on her lip.
Emyrose quietly says, "That part might be true."
Emyrose says, "As she grew, she was the sweetest and most old child in the small neighborhood. She always shared her toys, even her favorites which were hobby horses, haunted dolls, and toy swords."
Emyrose says, "From a young age, she knew she wanted to be a pirate but her parents thought this was foolish and wanted her to be a peacock dessicator."
Emyrose glances at you.
Emyrose says, "One day, though it broke her big toe, Allye packed up all her candy and vases and left home in search of her dream."
Emyrose says, "Through her many travels she spent time as a hunter and architect but still hadn't managed to make her one bright dream come true."
Emyrose says, "She met Stelling and Tiarmo, the most famous Barge Operators to walk the lands, but still couldn't find her way to following her one dream."
Emyrose exclaims, "One day she happened upon Nilme who was known for giving wishes. This was it! Allye put on her best shoes, brushed her mane 42 times and set off to find them!"
Emyrose says, "She searched high and low, she searched Arthe and Bard Guild until her paws hurt and eyes were so tired she couldn't keep them open any longer. She curled up in a sewer and dozed off."
Emyrose exclaims, "She awoke to a pretty voice calling her name and found herself in a delightful forest that she'd never seen before with the fabled wish granter standing before her!"
Emyrose exclaims, "Allye's story danced from her lips, after anlaen of searching, this was her chance!"
Emyrose says, "Once her story was told, the wish giver nodded their head once and said, 'Due to your kind heart and many red adventures, I will grant your wish.'."
Emyrose says, "Pulling a wand out of their shawl they waved it over Allye's head 17 of times. There was a bright black light and suddenly Allye was no longer standing in the strange place with the wish granter but..."
Emyrose says, "Allye was now a peacock dessicator and lived happily ever after."

Tirost gets a circular golden lyre set with jagged shards of topaz from inside his instrument case.
(Tirost's fingers glide over the strings of an golden lyre, producing a rich and wondrous melody. A small flame ignites, hovering just above his brow.)
Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
"How rare in the annals of our lives
To find such a warm and happy clime
In which to bond or spend some time
In merriment with our fellow passersby,"
Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
"Yet there is a place of warmth and light
Where music's heard and stories told,
Where food is good, and drinks will flow -
That kisses life into the soul!"
(Tirost continues to play a golden lyre, and the melodious sound of its strings fills the area.)
Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
"Such one finds in Allye's Hall
By ancient willows stately tall.
The air around that storied place
With legends filled, joy and frosted cake."
Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
"The memory's a guiding star
To those who wander long and far
On errands grave with peril fraught
Where even brilliant Hope seems lost."
(Tirost's song softens briefly, before rising in intensity. Full, rich notes emanate from the golden lyre.)
Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
"One spark ignites the beating heart
To recall the Prydaen empath's hearth,
And strength unmatched begins to flow
To strive against our desperate foes,"
Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
"And stand again in peace beside
She of grace, the First Land's pride,
To share a tale, a drink or laugh
And in company with Allye bask."
(Tirost's fingers slow, and then cease to touch the strings of the lyre. The final note of the melody fades, and the flame swirling near Tirost's head vanishes.)
The paper is drawn with: ~~ Grateful Harvest, for Tirost & Allye's Autumn Harvest Ball ~~ Words & Music by Useff Budna & Nilme Iondu'il ~~ Page 2 of 2 ~~ BOTH: So many things I'm thankful for- the smell of apple cider warmed and chilly weather's pressing need to have you close within my arms- ~~ NILME: When trees shake off their summer clothes and hidden wonders reappear, between the trunks of applewoods and celebrations drawing near. ~~ BOTH: So many things I'm thankful for- the muffled sounds of falling snow, the way you look in scarf and gloves as early winter shadows grow. ~~ USEFF: Through fallen maple leaves we wade, in woolen coats and knitted hats, and turn to quills and steaming teas to contemplate the seasons passed. ~~ BOTH: So many things we're grateful for- with vessels filled, and hearts restored, but none so sweet as we enjoy the fellowship of friends adored.

Latest revision as of 14:31, 11 September 2023

Allye's Nicknames

  • Almarius: Too Mom
  • Violetti: Fashion Princess
  • Viyalo and Rhatt: Ma

Portraits of Allye and Allye-Adjacent Things

The paper is painted with:  A raven-maned Prydaen beauty, wearing a chic shawl of ivory Elven wool, an indigo winter gown with voluminous shireli lace underskirts, and a matching pair of slippers has been painted in great detail.  She graces an interior room in a Carousel which appears to fade into the background, leaving the charming figure as the primary focus.  A playful smile lifts the corners of her mouth and her bright cat-slitted turquoise eyes gaze with barely-contained joy into a neatly organized vault holding treasures of every kind, sorted carefully to make the most of the available space.  Multiple tea sets, for example, are grouped together, their different patterns easily visible.  Her hand is raised high in the air in a pose of jubilant celebration, fingers closed around a small item.  In an elegant handbag you catch a glimpse of what appears to be pages and pages of neatly written inventory.  In the corner you see the title, "I Found It!" next to the artist's signature.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author:  Nilme
The paper reads: "Dear Miss Allye, You are the play-right supreme, writing a story of such land-to-sea majesty, I don't have the best rhyming but know, I really, really loved the show!  P.S. Can there be a sequel?  With a Klineklaus cameo?!"  Looping and wavy lines border the words, with stick figure mermaids with cat ears and whiskers crookedly swimming in the space that's left.  A tiny white mouse, with an air bubble around his head, is swimming beside the most detailed mermaid.  The simple outline of a daisy is drawn in the bottom right hand corner, a pair of interlocking C's scribbled inside.
Artist: Claribel
The paper is drawn with:  Vivid hues spread across the page to form the image of a lithe Prydaen woman sitting across a card table from a huge, warty ogre.  The woman is wearing a flattering gown of lavender spidersilk that shows off her figure to perfection, its skirts flowing around her legs and chair, save for the tiptoes of her rosy slippers.  Hulking over the top of the table, his fingers grasping five cards, the ogre is oddly enough wearing opalescent pink from the tip of his hat, to the sash wrapped around his rather large waist, to his rather dirty socks.  In a pile on the floor next to the turquoise-eyed woman is a pack filled with items that match in color the ogres outfit.  Upon closer inspection it appears that the ogre is missing a shirt among other things and the arm of what might just be a shirt is peeking out of the bag.  At the bottom of the page are the words, "Never Gamble with an Empath," and the letter "E."  The date sits just under that 429 years, 395 days.
Artist: Eruwyn
The paper is drawn with:  Bathed in hues that mimic the morning light, a gracefully lithe Prydaen woman sits primly atop a velvety pillow with a portal stove set up next to her.  In her hands she holds a porcelain teapot molded into the shape of a chubby war mammoth.  Her raven mane is a tousled mass of locks that flows over her shoulders and across her gown of ivory silk and lace.  Across from her sits an Elven Paladin, his tall form is folded into a cross-legged pose with his back straight.  There is a serious look on his handsomely sculpted face, though his amber show a hint of humor as if he were holding back a smile.  Cradled in one hand is a much too small teacup that appears to be crafted into the shape of a baby mammoth.  Graceful lettering under the pair reads, "Springtime Teatime," and is followed by a delicate letter "E."  Below that is the date 434 years, 53 days.
Artist: Eruwyn
The paper is drawn with:  A hearth is centered on the sheet, its heart filled with strange red, orange, and yellow shapes that give the impression of flickering flame with the help of a liberal use of glitter.  Standing next to it is the petite form of a Prydaen woman, her turquoise eyes sparkling with gilded ink.  Her black mane is coiled onto the top of her head and held there with a pair of hairsticks that point out from behind her delicate ears.  Appearing in the middle of some grand gesture, one arm is outstretched with a tiny mermaid doll grasped within her fingers.  Garbed in a gold bandeau and a tiered skirt that seems to float around her as if caught in swirling movement, the lithe figure faces across the page.  On the other side of the paper is a circle of people, another Prydaen, a couple of Rakash, and at least two Elves, their seated figures appear to be gazing up as if either waiting for something or listening to a story.  Elegant writing shows at the very bottom, "Allye's Sunbeam."
Artist: Eruwyn
The paper is drawn with:  The lush tones of an orchard fill the page around the forms of two women standing side by side.  One Prydaen, the other Human, though both wear matching expressions of nervousness and excitement on their faces.  The Prydaen lass appears to be peeking out from under a birdcage veil with eyes of bright turquoise, while the minutely taller Human displays eyes of hyacinthine with accents of gold and her own veil is slightly askew.  Reaching between them, the Prydaen's arm, bare to show off soft, tawny fur, is posed as if to fix the wardrobe malfunction with fingers frozen in the drawing mere inches away.  A few feet away is a short female Gnome with brightly colored red-gold hair arranged in ringlets.  She hugs an iron-bound chest to her tiny form as if it might escape her grasp and gazes up with crystal green eyes, the ink used for them containing hints of glitter.  At the bottom of the page are the words, "Before Wedding Jitters."  Scrawled under that is the date, 434 years, 212 years.
Artist: Eruwyn
The paper is drawn with:  Before the verdant backdrop of a flowering bower, stand two women.  One is a Human with gold-limned hyacinthine eyes and aubergine hair that cascades down her back in a silky waterfall.  Her svelte figure gowned modestly in dove-grey eolienne, while a birdcage veil affixed with black raven feathers creates a playful shadow across her aristocratic features.  The other is a female Prydaen with eyes shaded to resemble turquoise gems, their hue contrasting the dark mass of her mane as it falls across her bare shoulders.  She wears a strapless gown of ivory made from what appears to be cotton and lace, the delicate shapes of the lace forming miniscule flowers that almost appear to be growing across the fabric due to an artful use of light and dark colors.  The pair each hold a bouquet of flowers in their right hands, while their left hands, one finger encircled by pale lilac, are clasped together.  Beneath their feet, created from the shapes of the grass are the words, "Beautiful Brides."
Artist: Eruwyn
The paper is drawn with:  Sea blues and greens create what is either the surface of some placid water or maybe just a blanket at the bottom of the page.  Resting upon the top of the soft hues is a Prydaen woman with eyes of turquoise and a mane the color of a raven's feathers.  A crown of coral is perched on her head, while a snug pieces of purple silk wraps her chest, displaying a good portion of the tawny fur on her torso.  Furthering the mermaid theme, a skirt of gold is crafted into the graceful shape of a finned tail.  Her gaze appears held by the Human female seated next to her, a warm smile turning her lips.  Dreamy gold-limned eyes seem fixed upon the costumed Prydaen from under elegant eyebrows that arch upward.  She is wearing an outrageously red wig combed into a mass of curls and her slim figure is garbed in what might be a fancy version of a sailor's outfit.  It features a ruffled blouse and trousers embroidered with a stylized treasure map.
Artist: Eruwyn
The paper is drawn with:  An ornate border wreathes the paper, filled with richly shaded flowers blooming among twining curls of leafy vine and glistening sea kelp.  Glimpses of willowy wood nymphs and sinuous mermaids peek out from within the colorful flora.  Precisely penned words are centered upon the page, the gloriously ostentatious night-hued calligraphy shimmering with subtle silver and gold highlights, giving the inked prose the appearance of being cut from a star-strewn sky.  "To the lovely brides, Allye and Shaylynne, a gift of words -- a blessing -- that your union be as lush as a verdant garden in full bloom, as deep as the fathomless sea, and as everlasting as the forests, whose ancient roots are sunk deep into the earth.  Cherish every moment."  A pair of interlocked filigree hearts, one silver, and one gold, rest beneath the writing.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author:  Tiarmo
The paper is drawn with:  A graceful and well dressed Prydaen woman is featured on the right side of the page, she appears near a white door with a key clutched in one hand.  On the other side of the page is an Elven man holding a glowing sword.  Sketched between them is a skull and crossbows with a large red slash through it.  Below the colorful picture are the words, "For your birthday, I will be giving you 10 passes to Droughtman's with the promise that I will only attempt to kill you if you have the key and I really want it."  Under that are the words, "Your friend, Hebion."
The paper reads: The artist, rather than rendering a square face, has drawn a face that is perfectly square.  The blockheaded figure has a series of overly-broad lines emerging from a round circle that was apparently meant to be the nose of a Prydaen but instead ended up as a flesh-colored spider with excessively large legs.  The female, Prydaen subject, facing the side of the painting has been rendered with curves in all the wrong places.  A tail reminiscent of a furry S'kra Mur emerges from the mid-thoracic spine, while a series of poorly drawn beige spikes is meant to represent fur.
Along the bottom of the paper, you notice, Author:  Kaedan

Songs and Poems for/about Allye

The paper reads: 
~~  An Epic Adventure Starring Kaedan and Alma  ~~  By Nilme Iondu'il  ~~  442 AV  ~~  (Page 1 of 3)  ~~  

With an adventure for Kaedan and Alma to write, 
I wanted to make sure that I did it right.  
Just a perfect amount of patience and candy 
would be needed, but inspiration is handy!  

I've a cookie with chocolate chips in my hand, 
a kimono nearby - thought not nearly as grand 
as the ones worn by Kaedan, who has fabulous taste, 
so I put quill to paper!  I've no time to waste!  

I start by imagining the amused look upon Kaedan's face, 
when a gnome on a hobbyhorse gallops into the place, 
announcing with great drama that there's been a crime 
and he needs to help her quickly - without wasting time!

The paper reads: 
~~  An Epic Adventure Starring Kaedan and Alma  ~~  By Nilme Iondu'il  ~~  442 AV  ~~  (Page 2 of 3)  ~~  

Humoring her, he'd smile as she grabbed his hand, 
yelling GIDDYUP!  GIDDYUP! as he went to stand.  
Together, with the hobbyhorse leading the way, 
they'd leave and begin their adventurous day!  

"I had a HUGE bag of sweets, cookies, cupcakes and tarts," 
she'd tell him urgently, "And that's where the mystery starts!  
There I was, innocently riding on my horse, playing tag, 
when the treats disappeared leaving an empty bag!"  

He'd chuckle as they made their way to the ferry, 
as she explained all the flavors (blueberry, lemon and cherry) 
of the treats that were missing, and what a terrible shame!  
They had to find the treat thief who was to blame!  

On the ferry, he'd lean and ruffle her hair, 
telling her they'd discover what had happened, and where.  
With a smile to himself, as the ferry boat landed, 
he'd ask where she'd been when she came up empty-handed.

The paper reads: 
~~  An Epic Adventure Starring Kaedan and Alma  ~~  By Nilme Iondu'il  ~~  442 AV  ~~  (Page 3 of 3)  ~~  

With a tap of her foot, she would stop there and think, 
sending the hobbyhorse nodding while Kaedan sipped on a drink.  
She'd say, 'Well, I'm pretty sure it was right over there!"  
And as she was pondering, he'd pull out his chair.  

They'd wander all five provinces, re-tracing her day 
and every so often you'd hear Kaedan say, 
"We could stop by the bakery and replace your sweets."  
But Alma'd say they must avenge her stolen treats.  

And at last, back in Crossing, they'd sit in the guild, 
with the cupcakes he'd bought to get her bag re-filled.  
A tart in each hand and hobbyhorse parked by the shelf, 
Alma would remember she'd eaten the treats herself.  

With the mystery solved, Kaedan would smile at his friend, 
half relieved, half sad their epic adventure was at an end.
The paper reads: 
~~  Springtime Outing, by Nilme Iondu'il  ~~  446 AV  ~~  Page 1 of 2  ~~  

The chatter started early, with delighted exclamations - 
a trip with friends would be such fun!  (Was the concurring declaration!)  
Where to go and what to do?  So many choices came to mind. 
The wonders of Mer'Kresh won out!  They'd left the mainland far behind!  

They arrived via balloon to M'riss one day in early Spring, 
anxious to travel to Mer'Kresh and experience everything!  
They ran past caracals, slopes, and flats to the galley in Belarritaco Bay!  
The weather, perfect, the breeze, sublime - a truly beautiful day.  

Walking the flagstones of the Carillon path, passing plants and a border of phlox, 
making their way to the sculpted archway, the friends walked under its carved stone blocks.

The paper reads: 
~~  Springtime Outing, by Nilme Iondu'il  ~~  Page 2 of 2  ~~  

Tangled vines and lovely spring flowers bloomed everywhere they looked, 
even climbing up the footbridge that spanned the ornamental brook.  

They saw a proud basalt lion sheltered under a camphor tree - 
and the eternal flame atop a sculpted sphere was something they HAD to see!  
Stained glass windows with different scenes, each one colorful and grand - 
including Peri'el embracing the island and Eluned with dazzling torch in hand.  

Despite a mishap with a large white goose, the friends had lots of fun!  
Some waffles and coffee for dinner, and the Springtime outing was done.  
With laughter and hugs shared, sad that the day had to end, 
through a moongate they travelled - this trio of friends.
The paper reads: 
~~  Dancing Swan ~~  By Nilme Iondu'il, for Allye ~~  442 AV  ~~  Page 1 of 2  ~~  

I needed food quickly, the party was planned- 
just that one single detail remained.  
Then suddenly somebody offered a hand, 
and a world full of choices was gained.  

She pulled out a notebook and started to grin.  
My anxiety began to slow.  
Miraculous choices were listed within, 
and she explained just how this would go. 

"Choose a container- custom pouch, box, or case, 
a nice haversack, basket, or bowl.  
Then drinks, both simple and to make your heart race!  
A customized dinner is our goal!"

The paper reads: ~~  Dancing Swan ~~  By Nilme Iondu'il, for Allye ~~  442 AV  ~~  Page 2 of 2  ~~  

"An appetizer of tarts, rice soup, or cheese, 
entrees of boar or yak chops with wine, 
side dishes of corn, salad, chutney, or peas?"  
And desserts?  All favorites of mine!  

There were options I never knew existed 
and she described how each dish would taste.  
Everything would be just fine, she insisted, 
and be prepared to serve with great haste.  

I sat in amazement- my stress was all gone.  
Instead I felt sincere gratitude!  
Catered by our Allye and the Dancing Swan, 
the party would now have drink and food!
The paper is drawn with:  
~~  Grateful Harvest, for Tirost & Allye's Autumn Harvest Ball  ~~  
Words & Music by Useff Budna & Nilme Iondu'il  ~~  Page 1 of 2  ~~  

When Winter's cold has come and passed 
and gone are Springtime's soaking rains, 
we see the end of Summer's heat 
and start to harvest Autumn's grains.  

When Blufandu arrives each year, 
we gather treasures, garden-grown.  
With grateful hearts, we give our thanks 
and reap the springtime hopes we've sown. 

So many things I'm thankful for- 
the first cool days, the breezy nights, 
the leaves that crinkle as we walk, 
and snuggling in the firelight. 

When sunlight shrinks and nighttimes grow, 
and nature shifts its vibrant hues, 
we rummage through our winter box 
and find our warmest socks and shoes.

The paper is drawn with:  
~~  Grateful Harvest, for Tirost & Allye's Autumn Harvest Ball  ~~  
Words & Music by Useff Budna & Nilme Iondu'il  ~~  Page 2 of 2  ~~  

So many things I'm thankful for- 
the smell of apple cider warmed 
and chilly weather's pressing need 
to have you close within my arms-  

When trees shake off their summer clothes 
and hidden wonders reappear, 
between the trunks of applewoods 
and celebrations drawing near. 

So many things I'm thankful for- 
the muffled sounds of falling snow, 
the way you look in scarf and gloves 
as early winter shadows grow.  

Through fallen maple leaves we wade, 
in woolen coats and knitted hats, 
and turn to quills and steaming teas 
to contemplate the seasons passed. 

So many things we're grateful for- 
with vessels filled, and hearts restored, 
but none so sweet as we enjoy 
the fellowship of friends adored.
The paper reads: 
Sonnet for A.K.

For many years I've heard your name, dear friend,
But knew your kindness only as rumor
Some resplendent rose glimpsed at a land's end,
Half-seen and half-imagined, yet obscured,

And Time it seems has lead me to your hall
Where smells of scones and tea do fill the air,
Where my worry and doubt do from me fall
And wild joy, once smothered, brightly flares!

Does sadness ever touch your brilliant soul?
If it should, I hope you will call my name,
And with sweet song or verse your troubles cull,
Or by your side through tempests to remain,

For all the kindness you have given free
Is priceless treasure of my memory.
The paper reads: 
Sonnet 2 for A.K.

Amid shadows do I often wander 
Along hard paths, cold and dreary alone 
To protect what would else be plundered, 
And lives that else a full life would not've known.

Such unblessed labors suit my darkened soul 
And make the final breath fearless to take, 
Yet some impulse to live yet keeps its hold: 
Hope remains that I'll not willingly forsake. 

Such hope a dying ember should remain, 
But by grace of your hallowed art unmatched, 
The ember swells into a fiery blaze, 
And swallows clinging sorrow to the last! 

For your skilled hand, dear friend, and holy sight 
Have out of darkness wrought transcendent light.
The paper reads: 
Sonnet 3 for A.K.

Like the new risen sun shinning bright,
Your presence casts radiant beams and warmth
That from the dreary gloom of unknown night 
Lights the world and myriad colors pour, 

For by the genius of your paints and brush, 
Nature and true Imagination wed,
And in the sweet ecstasy of their love
Pain and fear, like clothes, are wholly shed,

And within the bond between panting breaths, 
Happiness abounds in that sacred art, 
And with inspiration the world is blessed 
With an undying light within the heart. 

Shine on, dear friend, and your bright muse pursue, 
For your art is beloved in all its hues!
The paper reads: 
Sonnet 4 for A.K. 

It is my fate to sail amid the storm, 
Where rain and monstrous gray waves do crash, 
And tumultuous winds the sails have shorn, 
While glowing lightning blinds and thunders crack. 

Amid such caustic storms all hope seems vain, 
And like a sword held in another's hand, 
So I a tool should be and not complain, 
And submit to ruling Fate's cruel plan, 

But a lighthouse her brilliant beam does cast, 
And mem'ry rekindles as well as hope, 
That a dear friend's voice and familiar laugh 
Might still again by me be fully known. 

Such is your light, dear friend, belov'd and true 
However poor these words of gratitude.
[mad libs style story]
Emyrose says, "Once upon a time the most beautiful and sparkly Prydaen baby ever was born in the city of Acenamacra."
Emyrose says, "Her parents decided to name her Allye and gave her all the robes and gowns that she wanted."

Emyrose gnaws on her lip.

Emyrose quietly says, "That part might be true."

Emyrose says, "As she grew, she was the sweetest and most old child in the small neighborhood.  She always shared her toys, even her favorites which were hobby horses, haunted dolls, and toy swords."

Emyrose says, "From a young age, she knew she wanted to be a pirate but her parents thought this was foolish and wanted her to be a peacock dessicator."

Emyrose glances at you.

Emyrose says, "One day, though it broke her big toe, Allye packed up all her candy and vases and left home in search of her dream."

Emyrose says, "Through her many travels she spent time as a hunter and architect but still hadn't managed to make her one bright dream come true."

Emyrose says, "She met Stelling and Tiarmo, the most famous Barge Operators to walk the lands, but still couldn't find her way to following her one dream."

Emyrose exclaims, "One day she happened upon Nilme who was known for giving wishes.  This was it!  Allye put on her best shoes, brushed her mane 42 times and set off to find them!"

Emyrose says, "She searched high and low, she searched Arthe and Bard Guild until her paws hurt and eyes were so tired she couldn't keep them open any longer.  She curled up in a sewer and dozed off."

Emyrose exclaims, "She awoke to a pretty voice calling her name and found herself in a delightful forest that she'd never seen before with the fabled wish granter standing before her!"

Emyrose exclaims, "Allye's story danced from her lips, after anlaen of searching, this was her chance!"

Emyrose says, "Once her story was told, the wish giver nodded their head once and said, 'Due to your kind heart and many red adventures, I will grant your wish.'."

Emyrose says, "Pulling a wand out of their shawl they waved it over Allye's head 17 of times.  There was a bright black light and suddenly Allye was no longer standing in the strange place with the wish granter but..."

Emyrose says, "Allye was now a peacock dessicator and lived happily ever after."
Tirost gets a circular golden lyre set with jagged shards of topaz from inside his instrument case.

(Tirost's fingers glide over the strings of an golden lyre, producing a rich and wondrous melody. A small flame ignites, hovering just above his brow.)

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
   "How rare in the annals of our lives
    To find such a warm and happy clime
    In which to bond or spend some time
    In merriment with our fellow passersby,"

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
   "Yet there is a place of warmth and light
    Where music's heard and stories told,
    Where food is good, and drinks will flow -
    That kisses life into the soul!"

(Tirost continues to play a golden lyre, and the melodious sound of its strings fills the area.)

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
   "Such one finds in Allye's Hall
    By ancient willows stately tall.
    The air around that storied place
    With legends filled, joy and frosted cake."

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
   "The memory's a guiding star
    To those who wander long and far
    On errands grave with peril fraught
    Where even brilliant Hope seems lost."

(Tirost's song softens briefly, before rising in intensity. Full, rich notes emanate from the golden lyre.)

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
   "One spark ignites the beating heart
    To recall the Prydaen empath's hearth,
    And strength unmatched begins to flow
    To strive against our desperate foes,"

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:
   "And stand again in peace beside
    She of grace, the First Land's pride,
    To share a tale, a drink or laugh
    And in company with Allye bask."

(Tirost's fingers slow, and then cease to touch the strings of the lyre. The final note of the melody fades, and the flame swirling near Tirost's head vanishes.)