Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings/Petitions and Log 11-19-2022: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 12:45, 14 January 2023

It has been 443 years, 287 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Golden Panther.

Log provided from the point of view of Kaelie, Order of the Black Fox - Council

  ~~In Attendance~~
 Court Advisor Aaiyaah 
 War Healer Alanarue
 Bastion of Life Karthor
 Secret Agent Enwah
 Councillor Elizzibiana
 Heart Tender Kethrai
 Paladin of Eylhaar Arkalye
 Fearless Crobin.
 Harmless Biomancer Kaelie

Crobin says, "Find a big strong Tog to carry you."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Hello and welcome everyone! It is so very good to see everyone! A special welcome to Northern Watch, Theren Guard, and Dragon Shield in attendance!! Please make yourselves comfortable, get your classes going, and help yourselves to all the booze on the bar or food from the sideboard that you want!"
Kethrai asks, "Bar? What bar?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "A special thank you to Kaelie for bringing the booze this time!"
Enwah says, "What a surprise this is a shadow web scroll."
Aaiyaah says, "Agenda for today is as follows.....Welcome and introduction (what we are doing now), discussion of current events and happenings, petitions, and then open floor."
Kethrai says, "If they installed a bar in here it would be a much better establishment."
Crobin says, "Thank goodness."
You say to Kethrai, "I did a drink pairing menu and sent it to the Ownerships."
Aaiyaah says, "Well...."
Kethrai says to you, "You're doing Glythtide's work."
Aaiyaah says, "I have not restocked my portable bar and board since the Sapphire academy graduation the other night."
Aaiyaah says, "So I am thankful that Kaelie bailed us out today."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I understand that each of you could be doing any number of things right now and I want to personally thank each of you for making time to be here today! The purpose of these meetings is to help foster better communication among Therengians, allies, and friends to foster closer working relationships!"
Enwah says, "Happy to be here."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "That said, I am here at your disposal to assist you in any and all means to carry out His Grace's wishes in an effort to realize his vision for Therengia! Please do not hesitate to call on me to help in anyway possible!"
Crobin says, "I had a whole mess of nothing to do."
Crobin says, "And well...I came here instead."
Aaiyaah asks, "With that, let us get started! Who would like to kick us off with current events?"
You say, "I'm still procrastinating yesterdays nothing to do."
Crobin says, "That is a champ right there."
Enwah says, "Yesterday the voidgazers attacked Riverhaven in quite a big force."
Aaiyaah asks, "Oh those nasty buggers?"
Aaiyaah asks, "How did it go?"
Enwah says, "Dantia made a group and we gathered folks to shut down the whirlpools as well as obviously kill the voidgazers."
Aaiyaah says, "Did our friend Harsh happen to make it? He is excellent taking care of those things."
Enwah says, "Took some coordination at first but once we got it down, they were no match."
Enwah says, "I do not think is saw Harsh there."
Enwah says, "I saw as well."
Enwah says, "But that is all on my end."
Aaiyaah says, "Well done in defense of Riverhaven. I will include that in my missive to His Grace."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Enwah for that report."
Aaiyaah asks, "Who would like to go next?"
Enwah says, "Always happy to help."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Our Speaker would like to remind people that ODS will return to a traditional town hall starting next month, and wants to that everyone who made the work days such a success."
Arkalye gruffly says, "And thank them too."
Kethrai quietly says, "Thoughts a moment."
Aaiyaah asks, "Thank you Arkalye, did you have anything else?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "That was all."
Crobin says, "I have been looking into the goblins who have been poking around here and there."
Aaiyaah asks, "Oh?"
Crobin says, "None of them really seem interested in talking to me yet...but I am going to continue sneaking around, seeing if I can find a shaman or two who might be willing to speak before stabbing at me."
Crobin says, "I know you all thought I was just going to babble."
Crobin says, "But not this time."
Aaiyaah asks, "Are you or Kintryn still making patrols through Viggu's lair?"
Crobin says, "We are going to try, but Kintryn has been pulled in many different directions recently."
Crobin says, "I will get with her and put our nose where it does not belong."
Aaiyaah says, "Now that sounds fun."
Arkalye gruffly says to Crobin, "If you need more help you are welcome to call on me."
Crobin says, "Normally is."
Crobin says, "Oh, I will do that."
Enwah says, "I try to be sneaky, but I'm just a big green wall."
Crobin says, "I think we could all work together."
Crobin says, "Green wall is a good distraction."
Enwah says, "Good idea, i can be the distraction."
Aaiyaah says, "There is one thing I would like to touch on. Earlier I mentioned the Sapphire Academy graduation held earlier this week in the Crossing Empath Guild."
Aaiyaah says, "Dantia, Melindhra, and Remyngton did a great job of training two graduates in all sorts of great Empath related skills."
Aaiyaah says, "Basically set the graduates up for tons of success and it was really nice to see it come to fruition."
Aaiyaah says, "Nesra was one graduate."
Aaiyaah asks, "And I am trying to remember the other, started with a O?"
Crobin asks, "An O you say?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "Got to work with Nesra other night dealing with fish folk in crossings, she was efficent and professional."
Aaiyaah says, "Even my elven ears struggled to understand much of what he said."
Aaiyaah says, "Thats him."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Orend i believe h."
Crobin asks, "He graduated?"
Crobin says, "I feel faint."
Karthor says, "Oy, I didn't think he was that tough to understand."
Aaiyaah says, "So, since we do not have either Dantia, Remy, or Meli here...I would just ask a small favor from everyone here."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Aye e was easy ta understand."
Crobin says, "Nothing better then the paws of a bear trying to heal you."
Aaiyaah asks, "Please take some time to thank and encourage those three women for what they did there?"
Elizzibiana asks, "Three women?"
Aaiyaah says, "They took real time out of their days to help train and teach these."
Enwah says, "I can definitely get them wounds."
Karthor says, "Someone should tell Remy."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Well, sorry, two women and my brother!"
Elizzibiana says, "Nod kar."
Enwah says, "Nod Elizz."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Shifting has expanded in options i guess."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Its been a long day, what can I say!"
Crobin says, "A lot it seems."
Elizzibiana asks, "Well, if Gonif could change genders all those years ago why not?"
Aaiyaah says, "I would just ask that we take time to thank them for all they are doing and continue to do."
Crobin says, "I have heard those classes are no joke."
Aaiyaah says, "It is a really big commitment by each of them and I truly appreciate them and it would mean alot hearing that from each of us."
Crobin says, "They are doing great thigns."
Crobin says, "Things even."
Aaiyaah says, "I mean, Kethrai here along with Anuril, Remy, and Mazrian put on an amazing Combat academy earlier this year."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Skilled empaths are a boon to us all."
Aaiyaah says, "I happened to go along with Teyl and loved every bit of it. I reccommend it to every single person honestly."
Crobin says, "Learning to stab things that need to be stabbed."
Crobin says, "Sounds fun."
Kethrai says, "It's been some time since we've had any discussions of another class."
Kethrai says, "I'll check in with the others and see where that stands."
Aaiyaah says, "So we have alot of really great work being done by folks to lift up fellow adventurers in the land."
Kethrai says, "I think a lot of the focus Mazrian and Remy had there has been folded into Northern Watch activities."
Aaiyaah says, "So, thats my little message on that. Lets keep encouraging the amazing work being done by these wonderful folks."
Aaiyaah says, "Welcome m lady."
Elizzibiana asks Aaiyaah, "Before you move on?"
Aaiyaah says, "Of course m lady, please do."
Elizzibiana says to Aaiyaah, "Thank you, I'll be quick."
Elizzibiana says, "For the Order of the Iron Circle, we are having a gathering on Aesry at Denison's Pub in the Common Room in a few days. We will be looking at some Dwarven cultural cuisine so please join us. Check the local board of calendars for more info."
Elizzibiana says, "Also, dont forget Shards Town Hall hosted by Master Miskton in a few hours."
Arkalye gruffly exclaims, "Now that sounds interesting!"
Elizzibiana says to Aaiyaah, "And thats all I have for the moment."
You exclaim, "Oh I have a thing!"
Arkalye gruffly says, "Now to figure out how ta get out there."
Crobin asks, "Swim?"
You say, "If anyone sees Pyppa, she is the newly elected Vice Speaker for the Order of the Black Fox."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Maybe deep breath and walk."
Crobin says, "Oh...Air bubble."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Pyppa is just amazing on so many levels, that is great to hear!"
Elizzibiana says to Arkalye, "If you can be in crossings town green, I'll try to have a loonie with a gate of the moons agree."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Wonderful."
You say to Aaiyaah, "She really is."
Crobin says, "That is good to hear for Pyppa."
Elizzibiana says to Arkalye, "I'll be doing the gwething most likely as he doesnt have a gweth."
Aaiyaah says, "She can really throw a party."
Aaiyaah says, "Oh and run a wedding."
Aaiyaah says, "She is just all around prettttty awesome."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alrighty, anything else before we move on to petitions?"
Crobin says, "I think we are go."
Aaiyaah asks, "Does anyone have a petition for His Grace that I can take?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "Just following up on past petitions."
Aaiyaah says, "Still no decision on yours yet m friend. I have leaned on that as hard as I can. As soon as we get word, will definitely let you know."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alrighty, next?"
Crobin says, "Seems odd Ravens are not here to ask about the coin they are owed."
Crobin says, "Almost makes me sad."
Alanarue says, "Nursing their wounds....."
Karthor says, "Now that ya mention it, that does seem to've gone quiet fer the last while."
Elizzibiana says, "Shush or you'll attract them."
Crobin asks, "Caw caw?"
Karthor says, "Maybe they finally took "no" fer an answer."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Or their plotting something."
You say, "Plotting sounds more apt."
Aaiyaah asks, "No more additional petitions?"
Aaiyaah says, "Going once..."
Aaiyaah says, "Twice......"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "And we are done with petitions!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, any additional upcoming events folks want to speak on or anything in general?"
Karthor says, "In several days, the Guard'll be hostin' the ever-popular Cane Fights. Been a bit of a while, so hopefully folks're ready fer a few rounds."
Sennette quietly asks, "Cane fights?"
Aaiyaah says, "Oh yes, love me some cane spars."
Crobin asks, "What is a Cane spar?"
Alanarue says, "I like the sound of that."
Crobin asks, "Is that what my mom did when I was young?"
Crobin asks, "Only...she was armed...and I was not fast enough?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "Folks playing baby seal with each other by the sound of it."
Karthor says, "Aye, as ya might guess, it involves folks whackin' each other with canes."
Aaiyaah says, "It without a doubt, is a favorite of empaths.....plenty of wounds to heal."
Crobin says, "Well."
You say to Alanarue, "That's the spirit. Who cares what they are. Sounds like a rumble with canes as weapons."
Crobin says, "I am always one for getting whacked."
Crobin says, "I shall try and be there."
Kethrai quietly says, "I wouldn't describe it as a favorite, but."
Aaiyaah says, "Ok so...maybe not such a favorite to Alllll empaths."
Karthor says, "It's a slightly different take on way fer folks to combat each other. Sometimes ya end up with surprisin' winners."
Karthor says, "I seem to recall someone defeatin' Gort the last time."
Crobin says, "Oh my."
Crobin asks, "Someone beat Gort with a cane?"
Crobin asks, "And I missed it?"
Crobin says, "Now I am sad."
Aaiyaah says, "Yes, it is a competition designed to make things interesting for sure."
You say, "We need to get Tank there next for a whoop azz."
Aaiyaah says, "No magic, nothing but skill and armor."
Karthor says, "And even the skill bit goes out the window as the round progresses."
Crobin says, "Hmm well I am if nothing something."
Kethrai says, "Someone took me to those spars I think the day after I joined the guild. I wasn't... exactly familiar with how adventurers act amongst each other."
You say to Crobin, "Deportment and charm."
Crobin says, "Aww thank you Kaelie."
Kethrai says, "I got hit in the face with a bit of someone's skull."
Crobin says, "We call that a good time."
Crobin asks, "Did you keep the piece of skull?"
Karthor says, "Seems like a suitable "welcome to the guild", that's a useful professional skill to be able to take that in stride."
Kethrai says to Crobin, "It stayed with me emotionally, for sure."
Crobin says, "Excellent."
Crobin says, "Wait."
Crobin asks, "Is that a bad thing?"
Aaiyaah asks, "Ok, so since we have hallows eve and the maze going on, anyone want to show off some new items or alterations?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Wow!"
Crobin asks, "Does that go with the sword you had the other day?"
Crobin asks, "Or am I mistaking you for another?"
Crobin says, "Good lord...and you carry that stuff around."
Aaiyaah says, "That is a mighty fine piece of armor."
Sennette quietly says, "Looks quite exceptional."
Crobin says, "I would fall of fatigue for sure."
Aaiyaah asks, "Vardite?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "Been designing it and the sword for the past year."
Crobin says, "It is very nicely made, and looks great."
Crobin says, "And here I am waving around my branch."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Not sure the base material bought it off Heartsfyre a few years ago."
Crobin says, "Oh good old Hearts."
Crobin says, "I need to hunt her down sometime, been far to long."
Aaiyaah says, "She is one of the best armorsmiths for sure."
Arkalye gruffly says, "Think she got it from the corn maze."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Alright, another productive and short meeting. I like it!"
Aaiyaah says, "If there is nothing else...."
Aaiyaah says, "Going once....."
Aaiyaah says, "Going twice."
Elizzibiana says, "And boom."
Crobin says, "I found your goo."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Crobin, this will be most...useful."
Crobin says, "I know it will."
Crobin says, "It will keep an eye on you."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Ok, going once!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Twice!"
You say, "GO."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Meeting Adjourned!! Thank you all for coming and see you next week!!!"