Tirost/Logs/WotWC-1: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with " <nowiki>[Wolf Clan Home, Square] The road circles around a cleared area that has been planted with grass. In the middle a man-sized statue stands, so lifelike it would seem...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 10:54, 2 August 2022

[Wolf Clan Home, Square]
The road circles around a cleared area that has been planted with grass.  In the middle a man-sized statue stands, so lifelike it would seem that at any moment it will leap down and run away.  As ominous as the statue looks, when people pass by they look at it with a warm smile and raise their head with pride.  You also see a winding path.
Also here: Krigglin's Thinker Boam, Enelne's Daughter Nawain, Lady of Frostbite Siendra, Lady Knight Elurora, Carnage Darling Dantia, Sothios, Soul Surgeon Zynell who is emanating a bright holy aura, Apothecary Cyrril, Lymira, Harmless Biomancer Kaelie, Majelaket, Time Warden Wenavai, Forest Guardian Athanasius, Jochua and Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma.
Obvious paths: east, south.
Lymira beams at you!  What a warm feeling!
Wenavai briefly drops to one knee and hails Boam with a clenched fist over his heart and a respectful nod.
Cyrril puts his bowl in his scavenger's pack.
Cyrril wearily says, "With luck, he may show himself to offer further details. But even if not, I shall lend what aid I can."
You hug Lymira who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.
Philomath Miskton just arrived.
Siendra beams at you!  What a warm feeling!
Cyrril smiles at Miskton.
Elurora gives Miskton a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.
Miskton nods politely.
Nawain smiles at you.
Wenavai nods to Cyrril.
Boam gestures.
Lymira says to you, "Good to see you, brother."
Cyrril smiles at you.
You smile.
Someone taps you on the shoulder, but when you look no one is there!
You hug Siendra who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of cloves clings to her skin.
Yvela pulls down the hood of her cloak.
Enelne's Son Hondashi just arrived.
Siendra hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.
Your jaw drops.
You hug Yvela who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of dried blood clings to her skin.
You beam!
Yvela hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.
Nawain waves to Hondashi.
Zynell leans back against Sothios with a loving smile.
Ears tilted forward, Zynell curls her tail around Sothios's waist loosely.
Cyrril gives Yvela a slight nod.
Lymira says, "I'll wait a little longer for any others who wish to join us."
You nod to Lymira.
Yvela nods to Cyrril.
Lymira gazes at Siendra.
Siendra smiles at Lymira.
Snake Food Simmish just arrived.
Lymira says to Siendra, "I am Lymira. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Lymira says, "Finally."
Lymira grins.
Hondashi waves to Siendra.
You blush a bright red color.
Elurora quietly asks Gridaksma, "Shouldn't a statue of a fellow fighting a tiger be in Tiger Clan?"
Cyrril wearily says, "There are still several roisen yet before the time of the original call comes due."
Siendra cocks her head.
Gridaksma chuckles at Elurora.
You notice as a storm-grey cat with gold-flecked crystal blue eyes meows loudly.
Lymira says, "Pangovin's told me a lot about you."
Enelne's Son Tystreith just arrived.
Simmish gives Zynell a sharp bite on the shoulder!  Hey!
Siendra exclaims to Lymira, "A pleasure to meet you, as well.  I am Siendra - oh!"
You glance at Lymira, a female Human.
Siendra blushes a bright red color.
Hondashi grins at Tystreith.
Gridaksma says, "Symbolism can be anywhere."
You ask, "What?"
You glance at a storm-grey cat with gold-flecked crystal blue eyes.
[General] Your mind hears Xelten thinking, "Evidently help was not required enough to answer."
Hondashi waves to Nawain.
Siendra quietly says, "He's a sweet thing."
Sothios bites Simmish!
Siendra pets your storm-grey cat.
Simmish shrieks!
Siendra hugs Hondashi, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.
Hondashi hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Hondashi with a warm smile.
Simmish nibbles on Sothios's fingers playfully.
Cyrril wearily says to Lymira, "Sir Xelten was requesting further detail on the matter at hand upon the gwethdesuan network."
Carnage Darling Dantia just arrived.
Dantia joins Kaelie's group.
[General] Your mind hears Lymira thinking, "Forgive my late reply. The matter involves the loss of crops and suffering of the people."
Siendra grins at Nawain.
Siendra nods at Nawain, obviously agreeing with her views.
Siendra clasps Hondashi's hand tenderly.
Storm Maiden Constantia just arrived.
Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.
Lymira nods to Cyrril.
Yvela takes a sip of her mead.
Lymira says, "Thank you."
Elurora casually observes the area.
You quietly ask Yvela, "Have you recently returned?"
Constantia ponders.
Yvela nods to you.
Kaelie grins at Simmish.
Dantia smiles at Simmish.
Nawain grins at Siendra.
Sultry Siren Crowfeet just arrived.
Wind Walker Zeylinn just arrived, leading his group.
Crowfeet pants.
Hondashi grins at Siendra.
Crowfeet pants.
You hug Kaelie who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of jasmine clings to her skin.
Asilme quietly says to Zeylinn, "Think this is the place."
You bow to Dantia.
Dantia smiles at you.
Yvela quietly asks you, "Not very long ago.  No surprise we run into each other at the latest mystery, hm?"
Kaelie hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.
Zeylinn nods at Asilme, obviously agreeing with her views.
Crowfeet says, "Darn it! I forgot my hoe! I heard crops were involved."
Kaelie gently kisses you on the cheek.
Zeylinn glances about the area while pacing back and forth.  Something about the way he moves reminds you of a large, stalking mountain cat.
Lymira says, "It is. Thank you for coming."
Asilme glances about the area while pacing back and forth.  Something about the way she moves reminds you of a large, stalking mountain cat.
Elurora giggles at Crowfeet.
Asilme nods to Zeylinn.
You grin at Yvela.
You say, "Nothing could be more fitting."
Hondashi gently says, "Siendra, Nawain, I don't know if you've ever officially met my brother. This is Tystreith."
Asilme glances at Zeylinn.
Nawain beams at Tystreith!
Lymira pets your storm-grey cat.
Siendra smiles at Tystreith.
Tystreith smiles shyly
Siendra bows to Tystreith.
Nawain waves to Tystreith.
Tystreith waves to Nawain.
Asilme shifts her weight.
Tystreith waves to Siendra.
Zeylinn nods at Asilme, obviously agreeing with her views.
Tystreith grins at Nawain.
Kaelie beams at Zeylinn!
Kaelie gently kisses Zeylinn on the cheek.
Zeylinn grins at Kaelie.
You say to Constantia, "Been a while, Constantia. Good to see you, and thanks for coming."
Constantia nods to you.
Athanasius whistles loudly for a moment.
A baby wolf scrambles in.
A baby wolf begins to whimper.
Asilme pets your storm-grey cat.
Athanasius gets a bottle of fresh milk from inside his hitman's backpack.
A baby wolf drinks some fresh milk from Athanasius's hand.
Athanasius puts his milk in his hitman's backpack.
Commodities Specialist Urbaj just arrived.
Constantia says to you, "It is good to see you as well.  And of course, I am glad to help out."
You smile at Asilme.
You say to Asilme, "He likes you."
Elurora quietly says, "Pity Dog doesn't like crowds."
Asilme blinks.
Lumberjack Mowlten just arrived.
Mazrian just arrived.
Asilme blushes a bright red color.
You bow to Mazrian.
Siendra smiles at Mazrian.
Mazrian bows.
Siendra bows to Mazrian.
Lymira bows to Mazrian.
Dantia smiles at Mazrian.
Miskton nods politely to Mazrian.
Cyrril glances at Mazrian.
Mazrian says, "Evening, everyone."
Mazrian smiles.
Kaelie brushes her lips against Mazrian's in a loving kiss.
Mazrian brushes his lips against Kaelie's in a loving kiss.
Mazrian nods to Miskton.
Mazrian flashes a quick grin at Dantia.
Miskton gets an austere scholar's tome from inside his scholar's valise.
Athanasius says, "If you are refering to mist, she's a she-wolf."
Mazrian gazes at Cyrril.
Miskton studies his scholar's tome closely.
You say to Mazrian, "Evening. Thanks for coming, Maz."
Zeylinn whispers something to Asilme.
Asilme dimples at Athanasius.
Miskton puts his tome in his scholar's valise.
Mazrian quietly says, "Thought I'd see what the distress was about."
Mazrian clasps Kaelie's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.
Lymira nods.
Yvela glances up at the sky.
Crowfeet says, "I hope this doesn't involve Crows, else I may be in trouble."
Cyrril chuckles at Crowfeet.
Lymira says, "I appreciate it, Sir. I'll speak of what's happened in just a moment."
You see Lymira Armagna, a Human Ranger.
Lymira has an oval face, silver-flecked crystal blue eyes and a straight nose.  Her golden brown hair is long and thick.  She has fair skin and a lean figure.
She is slightly under average height for a Human.
She appears to be an adult.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a fur-lined doeskin satchel, a fitted suede vest, a braided cambrinth armband, some snug-fitting leather leggings and some cross-laced leather moccasins.
Mazrian says to Crowfeet, "Crows are edible, so if it's food shortage you may be in trouble.  But they'd have to be bad off to start with the feet."
Esotericist Eyst just arrived.
Crowfeet exclaims to Mazrian, "Indeed!"
Miskton says, "Looks like we've got a number of potential avenues for helping, at least, with all the people gathered here. Depending on just what the issue is."
Miskton casually observes the area.
Eyst nods politely to Elurora.
Cyrril nods at Miskton, obviously agreeing with his views.
Elurora gives Eyst a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.
Lymira recites:
    "Thank you for coming."
Dantia flips her hair over one shoulder.
Eyst nods politely to Miskton.
Elurora smiles at Eyst.
Lymira says, "Your presence here in our time of need means a lot."
Wenavai nods to Miskton.
Mazrian flashes a quick grin at Dantia.
You gaze at Lymira.
Hanryu searches around for a moment.
Lymira says, "Our fields are dying. Our animal's feed has been poisoned, and our people are sick."
Nawain frowns at Lymira.
Elurora cocks her head at Lymira.
You frown.
Cyrril ponders.
Asilme glances about with concern on her face.
Miskton frowns.
Yvela folds her arms across her chest.
Nawain gnaws on her lip.
Mazrian blinks.
Siendra frowns.
You ask, "What happened, Lymira?"
Crowfeet says, "I blame Crossing for polluting the river."
Lymira says to Crowfeet, "That it certainly does, but this was something else."
Eyst ponders.
Crowfeet gives Lymira a slight nod.
Lymira says, "Not long ago many of us were awakened by the sounds of dogs barking and people shouting."
Asilme observes Lymira with fascination.
Cyrril nods.
Elurora gazes at Lymira.
Lymira says, "It sounded like it was coming from the fields."
(Lymira gestures to the west.)
Mazrian asks, "The barking and the shouting both?"
Siendra gazes off to the west.
Elurora smiles at Crowfeet.
Lymira nods to Mazrian.
Mazrian nods.
Asilme quietly asks, "This was here, only?"
Cyrril wearily says, "A bit sophisticated to be an ogre tactic..."
Cyrril ponders.
Lymira nods at Cyrril, obviously agreeing with his views.
Lymira says, "By the time I arrived, the invaders were gone."
Life Defender Caliphear just arrived.
Athanasius asks, "Could it have been an attempted home invasion and a over zelous guard dog?"
Elurora nods at Crowfeet, obviously agreeing with her views.
Siendra asks, "Were there any tracks to be followed?"
Lymira says to Athanasius, "Perhaps, but the crops wither, and the animals grow sick."
Simmish exclaims, "Didn't the Estate Holders recently build some housing around here?  Might be some late night partiers!"
Simmish casually observes the area.
Lymira says, "Hunlaf said Voruka and Targil heard chanting coming from the middle of the field."
Mazrian quietly says to Cyrril, "Ogres are more opportunistic but very pushy scavengers.  I could see them stealing livestock but not poisoning them."
Cyrril nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.
Elurora gives Mazrian a slight nod.
You nod to Mazrian.
Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.
Asilme ponders.
Lymira says, "When they approached someone ran off."
You ask, "What did they look like?"
Asilme asks, "Someone?"
Nawain frowns.
Siendra nibbles on her fingers contemplatively.
Yvela takes a sip of her mead.
Lymira shakes her head.
Kaelie asks, "Do you know what language the chanting was in?"
Lymira says, "It was too dark to tell, but whoever was chanting was still in the field after the first ran off."
Dantia ponders.
Crowfeet shudders.
Miskton asks, "Did it sound like multiple people chanting?"
Lymira says to Miskton, "Not from what I understand."
Crowfeet asks, "Which field was it? Corn?"
Cyrril wearily says, "Indeed, the language and, if not that, then any words you caught could help identify the source..."
Siendra asks, "Did anyone recognize the language of the chanting?"
Siendra nods to Cyrril.
Lymira says to Crowfeet, "I belive so, but the wheat fields were also affected - most of our crops, in fact."
Crowfeet gives Lymira a slight nod.
Lymira says, "Hunlaf spoke of roots of shadow holding him fast when he got close."
Cyrril frowns.
Elurora quietly asks, "Was anyone able to tell what sort of poison was used?"
You raise an eyebrow in Lymira's direction.
Yvela tilts her head to one side.
Cyrril wearily says, "That is *certainly* not ogre-work."
Moon Warrior Allye just arrived.
Constantia ponders.
Lymira says to Elurora, "We've recovered one of the vials they used to spread it. I will show it to you in a moment, if you like."
Asilme waves to Allye.
Mazrian asks, "Maybe a...web...of shadow roots?"
Mazrian raises an eyebrow in Lymira's direction.
Siendra hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.
Elurora smiles at Lymira.
Cyrril nods to Mazrian.
Crowfeet says, "Perhaps we need to search the fields and look for clues."
Allye nods amiably at Asilme.
Allye hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.
Elurora says to Lymira, "I don't know much about poison myself, but someone here might."
Lymira nods to Elurora.
Cyrril wearily says, "We've quite a few bodies. I can take a look at the poison, if you wish."
Dantia asks Lymira, "Was there any direct evidence of these things being linked, the strangers with their chanting and your crops being poisoned? Or are you linking them based on their timing?"
Elurora nods to Crowfeet.
Cyrril wearily says, "Unless another would boast greater expertise, of course."
Lymira says to Dantia, "It is mostly based on timing, though there were a few things that make me think they are truly linked."
Dantia nods.
Lymira says, "Hunlaf could only see a silhouette, but he threw his axe, and the mage cried out."
You scoff.
Elurora asks, "A blood trail then maybe?"
Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.
You say, "He must've been drunk, or he'd of hit nothing."
Crowfeet exclaims, "Ah, a trail of blood! Something us rangers can work with!"
Constantia gestures.
Siendra looks at you, obviously trying not to grin.
Elurora nods to Crowfeet.
Asilme grins at Crowfeet, her dimples flashing into view.
Elurora grins at Crowfeet.
Lymira says, "The invader dropped a paper with some strange diagram on it, then disappeared."
Cyrril wearily asks, "A diagram, you say?"
Cyrril wearily says, "We've certainly quite a body of evidence."
Lymira nods to Cyrril.
Asilme quietly says to Zeylinn, "Awful convenient."
Elurora grins at Asilme.
You ask Lymira, "What do you mean, disappeared?"
Asilme grins at Elurora, her dimples flashing into view.
Miskton says, "Certainly sounds like a potential clue to what they were doing, and perhaps their identity."
Lymira nods at Miskton, obviously agreeing with his views.
Shade Walker Itharl just arrived.
Zynell asks, "Could you describe the diagram?"
Lymira nods to Zynell.
Lymira says to you, "I don't know. That's what Hunlaf and the others said: the mage disappeared."
Elurora smiles at Allye.
Lymira gets a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges from inside her doeskin satchel.
Lymira offers Zynell a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Elurora.
Zynell accepts Lymira's beige paper.
Zynell reads her paper.
Elurora nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.
(Cyrril's eyes track the paper sharply, clearly very interested.)
Athanasius asks, "Perhaps a moon mage then?"
Mazrian nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Zynell offers Dantia a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Elurora asks, "Might I see it too, please?"
Dantia accepts Zynell's beige paper.
You ask, "A necromancer using invisibility magic?"
Dantia reads her paper.
Crowfeet asks Zynell, "What does it say?"
Cyrril wearily says, "I should like a glance myself."
Asilme asks you, "Can they do that? Like the Moon Mages?"
Miskton says, "A mage suddenly disappearing, and using grasping shadows, does sound like potentially a lunar practitioner."
Eyst says, "I'd like a glance at it as it's going around."
Asilme nods to Miskton.
Siendra leans forward.
Dantia offers Hanryu a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Elurora nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.
Cyrril nods to Asilme.
Hanryu accepts Dantia's beige paper.
Miskton says, "I'd also like to take a look at that, as it makes the rounds."
Hanryu offers Miskton a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Majelaket says to Miskton, "It's always the moon mage."
Miskton accepts Hanryu's beige paper.
Allye asks, "Me too, please?"
Asilme glances at Majelaket.
Crowfeet says, "Could someone describe the paper, please? It might be easier."
Nawain says, "As would I."
Miskton reads his paper.
Nawain nods.
Asilme narrows her eyes.
Caliphear nods at Crowfeet, obviously agreeing with her views.
Cyrril nods to Crowfeet.
Hondashi gently says, "Yes, pleases."
Elurora says to Crowfeet, "Good idea."
Caliphear softly says, "That would be appreciated."
Hondashi gently says, "Please, even."
Miskton says, "Let's see..."
Zynell says, "The diagram resembling a six pointed star formed of two interposed triangles surrounded by a circle."
Miskton reads his paper.
Cyrril wearily says, "That being said, ensaring others with shadow is not within the typical necromancer's purview, but is certainly so for a moon mage."
Allye tilts her head, clearly curious about something.
Crowfeet jots down some notes.
Zynell says, "The paper's bottom left quarter has been torn away."
Miskton says, "A bit of dried blood on it, as well."
You say to Cyrril, "Good point."
Eyst ponders.
Lymira nods to Zynell.
Miskton says, "Hmm... It does look vaguely familiar."
Zynell says, "At each of the star's visible points, and along the circumference of the circle, are strange symbols."
Lymira says, "The characters resemble Gamgweth, but I cannot read them."
Crowfeet praises Zynell.
Hondashi gently says, "That sounds...ominous."
Mazrian asks Miskton, "Do you know of any moon magery that could cause the blight of Wolf Clan's fields?"
Cyrril ponders.
Zynell says, "Gamgweth  maybe."
Zynell nods.
Asilme asks, "There is writing along with the symbol?"
Asilme cocks her head at Lymira.
Miskton says, "I don't recall any details of what it actually is, but it looks a bit like something I think I recall from the Imperial Library in Throne City."
Dantia says, "There should be any number of us here who can understand Gamgweth."
Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Miskton.
Siendra gazes at Miskton.
Cyrril nods.
Elurora grins at Dantia.
Miskton offers Eyst a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Lymira says to Asilme, "I don't know. Markings of some kind."
Eyst accepts Miskton's beige paper.
Kaelie nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Eyst reads his paper.
Lymira gazes at Miskton.
Asilme asks Eyst, "Might I see that when you are through?"
Eyst nods.
[General] Your mind hears Cadderrly thinking, "what manor of infestation was threatening the crops?"
Eyst offers Asilme a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Asilme accepts Eyst's beige paper.
Asilme reads her paper.
Cyrril wearily asks Asilme, "And if I could as well when you are, in turn?"
Lymira asks Miskton, "You've seen something like this before?"
Miskton says, "Can't say what the purpose actually is, but does seem like more evidence of a potential moon mage being involved."
Asilme squints.
Eyst says, "Described well enough however."
Asilme nods to Cyrril.
[General] Your mind hears Zynell thinking, "that is the discussion currently"
Crowfeet says, "I suspect this is not the workings of a Moon Mage."
Asilme offers Cyrril a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Cyrril accepts Asilme's beige paper.
Asilme says, "This looks.. oddly familiar."
Asilme scratches her head.
You ask Cyrril, "May I see it when you're done?"
Cyrril reads his paper.
Lymira says, "We found a few other things when we searched the field too."
Mazrian says, "If we could interpret the gamgweth, I suspect it would become clear."
Cyrril gazes thoughtfully at a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Asilme says, "It kind of looks like a coat of arms."
You nod to Mazrian.
Crowfeet asks, "Or a ritual spell?"
Athanasius says, "It would be a simple thing to copy some diagrams and cast the blame on a moon mage by leaving that laying around."
Cyrril holds a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.
Zynell angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Lymira.
Cyrril holds a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges in his hand and closes his eyes in concentration.
Zynell says, "What else did you find."
Cyrril shakes his head.
Lymira gets a silver vial from inside her doeskin satchel.
A baby wolf pounces on a nearby bug playfully.
Itharl nods at Athanasius, obviously agreeing with his views.
Gridaksma says, "Because Moon mages have never done anything wrong either."
Miskton says to Athanasius, "True, but some of the other reported elements are a bit harder to fake."
Cyrril wearily asks, "Who else wanted a direct look?"
(Zeylinn glances quickly at the young wolf...as their eyes meet the wolf sits quietly.)
Simmish takes a quick count of what's in the area.
Crowfeet says, "Me."
Cyrril offers Crowfeet a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Siendra raises her hand.
Crowfeet accepts Cyrril's beige paper.
Crowfeet reads her paper.
Crowfeet offers Siendra a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Lymira says, "There were seven of these vials, and six totems."
Siendra accepts Crowfeet's beige paper.
Siendra reads her paper.
Lymira offers Zynell a silver vial.
Zynell accepts Lymira's silver vial.
Cadderrly strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.
Asilme asks, "Did you say 7?"
Dantia raises an eyebrow in Zynell's direction.
Hondashi gently asks, "The symbol sounds like a...what's the word...sixagram?"
Elurora grins at Crowfeet.
Siendra ponders.
Zynell examines a silver vial.
Siendra offers you a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.  Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it.  The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Crowfeet winks at Elurora.
You accept Siendra's offer and are now holding a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Cyrril wearily says to Miskton, "Seven, hm? A thin connection, but..."
>read my paper
The paper reads: The paper has been partially torn and is marked with dried blood. In its center is a diagram resembling a six pointed star formed of two interposed triangles surrounded by a circle, though the paper's bottom left quarter has been torn away. At each of the star's visible points, and along the circumference of the circle, are strange symbols resembling Gamgweth characters.
Zynell sniffs at a silver vial.
Hanryu asks, "Were the vials and totems scattered around or laid out like the diagram?"
Dantia grins at Zynell.
Dantia touches Zynell with a confident grace and familiar smile.
Zynell glances at Dantia.
Zynell nods.
Zynell licks a silver vial.
Dantia touches Zynell with a confident grace and familiar smile.
Elurora blinks at Zynell.
Caliphear lays her ears back in alarm, gazing warily at Zynell.
Dantia nods to Zynell.
Majelaket casually observes the area.
Zynell offers Lymira a silver vial.
Lymira says to Hanryu, "The totems were buried at the edges of the fields. It may have been aligned with the diagram. The vials were dumped amid the field."
Hondashi gently says, "Oh, hexagram! That's the word."
Lymira accepts Zynell's silver vial.
Asilme says to Zeylinn, "It sounds like those vials may have been given to that many people to perhaps scatter amongst the clan lands and continue poisoning."
Cyrril nods to Hondashi.
Asilme asks, "Are the vials empty?"
Dantia says, "So six totems for the six points of the star."
Lymira nods to Asilme.
Urbaj says, "That strange timekeeper's crew was selling gallons of poison not long ago. Although I assume that wouldn't be the best way to ruin a crop. And it still speaks nothing of a motive."
Asilme shudders.
Lymira says, "They are, but they have a scent."
Cyrril wearily says, "I would much like to see one of the vials."
Lymira sniffs at a silver vial.
Lymira offers Cyrril a silver vial.
Asilme quietly says, "Same."
Cyrril accepts Lymira's silver vial.
Cyrril examines a silver vial.
Siendra ponders.
Nawain nods to Hondashi.
Hanryu says to Dantia, "And a seventh in the center perhaps.  as the focus of the casting."
You notice a russet panther sniff at Cadderrly for a moment.
Athanasius says, "I would like to see the paper."
Dantia nods to Hanryu.
Cyrril sniffs at a silver vial.
Elurora asks Lymira, "What was the scent?"
Cyrril ponders.
Majelaket says, "If you want to ruin a crop salt works plenty well enough. No need to go about burying totems."
Yvela asks, "What do the totems look like?"
Dantia asks Lymira, "Was there a detectable pattern to where you found the totems?"
Asilme nods to Majelaket.
Cyrril wearily says, "A sickly sweet sort of odor..."
Lymira says, "Most of the vials and totems were burned, but I asked that some be saved so we could examine them."
Lymira gets an ebony shrew totem from inside her doeskin satchel.
Lymira offers Yvela an ebony shrew totem.
Asilme says to Majelaket, "Not unless you want it to spread to people or animals."
Yvela accepts Lymira's shrew totem.
Yvela frowns.
Crowfeet exclaims, "Oooh, a shrew!"
Mowlten asks, "Perhaps it is a test of some nefarious methodology in preparation for a large campaign?"
Yvela says, "Of course it's the shrew."
Miskton says to Urbaj, "Possibly something personal. Or going a bit out of the way to test something before trying it on a larger scale."
You glance at Zynell, a female Prydaen.
Crowfeet asks, "Are they all shrews?"
Lymira nods to Crowfeet.
Lymira says, "Yes."
Cyrril takes a seat.
Cyrril closes his silver vial.
Cyrril unties a diamondique large mortar carved with delicate flowers from the straps of his grass toolstrap.
Athanasius mutters to himself.
Cyrril attaches a mesh sieve with a polished sanrisi handle to a strap on his grass toolstrap.
Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.
Cyrril gets some water from inside his scavenger's pack.
Crowfeet says, "Good good, this narrows it down a little."
Cyrril pours some water into a diamondique large mortar carved with delicate flowers.
Lymira says, "The vials smell sickly sweet. There is some residue there, but I cannot say more."
Itharl says, "Or they wanted to poison the land beyond simply ruining the crops."
Caliphear asks Crowfeet, "How so?"
Cyrril opens his silver vial.
Cyrril pours some water from his large mortar into a silver vial.
Itharl folds his arms across his chest.
Lymira says, "I would like to speak to an alchemist if time allows."
Asilme nods to Itharl.
Yvela says, "Lunar mage, shrews.. my immediate thought is the Children of Kaelstraum."
Cyrril stands up.
Yvela holds an ebony shrew totem in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.
You frown.
Cyrril closes his silver vial.
Asilme cocks her head at Yvela.
Zynell asks, "May i see the paper again?"
Nawain nods to Siendra.
Yvela offers Lymira an ebony shrew totem.
Crowfeet says to Caliphear, "There are 39 different totems it could be. if they are all a shrew, then that is only one to focus on."
Elurora glances at Gridaksma.
Hondashi nods to Siendra.
Allye ponders.
You offer your beige paper to Zynell, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer.  Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Zynell has accepted your offer and is now holding a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Siendra raises her hand.
Lymira accepts Yvela's shrew totem.
(Cyrril shakes the vial vigorously, having filled it with water.)
Caliphear nods to Crowfeet.
Siendra says to Lymira, "Pardon..."
Kretona fades into view.
Athanasius asks, "Do they worship Kerenhappuch?"
You ask Lymira, "Who would want to do this to the Wolf Clan? Why now?"
Zynell offers Kretona a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Kretona accepts Zynell's beige paper.
Kretona reads his paper.
Asilme nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Yvela says, "Why the Children would be interested in poisoning crops and cattle I have no idea."
Kretona offers Zynell a sheet of beige paper with browned deckle edges.
Lymira says to Athanasius, "I don't know."
Miskton says to Athanasius, "They use her as a symbol, at least."
Nawain gnaws on her lip.
Mazrian nods at Yvela, obviously agreeing with her views.
Siendra quietly asks, "My pack, they brought up a good point...that the six-pointed star is also used to notate the elements and how they work together.  Could a mage be...seeping the elements from the land?"
Lymira says to you, "Same answer for you, brother."
(Cyrril carefully pours the water from the vial into the mortar...)
Cyrril opens his silver vial.
Cyrril pours some water from his silver vial into a diamondique large mortar carved with delicate flowers.
Cyrril closes his silver vial.
You gaze thoughtfully at Siendra.
Cyrril offers Lymira a silver vial.
Zynell nods.
Lymira puts her totem in her doeskin satchel.
Lymira accepts Cyrril's silver vial.
Lymira puts her vial in her doeskin satchel.
Lymira says to Siendra, "I'd not considered it."
Itharl asks, "There are entities that wish to see all traces of civilization removed from places once wild, a temporary blight to allow the land to be reclaimed, perhaps?"
(Cyrril runs his sieve through the water carefully, attempting to gather rejuvenated traces of the mysterious venom.)
Itharl ponders.
Mazrian thoughtfully says to Siendra, "Didn't look like any configuration of the elements I'd ever seen.  I suppose the labeling would tell, if we could decipher it."
Dantia says, "Quite a bit must have gone into burying six totems throughout the fields, without being detected, just to then chant a song or two too loudly."
Hanryu says, "Would it be possible to access the field?  Maybe some residual magic remains to be sensed."
Lymira nods to Dantia.
Crowfeet nods at Hanryu, obviously agreeing with his views.
Crowfeet says to Hanryu, "I was hoping the same."
Lymira says, "Perhaps it was something long planned, and executed over a long period of time."
Athanasius says, "Or maybe they'll show up and Hanryu can punch them and be done with this."
Itharl chortles softly at some secret joke.
Hanryu says, "That'd be fine by me."
Hanryu chuckles.
Lymira says, "I can't think of any particular reason it was done now, though we are a warrior people and have many enemies, from ogres to rebels."
Dantia asks Lymira, "And did those who come down sick eat the poisoned crops? Or are they sick independently?"
Lymira says to Dantia, "The people are fine, save those foolish enough to have tasted the residue of the vials."
(Cyrril continues his work with slow, careful, movements of the sieve.)
Cyrril takes a seat.
Dantia nods.
Siendra gazes at Cyrril.
Lymira says, "The animals' feed was poisoned."
Asilme curiously asks Lymira, "Where the vials all found in the same place? Or scattered about the fields?"
Dantia asks Lymira, "What are you hoping that we can accomplish for you?"
Lymira says to Asilme, "They were found scattered about carelessly from what I understand."
Cadderrly asks, "The animals die and stayed dead?"
Asilme asks, "Are you quite sure it was careless..?"
Crowfeet gives Elurora a slight nod.
You softly say, "This doesn't sound like the work of ogres or rebels."
Lymira shakes her head.
Asilme ponders.
Hondashi ponders.
Alshabi Kamisama just arrived.
Lymira says to Asilme, "No. I didn't see where they were placed myself."
Cyrril pokes his finger at some water.
You ask, "Has the Chieftain said anything?"
Itharl says, "They haven't shown an aptitude for this particular kind of magic in the past. But nothing can be ruled out at this point."
Miskton asks Lymira, "Did this blight strike all the crops at once, or did it seem to spread outward?"
Eyst asks, "Aside from the fact they are dying, is there anything else unnatural about the crops?"
Mowlten says, "It does seem that some more evidence gathering may aid the speculation at this point."
Crowfeet says, "Perhaps the poisoning of the animals was to "sacrifice" them in the ritual."
Lymira nods to Itharl.
Lymira says, "Good point."
(Cyrril douses the sieve with grain alcohol after finishing the process.)
Asilme asks, "7 vials, 6 tokens, 6 pointed star... could the vials and the tokens all form that shape? Left there at each point?"
Lymira says to Miskton, "It hit many at once, but not all."
Lymira says to Miskton, "It seemed to affect all those within the boundaries of the totems."
You frown.
Nawain ponders.
Asilme ponders.
Kaelie wrinkles her nose.
Siendra nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Zynell ponders.
Cyrril wearily says, "I agree. Direct study of the site of the event seems wisest, now."
Kaelie says, "Perhaps practice for a larger target area."
Nawain says, "I worry that it's a small-scale test of a new tactic."
A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.
Caliphear quirks her ears toward each other, a puzzled expression crossing her face.
Elurora quietly says to Asilme, "I like animals."
Lymira says to Cyrril, "It's been trampled, unfortunately, but I can show you later, if you wish."
Asilme quietly says to Elurora, "Me too."
Lymira nods to Zynell.
Lymira gets a silver vial from inside her doeskin satchel.
Dantia says, "Would be an awfully public way of testing."
Lymira offers Zynell a silver vial.
Zynell accepts Lymira's silver vial.
Zynell opens her silver vial.
You say to Lymira, "We'll research what we can, and see what we can find out about the diagram and the symbols."
Lymira nods to you.
Lymira says to you, "Thank you, brother."
Asilme asks, "Those vials.. can they be tracked? Are they unique perhaps to a maker or seller around here?"
Asilme glances at Zeylinn.
Cyrril wearily says, "They look like stock standard vials from Durantine's, if my eye doesn't fail me."
Mazrian asks, "Perhaps a deliberate attempt to impact things in Wolf Clan to lower the value of the land?"
Elurora slowly asks, "Was it a fast acting poison?  Did they die quietly and quickly?  Or was it slower?"
Asilme says, "Perhaps Brother Durantine may remember a bulk order."
Lymira gazes thoughtfully at Mazrian.
Zynell sniffs at a silver vial.
Zynell gets some holy water from inside a haralun chalice portraying night diamond panthers and edged in damaryn pearls.
Athanasius says, "A land developer from crossing intent on lowering property value so he can do a hostile take over and put more housing here."
Dantia says to Mazrian, "Or drive them into needing to purchase their food, feed, and grain instead of providing for themselves."
Majelaket says, "Moving onto the trader theory now."
Asilme grins at Athanasius, her dimples flashing into view.
You say, "The people of the Wolf Clan would never sell their home."
Eyst asks Lymira, "What of the fields after your crops died off? Will anything at all take root or has it remained fallow?"
Lymira nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Zynell ponders.
Cyrril wearily says to Asilme, "Unfortunately, seven vials would be a fairly paltry matter, given that his clientele includes the Temple itself right next door."
Lymira says to Eyst, "Nothing so far. The ground smells putrid. It's why I've called for help."
Asilme says to Cyrril, "We found only 7.. doesn't mean there was only that many. Or that they hadn't plotted something larger, requiring more of them."
Cyrril nods to Asilme.
Eyst gives a slight nod.
Lymira gets an ebony shrew totem from inside her doeskin satchel.
Asilme pets your storm-grey cat.
Lymira asks Zynell, "Do you mind keeping this totem?"
Itharl says, "The totems themselves seem like the most potentially trackable thing. Not likely to find those stocked on a shelf anywhere."
Hondashi gently asks, "Is there any kind of summoning that you would need to make such a mark for?"
Lymira says to Zynell, "If anyone will hear the gods' guidance, it will be you."
Cadderrly grins at Zynell.
Lymira says to Hondashi, "I cannot say."
Asilme says to Itharl, "Id think that would make it harder to track. I doubt they would hire out for someone outside their group to carve totems for them."
Asilme ponders.
Hondashi gently says, "Hmm...perplexing."
Zynell closes her silver vial.
Twisky just arrived.
Yvela asks Lymira, "Your water supplies remain fine so far?  No tainting?"
Dantia asks Lymira, "Where is this field exactly?"
Twisky offers Zynell a silver vial.
Lymira nods.
Crowfeet says, "She said to the west."
Lymira says, "I've noticed nothing wrong with the water."
Zynell accepts Twisky's silver vial.
Yvela nods.
Zynell gets some holy water from inside her silver vial.
Elurora slowly says, "While finding the those who poisoned the people, animals, and crops is likely important.  Maybe we could do something about the fields.  Some sort of clensing.  In the meantime, since it is spring and growing season."
Elurora shifts her weight.
Miskton says, "It's possible they intended to clean up after themselves, and didn't intend to get interrupted and leave behind so much evidence. So maybe there's some luck and they didn't cover their tracks thoroughly."
Asilme smiles at Elurora, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Cyrril nods to Elurora.
Zynell opens her silver vial.
Sothios puts his vial in his hitman's gearbag.
Zynell puts her water in her silver vial.
Caliphear nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.
Crowfeet says to Elurora, "Splendid idea."
Zynell closes her silver vial.
Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Elurora smiles at Crowfeet.
Siendra smiles at Elurora.
Lymira says to Dantia, "Our common fields here Trefen Ulf. Just west of where we are now, and to the north until Lord Verille's lands."
You ask Miskton, "You recognized the diagram on the paper?"
Dantia ponders.
Elurora quietly says, "And maybe bring some staple foods from Crossing to help the people in the meantime."
Lymira says to Elurora, "That would be an enormous help, My Lady."
Lymira smiles at Elurora.
Elurora smiles at Lymira.
Kaelie nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.
Elurora says to Lymira, "Just Elu, please."
Miskton says to you, "Not completely, but it looked a bit familiar."
Zynell takes a drink of some holy water.
Lymira nods to Elurora.
Lymira blushes a bright red color.
Cyrril wearily says, "There's a plenty of decent game to hunt, as well. We could gather a bit to help make ends meet."
Miskton says, "I think I saw something similar at the Imperial Library in Throne City. Though there are quite a few geometric diagrams when moon mages get to writing stuff down."
Elurora nods at Cyrril, obviously agreeing with his views.
You nod to Miskton.
Itharl says, "Happy to assist with that."
Lymira nods.
Mazrian says, "The six-pointed start motiff is used in many contexts, as well."
Zynell offers Cadderrly a silver vial.
Itharl nods at Cyrril, obviously agreeing with his views.
Dantia grins at Zynell.
Cadderrly says, "Buy a few kegs of ale around in there and ye will have dwarven digging teams removing the old dirt and then have the rangers hunt for a rare herb and they will compost a lot of field looking for it. ye don't even need to plant a rare herb they just get lost looking."
Cadderrly accepts Zynell's silver vial.
Lymira says to Cyrril, "We've been making due as best we can. We've fine hunters."
Cadderrly begins to carefully examine a silver vial.
Asilme smiles at Cyrril, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Lymira grins at Cadderrly.
Crowfeet says, "I wonder if the perpetrators are still nearby..."
Cyrril wearily says to Lymira, "Of course, I don't mean to imply otherwise. But there are only so many hands."
You say to Crowfeet, "They'd better not be."
Lymira nods to Cyrril.
Elurora slowly says, "They could be from here."
Siendra quietly asks you, "It may adorn our guild as well, my dear.  Do you recall seeing it before?"
Asilme says, "I would imagine they'd be as near as they can.. no one causes chaos and not waits around to see its result."
You hear a quiet voice say to Zynell, "I would offer help with labor, but no one here would accept. Should you need aid, you know that you have mine."
Lymira puts her totem in her doeskin satchel.
Zynell asks, "Care to look at the vial?"
Kretona fades into view.
You say to Siendra, "Not the Gamgweth, but the diagram doesn't look wholly foreign...."
Elurora says to Kretona, "I wouldn't say no one."
Dantia asks Lymira, "What is it you would like us to accomplish? Determine who is responsible, and then do what with them?"
Zynell says, "Other than it being regularly blessed... nothing.... overtly interesting."
Zynell offers Kretona a silver vial.
Kretona accepts Zynell's silver vial.
Siendra smiles at you.
Lymira says to Dantia, "If there is any information that can be learned of the diagram, the purpetrators, the totem or the substance in the vials, we would be most grateful."
You say to Miskton, "Then it seems like our next step is to visit the Imperial Library in Throne City."
Cyrril wearily says, "I've isolated a few particles of the stuff, but anything beyond that would take much more time and effort, in terms of identifying its makeup or potential counter-reactants."
Majelaket shudders.
Asilme shifts her weight.
Lymira asks Cyrril, "Are you skilled in alchemy?"
Cyrril nods to Lymira.
Siendra smiles at Cyrril.
Miskton nods to you.
Dantia gives a slight nod.
You smile at Miskton.
Elurora whispers something to Gridaksma.
Elurora folds her arms across her chest.
Miskton says to you, "I think it would be worth taking a look around. Maybe it'll jog my memory a bit more."
Cadderrly asks, "Who is the best potion maker we have?"
Lymira says to Cyrril, "Let us meet again later, and see if anything further can be learned."
Cyrril nods to Lymira.
You hear a quiet male Prydaen voice say to Elurora, "You would be surprised."
Kaelie rubs Mazrian's left hand.
You nod to Miskton.
Hunter Damoone just arrived.
Cyrril wearily says to Lymira, "I typically keep residence in Ilithi, but my gwethdesuan is open to you."
Asilme says to Zeylinn, "Somehow I doubt that."
You say to Miskton, "I appreciate it, Miskton."
Mazrian rubs Kaelie's back.
Lymira says to Miskton, "As do I."
Elurora quietly asks Lymira, "I'll gather some supplies from Crossing to bring here.  Is there a spot that would be good to store them?"
Hanryu praises Damoone.
Dantia asks Lymira, "Were you able to isolate which portion of the field corresponds to the torn quarter of the paper?"
Cyrril gives Elurora some coins.
Hanryu grins at Damoone.
Yvela turns her gaze to the sky for a few moments.
Asilme curiously asks Elurora, "Are ye intending to cleanse the area?"
Damoone winks at Hanryu.
Lymira says to Elurora, "There is barn nearby, but you can bring them here."
Cyrril wearily says to Elurora, "All I have on me, but please put it towards the goods purchasing."
Lymira says to Elurora, "Thank you again, My L~ er... Elu."
Elurora says to Asilme, "Not by myself, but..."
Elurora says to Lymira, "Should you decide to try and clense the fields, please let me know and I'll help how I can."
Elurora smiles at Cyrril.
Lymira shakes her head at Dantia.
Lymira says to Dantia, "It was handed to me by a half drunk Barbarian."
Dantia raises an eyebrow.
Elurora says to Cyrril, "Thank you, I'll put it toward grains and apples.  Things that store well."
Lymira says to Dantia, "He remembered throwing the axe and finding the paper."
Cyrril nods to Elurora.
Itharl snorts, loudly.
Lymira says, "Unfortunately, those who were first arroused were those who drank latest."
Dantia asks Lymira, "Was there any witness to what he saw who happened to be sober at the time?"
Cadderrly nods to Dantia.
Lymira says to Dantia, "I'm not certain, but I'll ask those who first arrived."
Cadderrly says, "Ye can't trust sober folks."
Elurora quietly says to Asilme, "I wouldn't know where to start with clensing a field, but I have strong arms if that's what it takes.  Or magic to assist if that's needed and useful."
Elurora smiles at Asilme.
Asilme smiles at Elurora, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Asilme says to Elurora, "It feels like an alchemy experiment to me."
Elurora gives Asilme a slight nod.
You say to Lymira, "Then we will look into the paper first in Throne City."
Asilme says to Lymira, "Since the crops are unusable, have ye tried burning the effected area? A controlled burn."
Lymira nods to you.
Lymira says to Asilme, "Yes, that's what was done - along with the other totems and vials."
Elurora inhales a great swallow of air.
Elurora slowly empties her lungs.
Siendra rubs Nawain gently, massaging her muscles.
Asilme asks, "And it did not produce any noxious fumes?"
Dantia says to Mazrian, "If the goal was to poison the crops, why would they poison the cattle feed? Disrupting those two things, however, interferes with village trade and makes the more dependant on surrounding villages for what they could not grow themselves."
Lymira says to Asilme, "To my senses, yes."
Mazrian nods to Dantia.
You gaze thoughtfully at Dantia.
Dantia says, "And if the goal was to kill folks, this is a very roundabout and poorly executed way of doing that. Which tells me that was not the plan."
Elurora says to Dantia, "The cattle provide food and labor, they're important to the life of a village."
Dantia nods to Elurora.
You ask Dantia, "You think this is only the beginning of something larger?"
Dantia says to Elurora, "Right, which ultimately interrupts trade."
Mazrian asks, "Perhaps someone attempting to force the villagers out and buy the land?"
Yvela asks, "Were there any notable fights in the clan before this occured?  Someone with a grudge to bear, perhaps?"
Elurora slowly says to Dantia, "Most...normal folks worry less about Trade and more about where their next meal is coming from."
Elurora shifts her weight.
Majelaket smirks.
Dantia nods to Elurora.
Asilme nods to Elurora.
Kaelie nods to Elurora.
Zynell says to you, "Or a prank."
Dantia asks Elurora, "Yes, but if the goal of the perpetrators was to... slowly starve these folks, what would that accomplish?"
Zynell shrugs.
Asilme winces.
Asilme simply says to Dantia, "Cruelty."
Elurora says to Dantia, "It makes me think it's someone from here.  Who holds a grudge and wants to do harm."
Elurora gazes up at the sky.
Dantia gazes at Asilme.
Lymira says to Yvela, "There are conflicts, but nothing that would lead to this - or none we can think of, anyway."
Cyrril wearily says, "Wolf Clan is far too near potential sources of material support for this to make sense as a sole strategem."
Yvela says to Dantia, "Angry people can lash out.. disproportionately, sometimes."
Mazrian nods to Cyrril.
Asilme softly says, "Not everything has a larger agenda."
Asilme nods to Yvela.
Dantia says to Asilme, "That's a lot of setup for cruelty for the sake of cruelty."
Yvela nods to Lymira.
Crowfeet asks, "Is there anyone in the village that is knowledgeable enough to mess around with "ritual" type spells?"
Mazrian nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Asilme says to Dantia, "Some people insist on being dramatic. Draws attention away from something simpler."
Itharl says, "Causing the hunger probably wasn't the goal, just an unfortunate side effect. Unless they're just causin suffering for the sake of suffering. Even that doesn't make a lotta sense with what they did."
Kaelie says, "A lot of setup for only a relatively small portion of real estate as well."
Lymira says to Crowfeet, "Many of us are proud Barbarians, though some, like Tirost are Warrior Mages."
(Cyrril brings the mortar with the tainted water dangerously close to his face, his eyes focusing intensely upon the surface of the liquid.)
Nawain observes Cyrril with fascination.
Dantia gestures.
You hear a voice say, "Some of us bath too."
You say, "Whatever was on that paper doesn't look like any spell I've ever used."
Asilme says to Elurora, "Conveniently drop an unidentifiable symbol with mixed media, leave empty vials, target two places but nothing that actually kills people."
Crowfeet says to Lymira, "You are a Ranger though."
Crowfeet winks at Lymira.
Dantia says to Itharl, "Lymira said they poisoned the cattle feed specifically."
You hear a male Prydaen voice say, "Bathe rather."
Elurora says, "Unless you're someone with a score to settle."
Lymira nods to Crowfeet.
Lymira says, "I am."
Elurora shrugs.
Asilme says to you, "It could be fabricated."
Asilme nods to Elurora.
Cyrril wearily says, "This degree of ritual precision combined with strangely sloppy execution screams cultish activity to me."
You say, "It's possible, but the fact that it was held just before the mage fled is telling."
Asilme says to Cyrril, "The ritual also seems rather sloppy to me."
Dantia says, "Assumed mage."
Asilme nods to Dantia.
Hanryu says, "Well I must be off.  Do post a notice on the town boards if you plan to investigate the field further or if more attacks happen."
You nod to Dantia.
Lymira says, "Thank you for coming."
Hanryu waves.
Lymira bows to Hanryu.
Hunter Hanryu pads east.
Crowfeet waves.
Cyrril wearily says to Asilme, "Indeed, but precise in terms of the number of components, the symbols used, and the like. Inexpert execution of something with consistent themes."
Lymira says, "Thank you all for coming."
Asilme quietly says to Zeylinn, "Starting to sound like misdirection, and awfully personal if you ask me."
Cadderrly says, "Excuse me my friends duty calls. I will come back if needed."
Crowfeet praises Lymira.
Cadderrly just hugged Gridaksma.
Athanasius mutters something into the air about waste of time.
Cadderrly hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.
Lymira says, "It is truly heartwarming to find friends amid great sorrow."
Elurora says to Lymira, "Please let me know if further aid is required."
Cadderrly waves.
Crowfeet says to Lymira, "Of course, I am sorry we couldn't help more."
Siendra nibbles on her fingers contemplatively.
Caliphear nods to Lymira.
Cyrril sighs.
Cyrril nods to Lymira.
You nod at Lymira, in complete agreement with her views.
Forest Guardian Athanasius wanders east.
Gridaksma says, "Be well old friend."
Swamp Shaman Cadderrly goes east.
Cyrril stands up.
Asilme bows to Lymira.
Itharl nods to Lymira.
Lymira says, "I truly appreciate your help."
Zeylinn says to Asilme, "There is much still to learn."
Elurora glances at Gridaksma.
Lymira bows.
Life Defender Caliphear goes east, leading her group.
You say, "As do I."
Dantia asks Lymira, "You said your folks are going hungry. Are you able to facilitate purchasing food from one of the neighboring clans, or Crossing?"
Gridaksma says to Elurora, "Me and the Swamp Shaman have been friends a long time."
Elurora quietly says to Gridaksma, "I figured, I just hadn't seen him before."
Lymira says to Dantia, "We are making our best efforts, foraging and hunting as well."
Elurora flashes a quick grin at Gridaksma.
Majelaket fidgets with his silver medallion for a moment.
Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Gridaksma says to Elurora, "He's usually in his swamp."
Elurora glances at Allye.
Lymira says, "I am glad for Elu's kindess too."
Gridaksma grins at Elurora.
Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Lymira nods to Nawain.
Nawain nods to Lymira.
Crowfeet praises Elurora.
Elurora says, "Speaking of that, I should start to work.  People shouldn't have to wait on food."
Nawain frowns.
Elurora gives a slight curtsy, barely worth the effort.
Dantia says to Lymira, "So you are able to support yourself then? That would rule out my theory that this may have been deliberate to make you dependent on another party."
Asilme smiles at Elurora, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Lymira smiles at Elurora.
Elurora giggles at Crowfeet.
Elurora snaps to attention and hails Crowfeet with a crisp hand salute.
Lymira gazes at Dantia.
Gridaksma bows his head, acknowledging Elurora.
Lymira ponders.
Elurora gives Gridaksma a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.
Sir Madigan just arrived.
Dantia's morgawr bone armband flares with radiant light, and she looks more at ease than before.
Dantia smiles at Madigan.
Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.
Lady Knight Elurora goes east.
Dantia joins Madigan's group.
Madigan gently kisses Dantia on the cheek.
Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.
Madigan stands near Dantia.
Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Dantia!
An almost visible connection between Dantia and Madigan seems to thrum through the air.
Siendra pets your storm-grey cat.
Lymira says to Dantia, "I will convey that my chieftain and we will be cautious."
Cyrril nods at Yvela, obviously agreeing with her views.
Mazrian shakes Madigan's hand.
Itharl says, "Does lend more weight to the idea that this is a precursor ta somethin more, or a distraction from somethin else."
Dantia nods to Lymira.
The wounds afflicting Madigan gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Dantia's flesh.
You ask Miskton, "Are you up for a journey to Throne City's library in the near future?"
Cyrril ponders.
Eyst says to Lymira, "I expect your community is already in a greater state of watchfulness, I'd suggest keeping an eye on the growth and animal life surrounding these fields.  Be wary of it spreading or having other effects not yet seen."
Cyrril wearily says, "I will make use of our facilities and perform a more detailed analysis. Perhaps if I can uncover something about the poison, we can trace that to other insights."
Siendra nods at Eyst, obviously agreeing with his views.
Lymira nods to Eyst.
Lymira says to Eyst, "We will, and I thank you for your advice."
Eyst nods politely to Lymira.
Lymira smiles at Cyrril.
Eyst says, "Best of luck to you and yours."
Esotericist Eyst plods east.
Lymira asks Cyrril, "That is most appreciated... What may I call you?"
Wind Walker Zeylinn drifts east.
Crowfeet says, "I'll try to talk to my smuggling contacts and see if anyone knows about a shipment of poison to this area."
Cyrril wearily says to Lymira, "I am Cyrril, of the Philosophers of the Knife."
Nawain leans on Siendra.
Lymira smiles at Crowfeet.
Asilme goes east.
Cyrril bows to Lymira.
Lymira blinks.
Lymira fidgets nervously.
Lymira glances at you.
Cyrril chuckles.
Madigan adjusts his half plate.
Constantia ponders.
Cyrril wearily says, "You have little and less to fear from me, I assure you."
Nawain gnaws on her lip.
You hear someone chortling.
Itharl raises an eyebrow.
Lymira says, "Still, Sir, I worship the Thirteen proudly."
Cyrril nods.
Sothios smiles and unadjusts Madigan's half plate
Cyrril wearily says, "Many do. But I nonetheless wish to forestall the suffering of others where I am able."
Zynell glances at Sothios.
Lymira says to Cyrril, "Nevertheless... you are.. not what I expected. Thank you for your offer."
Sothios snickers.
Cyrril smiles at Lymira.
Lymira bows.
A rumbling noise of contentment can be heard nearby.
Itharl looks thoughtfully at Cyrril.
Siendra quietly says, "Sometimes it is the outside vantage point that sees the obvious pathway others cannot."
Dantia asks Lymira, "Have you had any issues with folks here in the recent past? Anyone who would be angry and the townsfolk, or who recently moved out of the Clan?"
Cyrril nods at Siendra, obviously agreeing with her views.
Nawain glances at Siendra.
Dantia's blighted gold bracelet flares with radiant light, and she looks more at ease than before.
You nod to Siendra.
Crowfeet says, "I must be off. I'll continue to ponder the details of this mystery."
Soul Surgeon Zynell patters east, leading her group.
Crowfeet exclaims, "Hentor abu everyone!"
Crowfeet waves.
Allye leans over and whispers, "I'm afraid I must run.  May I speak with you later, if a gift of some food and supplies might be welcome to the people who live here?"
Itharl quickly salutes Crowfeet by bringing two fingers to his brow.
Cyrril nods to Crowfeet.
Miskton says to Lymira, "I'll follow up with anything I might be able to find out at the library, but for now I'm afraid I need to go."
You nod to Allye.
Miskton nods politely.
You hug Allye who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of sea spray clings to her fur.
Allye hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.
Cyrril ponders.
Allye whispers, "I hope all will be well."
Siendra asks Lymira, "I know we've spoken of mages, but...would a Ranger - a corrupt one, mind you - possibly be a concern?"
Allye hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.
Sultry Siren Crowfeet glides east.
Siendra hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.
Allye nods politely.
Philomath Miskton strolls east.
Moon Warrior Allye goes east.
Xelten goes east.
Lymira says to Dantia, "None that would warrant this sort of action, though some friends are making inquries if any blood fueds or other conflicts might point to who's responsible."
Dantia chuckles.
Lymira nods to Siendra.
Majelaket asks, "What exactly would a corrupt ranger be?  Wouldn't they be interested in destroying the wilds rather than protecting?"
Mazrian asks, "A Ranger with extreme enough beliefs might be against cultivation and animal husbandry, I suppose?"
Lymira says, "It's possible, I suppose, but most of us love the Nature the gods bestowed on us."
Siendra asks, "The land is being destroyed, is it not?"
Dantia asks Lymira, "What do you think would warrant this sort of action?"
You hear a male Prydaen voice say, "I wouldn't call that very extreme for a Ranger."
Lymira nods to Siendra.
Lymira says, "It is."
Majelaket gives Nawain a slight nod.
Itharl says, "There are some rangers and others close to nature who feel that civilization itself is more of a blight than poison or fire."
Cyrril wearily says, "Not to mention a couple of Immortals."
Lymira says to Dantia, "A hatred so deep as to want the suffering of an entire people."
You gaze at Lymira.
Dantia ponders.
Dantia says, "This seems like a very roundabout way to enact suffering."
Mazrian says, "Feels pretty personal, when you put it that way."
Cyrril nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.
(Yvela glances around briefly.)
Yvela says, "If I were going to attack "civilization"... this wouldn't be it."
Cyrril nods at Yvela, obviously agreeing with her views.
Lymira says, "I did not recognize the shrew at first."
Yvela says, "Not with the Crossing so nearby."
Itharl chuckles.
Kaelie says, "A hatred that deep, I would think, would be known about."
Dantia nods at Yvela, obviously agreeing with her views.
Constantia nods to Yvela.
Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma goes east.
Cyrril wearily says, "My instinct has settled on the notion of some sort of cult, perhaps one dedicated to the Shrew herself."
Itharl asks, "Indeed. But it is close to the Crossing, relatively speaking. And as a testing ground?"
Itharl says, "Who's to say."
Itharl shrugs.
Lymira says, "Thinking about Kerenhappuch though..."
Yvela nods.
Lymira frowns sadly.
Lymira says to Dantia, "You ask penetrating questions, My Lady."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Yvela says, "I still suspect a Child of Kaulstraum based off of the details given, but I couldn't begin to speculate their motives."
Dantia says to Lymira, "If the questions were easy, so would be the answers, and you would not have called us."
Dantia smiles at Lymira.
Siendra smiles at Dantia.
You say to Lymira, "She's not one to trifle with. They call her the Carnage Darling, and she's rumored to be a goddess of healing."
Majelaket says, "Poisoning a field doesn't seem wrathful enough for Kerenhappuch."
Majelaket shrugs.
Dantia chuckles at you!
Lymira says to you, "She is not."
You nod to Lymira.
Dantia smiles.
Lymira says to Majelaket, "Unless this is only the first step."
Lymira says, "...Which I now fear it may be."
You rub Lymira's left hand.
Yvela ponders.
Dantia grins at Madigan.
Lymira says, "I must thank you all again, for I must take my leave."
Lymira bows.
Cyrril nods to Lymira.
Itharl nods.
Siendra smiles at Lymira.
Dantia asks Madigan, "Shall we?"
Siendra bows to Lymira.
Lymira says, "You have honored us with your help."
Madigan says, "Just so."
Cyrril wearily says, "Of course."
Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.
Lymira bows to Siendra.
Sir Madigan goes east, leading his group.
Flourishing one hand before him, Boam presses the other against his striped tabard as he gives a formal bow.
You hug Lymira who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.
Mazrian asks Kaelie, "I suppose we should as well?"
Mazrian smiles at Kaelie.
Siendra says to Lymira, "I hope to see you gain, and will do all I can to help in this."
Lymira hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.
Itharl says, "Safe paths to you all. I'd be glad to assist as new information is discovered."
Kaelie nods to Mazrian.
Constantia nods.
Krigglin's Thinker Boam goes east.
Yvela quietly asks, "Maybe a copycat, instead of a real Child?  And he's performing some random acts of violence to.. impress them?"
Lymira smiles sadly.
Lymira says, "Thank you."
Hondashi gently asks, "Just a suggestion, it may be a shot in the dark, because it has nothing to connect to, but could Asketi be involved?"
Cyrril wearily says to Majelaket, "You say that, but the women of the Wolf Clan are notoriously in possession of their own bodies."
Mazrian goes east, leading his group.
Lymira just left.
You gaze thoughtfully at Yvela.
Itharl bows.
Constantia frowns.
Shade Walker Itharl wanders east.
You say to Yvela, "You've better be coming to Throne City. Your mind is worth ten of mine."
Cyrril chuckles at you!
Yvela smiles quickly.
Yvela says, "I don't think that's true, but I'll join you."
Yvela nods.
You smile.
You say, "I should probably return to training."
You say, "I truly appreciate you being here."
You hug Siendra who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of cloves clings to her skin.
Yvela nods to you.
You gently kiss Siendra on the cheek.
You hug Yvela who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of dried blood clings to her skin.
Siendra gives you a light kiss.
Yvela says to you, "We'll catch up under better circumstances."
Yvela hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.
Hondashi ponders.
You nod.
Siendra says to you, "Train well."
Cyrril wearily says to you, "It was good to see you again, by the by. Let us hope the lot of us can solve this matter."
Siendra pets your storm-grey cat.
You smile at Siendra.
Siendra says, "Take care of him, Pang."
You nod to Cyrril.
Hondashi quietly says, "Ah well..."
You say to Cyrril, "Certainly. Farewell."
You say to Constantia, "Take care, my friend."
Constantia smiles at you.
You bow.
Constantia nods to you.
You drift east.