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===Outside the fourth tier gate of [[Ratha]]===
===Outside the fourth tier gate of [[Ratha]]===
===Outside the flower shop in [[Aesry Surlaenis'a]]===
===Outside the flower shop in [[Aesry Surlaenis'a]]===
===At the [[RanikMap110|oasis]]===


Revision as of 11:41, 24 January 2011

A pale blue flower of sacred importance.


Sirese flowers may be found at some clerical shops, as well as the Crossing Temple and Tamsine's Rest. They are considered a symbol of a Cleric's initiation to the divine.


Sirese seeds are used in a devotional ritual where they are reverently planted and watered by Clerics. They may be GATHERed at:


In Pale Grey Death Squirrel area

[Marja Tee, Kaber Jise]
A soft breeze carries the faint scent of the sea from the east. The road begins to widen as if to hasten travelers towards the shore. Interspersed with bramble and berry bushes are wild sirese flowers, their bright blooms swaying gently in the wind.
Obvious paths: east, west.

South of Kaerna Village

[Northern Trade Road, Open Grasslands]
The darker colors of the serrated wirgars grasses that grow in this particular part of the plains stand out against their lighter cousins. You catch the scent of sirese on the wind, the fragrance of the tiny wildflower wrapping around you. To the south the land turns a rough brown, shifting abruptly from plains to farming land.
Obvious paths: north, south.

North of Faenrae Reavers

[Northern Trade Road, Stony Plains]
An odd sight awaits you here: a single sirese flower, out of place and struggling to live, growing within the shade of a twisted wiir tree. The tiny plant seems to be surviving on raw defiance alone.
Obvious paths: northeast, south.


Riverhaven Temple

[Temple, Garden]
Within the white plastered walls of the temple lies a peaceful oasis, away from the noise and distraction of the streets outside. A narrow brick path meanders through a miniature landscape of shrubs, flowers and small trees. Velvet smooth grass covers the low rolling hillocks, and just up the path a ways, you see a small flowing stream winding its way northward. You also see a locked almsbox and the temple gate.
Obvious paths: east, northwest.

Theren Cleric Shop garden

[Sister Nongwen's Garden]
Off to the side of the cobblestone walkway stands a low brick wall protecting the jewel of Sister Nongwen's garden, a plot of dirt containing several different varieties of sirese flowers. Wooden poles around the wall support a cloth roof that protects the fragile buds from damage due to inclement weather.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.


Northeast shore of Shard

[Northern Lake Shore, East Gate Road]
The edge of the lake laps against a shore of fine crystal-white sands. Small wood-violets and sirese flowers lie scattered about the edges of the road, adding splashes of brightness along the dreary route.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.


Outside the fourth tier gate of Ratha

Outside the flower shop in Aesry Surlaenis'a

At the oasis


Near the Temple of the North Wind

[Vela'Tohr Overlook, Precarious Shelf]
Scraggly clumps of sirese flowers, partially protected by the rising cliff, grow bravely amidst the accumulation of rubble scattered haphazardly on the hard ground. Horizontal cracks striate the cliff -- strange handprints left by nature along the coarse stone wall.
Obvious paths: west.