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Re: Pr'raaho wearing · on 2/26/2009 6:07:06 AM 7952
>>I have a friend who is looking to bond a non Prydaen. They are looking into matching Pr'raaho. Is there any racial taboo or offical Prydaen law against a furless wearing one?

Pr'raaho being the very special rings used to signify great acomplishments more so than bondings I'm not sure this is appropriate for the intent anyways though I admit that it has been a while since I looked at any bonding specific lore. That said, I'm not sure how you'd go about getting a Prydaen merchant to make a Pr'raaho for a furless. Anything with the Pr' prefix indicates it is a special variant used for racial ceremonies or to celebrate special events.

The traditional viewpoint would be that bonding to a furless is just wrong in and of itself. From the traditional mindset we aren't talking inter-racial marriage, we are talking beastiality. They may make for good friends, but there are limits. Mixing in a Pr'raaho or any other Pr' prefixed specialty item would most likely be a further insult to someone of this mindset. So to answer your question yes it is most deffinately a taboo concept.

On the non-traditional viewpoint I would imagine that anyone that has gotten past the fact that a Prydaen is looking to form a relationship of that nature with someone of a different species isn't going to much care about the use of Pr'raaho or much of anything else.

Going back to the first point, Pr'raaho in particular are not easy items to come by and I'm not sure your friend would be able to get a matching pair under normal circumstances let alone this particular one. Your friend will have to deal with a merchant that is almost certianly going to be of a traditional mindset.

Please don't think I'm throwing a fit at anyone that has a relationship with someone of another in game race. However, understand that the Prydaen team generally focuses on the lore and viewpoint of the more Traditionally oriented Prydaen that do their best to follow the old ways in this new land. This viewpoint is NOT one of tolerance as that is not the lore that has been previously established. Your friend is welcome to do what they wish within the rules of the game but there will be NPC's and probably many other players that will not be overly welcoming of choices such as this.

GM Oolan Jeel

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms (12) \ Prydaen - The Hub (14), by DR-OOLAN on the forums.