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(Refined lang trees by checking, oak and birch trees easier than listed)
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The '''Climbing skill''' is both used and learned by climbing obstacles. A wide variety of such obstacles exist, from the easiest stairs, steps, and ramps to the hardest sheer cliff walls and barricades.
The '''Climbing skill''' is both used and learned by climbing obstacles. A wide variety of such obstacles exist, from the easiest stairs, steps, and ramps to the hardest sheer cliff walls and barricades.

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*See [[Climbing Titles]]
*See [[Climbing Titles]]

<references />

==Also See==

{{cat|Survival Skillset,Skills}}
{{cat|Survival Skillset,Skills}}

Revision as of 23:33, 11 February 2012

The Climbing skill is both used and learned by climbing obstacles. A wide variety of such obstacles exist, from the easiest stairs, steps, and ramps to the hardest sheer cliff walls and barricades.


  • Not every example of simple obstacles such as steps or stairs may be climbed. If it can't be climbed, just GO as you would through a door or gate.
  • Learning for climbing is on a 60 second (1 minute) timer. Which means you can only learn from one climb of any particular obstacle once every 60 seconds. If an obstacle is climbable from two directions, each direction is considered a separate obstacle that can be learned from. The timer was tested by Zihnj using a favor orb. An obstacle was climbed, exp was granted, and a stop watch was started. A favor orb was rubbed until climbing was clear. Zihnj then climbed back and forth until climbing got exp again. The timer was confirmed on 3 different climbing spots.
  • Failing to climb an obstacle teaches just as well or better than successfully climbing an obstacle, so an ideal training strategy is to attempt to climb many obstacles in a 60 second time, then repeat the loop if not mindlocked.
  • Holding a weapon in one or both hands while climbing increases the amount of experience gained from the climb. (This was true under climbing 2.0, but has not been confirmed for climbing 3.0)
  • You may now also use CLIMB PRACTICE <obstacle> and STOP CLIMB to practice climbing on reasonably challenging obstacles. Note that practicing will not actually move you, nor will it invoke the experience timers. You would need at least 8 climbs (4 going both ways assuming both ways are roughly equal) in an area that teach you for a climbing script to be as efficient as practice.[1]
  • You now have the option to CLIMB <obstacle> WITH <tool>. If you have an appropriate tool (currently the coiled ropes like those sold at the Crossing General Store are the only ones supported) you will gain a bonus to your climb attempt. However, this comes at the cost of a reduction in experience gained.

Things that Hinder Climbing

  • The biggest hindrance to climbing is injuries. Climbs more difficult than stairs/steps will now also check all limb wounds, not just legs like before.
  • Encumbrance hinders climbing
  • Fatigue hinders climbing. The more difficult the climb, the greater the fatigue cost. The better your success (where applicable) the lower the cost.
  • You may now attempt climbs with items in your hands (any type), but there will be a penalty involved based on the size of the item, and an additional penalty if both hands are filled. Note: climbing tools (see above) are exempt and will not incur a penalty in and of themselves, although the penalty for having both hands filled will be applied if you have something in the other hand as well.

Abilities and Spells that Boost Climbing

  • Appraising an obstacle before attempting the climb helps based on your success at appraising. Note that appraisal difficulties are currently inaccurate, but will still help with the climbing attempt.
  • Being led by a superior climber increases climbing ability. Being led by a superior climbing Ranger increases it even more.
  • Ranger Spider Climb
  • Ranger wilderness bonus
  • Warrior Mage Sure Footing spell
  • Bard Drums of the Snake
  • Thief - Thief confidence and Urban bonus both include Climbing, per GM-Risek, post #7425 in The Den, A place to talk, squeal, "You can definitely boost your escaping skill with khri. You can boost it by a great deal. You don't have a specific ability to boost you climbing, but it is covered under your Urban Bonus and in Confidence."
  • The role of stats in climbing has been increased. Both agility and strength will aid in climbing, so any other ability that boosts agility and/or strength helps as well.

What to Climb

Thanks to Simu and Elanthipedia accountholder Nikpack for the list (Oh The Places You Will Go).

Stuff to climb in Zoluren
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Rockslide NTR near Dirge (canyon where you get knocked down) 0? >77 unknown can just GO TRAIL if you can't CLIMB ROCKSLIDE
Jadewater trellis Jadewater Mansion 0 unknown unknown
Ancient Tower stairs/steps Zoluren, Ancient Tower, Stairwell 0 N/A unknown incidental feature
Temple stairs and ladders Crossing Temple 0 unknown unknown incidental feature
Felled tree on way to Knife Clan 0 unknown >19
Vreeland Pear tree Crossing, Grassland Road, Meadow 0 unknown 80 between west gate and eels
Arthe Dale tree Arthe Dale, Greensward, Swimming Hole 5 30 140
Apple tree Midton Circle 10 unknown unknown Housing area near TGNE
Quarry Chute and Cliff Crossing, Temple Hill unknown unknown unknown
Linden Tree Crossing, Willow Walk unknown unknown unknown 1 north from the center of the area
Vineyards Terraced Hills Crossing, 3 climbs unknown unknown unknown
Manure Pit Wall Crossing Paladin Guild unknown unknown unknown you smell like manure, can't climb up the wall)
Empath Pole Crossing Empath Guild unknown unknown unknown
Crossing Moon Mage Guild stairs Middens 20? unknown unknown
Arthe Dale Oak Tree Arthe Dale,Berry Knolls unknown unknown unknown center of the housng area
Willow Tree Northwall Trail, Birch Copse 15? unknown unknown It is a willow tree in a Birch Copse
Siergelde Cliffs (By favors, beware bobcats) Siergelde Cliffs 20? unknown unknown
Monolith entrance to Leth Moss Meys 45 unknown unknown
Stream bank in Moss Meys Leth Moss Mey area 45? unknown unknown
Mine shaft Silverwater Mines <60 unknown unknown UP and DOWN also teach
Ladder on Ledge Silverwater Mine shaft >250 unknown unknown
Ladder/Creeper/Rope to Beisswurms Abandoned Mine 30 unknown unknown high skill to drag bodies up
Cliff and Trail to Crossing Ogres Rocky OutCrop 65 unknown unknown
Crossing NE gate walls Crossing 150? 200? 350? 2 walls
Crossing NE gate crenellations Crossing 150? 200? 350? 1 crenellation
Crossing NE gate embrasures Crossing 110 200? 350? 1 embrasure
Crossing W gate walls Crossing 150? 200? 350? 3 walls
Crossing W gate crenellations Crossing 150? 200? 350? 1 crenellation
Crossing W gate embrasures Crossing 150? 200? 350? 3 embrasures
Crossing E gate walls Crossing 200? 225? 350? 3 walls
Crossing E gate crenellations Crossing 225? 200? 350? 1 crenellation
Crossing E gate embrasures Crossing 85? 225? 350? 2 embrasures
Geni Oak Tree Geni Wilderness 180 unknown unknown
Geni Branch Geni Wilderness 220 unknown unknown
Geni Bough Geni Wilderness 250 unknown unknown
Geni Limb Geni Wilderness 250 unknown unknown
Fireplace in Germish'din Oshu'Ehhrsk Manor Grounds, Catacombs 220 unknown unknown climb mound one way, climb hole other, 350? to climb out
Vine into Kartais Oshu'Ehhrsk Manor >250 unknown unknown
Mason in Kartais Oshu'Ehhrsk Manor unknown unknown unknown
Tree in Germish'din Oshu'Ehhrsk Manor Grounds unknown unknown unknown
Sinkhole to Germish'din Oshu'Ehhrsk Manor Grounds unknown unknown unknown
Ice Cave in The Gash The Gash, in the cave past the crevice unknown unknown 285

Stuff to climb in Therengia
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Salt Yard ladder Riverhaven Salt Yard 0 unknown unknown
Salt mound Riverhaven Salt Yard 20? unknown unknown Beware of rats/crabs, four sides to climb
East Gate rope Riverhaven, East Gate guardhouse 3rd floor 0 unknown unknown
Slippery ladder Riverhaven, underwharf 10 unknown unknown
Riverhaven city towers Riverhaven, gates 10 unknown 90
Tree in Pejek Bog Pejek Bog 0 unknown unknown in heggi frog area
Stream bank in Pejek Bog Pejek Bog 10? unknown unknown watch for vipers and serpents
Stream bank in West Meadows Riverhaven West Wilds 10? unknown unknown
Boulder in West Wilds Riverhaven West Wilds 75? unknown unknown west, south, and southeast faces
Large tree Faldesu Inlet >250 unknown unknown between boas and crocs
Pit Trap Faldesu Inlet by the tree unknown unknown 350? between boas and crocs, search out pit and climb pit/climb wall
Ponthilas Observatory Observatory Ladders 45? unknown 200?
Medical Pavilion Medical Pavilion Trellis 75? unknown 200? outside building to roof
Colosseum Ruins Alley Thug hunting area 100? unknown unknown multiple items to climb (vine, walls, stairs & ladder)
Logs between Langenfirth and El Bain's 60? 110 140
Oak Tree Langenfirth, Blufe Path 40 60 unknown by deer trail to Gwenalion fens
Birch Tree Langenfirth, Blufe Path 40 60 unknown by deer trail to Gwenalion fens
Pine Tree Langenfirth, Blufe Path 145 unknown unknown by deer trail to Gwenalion fens
Fir Tree Langenfirth, Blufe Path 250? unknown unknown by deer trail to Gwenalion fens
Oak tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown Northern Middle West Set
Oak tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown Northern Middle East Set
Elm tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown Northern Middle West Set
Elm tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown Northern Middle East Set
Red Birch tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown NE Corner
White Birch tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown East Center
Blue Ash tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown NE Corner
Green Ash tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown East Center
Oak tree in Blood Wolves Neer's Hummock 60+? unknown unknown SE Center
Cherry Tree Therenborough, Market Square 200-250? unknown unknown by Fit For a Baron
Cherry Tree Therenborough, Market Square 200-250? unknown unknown by Cupcake Cafe
Oak tree in Barghests Cecline's Meadow 70 unknown 320 three levels of climbing
Footholds on Mistwood Road near Barghests/Unyns 100 unknown unknown need about 100 perc to search for them
Deobar Tree Langenfirth, Blufe Path 120 unknown unknown near housing area stream
Cliffs/Walls south of Fornsted Ker'Leor 200 250 >300
Ladder in Rossman's Ladder to Rossman's Landing Pier unknown unknown unknown
Ladders in Rossgallan Keep Rossman's Landing unknown unknown unknown multiple ladders around the wall
Tree in Peccaries Rossman's Landing peccary hunting unknown unknown unknown
Chimney to Gryphons Rossman's Landing gryphon hunting unknown unknown unknown multiple climbs, various difficulties?
Slope into Spiders Muspar'i Sand Spider hunting unknown unknown unknown
Vine out of the Sandpit Muspar'i leech sandpit unknown unknown 325
Hav'roth Temple Muspar'i Hav'roth Temple stairs and ladder 0 unknown unknown

Stuff to climb in Ilithi
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Shard Gate ladders Inside N, S, E, and W Gates 10? 40? unknown
Embrasures Atop N, S, E, and W gate battlements 110? <180 unknown
City Walls N, S, E, and W Bridges 225 unknown unknown 350?
Empath housing tree Shard, Whitehall Commons in Stormwill Tower 25? unknown unknown
Silver Star tree Shard, House of the Silver Star grounds 25? unknown unknown
Gilded Longleaf deadfall Shard, House of the Gilded Longleaf grounds 45? unknown unknown along road outside Shard east gate
Undershard spire Undershard 150? unknown unknown one way from 3rd tier Spire area into warrens
West Road tree Shard, Wyvern Wood 25? unknown unknown tree on road from Shard to Horse Clan
Tall stone Diving rock near eels <40? unknown unknown top of the map
Ranger Guild tree Gilen Otso Steppes, Game Trail 45? unknown unknown tree in Ranger Guild outside Shard
Track/Trail to Dragon Priests Gilen Otso Steppes 80? unknown unknown Near Horse Clan
Wall in DPs Gilen Otso Steppes unknown unknown unknown Near Horse Clan, wall type of object
Horse Clan tree Zaldi Taipa 25? unknown unknown tree outside Horse Clan tanner
Ice Cave walls Whistling Wood, Ice Caves 70? unknown unknown beware water current in pool
Ironwood and Pine Trees Darkling Woods 100? unknown unknown trees on road from Shard to Corik's Wall
Talus Trail near Corik's Wall 80 125 unknown
Corik's Wall Corik's Wall 525 unknown unknown
Undergondola Red Leucros Cliffs Shard, Undergondola 110? unknown unknown
Log and Embankment Red Leucro area ~140 <183 225+
La'tami Cliffs Undergondola ~140? <183 225+
Deep Pit La'tami Cliff area >202 unknown unknown
Branch to Undergondola Undergondola 530 570 >1000 Successfully climbed @ 465 Climbing w/ 52 Str + Rope + Khri Focus Prowess

Stuff to climb in Ratha
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Fences 1st Tier near clinic, 2nd Tier at Meadow Park 0 5 45<>85
Retaining Wall 2nd Tier by cliffs to 1st Tier 0 5 60ish
Sandy Embankment 2nd Tier Meadow Park near cliffs 5 10 85ish
Ladder/Rung Sewers between 3rd and 4th tier 5 25 90
Sana'ati Tree and Limb 2nd Tier Meadow Park near cliffs 8 25 75
Steep Bank 2nd Tier Meadow Park near cliffs <10 10<>28 <185
Foremast La'heke in Ratha <11 <11 65 need about 130 to drag down
Paths Egress Bluffs to Merrows 10-15 25-35 110<>185 8 paths to climb down/up, paths get slightly harder towards the bottom.
Drainpipe 3rd Tier Hota'grathi Theater 15 35 85<>185
Oak Tree Reshalia Trade Road near turnoff to Merrows 25 35 80 Bees sting you at top of tree and cause vitality loss, climbing down is slightly harder than climbing up.
Rope Swing 2nd Tier Meadow Park near cliffs 27 45 <185
Sana'ati Tree Rope 2nd Tier Meadow Park near cliffs 27 45 85<>185 With 74 in climbing, both hands holding weapons, get the messaging that climb is too easy when climb practicing
Rough Handholds Deadman's Confide path to undead beach <185 <185 <185 Must LOOK CLIFF to find handholds
Narrow Path Deadman's Confide path to undead 30 40 185+
Gorge/Trail Reshalion Coastal Road to Pokekehekepi Beach 45 85 185+
Basalt Slabs Near Hermit's Shack on 1st Tier 45 85 185+
Cliff/Narrow Ledge Between 1st and 2nd tiers 65 80 185+
Slide/Washout/Rockface/Slope Deadman's Confide path to undead 100<>110 <110 185+ This area has 7-20 second RTs.
Immense Boulder Reshalion Coastal Road to Pokekehepi Beach 130 <185 185+
Deep Crack Old Field Road to Merrows 180 >185 <645
Sea Vine From the Crack into Merrows 240 <600 <645

Stuff to Climb in Aesry
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Aesry Stairs Jama and around Aesry Surlaenis'a 0 N/A unlimited incidental feature; climb time decreases with skill, with time change being noticable at 200 ranks; experience timer.
Fissure Aesry 30? unknown unknown where am I?
La'tami Cliffs Aesry 80? unknown 250
Fireplace Aesry, Sea Caves 240? unknown 500? in with nightstalker unyns

Stuff to Climb in M'Riss
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Trees in Caracals M'Riss unknown unknown 141
Piling M'Riss 240 unknown unknown
Crossbrace M'Riss 310 unknown unknown
Pier M'Riss >300 unknown >1000

Stuff to Climb in Mer'Kresh
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Barricades Mer'Kresh unknown unknown >159

Stuff to climb in Hara'jaal
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Cliff into Moradu Hara'jaal 140 unknown unknown
Lava shaft hara'jaal 350< >635 unknown unknown

Stuff to climb in Forfedhdar
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Bridge Rubble Hrendh Skogar >80 unknown unknown
Tree, Slopes, Boulder, and Barricade Hrendh Skogar <80 unknown unknown
Stones out of Hav'roth Altar Hawkstaal Road 80 unknown unknown REALLY hard to pull off at 80
Peregan Tree Boar Clan <80 unknown >190
Barb Guild Chain Outer Hibarnhvidar unknown unknown >80 wall type of climb
Various precipices, escarpments, cliffs, and slopes Ain Ghazal >80 unknown unknown
Sinkhole into Cave Trolls Ain Ghazal <80 unknown unknown slight difficulties at 80, no problems at 100
Ridge, Trails, Slopes, Ladders, Ropes and Path into the Vela'Tohr Overlook Vela'Tohr Overlook <80-150 unknown 220+ They are all over and vary in difficulty
Mountain into Marble Gargoyles Vela'Tohr Overlook ~170 unknown unknown
Waterfall into Pivuhs Cragstone Vale >728 unknown unknown

Stuff to climb on Vehicles and in Special Places
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
Ladders and stairs various ships 0 unknown unknown

Uncategorized Items

  • Forlorn Hope Cave

Climbing Scripts



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