Kerennya/Logs/Wild Magic Vignette 09122024/Kerennya Develops a Theory

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After two days of feverishing checking references, comparing notes, writing questions, and mulling over the information that seemed the most important, Kerennya had finally arrived at a theory, albeit a tentative one. And according to her theory, the Heralds weren't the main bad guy, although they were absolutely contributing to the problems and she thought the odds were high they'd still have to be fought, given the things that Meraud had communicated to them all and that Nawain had communicated about what Enelne had told her. Her board was now a riot of color, with colored thread going all over the place. It made her think of rainbow-colored fireworks.

t What felt good was that she finally knew where she stood enough to be able to explain it rather than just put it down to the self-serving answer of the convenience of sorcery. And she'd picked a side—that of the Immortals. She thought she even knew a little bit of why this fight had to be.

However, she was both mentally and physically exhausted. She needed to have a decent meal, visit a bathhouse, and sleep, in no particular order. Reluctantly deciding to visit the bathhouse in Throne City since it was closer than the one in Crossing, she went to the bank and grabbed a few lirums, then went to the dock where the Riverhawk and Imperial Glory ferried passengers to the town with so much Imperial history. Paying her fare, she boarded and waited for the Riverhawk to begin its journey.

Now that she wasn't so busy, her emotions made themselves known. Mainly, she was aware of feeling fear. Not really because of the Heralds or the fact that the world was in jeopardy, but because of her stupid past. She wasn't even a particular target of the Heralds like she'd been of the enemy of her past—she would never name them, they didn't deserve that much respect, but her stomach was roiling just like it had for so much of her time of self-imposed exile on Aesry while she'd hidden from her enemy. She felt the itch to constantly look over her shoulder and make sure she wasn't being followed. How ridiculous was that, anyway?

She wished there was someone she felt comfortable enough with to ask to just hold her for a little while, but there wasn't anyone like that. And she didn't want to risk getting close to someone lest the enemy of her past put a target on their back, too. She'd never be able to live with it if someone got killed because of their association with her. She had to be alone, and she had to be strong. She'd lived most of her adult life that way, and she would keep living like that, because she had to. Her exhaustion was just making her feel vulnerable and needy, that was all. With any luck, it would pass once she'd slept. Besides, what reason did she have to feel needy? She hadn't lost anyone in the encasement of the clans and Dirge, and none of her family had even lost access to a house. Those were things to be grateful for. She should be looking for ways to give to the refugees and otherwise helping to get ready for the fight ahead—that should help her avoid feeding that ridiculous desire to be held.

Relieved when the ferry finally docked, she first stopped at Elanai's Delicate Tastes and bought a round of Halfling Smoky cheese and some sourdough bread, as well as some Talan Sathra 280 wine. She ate the bread and cheese right away, but decided to save the wine until she was closer to her house, since the wine would make her sleepy.

Then she went to the bath and briskly cleaned herself up, not wanting to dwell too long, because her tiredness was starting to hit her. She rode the Imperial Glory back to Riverhaven, drinking her wine as she walked through the city back to her cozy dwelling. As she walked, she asked herself, What need do people displaced by Wild Magic have that I can meet? And then an idea came to her. She was way too tired right now to follow up on it, and it would require a trip to the Crossing and some conversations with different people, but the idea of doing it made her heart smile.

Kerennya drifted off to sleep thinking about her idea to help those displaced by Wild Magic.