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Zynell/Logs/The Sting of Truffenyi
The Sting of Trufenyi: Urrem'tier
[Hilltop Cemetery, Ring of Stones]
The tunnel of trees opens up into a round clearing where eight gravestones have been placed in a circle. The stone markers face inward, towards a small stone altar resting in the center. There are ash marks across its surface, leading you to believe something was once set aflame upon it. You also see a pink-toed temple rat and an opalescent banner with edges fraying into insubstantial shimmering fibers.
Ectheleon says, "Now, if for anyone coming along that has something they would like to share please feel free to whisper me so I can get you added to the speaker list."
Ectheleon says, "This is my first time leading an event so bear with me and the rain."
Ectheleon smiles.
Kitosaki ponders.
Nawain praises Ectheleon.
Gragnel nods to Ectheleon.
Tirost smiles at Ectheleon.
Ectheleon says, "I will give it a rois as folks get settled into things."
Ectheleon inhales a great swallow of air.
Vythlak pats Ectheleon on the back.
Ectheleon slowly empties his lungs.
Ectheleon says, "Welcome everyone! Please get comfortable for today's party, get a drink, grab a snack, take a seat, or enjoy standing by a friend or loved one."
Ectheleon smiles.
Ezathiel casually observes the area.
Ectheleon says, "Today will be a different party, a grey party, a party for the Immortal infused last with a part of the One Creator, Urrem'tier."
Ectheleon says, "As we move through our speakers Urrem'tier will provide guidance for the thoughts and discussions of those that speak today and I will hope we act in a manner befitting."
Relay has accepted your offer and is now holding a toy Urrem'tier bobblehead.
Ectheleon says, "I am Ectheleon and I will be your host."
Miskton smiles at Ectheleon.
Gragnel nods to Ectheleon.
Ectheleon says, "My hope is that everyone here will give the space for those sharing to express their feelings. Let us provide the respect and impartiality that Urrem'tier would expect."
Aerilia smiles at Ectheleon.
Qij nods politely to Ectheleon.
Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Ectheleon!
Qij quietly says to Ectheleon, "Hi."
You gaze into Ectheleon's eyes and applaud him heartily.
Ectheleon smiles at Qij.
Ectheleon says, "While I will share some of my own thoughts today, I ask that each of you that wish to share to whisper to me."
Ectheleon says to Qij, "Hail."
Ectheleon chuckles.
Ectheleon beams!
Vythlak lets out a hearty cheer for Ectheleon!
Ectheleon says, "I wish to give anyone comfortable speaking the opportunity to share, for each person's perspective benefits the group as whole."
Ectheleon says, "Now then."
Ectheleon says, "Urrem'tier may not be described as a god, a demon, or by some, an Immortal, but he is important."
Ectheleon says, "Neither Good nor Evil, some may fear the sense of inevitability that comes with his embrace and that is logical. Urrem'tier is the end to a journey that most wish to delay."
Relay observes Ectheleon with fascination.
Ectheleon says, "His grasp has been described as "fetid", a word that brings to mind something nasty and bad. I do not wish to think of his grasp as such, for his is an embrace that all living things must go to."
Ectheleon says, "Instead what I feel he offers me is a face, an image to associate with as the eventual end of my road. Urrem'tier is someone I hope to know as my friend as I continue my journey."
Ectheleon says, "I find solace in knowing that there is no malice or ill intent waiting for me when I walk the starry road, for I will have an old friend there to carry me through."
Gragnel gives a slight nod.
Ectheleon smiles.
Ectheleon says, "However, I do not mean to reduce anyone because the feelings of each are their own. Our fears and worries are something that I feel should not be belittled and I do not wish to do that to anyone."
Ectheleon says, "What I do want is for today to be a positive experience, that each speaker's feelings and insights help you and your feelings as they will help me and mine."
Vythlak praises Ectheleon.
Leilanie smiles at Ectheleon.
Ectheleon says, "As my thoughts now close, I offer thanks for those that have come before and for those that continue to be. May we now share in the thoughts and feelings of those that will speak."
Ectheleon smiles at Gragnel.
Ectheleon says to Gragnel, "The floor is yours first."
Gragnel gets a pitted iron comb from inside his leather longcoat.
Gragnel runs his iron comb through his hair.
Gragnel runs his iron comb through his hair.
Gragnel puts his comb in his leather longcoat.
Gragnel dusts himself off.
Vythlak pats Ectheleon on the back.
Gragnel loudly says, "Good day to you all, if we've not met yet then allow me to introduce myself."
Gragnel slowly says, "I am Reverend Gragnel Durbin, a Priest in the service of the fearsome and frightening, majestic and mysterious, powerful and perfect, honorable and holy, dark lord of the Thirteen Immortals, My lord, Damaris the fierce panther."
Leayne smiles at Gragnel, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Kethrai looks thoughtfully at Gragnel.
Vythlak quietly says to Ectheleon, "Well done."
Gragnel says, "But, if you've ever heard me give prayer, then you know I often say that only a fool would deny the existence of the Thirty-Nine."
Ectheleon smiles at Vythlak.
Gragnel matter-of-factly says, "And, as I've also said before, Mama Durbin didn't raise a fool for a son."
Akeyrr nods at Gragnel, obviously agreeing with his views.
Nawain chuckles.
Amabalis pats Ectheleon on the back.
Gragnel says, "Nope."
Gragnel shakes his head.
Akeyrr grins.
Aerilia smiles at Gragnel.
Gragnel says, "Being that what it is, I have prepared some words on Lord Urrem'tier to share with you all."
Leilanie smiles at Gragnel.
Tirost glances at Nawain.
Viredoh smiles.
Gragnel says, "I appreciate your time and attention."
Gragnel nods.
Gragnel clears his throat.
Gragnel recites:
"Dark Lord of the Void, it is you who we all must greet in the end. Life unchecked chokes out new life, your touch is required. Children are born, turn to adults, grow old, die."
Gragnel recites:
"You are there for us. Your presence a blessing. The rightful end. Lucky are we to be given such a grace as death. Is that not the truest embodiment of peace? The end of it all."
Elore taps Tirost on the nose and exclaims, "Boop!"
Tirost squints at Elore.
Gragnel recites:
"You need not our praise, but are deserving of it nonetheless. You need not our worship, but are deserving of it nonetheless."
Nawain giggles at Elore.
Akeyrr winks at Elore.
Gragnel recites:
"We raise our voices unto you. We say your name in glory. Hail the scorpion! Praise Urrem'tier!"
Gragnel nods.
Gragnel says, "I thank you once again for your time today."
Riverlynn gives a slight nod.
Kitosaki exclaims, "And let us eat cupcakes!"
Gragnel nods to Ectheleon.
Kitosaki ducks his head.
Tirost quietly asks Elore, "...Did you just boop my nose...?"
Elore shakes her head at Tirost.
Gragnel comes and stands near you.
Elore holds a single finger up to her closed lips and gives her head a slight shake while leveling a firm stare at Tirost.
Raising his Cinnamon-Peach mead to Gragnel, Vythlak gives him a toast.
Gragnel takes a sip of his wine.
Ectheleon says, "Gragnel, well said sir."
You grin at Gragnel.
Vythlak takes a sip of his mead.
Tirost clears his throat.
Akeyrr grins.
Tirost gazes at Gragnel.
Ectheleon smiles at Pradya.
Elore grins happily.
Pradya fidgets nervously.
Raising his Cinnamon-Peach mead to Pradya, Vythlak gives her a toast.
Pradya melodiously says, "Welcome, as always I appreciate the people coming forth to learn and share and praise our Immortals. I am Pradya, cleric to the Immortals. This gathering is of course in praise of Urrem'tier but I am taking a bit of a different tack."
Leilanie smiles at Pradya.
Pradya melodiously says, "I find death a mystery, which I imagine is surprising considering my life choices but having not died or learned to find souls and bring them back, reading has not supplied enough knowledge for me to understand. But I do know about sacrifice and working to bring peace to others."
(Pradya fingers the green pearl on the bracelet idly, as begins to say pensively)
Pradya melodiously says, "I also fear death, especially that which is promised from Urrem'tier and Aldauth. Again not having knowledge or experience. Ironic that there is so much that we might not know, but only some we fear."
* Truffenyi's Prophet Unaka joins the adventure.
Pradya melodiously says, "Should we fear death? Should we embrace it and learn? Should we wish it to be painful to body and soul to make us avoid it more? Urrem'tier and his aspects have their own way of bringing death."
(Pradya looks up and glances around the shrine with a slight shrug and shake of her head.)
Pradya melodiously asks, "I do not know, but Eylhaar is the light aspect of Urrem'tier and though she brings death, she brings it with peace and no pain. I am tempted to pray to Eylhaar for just this transition but that would be unfair to all that do not. Especially for those I hope to help find their souls someday, who am I to be the more afraid?"
Gragnel gives a slight nod.
Pradya melodiously says, "Is it a surprise that this aspect is a woman? There is the tale of the mother of twin babes where Eylhaar helped the three join a much adored husband and father. He had died and there was no returning for him. There was no pain and she was gentle in her bringing of death."
Pradya melodiously says, "Unaka has been charged with the help of Truffenyi to find the way to aid the Immortals and the mortals here in Elanthia to defeat the Heralds. Perhaps with the promise of help of Eylhaar we could ease the pain of the follower of the Heralds in exchange for his help. A sacrifice for peace. Though I would never deign to know anything the Immortals should do."
(Pradya gulps and placing a hand on at her throat, looks around nervously before blushing and dipping a deep curtsy and moving back to her place at the back of the gathered clerics.)
Pradya slowly empties her lungs.
Gragnel ponders.
Tirost praises Pradya.
You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Pradya.
Gragnel gives a slight nod.
Elore beams at Pradya!
Vythlak smiles at Pradya.
Pradya blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Vythlak pats Pradya on the back.
You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Zehira.
Ectheleon says to Pradya, "I enjoy the questions and thoughts, thank you for sharing."
Truffenyi's Prophet Unaka just arrived.
Zehira grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.
Ectheleon waves to Unaka.
Unaka waves.
Crobin shakes Unaka's hand.
Tirost smiles at Unaka.
You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Unaka.
Nawain waves to Unaka.
Akeyrr smiles at Unaka.
Ectheleon exclaims to Unaka, "Speak and she shall appear!"
Akeyrr bows to Unaka.
Tirost chuckles.
Unaka flashes a wide grin.
Ectheleon smiles at Kilenti.
Akeyrr grins.
Pradya blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Aerilia waves to Unaka.
Akeyrr nods.
Unaka asks, "Someone talking about me?"
Mazilyn beams at Unaka!
Gragnel exclaims to Unaka, "Oh, hey! It's me. Gragnel. Over here this time!"
Vythlak says to you, "Hey, that's your trick too."
Kilenti points at herself.
Akeyrr nods to Unaka.
Akeyrr nods to Unaka.
Gragnel waves to Unaka.
Akeyrr nods to Unaka.
Unaka blinks at Gragnel.
Akeyrr nods to Unaka.
Ectheleon chuckles.
Zehira shifts her weight.
Miskton nods politely to Unaka.
You nod to Vythlak.
Akeyrr chuckles.
Kethrai asks Unaka, "Ears burning?"
Unaka gives Gragnel a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with her knuckles.
Gragnel adjusts his fur toupee into place.
Kilenti clears her throat.
You say to Vythlak, "One you might learn as you excel in the guild."
Unaka rubs her left ear.
Vythlak guzzles down some of his mead and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Your ears straighten up smartly as you gaze at Kilenti with pride.
Ectheleon says, "There was mention of you."
Ectheleon nods.
Unaka grins at Kethrai.
Kilenti whispers something to Ectheleon.
Unaka asks, "Well, what's everyone saying about me?"
Akeyrr says, "All good."
Zehira says to Traim, "Moonmage."
Akeyrr nods to Unaka.
Unaka nods to Akeyrr.
Traim says to Zehira, "Deadly one."
Vythlak glances up at the sky.
Traim nods politely.
Kilenti beams!
Zehira nods to Traim.
Kilenti smiles.
Ectheleon says, "We shall have time for Unaka but next up is Kilenti."
Ectheleon smiles at Kilenti.
Kilenti happily says, "Hello! I am Kilenti Lopen, Cleric of Saemaus."
Unaka says, "Oh, sorry to interrupt."
Vythlak lets out a hearty cheer for Kilenti!
Kilenti says, "You might wonder what a cleric of Saemaus might have to say to honor Urrem'tier and I have spent some time with that thought as well."
Kitosaki grunts at Kilenti.
Leayne smiles at Unaka, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Mazilyn beams at Kilenti!
Kilenti ponders.
Gragnel says to Unaka, "Pradya had mentioned your divine challenge from Lord Truffenyi."
Gragnel nods to Unaka.
Kilenti says, "I believe all of Saemaus' gifts and blessings are made sweeter by Urrem'tier."
Ectheleon says to Unaka, "No worries, just hilarious timing."
Unaka nods to Gragnel.
Kilenti smiles softly.
Pradya looks at Unaka and blushes.
(Tirost's gaze slowly turns to Aerilia.)
Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Kilenti.
Unaka fixes Kilenti with a heavy, ponderous stare.
Kilenti warmly says, "The bonding of two souls, their time together made more special, knowing that there will be an end. Wishing they had found each other sooner. Appreciating each moment spent."
Ectheleon gazes at Kilenti.
Kilenti joyfully says, "The excitement of expecting a baby! A beautiful child coming as a promise, knowing that because of the loved shared, a part of them will go on after meeting Urrem'tier's end."
Kilenti beams!
Gragnel nods to Kilenti.
Relay smiles at Kilenti.
Kilenti softly says, "It's what makes those moments so special! The fact that they are fleeting. The fact that nothing lasts forever."
Pyppa smiles.
Ectheleon ponders.
Pyppa gives a gracious nod.
Kilenti matter-of-factly says, "Love is what is it, because in the end, it is all we have left of those around us once they have crossed the Starry Road."
Kilenti nods emphatically.
Kilenti smiles.
Kilenti says, "I've only recently been blessed with the gift of resurrection. Looking into the Void, where it feels like all is lost, I am reminded of all that there is and what could be. For Urrem'tier, I am grateful for that lesson."
Kilenti reverentially says, "Like we give thanks to Saemaus for his roses, we should give thanks to Urrem'tier for weeding out the garden, so that the plant can continue to flourish for lifetimes to come."
Kilenti mumbles a word of general praise.
Zehira wrinkles her nose.
Kilenti smiles.
Gragnel says, "The void is... a sight. Yes."
Kilenti says, "Thank you for your time."
Nawain gives a slight nod.
Kilenti nods politely.
Ectheleon praises Kilenti.
Kethrai adds to Kilenti's praises.
Kohako beams at Kilenti!
Ezathiel casually observes the area.
Your ears straighten up smartly as you gaze at Kilenti with pride.
Vythlak praises Kilenti.
Mazilyn beams at Kilenti!
Relay beams at Kilenti!
Kohako says to Kilenti, "Saemaus would love that you mentioned him. I love it, too."
Ectheleon says to Kilenti, "Wonderful tie together."
Vythlak pats Kilenti on the back.
Elore glances at Kitosaki.
Couri smiles at Kilenti.
Kilenti beams at Kohako!
Zehira takes a sip of her tea.
Ectheleon smiles at Relay.
Kilenti nods at Kohako, obviously agreeing with his views.
The glimmering lights above Unaka's head flicker and pulse for a few moments, connecting.
Akeyrr smiles.
Aerilia smiles.
Ectheleon says, "The floor is next Relay's to speak."
Crobin says, "The halo is starting."
Ectheleon nods to Crobin.
Ezathiel gazes at Unaka.
Kilenti beams at Relay!
Kethrai looks thoughtfully at Unaka.
You cover Crobin's eyes with your hand.
Relay smiles.
Kitosaki blinks.
Crobin says, "I need tinted lenses."
Unaka chuckles at Crobin.
Crobin says, "Thanks Zyn."
Vythlak grins at Crobin.
Ectheleon bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
Akeyrr chuckles.
Riverlynn appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Relay Part 1
Gragnel glances at Relay.
Traim glances up at the sky.
Qij nods politely to Zehira.
Relay says, "Hello all, tonight is a special one for me as I am a follower of Lord Urrem'tier, i have prepared two poems to share..."
Vythlak rubs a petite grey-green katydid.
Kitosaki nods to Relay.
Akeyrr smiles.
Zehira nods to Qij.
Mazilyn says, "Two hugs it is."
Mazilyn nods.
Gragnel says, "Let's see how dark these get..."
Unaka smiles at Relay.
Elore stands near Ezathiel.
Gragnel glances at Relay.
Vythlak gives Relay a slight nod.
Relay smiles at Mazilyn.
Mazilyn giggles.
Mazilyn beams at Relay!
Relay recites:
"The Nothingness The tugs of life stripped away The worry, the doubt, the need, the fear, the unknown"
Relay recites:
"The Void The sanctuary from life's trifles The peace, the quiet, the wholeness, the safety, the purpose"
Ezathiel grins at Kethrai.
Relay recites:
"The Scorpion The sting so sweet of death so true The grace, the accuracy, the magnificence, the inspiring, the singular"
Ezathiel winks at Kethrai.
Relay recites:
"The End The finality from life squandered The nothing, the Void, the scorpion, the end, the blessings of Urrem'tier"
Relay recites:
"The Death of Valor All things are rendered unto Urrem'tier"
Relay smiles.
Relay nods.
Gragnel nods at Relay, obviously agreeing with his views.
Ectheleon praises Relay.
Relay Part 2
Relay says, "And for my second..."
Gragnel observes Relay with fascination.
Mazilyn beams at Relay!
Gragnel leans forward.
Relay recites:
"All life ends The trials of life are trivial The body decays and returns to the land from which it came"
Kilenti smiles at Relay.
Relay recites:
"Things obscure faith The soul needs nourishment Rejoice in the Void s acceptance and praise the peace found within"
The flickering lights over Unaka's head link into a faintly glowing halo.
Relay recites:
"Rendered null All life's accomplishments Nothing more than footnotes in a poorly written and bias history"
Kitosaki gazes at Unaka.
Relay recites:
"Unto death Mind, body, and soul Seek ye the sanctuary of the sting of death"
Relay recites:
"Urrem'tier All things are rendered unto Urrem'tier"
Relay smiles.
Ectheleon praises Relay.
You grin at Relay.
Relay bows.
Relay says, "Thank you."
Mazilyn beams at Relay!
Vythlak praises Relay.
Zehira shifts her weight.
Aerilia praises Relay.
Gragnel nods to Relay.
Kethrai praises Relay.
Tirost praises Relay.
Ezathiel nods to Relay.
Ectheleon says to Relay, "Thank you for sharing your poems. I hope today speaks well to you and your faith in Urrem'tier."
Pyppa looks at Relay and applauds!
Unaka bows her head a moment in reverence.
Ectheleon smiles at Mazilyn.
Gragnel takes a sip of his wine.
Mazilyn beams at Ectheleon!
Nawain gives Kethrai a slight nod.
Gragnel gazes at his bottle.
Gragnel frowns.
Gragnel drops a bottle.
Gragnel just tried to kick the bottle!
Mazilyn exclaims, "Oh! it's me!"
Mazilyn bounces around happily.
Couri beams at Mazilyn!
Nawain grins at Mazilyn.
Mazilyn waves.
Tirost smiles.
Ectheleon chuckles.
Aerilia smiles at Mazilyn.
Mazilyn recites:
"Hi! I'm Mazilyn, Cleric of Truffenyi! I think the Void is pretty skery We learned to live with it though"
Leilanie beams at Mazilyn!
Vythlak grins at Mazilyn.
Unaka smiles at Mazilyn.
Ezathiel gazes at Mazilyn.
Leayne smiles at Mazilyn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Nawain giggles.
Mazilyn recites:
"In the beginning we had to mourn the loved ones who passed We had to keep the kill or be killed mentality We struggled with life and death"
Mazilyn recites:
"So many belief structures surrounding death appeared Reincarnation, nothingness, returning to the Void, being uplifted to serve your immortal In our struggles we found unity in the fear of death"
Kitosaki beams!
Mazilyn recites:
"So many traditions surrounding death appeared Burning corpses, leaving coins, funeral garb, last rites In our coping we found unity in the reverence of the dead"
Mazilyn recites:
"Civilized culture learned to respect the fallen warriors To empathize with the grieving parents To foster the generations of orphans"
Pradya fidgets nervously.
Unaka nods to Mazilyn.
Mazilyn recites:
"As adventurers, our relationship with death is a little different We sit in the twilight of the Void when we die We don't have to walk the Starry Road immediately"
Mazilyn recites:
"The immortals did that for us They recognized our importance to protecting civilization and the realms They offer us multiple chances to succeed in this life"
Mazilyn beams!
Nawain nods in agreement.
Mazilyn recites:
"We can view our favors as a simple transaction But we can also view them as that which binds us to our bodies and keeps us from true deaths Faith is that they will continue to restore our souls. Our favor offerings simply make the task easier both for you and your clerics channeling the immortals divine intervention."
Unaka's halo glows brightly with golden light, turning slowly.
Vythlak smiles at Mazilyn.
Mazilyn recites:
"I donno what type of death i will have next But i thank our evolution as a society that we praised the immortals enough to bestow us the gift of resurrection. I hope everyone stays alive though and keeps their favors as more a contingency than anything else"
Mazilyn beams!
Gragnel chuckles.
Zehira wrinkles her nose.
Mazilyn bounces around happily.
Mazilyn exclaims, "Thanks!"
Aerilia looks at Mazilyn and applauds!
Couri beams at Mazilyn!
Kitosaki beams!
Kethrai praises Mazilyn.
Kitosaki applauds.
Tirost smiles at Mazilyn.
You grin at Mazilyn.
Kitosaki raises his hand.
Relay smiles at Mazilyn.
Leilanie beams at Mazilyn!
Nawain lets out a hearty cheer for Mazilyn!
Vythlak praises Mazilyn.
Kitosaki exclaims, "I got a poem.. err song now!"
Unaka mumbles a word of general praise.
Kilenti praises Mazilyn.
Gragnel says, "Yes, get more favors."
Ectheleon says to Kitosaki, "I'll get you added in."
Mazilyn giggles.
Qij shakes his head at Gragnel.
Mazilyn beams!
Kitosaki beams!
Akeyrr grins at Gragnel.
Kitosaki mumbles a word of general praise.
Ectheleon says to Mazilyn, "Thank you for sharing."
Qij quietly says to Gragnel, "Favors are a scam."
Zehira says to Gragnel, "No favors."
Ectheleon exclaims, "Great remind for everyone to please get more favors!"
Kitosaki exclaims to Couri, "They gonna let me speak!"
Couri exclaims, "Oh nae!"
Couri coughs.
Vythlak laughs at Couri.
Couri says, "I mean good..."
Gragnel shrugs.
Vythlak grins at Couri.
Ectheleon smiles at you.
Vythlak gazes at you.
You sling a storyteller's book bag stitched with various mythical beasts over your shoulder.
You grin.
Pradya inhales a great swallow of air.
Pradya curtsies gracefully to you.
You say, "I have read this story for some of you before, but it is one of Urrem'tier's light aspect."
You get a storyteller's book of fairy tales bound in quilted silk from inside your book bag.
You open your storyteller's book.
Akeyrr smiles.
Gragnel smiles.
You say, "And the illustrations are done by Telamont."
Ectheleon gazes at you.
Gragnel leans forward on his walking cane, listening intently.
Leayne smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
You say, "He fixes my blobs."
You giggle.
Ectheleon chuckles.
You say, "Once upon a time in the realms." You say, "Her beauty renown in all the land." You say, "Quiet and elegant never a demand." You say, "She would watch the warriors don their helms."
You smile at those gathered as she turns the page.
You say, "From the sidelines she watched the battle rage." You say, "The bloodlust, the gruesome glee." You say, "No warrior willing to flee." You say, "All souls her brothers would cage."
(Zynell turns the book to showcase the scene of an epic battle. The central figures thrusting claw and talon like weaponry through surprised foes. Off to the left a black haired woman walks amid corpses, her white dress billowing behind her.)
Gragnel leans forward.
Pyppa smiles at you.
Gragnel nods.
A pink-toed temple rat squeaks with alarm and retreats, painfully climbing up Gragnel and disappearing into a black leather longcoat decorated in homage to Damaris.
You say, "She watched them in the field, pleasure in the pain." You say, "Her face contorted with disgust at the horrid sound." You say, "Still those on the edges near death in the body mound." You say, "She knelt by them a peaceful hand and their souls would drain."
(Zynell's voice grows grim, but determined as she starts the next page.)
You say, "The victors would swarm the next village near." You say, "Determined she strode to see what pain she could thwart." You say, "Gift baskets and smiles she gave them all a last resort." You say, "The families cowered when the invading shout rang clear."
(Zynell's book shows the same slender figure in her white dress handing out gifts to the grateful townsfolk.)
You say, "Too frightened to fight, just lambs to the slaughter." You say, "Mothers alike closed their doors and checked the locks." You say, "Then to the table they turned and saw the gift box." You say, "Treats they put out, in harrowing time, pouring each a glass of water."
(Zynell slowly turns to the next page in the book.)
Kitosaki's eyes go dreamy and he begins to drool.
Unaka edges away from Kitosaki.
You say, "Her gift was consumed, its pace rather sudden." You say, "They drifted to her Void, all with a smile." You say, "Thanks they gave, saved from deaths so vile." You say, "She went the the center fountain as warriors flood in."
(Zynell turns the book toward you, the image of transparent townsfolk drifting towards the woman, welcoming tendrils of her black hair wrapping around wrists, merging with them.)
You say, "Relaxed and stunning, she perched on the stone edge." You say, "Fighters scouring the town for more lives to destroy." You say, "She smiled at her bothers approach to ask about her ploy." You say, "No foulness of yours is here, to me their souls pledge."
(Zynell flashes a quick smirk as she flips to the next page.)
You say, "At peace they are, her pale skin nearly aglow." You say, "They chose their path, and with me they walk." You say, "Her brother both mouths agape, reeling in their shock." You say, "Tis not my fault in this game of souls that you were both too slow."
(Zynell's book shows the black haired woman shrugging at two well armored men, one more vulturelike, the other more scorpion than flesh.)
You say, "A smirk and a turn, her raven hair flowing." You say, "Her words ringing in the air." You say, "Brothers chortled then back to warfare." You say, "This game of theirs forever ongoing." You say, "To the black haired beauty we should give praise." You say, "Her beckoning whispers a teather in our souls." You say, "To the jackal pray if peace is your Void goals." You say, "Respect the jackal even if you get a raise."
(Zynell shows you an image of a favor orb surrounded in void-black, two eyes and the outline of a jackal gazing down upon the prismatic sphere.)
Akeyrr nods.
You say, "Her peace, her cunning, her wit, and her allure." You say, "She walks with those of faith pure." You say, "Torturous ends for your soul she can cure." You say, "Remember the jackal for peace in death to ensure."
You close your storyteller's book.
You put your book in your book bag.
Ezathiel looks thoughtfully at you.
Gragnel gives a slight nod.
Kethrai mumbles a word of general praise.
Nawain praises you.
Nawain nods.
Raising his darkefire rum to you, Qij gives you a toast. Cheers!
Ectheleon praises you.
Vythlak smiles at you.
Aerilia praises you.
Raising his darkefire rum to you, Tirost gives you a toast. Cheers!
Tirost takes a sip of his rum.
You nod to Ectheleon.
Ectheleon says to you, "Thank you for the story, give Telamont my praise for his drawings as well."
Leayne praises you.
Couri beams at you! What a warm feeling!
Leilanie beams at you! What a warm feeling!
Gragnel says, "He really is a grand artist."
Gragnel nods in agreement.
You nod in agreement.
Ectheleon nods in agreement.
Ectheleon smiles at Vythlak.
Unaka nods in agreement.
Riverlynn holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Vythlak grins at Ectheleon.
Riverlynn smirks.
Unaka says, "Good pictures, agreed."
Qij looks at Riverlynn, obviously trying not to grin.
(Vythlak works his way forward and smiles widely, his eyes sparkling at the sight of the gathered crowd. He pats the back or shakes hands of the people he recognizes.)
Vythlak confidently says, "Hello everyone. For those who do not know me, I am Vythlak, Cleric of Phelim."
You grin at Vythlak.
Vythlak says, "Today is a good day. Like the other days before, and those yet to come. It is a good day, because we are here and, as always, in the embrace of the Immortals."
Mazilyn beams at Vythlak!
Kethrai looks thoughtfully at Vythlak.
Iala beams at Vythlak!
Vythlak says, "Phelim sent me a dream. It was a place like this. A time similar to now. It had a sweet ending of souls stuck in agony being released."
Zehira wrinkles her nose.
Vythlak says, "As clerics we have a special affinity with the soul. Let us see if this is the spot where Phelim indicated."
(Vythlak shuffles around, as he chants and a blue flame flickers then burns in his eyes. He weaves towards the back of the group. He slides past everyone without touching them despite his distraction.)
Vythlak softly says, "Yes, the spirits are strong. They want to talk with me. No with us."
(Vythlak stops and stares, his eyes moving as erratically as his steps from place to place. He wanders amongst the gathered people, his eyes seeing beyond sight.)
Vythlak softly says, "No, they want us to intercede with Urrem'tier."
Vythlak gets some flame-darkened auroch bones from inside his fur robe.
Iala observes Vythlak with fascination.
Leilanie shifts her weight.
Vythlak haphazardly hurls his bones onto the ground. He stares at them for a few moments, seemingly confused, before gathering them back up.
Vythlak yells, "Yes! Yes! I am trying to find the right spot. No need to yell."
A nervous tic starts up around Zehira's eye.
Vythlak uncertainly asks Kitosaki, "Do you see them?"
Ezathiel raises an eyebrow.
Vythlak fixes Kitosaki with a gruff, unwavering stare.
Elore gazes at Vythlak.
Kitosaki blinks.
Vythlak says, "No, no, nevermind if you see them or not. I can see them. Most folks can't see them or hear them a lot of the time."
Traim leans against a gravestone.
Kethrai observes Vythlak with fascination.
Kitosaki says, "Yeah."
Vythlak softly says, "But Phelim and his divine guidance have guided me here."
Kitosaki nods to Vythlak.
Zehira shifts her weight.
Unaka fixes Vythlak with a heavy, ponderous stare.
Vythlak says, "Some say Urrem'tier is the lesser of the gods, but he is the one who makes and allows the spirits walk the void, or the spiral."
Kitosaki exclaims, "Yeah !!! Yeah I see um!"
(Tirost seemingly unbothered by the rain, listens intently to Vythlak.)
Elore quietly says to Ezathiel, "Cause of the smell, I think."
Vythlak cunningly exclaims, "You see, for today I bring the spirit of the claw to release the spirits of the stone!"
Vythlak holds a cluster of claws and scarlet feathers suspended from a flaxen horsehair cord high into the air for all to see.
Ezathiel chuckles at Elore.
Kitosaki gazes at Vythlak.
Couri blinks.
Kethrai casually observes the area.
(Vythlak the blue glow flares in Vythlak's eyes as me mutters something about spirit and stone and stone and spirit.)
Vythlak paces back and forth.
Vythlak softly asks, "What's that you say, no matter if she can see you either?"
Vythlak gazes at you.
(Vythlak shuffles forward and then stares intently at the ground.)
Vythlak yells, "Yes! This spot exactly! I hear you and do your bidding, Phelim, to seek release for the spirits bound in the stones!"
Miskton ponders.
Zehira raises an eyebrow.
Vythlak joyfully exclaims, "Yes, I'm sure we can all feel it. Yes, I will ask for your release!"
Vythlak does a happy little dance!
You observe Vythlak with fascination.
Vythlak recites:
"Spirits here entrapped in stone Served your penance for abandoning the gods Failed in belief So denied any grace"
Crobin angles his ears forward in curiosity.
Leilanie gazes at Vythlak.
Vythlak recites:
"Aldauth has left them in agony long enough. Let his tricks and schemes fall apart. Bring them now the Jackal's grace."
Leayne leans forward.
Vythlak recites:
"Urrem'tier who blesses this place. Leave room in your embrace for me. One day, but not today!"
Elore appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Vythlak recites:
"Urrem'tier, the spirits of this place They call to you, sing to you! These souls seek your embrace."
Vythlak recites:
"Urrem'tier, Urrem'tier For today set upon these spirits your gaze. Those who came before and no longer breathe. Stuck now in the earth and stones Of this, your holy place."
Vythlak gazes off into the distance.
Vythlak softly says, "What's that you say? Yes, yes, I am getting to that part. Mouthy little spirits."
Ectheleon chuckles at Vythlak.
Vythlak recites:
"Urrem'tier let them pass now, Across time and space Home at last to cross the void."
Traim chuckles to himself.
Vythlak kneels down.
Kethrai mutters something into the air about only one tortured spirit here.
(Vythlak points at various places and calls out names of no one present.)
Kohako gazes up at the sky.
Vythlak recites:
"Urrem'tier too long has it been Since your gaze cast here upon your shrine Lord of the Void release them please To the Spiral or Starfire Lake."
Leilanie glances at you.
Vythlak recites:
"Urrem'tier we beseech you With offerings of bone Release these cold spirits from the stone. They have suffered long enough. Your powers they no longer deny."
(Vythlak prostates himself on the ground, his fingers digging into the earth. He then flings two handfuls of dirt into the air.)
Vythlak continues praying fervently.
Tirost gazes at Vythlak.
Vythlak softly says, "Thank you Urrem'tier for your grace."
Couri gulps.
Vythlak stands up.
Amabalis's jaw drops.
Gragnel nods.
Tirost praises Vythlak.
Vythlak shudders.
(Vythlak sighs and then blinks with a start as the blue glow fades from his eyes. He gazes about as his consciousness returns fully to the Plane of Abiding.)
Gragnel exclaims, "Praise Him!"
Ezathiel blinks at Vythlak.
Vythlak gently says, "Sleep sweetly spirits now cast free. Go to Urrem'tier with Phelim's blessings."
Vythlak somberly says, "Yes, they have been released to the void."
Unaka's halo burns brightly, sending forth a shower of golden sparks. It emits a faint hum.
(Vythlak steps back into the crowd, his shoulders drooping with exhaustion.)
Nawain adds to Vythlak's praises.
Iala wrinkles her nose.
(Crobin raises a hand up shieldiing his eyes from Unaka a biit)
Aerilia continues to praise Vythlak.
Ectheleon says, "Thank you Vythlak for that, event."
Ectheleon chuckles.
Unaka says to Crobin, "Sorry."
Vythlak takes a seat.
Vythlak snorts at Ectheleon.
Crobin says to Unaka, "Don't be."
Vythlak shudders.
Ectheleon says, "We have but a few more speakers to get to tonight."
Vythlak says to Ectheleon, "That hasn't happened like that before."
Ectheleon exclaims, "Anyone looking to share please whisper me!"
Crobin says, "The glow is warm...just bright."
Ectheleon smiles at Vythlak.
Iala beams at Vythlak!
Ectheleon exclaims to Vythlak, "It was very, moving!"
Unaka glances up at the sky.
Ectheleon smiles at Ansara.
Ectheleon says, "Next up we have Ansara with something to share."
Vythlak puts his bones in his fur robe.
Gragnel says to Vythlak, "You appeared to be moved by your faith, almost as if in a trance. I've seen it a few times from other clerics."
Gragnel nods to Vythlak.
Vythlak gazes at Gragnel.
Vythlak grunts at Gragnel.
Kethrai observes Ansara with fascination.
Unaka nods to Vythlak.
Ansara rummages about her person, looking for something.
Vythlak smiles at Unaka.
Ansara gets a khor'vela guti'adar depicting a courtship in iroko and blood-red loveglass from inside her bitterweave pack.
Ansara says, "There you are."
Ansara gives a khor'vela guti'adar depicting a courtship in iroko and blood-red loveglass a hug!
Ectheleon chuckles.
Ansara says, "So we're gonna go with lighthearted."
Ansara nods.
Traim gazes at Ansara.
Ansara effortlessly begins a quiet ballad on her khor'vela guti'adar, her eyes sparkling with pride at her hard-won skill.
Ansara recites:
"Best Friends with Urrem'tier"
Ansara animatedly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Heading out of town Tripped on a stone Hanging out with Urrem'tier My ghost is never alone"
Ansara earnestly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"It's great to have a bestie Even if you're me Urrem'tier is my buddy Hang with me you'll see"
Relay observes Ansara with fascination.
Vythlak grins at Ansara.
Ansara animatedly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Assigned to last watch Failed to be alert It s great to be a hero Even when you're eating dirt"
Ansara winks at Relay.
Ansara earnestly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"It's great to have a bestie Even if you're me Urrem'tier is my buddy Hang with me you'll see"
Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.
Ansara playfully sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"The sea is calm and friendly Besides the mutiny Oh dear Urrem'tier For our visits that makes three!"
Relay grins.
Vythlak smiles at Ansara.
Ansara earnestly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"It's great to have a bestie Even if you're me Urrem'tier is my buddy Hang with me you'll see"
Ansara playfully sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Curiosity called to me Climbed a metal sphere Lava is hot! Fourth time in this spot Hey look! My best friend Urrem'tier's here"
Kitosaki chuckles.
Ectheleon laughs!
Nawain smirks.
Ansara jokingly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"It's great to have a bestie Even if you're me Urrem'tier is my buddy Hang with me you'll see"
Kethrai snickers.
Ansara sarcastically sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"It's great to have a bestie! Even if Urrem'tier it be..."
Relay breaks out in a silly grin.
Ansara stops playing her song.
Ansara smirks.
Iala chuckles.
Ansara gives an awkward curtsy, nearly falling over!
Kitosaki lets out a hearty cheer for Ansara!
Raising her blackberry stout to Ansara, Iala gives her a toast.
Couri smiles.
Aerilia applauds.
Nawain praises Ansara.
Vythlak smiles at Ansara.
Relay praises Ansara.
Kethrai adds to Ansara's praises.
Gragnel nods to Ansara.
Relay nods to Ectheleon.
Ectheleon exclaims to Ansara, "That was spectacular!"
Ectheleon praises Ansara.
Qij looks at Ansara and applauds!
Unaka's halo burns even brighter, becoming nearly blinding to behold.
Ansara says, "Course it was."
Ansara snickers.
Aerilia squints.
Kitosaki blinks at Unaka.
Pyppa nods at Ectheleon, obviously agreeing with his views.
Gragnel chuckles.
Raising her mocha milkshake to Ansara, Leayne gives her a toast.
Tirost narrows his eyes.
Kethrai squints at Unaka.
Kitosaki asks, "Me?"
Gragnel rubs his right eye.
Gragnel rubs his left eye.
Gragnel blinks.
Urrem'tier and Truffenyi Vision
A golden glow erupts from Unaka's halo, and your vision is overtaken by a blinding flash! When the haze dissipates, you see a stream of visions of the growth of civilization, and the many cycles of life and death that churn within them. Amidst the movements of tribes, you watch as elders quietly separate themselves into the wilderness, never returning. Within teeming masses of cities, you see sicknesses rise and populations fall, only to bloom again with vigor. Bloody battles surge through fields, eventually giving way to peaceful reigns, followed by more blood. You watch as a tall man attends a funeral, mourning etched into his features. His eye catches on a black figure standing unnoticed behind the tombstone, and a look of mingled emotions crosses his face, though ultimately he sets his resolve and gives a slight nod. The vision fades.
Pyppa chuckles at Ansara.
Ectheleon says, "Next up is Kitosaki and Unaka."
Kethrai blinks.
Pyppa raises an eyebrow.
Eyst frowns.
Mazilyn beams at Unaka!
Kitosaki raises an eyebrow.
Kitosaki says, "Wow.. okay."
Kitosaki coughs.
Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Vythlak gazes at Unaka.
Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.
Kitosaki says, "Well I normally hang out with Everild... old drinking buddies and all. but I have just been so inspired tonight."
Nawain gives a slight nod.
Kitosaki clears his throat.
Kitosaki rhythmically sings in a bass voice:
"Up all night Up all night for fun! Up all night to get some!"
Vythlak smiles at Kitosaki.
Kethrai casually observes the area.
Traim whistles low.
Unaka says to Kitosaki, "Sorry to distract."
Ezathiel squints.
Ectheleon smiles at Unaka.
Kitosaki bemusedly sings in a bass voice:
"The night uses up all our time We are out of luck. Using bodies up as we go."
Kitosaki sings in a bass voice:
"Waking up to only a fantasy Out of touch and out of time Sailing on an ocean of dark dreams."
Kitosaki quizzically sings in a bass voice:
"You insist on knowing my bliss? Yes death is on my list When you are not around Im out of control."
(Crobin blinks many times and shakes his head)
Kitosaki playfully sings in a bass voice:
"Hot to the touch Yes it is all too much Im out of my head when near you"
Kitosaki somberly sings in a bass voice:
"My friends wondering why all the time I shouldn t give all my secrets away Where do I draw the line?"
Kitosaki sings in a bass voice:
"Id do anything that you want me too My soul, already yours My hand caught in the cookie jar!"
Katamba sets, slowly dropping below the horizon.
Amabalis appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Leayne gasps!
Kitosaki sheepishly sings in a bass voice:
"Oh most lovely dark most treasured, most tasty You guessed it... Urrem tiers Cucakes!"
Unaka chuckles.
Kitosaki thoughtfully says, "Well and tarts and bacon... errr dont forget ham."
Unaka says, "No wonder he's been drooling."
Qij leans back.
Kitosaki drools.
Iala chuckles.
Aerilia smiles quickly.
Ectheleon chuckles at Unaka.
Vythlak grins at Kitosaki.
Traim snickers.
Couri nods.
Crobin smirks.
Necho chuckles.
Kitosaki grins stupidly.
Kitosaki accepts Vythlak's Reshalia stout.
Ectheleon says, "Thank you Kitosaki."
Leayne laughs!
Traim adds to Kitosaki's praises.
Kitosaki grins.
Kitosaki ducks his head.
Gragnel says, "I prefer Damaris' dusk berries, but to each their own."
Kitosaki buffs his scalp, making it shine.
Gragnel shrugs.
Crobin nods to Gragnel.
Ectheleon says, "Last but most certainly not least we have Unaka who would like to share more than a flash but some words."
Nawain grins at Kethrai.
Leilanie smiles at Vythlak.
Unaka nods to Kitosaki.
Gragnel has accepted your offer and is now holding a Damaris dusk berry.
Elore stares blankly into the distance.
Gragnel nibbles on his dusk berry, finishing it.
Ectheleon smiles at Unaka.
Ezathiel gazes at Unaka.
Amabalis pats Kitosaki on the back.
Kitosaki grins at Amabalis.
Mazilyn beams at Unaka!
Unaka says, "Hang on... I am sensing something else."
Leayne praises Unaka.
Ectheleon peers quizzically at Unaka.
Aerilia raises an eyebrow.
Mazilyn sighs and says a soft prayer to herself.
Couri raises an eyebrow.
Kethrai frowns.
Shingi sighs and says a soft prayer to herself.
Miskton gazes at Unaka.
Kethrai touches Unaka with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.
Unaka's halo flares blindingly again for a moment.
Vythlak blinks.
Crobin squints.
Mazilyn sighs and says a soft prayer to herself.
Pyppa smiles.
Scorpion Vision
A golden glow erupts from Unaka's halo, and your vision is overtaken by a blinding flash! When the haze dissipates, you see -- blackness? No, it is a complete absence of everything, no color, no scent, no sound. Suddenly, the sound of your own heartbeat comes blaring back into your ears, and the rush of air returns to your lungs, the nothingness before you receding to a safe distance.
A vague silhouette forms against the void, and though you lack a sense of scale, you find yourself standing before a massive segmented appendage, covered in shimmering golden hairs. As you look upward and follow the line of the appendage, you make out the outline of a scorpion looming overhead, its pincers teasing a crackling mass back and forth in their grasp. The mass shifts, and the scorpion's Katamba-sized stinger darts overhead, piercing it. As the stinger withdraws, you see a flowing liquid, filled with innumerable spiraling milky cosmoi, which is colored by the exhalations of nebulae and spiked with frozen fingers of interstellar ice. The liquid stirs slowly, and the vision fades.
Nawain shivers.
The rain stops, leaving only an overcast sky.
Leayne gasps!
Aerilia furrows her brow.
Vythlak blinks.
Shingi ponders.
Iala wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Unaka rubs her head.
Iala gazes up at the sky.
Shingi glances up at the sky.
Kethrai quirks one ear sideways in confusion.
Miskton gazes up at the sky.
Elore glances up at the sky.
Couri says, "The liquid."
Tirost runs his fingers through his hair.
Marwen gazes at Unaka.
Leilanie glances up at the sky.
Aerilia glances up at the sky.
Ectheleon pats Unaka on the back.
Kohako asks, "Was that... sky liquid?"
Crobin says, "Hmm iinteresting."
Ezathiel whistles low.
Miskton stares at the sky for a few long moments.
Kitosaki exclaims, "Puddles!"
Kohako gazes up at the sky.
Pyppa nods to Miskton.
Elore glances up at the sky.
Leayne squints.
Couri softly says, "Always the liquid."
Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.
Traim narrows his eyes.
Unaka says, "Whatever it is, it's filled with stars."
Vythlak dreamily murmurs a brief prayer to himself.
Leayne glances up at the sky.
Miskton glances up at the sky.
Ectheleon says, "A strong vision indeed."
Ectheleon ponders.
Elore gazes at Unaka.
Gragnel says, "It's not soup or juice, so I'm thankful regardless."
Vythlak runs his fingers along his nightingale pin and mutters to himself.
Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Unaka.
Aerilia asks, "What was His prey, I wonder?"
You say, "The moonwalker vision had wiggling masses in it..."
Miskton jots down some notes.
Aerilia glances up at the sky.
Crobin angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Tirost.
Unaka says, "Anyway, uh. That's not what I was going to share. That seems to just happen now at these events."
Ectheleon chuckles at Unaka.
You angle your ears forward, gazing curiously at Miskton.
Vythlak says to Unaka, "I think it's being this close to as many substances as we use to commune with the Gods."
Traim says, "That is quite the halo."
Traim gazes at Unaka.
Kitosaki says, "I think I have a serious lack of cupcakes going on."
Kethrai frowns deeply, lost in thought.
Gragnel says to Unaka, "We ask of the Immortals and they work through you, all of them with Truffenyi's guiding hand it seems."
Kitosaki has accepted your offer and is now holding a shadowy black cupcake topped with slices of dusk berries and panther sprinkles.
Kitosaki beams at you! What a warm feeling!
Unaka says, "I wanted to say that I have been meditating real hard on the two questions I was given before. I already gave the answer to one, which was that I don't think I can find anything to help with Asildu. For that one you're on your own, sorry."
Tirost nods to Unaka.
Unaka says, "But... I feel something about the Null Prison."
Mazilyn nods to Unaka.
Unaka rubs her head.
Pyppa nods in agreement.
Nawain gazes at Unaka.
Tirost raises an eyebrow in Unaka's direction.
Couri gazes at Unaka.
Mazilyn exclaims, "Not it!"
Gragnel snickers at Mazilyn.
Crobin angles his ears forward in curiosity.
Ectheleon grins at Mazilyn.
Vythlak chuckles at Mazilyn.
Crobin says, "Enjoy a good prison."
Tirost says to Unaka, "Please share with us, Unaka."
Unaka says, "Not sure how to describe it. But I'm getting more sure that you all might be able to open the way there again, if you can figure out how."
Kethrai blinks.
Nawain says, "Fantastic."
Nawain beams!
Aerilia says, "Hmm.."
Kitosaki says, "I was overhearing some rumors and intresting things... about ways we might help Asildu..."
Vythlak ponders.
Miskton scratches distractedly at his beard.
Nawain gnaws on her lip.
Nawain ponders.
Unaka says, "So, yeah. I don't know if I can help more than that right now. But if that's something you really want to do, I think you could do it."
Nawain nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.
Aerilia nods to Unaka.
Unaka says, "But you'd need to really come up with a good plan, I think."
You nod to Unaka.
Ectheleon nods to Unaka.
Nawain nods in agreement.
Crobin says, "Look love...we may go to jail together again."
Vythlak says, "A tough order."
Vythlak chuckles.
Traim asks, "How was it done the last time?"
Nawain says to Traim, "Urrem'tier made it possible."
Couri says, "Weavin of magics."
Tirost nods to Miskton.
Traim nods to Nawain.
Aerilia asks, "Well.. a failed attempt or two, and then Urrem'Tier pried it open, I believe?"
The Prydaen villager exclaims, "I'm pretty sure it was done with sorcery!"
Aerilia glances up at the sky.
Ectheleon says, "Fitting then."
Traim ponders.
Nawain says, "The on purpose one."
Nawain nods to Aerilia.
Kethrai nods to Aerilia.
Kitosaki says, "It was suggested to me by um certain people... maybe not ones we can totally trust.. but that we needed to search for artifacts that were used against Lyras..."
Ectheleon says to Unaka, "Thank you for thinking, sharing, and being here with us."
Post Event Unaka Conversation
Unaka says, "I could also try to work on another question or two, if anyone is interested in that."
Unaka nods to Ectheleon.
Mazilyn raises her hand.
Couri raises her hand.
Unaka says, "Well. I'm doing what I can. Thanks for having me."
Ectheleon smiles at Unaka.
Vythlak nods to Unaka.
Unaka points at Mazilyn.
Aerilia smiles at Unaka.
Iala nods.
Unaka says to Mazilyn, "Child of Truffenyi."
Iala says, "It can be good to be had."
Mazilyn asks, "Did ya get my letter?"
Mazilyn says, "S."
Unaka says, "I did! I think it got dropped between two post boxes because I looked again and I found it."
Leilanie ponders.
Mazilyn giggles.
Mazilyn exclaims, "Happens!"
Vythlak smiles at Mazilyn.
Unaka asks Mazilyn, "Why don't you tell people what you wrote to me?"
Ectheleon peers quizzically at Mazilyn.
Kitosaki says, "A void bomb was mentioned... if anyone has a clue what that is...."
Mazilyn says, "Oh.. remember remember..."
Kitosaki shrugs.
Mazilyn nibbles on a sleek fishtail oak writing quill tipped with a long baby blue plume thoughtfully.
Tirost quietly says to Ectheleon, "Thank you for hosting this."
Ectheleon says, "While Mazi remembers."
Elore smiles.
Kitosaki says, "And some Knot tied by some phillospher or something."
Tirost smiles at Ectheleon.
Ectheleon says, "Thank you to everyone who came, listened, shared, and was with us."
Leayne smiles at Ectheleon, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Mazilyn says, "The imbuing the altar at the basalt isle took some clerics imbuing some teeth with their.. whatever the shark wants."
Mazilyn says, "And it worked."
Unaka says to Kitosaki, "Sorry, I really don't know what could help with Asildu."
Kethrai says to Kitosaki, "If I'm understanding who you heard this from correctly, they likely just want to find those implements to steal and use them."
Ectheleon nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Unaka nods to Mazilyn.
Vythlak frowns at Kethrai.
Kitosaki says to Kethrai, "That occured to me."
Couri nods to Kethrai.
Mazilyn says, "I was hoping something like that might be possible to do to channel Truffenyi in our attempt to help asildu."
Mazilyn says, "But i donno how exactly she did it n i dont think sharks teeth are the right object."
Unaka nods to Mazilyn.
Mazilyn asks, "So i made som quarzite ox things as prototypes to maybe bless? or something?"
Vythlak grunts at Mazilyn.
Crobin says, "See you all sooon."
Kitosaki says, "There is still the question if we really do want to save Asildu as well."
Crobin says, "Defense council is calling."
Kitosaki shrugs.
Leayne softly says, "Be safe."
Ectheleon smiles at Crobin.
Ectheleon exclaims, "Thank you again to all that came, don't miss the Defense Meeting if you need to leave now!"
Mazilyn says, "And i was askin if Truffenyi had any followups on if that could happen."
Unaka nods to Mazilyn.
Crobin says, "Good event...well done Ectheleon."
Mazilyn says to Kitosaki, "Yes. Truffenyi's mercy is for everyone."
Kitosaki shrugs.
Kitosaki says, "I'm not one to make those choices."
Unaka says, "So I think the question is, would it help to carve some ox figurines or beads and take them around to places in civilization to kinda imbue them with Truffenyi-ness."
Kitosaki grins stupidly.
Mazilyn nods.
Iala ponders Truffenyi-ness.
Vythlak says to Unaka, "Probably couldn't hurt."
Unaka says, "And if you're asking my opinion, well. I like the idea. It can't hurt! But more than that, it's a pretty creative way to get thinking about Truffenyi, and do something bigger for him."
Ectheleon nods in agreement.
Mazilyn says, "The teeth themselves were special though."
Mazilyn gets a lustrous shark's tooth from inside her starfish pouch.
Vythlak asks Mazilyn, "Do a tour of the various shrines and temples to Truffenyi and the places under his protection?"
Mazilyn winces.
Unaka says, "Gathering, praying, and sharing stories -- these are all good. The personal stories last time were extra good, if you ask me. But I keep feeling like you all could do bigger things too."
Unaka says, "That's one thing that would be bigger."
Unaka accepts Mazilyn's shark's tooth.
Mazilyn says, "See."
Couri nods to Unaka.
Unaka says, "But, that said, I can't really say if that would help with Asildu."
Mazilyn rubs her head.
Mazilyn nods to Unaka.
Unaka says, "But empowering Truffenyi is something that will surely help."
Mazilyn stretches out a hand imploringly to Unaka.
Unaka says, "Connecting with him, I think, will help him in some way."
Unaka holds a lustrous shark's tooth in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.
Mazilyn accepts Unaka's shark's tooth.
Iala snorts, loudly.
Unaka asks, "Anyway, sorry, who had the next question?"
Couri waves.
Kethrai says, "Thing that used to be kin, the banner is gone."
Unaka points at Couri.
Couri blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
(Couri curtsies deeply and with much respect to Unaka.)
Couri says, "I hae a thought from Avrenka that he would be much grateful if ye would think on."
Vythlak grins at Couri.
Leilanie smiles.
Couri says, "He be wonderin if ye thought that a mutual prayin ta all three aspects of Truffenyi at the same time might have a bigger impact."
Ectheleon ponders.
Couri says, "He be thinkin this since there seems to an involvement of three aspects of the Immortals in visions."
Couri smiles captivatingly at Unaka.
Couri says, "Thank ye most kindly fer any thought ye might give."
Couri beams!
Unaka says to Couri, "Interesting thought. I don't know."
Unaka says, "It's at least something different that we haven't tried yet."
Couri beams!
Couri says, "He be a lot smarter than me."
Couri nods.
Ectheleon says, "That is something to think on."
Vythlak quietly says to Couri, "That's probably because he has a secret strawberry cache somewhere."
Vythlak glances up at the sky.
Unaka grins.
Necho exclaims, "Bye everyone!"
Ectheleon laughs!
Gragnel chuckles.
Couri beams at Vythlak!
Kitosaki says, "Don't get eattn up."
Unaka says, "More ideas, bigger ideas. Connect more with the Immortals."
Unaka nods.
Iala frowns.
Kitosaki nods to Unaka.
Unaka asks, "Any questions anyone wants me to meditate on?"
Unaka asks, "Or just questions in general for me before I go?"
Mazilyn ponders.
Ectheleon shakes his head.
Kitosaki says, "Bacon or ham..."
Kethrai sighs.
Kethrai shakes his head.
Unaka glances at Kethrai.
Unaka says to Kethrai, "You look troubled."
The Prydaen villager says, "To bomb or not to bomb - that is the question."
Vythlak shakes his head at Unaka.
Kethrai says to Unaka, "The long and short of it, yeah."
Ectheleon says, "With that thought, I will say thank you and I hope everyone well."
Kitosaki says, "I want to try the thing that causes explosions."
Iala gazes at a Prydaen villager.
Unaka frowns.
Unaka says to Kethrai, "Something I did/."
Kethrai shakes his head.
Unaka asks Kethrai, "Something I did?"
You ask Unaka, "Can we help with whatever the immortals are building?"
Kitosaki nods.
Kitosaki says, "Just point me at whatever a strong back can help with."
Gragnel says to Unaka, "Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed seeing you at these gatherings. We've got more scheduled and would enjoy seeing you at the future ones."
Kethrai says to Unaka, "No. It's a lot to get into here, is all."
Unaka nods to Kitosaki.
The Prydaen villager says, "They're fighting a war against the Heralds. They're probably tired of prayers and need more sorcery bombs."
Unaka smiles at Gragnel.
You ask Unaka, "The moonwalker vision had persuambly kertigen working on a project. does he need spare parts or can we ready a place of deployment?"
Vythlak gazes at a Prydaen villager.
Unaka says to Kethrai, "You sure? I could stay and listen."
Kethrai brushes one ear with his hand, grooming it absentmindedly.
Vythlak gazes at Kethrai.
Unaka says to you, "About helping the Immortals, this IS helping. You all are really bringing the power of your faith together, and I can feel it."
Gragnel beams!
You nod.
Kethrai says to Unaka, "There are... some here that I would rather not talk in earshot of anyway."
Unaka says, "About spare parts, uh. That I don't know."
Gragnel says, "And for my next trick, I'm going to turn everyone into a fish for Eluned."
Gragnel smirks.
Unaka nods to Kethrai.
Ectheleon smiles at Gragnel.
You say, "Aye but if they need metals or just the offering of a craftsman's toil...."
A Prydaen villager bows gracefully, then dances a rather graceful ballroom pose.
You say, "We could be more specific."
Kitosaki exclaims, "I won't spill the gravy!"
Vythlak grins at Gragnel.
Ysilda sighs.
Vythlak asks you, "You craft and toil?"
Unaka says to Kethrai, "Well if you change your mind and want to talk, I'll listen."
Vythlak squints at you.
You say to Vythlak, "Absolutely not."
You say to Vythlak, "I said A craftsmans."
Ectheleon says, "Zynell, the crafter."
Ectheleon nods.
You shake your head.
Kethrai says to Unaka, "I do appreciate it."
You say, "Different life."
Unaka says, "I know that not everyone is happy with the current state of things. And there's a lot to be unhappy about."
Unaka gazes up at the sky.
Gragnel gives Unaka a slight nod.
Mazilyn exclaims, "Im happy!"
Mazilyn beams at Unaka!
Unaka smiles at Mazilyn.
Couri says, "Ye are precious."
Ectheleon exclaims, "I am as well!"
Unaka says to Mazilyn, "That's one of the beautiful things about you."
Leilanie smiles at Mazilyn.
Couri hugs Mazilyn, who wraps her arms around Couri with a warm smile.
Vythlak says to Unaka, "Wanted to say, and extend, my thanks for doing what you do and being a... conduit?... for the Gods."
Mazilyn giggles.
Mazilyn bounces around happily.
Vythlak grins at Mazilyn.
Unaka nods to Vythlak.
Vythlak tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.
Kitosaki says, "That was eye opening."
Unaka says to Vythlak, "You're welcome. It's an honor, one I never thought would come to me."
Gragnel says to Unaka, "You shoulder it well, must be those big Toggish shoulders."
Vythlak asks Unaka, "Do any of us ever really expect that?"
Vythlak grins at Unaka.
Vythlak rubs a petite grey-green katydid.
Unaka flexes her bulging biceps. Looks like she could lift a horse!
Unaka grins at Gragnel.
Gragnel smirks at Unaka.
Unaka says, "I'm trying. But I think what you all have been doing has really been helping me. It's honestly a lot more than I expected."
Gragnel frowns as he glances at his rather average human shoulders.
Gragnel shrugs.
You smile at Unaka.
Unaka says, "So much prayer and faith in one place."
Ectheleon smiles at Unaka.
Mazilyn sighs and says a soft prayer to herself.
Unaka says, "Really turning to each Immortal while also honoring Truffenyi. It warms my heart."
You nod to Unaka.
Vythlak makes a holy gesture and intones reverently, "Phelim, hear my plea!"
Kethrai says, "All right, I've reached my tolerance. Out of respect for your hosting, I will not destroy it, but I'll take my leave."
Kethrai bows to Ectheleon.
Ectheleon bows to Kethrai.
You nod to Ectheleon.
Unaka nods to Kethrai.
Kethrai says, "Safe paths."
Ectheleon says, "I'll be heading to the meeting to listen to folk older and stronger than me."
Ectheleon says, "Which is most folk."
Ectheleon chuckles.
You grin at Ectheleon.
Vythlak says to Ectheleon, "Well done today."
Unaka says, "In that case I'll let you all go."
Vythlak nods to Unaka.
Ectheleon exclaims to Unaka, "Thank you and be well!"
Ectheleon smiles at Vythlak.
Vythlak snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.
Unaka says, "If you do think of more questions for me, you can always write."
Mazilyn asks, "Ya think this'll do instead of an ox bead?"
Kitosaki says, "Thanks for putting up with me."
Mazilyn shows Unaka her Truffenyi doll.
Unaka nods to Mazilyn.
Mazilyn nods.
The Prydaen villager exclaims, "I love you Friend!"
Miskton nods politely.
Gragnel says to Unaka, "Good to see you again, as always."
Lashes lowered, Iala sinks down in a deep curtsy before Unaka.
Unaka says, "I think that the point is that it makes you think of Truffenyi."
Mazilyn says, "I'll take him places."
Kitosaki says, "Glad to see you safe Jenny."
Unaka says, "Good to see you all."
The Prydaen villager exclaims, "Thanks, me too!"
Unaka waves.
Mazilyn beams at Unaka!
Truffenyi's Prophet Unaka strides east.
* Unaka returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Mazilyn gazes at her doll.
Gragnel lets out a long sigh of relief.
Mazilyn asks, "Wanna see a bar?"
Mazilyn giggles at a miniature Truffenyi doll dressed in silvery blue robes.
Gragnel grins at Mazilyn.
Vythlak says to Iala, "Glad you could make it. Hopefully it was interesting."
You grin.
Gragnel says, "Okay, time for me to find some more wine."
Vythlak says, "Think I need to sleep this one off a bit."
Couri says, "Time fer me ta...."
Kitosaki asks, "Eat cupcakes?"
Couri exclaims, "I nae know!"
You wave.
Couri says, "Good showin there."