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Zoluren Civil War (book)
The Zoluren Civil War
-- Written 393 AV --
Most schoolchildren today know that Zoluren is governed by House Sorvendig presently. Woefully ignorant are most of us, however, that the Sorvendig line is not the only line that ruled Zoluren. Nor in fact, were the Sorvendigs the first rulers of our land.
There have been five ruling houses: Guemos, Denesal, Chelochi, Alshaerd and Sorvendig. I will touch briefly on them. House Guemos ruled before the Dragon Empire, before Lanival restored the monarchy. When the sovereign states were reformed in 230 BL, Prince Blaeduan Guemos began his reign. Throughout the Dragon Priest terror, those of this house ruled Zoluren. After Blaeduan came Aesetani in 201 BL. Then the family was publicly executed by Dzree in 192 BL.
After the Dragon Empire fell, the Zoluren monarchy was restored a year later (1 AV), putting House Denesal on the throne. The Denesals were a noble house elevated to the position after the war. The first leader, Waemirit (called Venerable) was on the throne a scant seven years before he died. Following him, Puestan and then Henukais ruled. In 82 AV, riots broke out all over Rivercrossing due to trade disputes that had broken out a few years earlier with Ratha. This culminated in Ratha besieging the city. Thus began the reign of House Chelochi.
Keogath Chelochi began this line, followed by Loraemor, Caduan and Loraemor II. It is during this last reign that the houses Alshaerd and Sorvendig began to gain power within the government.
Some called Loraemor II unready, some called him too young, but in truth, he was an unrepentant cad who, at the age of 35, refused to marry to beget a heir to his line. His conquests were many but none involved the battlefield. His work ethic was nonexistent. The wheels of Zoluren's government moved without him, and those wheels were turned mainly by Houses Alshaerd and Sorvendig. When the Civil War begin in 196 AV, the two warring houses of Alshaerd and Sorvendig had been amassing power for over twenty years. Prince Loraemor II faltered during this time; never having been a military man, he was unsure and un- steady. Slowly, sides began to form and when the dust cleared two years later, a victor was declared.
Prince Belirendrick Sorvendig I began his rule in 198 AV, but it was not to last. House Alshaerd, still powerful and still smarting from defeat, began to plot. In 202 AV, their plot was successful when Belirendrick was deposed and imprisoned on charges of treason and conspiracy. These charges would later prove to be false. After his removal from power, Tragweth Alshaerd stepped up to the coveted Zoluren throne.
House Alshaerd was able to hold their tenuous grasp on the crown. Following Tragweth, Kenaetais, a female of the line, began her rule. Following her death in 267 AV, Prince Mysimos took the throne.
However, a curious thing happened in 276 AV. Belirendrick Sorvendig (II) married Lady Mieth Chelochi. The heir of our inept Loraemor II, who apparently thought it prudent to marry at the end of his reign rather than at the beginning, had emerged. Shortly after the marriage, tempers began to flare again in the government houses, and the Civil War in Zoluren was renewed in 278 AV.
This was a shorter battle, however. Many had grown tired of the Alshaerd house. Corruption and vice ran rampant on the streets and showed no sign of slowing. The Alshaerd estates had been destroyed in 277 AV when the Greater Fist had erupted, and Mysimos had been distraught. Government funds and all of his time had gone into trying to rebuild what was lost. What was lost, however, would be his crown.
During the war, Mysimos was killed in a violent and bloody battle. In 280 AV, immediately following Mysimos's death, Belirendrick Sorvendig II was crowned, bringing the Sorvendig- Chelochi line to power and prominence. The age of growth and enlightenment now began and continues down to the reign of his grandson, Vorclaf Sorvendig, who began his illustrious reign in 364 AV.
Rivercrossing itself fared badly from the war. Buildings were razed and burned. Fields once golden with wheat were now charred and destroyed. However, Rivercrossing, like Murrula's Phoenix, rose from the ash more brilliant than before. Crossing continues to grow and prosper under the reign of the Sorvendigs. Rebuilding has been on a grand scale and new business has been lured to the bustling city by the promise of customers and lucrative contracts. With this era of prosperity, long may the Sorvendig line reign!