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YASSE Global Variables (script)
YASSE Global Variables (script) | |
Category | Utility |
Front-end | YASSE |
Author | Hithrael |
For use in all scripts (Version 2.0 or better) created by User:Hithrael. This combines many variables from the individual scripts into one location, so that the other scripts can be set into the main scripting folder, rather than needing individual copies for each user.
At this time, the LOOT script retains local settings for what items are picked up. If the user has individual preferences (e.g. one character does not want to collect boxes, but another does) then a copy of the LOOT script should be placed in each individual character's folder.
If any user of these scripts have overwhelming preferences to change these settings to the GLOBAL script (this one), please leave me feedback on the discussion page, and I can look at changing.
- Place a copy of this script in the individual character's scripting folder.
- Automatically clears all global variables
- Set the variables to the appropriate items/containers/tasks
- magiccontainer is where magical items, such as gweth stones should be placed
- loadwait is how long the script should pause before continuing on to aim a ranged weapon (e.g. when the weapon may be already loaded)
- skincheck should be set to yes if you want to skin, and no if you want to avoid skinning
- arrangenumber can be left alone at this point, futher use may be added later
- skinmax is the maximum arrange attempts you want to make (typically set to guild cap)
- skinningknifemessage is the message sent to the game when wielding/sheathing your knife (best set to the container it is in)
Last Updated:
- 07/28/2011: Revision 2.1 changing some global variables in favor of embedding in hitbasic
- 03/30/2011: Revision 2.
(Select All)Boxmessage This script sets and updates global variables. \n Type "continue" if you want to wipe and replace your global variables. getline if %l contains continue goto variables else goto stop variables: -clear global #Container Variables setglobalvariable magiccontainer [hip pouch] setglobalvariable gemcontainer [purple pouch] setglobalvariable gemtied [gem pouch] setglobalvariable gemtiedcontainer [cloak] setglobalvariable mainpack [pack] #Ranged Variables setglobalvariable loadwait [10] #Armor Variables setglobalvariable shield [shield] setglobalvariable armormain [hauberk] setglobalvariable armorhand [gloves] setglobalvariable armorhead [balaclava] #Skinning Variables setglobalvariable skinmax [3] setglobalvariable skinknife [skinning knife] setglobalvariable skinningknifemessage [wrist sheath] #Box Variables setglobalvariable dismantlewords [You close your eyes] setglobalvariable dismantle [thump] setglobalvariable lockpickcontainer [belt] setglobalvariable lockpick [lockpick case] #Enchanting/Crafting Variables setglobalvariable enchantingtools [hip pouch] setglobalvariable enchantstep1 [cloak] setglobalvariable enchantstep2 [pack] setglobalvariable telescope [telescope] setglobalvariable burin [burin] setglobalvariable carvingknife [carving knife] setglobalvariable bagskin [lumpy bundle] setglobalvariable smithbag [duffel bag] setglobalvariable finishbag [pack] #Assorted Variables setglobalvariable humstyle [polka] end: boxmessage Completed. exit stop: boxmessage No variables changed. exit