Write command

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The WRITE command is used to write messages on special paper and materials. It is also used to fill out an alterer's scroll.

Writing Materials Compatible with the Mail System

There are several kinds of writing materials of various nouns that are single pages you can write in and then mail to someone via the Mail system. The most commonly available ones are sold at post offices, but may also be available at fest shops like Comedy of Letters.


Hold the quill in your right hand and the material you want to write on in your left.

When writing on these materials, you can have up to 15 blocks of 900 characters each. Blocks will automatically separate into paragraphs, but you can add carriage returns manually by inserting "|" characters.

Whatever language you are speaking at the time of writing will be the language you write in, so be aware of the potential for readers to not understand what you have written if you write in a language they don't understand. (To ensure understanding, typing LANGUAGE COMMON before you start will change you to speaking and therefore writing in Common.)


WRITE {ITEM}:{MESSAGE} -- the ":" is important!

Example 1: Single Line Spacing

 > write parchment:Dear Gauthus,|I just want to wish you a good day!|-a junior warrior mage
You decide to write your letter in <language you are currently speaking>. You set your quill to your <writing material> and write down your thoughts to the body of the <writing material>.
 > read my <writing material>
In <language written in>, it reads: Dear Gauthus, I just want to wish you a good day! -a junior warrior mage

Example 2: Double Line Spacing

 >write parchment:Dear Gauthus,| |I just want to wish you a good day!| |-a junior warrior mage
You decide to write your letter in <language you are currently speaking>. You set your quill to your <writing material> and write down your thoughts to the body of the <writing material>.
 > read my <writing material>
In <language written in>, it reads: Dear Gauthus,

I just want to wish you a good day!

-a junior warrior mage

Books, Journals, Folios

There are several kinds of books of various nouns that contain pages you can write in. A prolific source is All in Good Tome, a shop often found at Hollow Eve festival each year.


Hold the book in one hand and a writing utensil in the other hand.

 You glance down to see an orange book in your right hand and a piece of charcoal in your left hand.


 write in book {text}


 > write in book hello
 In your orange book, you write "hello"
 > read book
 You read page 1 of your orange book...
 Written in charcoal are the words "hello"

Alteration Scrolls

You also write in alterer's scrolls to specify what alterations you want made to an item. See alterer's scroll for writing syntax with alteration scrolls.